William Nuckols Project Coordinator and Acting Military Liaison Coastal America William.Nuckols@usda.gov 202-401-9548 www.CoastalAmerica.gov COASTAL AMERICA The Partnership Federal Department of Agriculture Department of the Army Department of Defense Department of Housing & Urban Development Department of State Environmental Protection Agency Department of the Air Force Department of Commerce Department of Energy Department of Interior Department of the Navy Department of Transportation Executive Office of the President State & Local Governments Over 300 partners Non-Governmental Organizations & Corporations Over 400 partners COASTAL AMERICA The Purpose • Protect, preserve and restore the nation's coastal ecosystems through existing federal capabilities and authorities • Collaborate and cooperate in the stewardship of coastal living resources …Coordinate federal efforts …Integrate federal, state, local and non-governmental efforts • Provide a framework for action …Focus agency expertise …Focus agency resources …Produce environmental results COASTAL AMERICA Innovative Readiness Training Military Involvement in Environmental Restoration A win-win for Natural Resources and Military Readiness COASTAL AMERICA IRT – Legal Justification •DoD Directive 1100.20 •Finding a match for a units METL (Mission Essential Training List) •Enhanced Readiness for the Warfighter COASTAL AMERICA IRT – How it works •Local Project Manager Contacts Coastal America with a Project Proposal •Coastal America Regional Team Chairs Vet the Project for Environmental Suitability and Forward the Request to the IRT Service Coordinators •Local Project Manager provides: •Project Narrative •Non-competition statement •Environmental Checklist •Hold Harmless Agreement COASTAL AMERICA Innovative Readiness Training-Sample Projects Air Force Reserve Command Civil Engineers: Demolishing the East Machias Dam in Maine COASTAL AMERICA Innovative Readiness Training-Sample Projects Navy Seabees Install Breech in a Causeway to Restore Tidal Flow in Dingley Island, Maine COASTAL AMERICA Innovative Readiness Training-Sample Projects USAF, Navy and Army Reserve Forces Remove Runway Material From Charleston Air Force Base and Deposit Material Offshore to Create Artificial Reefs COASTAL AMERICA Innovative Readiness Training in WA In 2006 Navy Divers Train to Remove Derelict Fishing Gear from the Waters of Puget Sound, WA COASTAL AMERICA Innovative Readiness Training History of the Diver Training project: In 2003 the Northwest Straits Commission and a team of federal and state agencies receives the Coastal America Partnership Award, presented on behalf of the President by DOC DAS Tim Keeney In 2004 Jim Connaughton, Chairman, Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Office of the President and and Vice Admiral Conrad Lautenbacher, NOAA, get a tour of the ongoing derelict gear removal effort during a NOAA led demonstration COASTAL AMERICA Innovative Readiness Training History of the Diver Training project: Navy Master Diver Boy Kayona attends the gear removal demo day and discusses training opportunities with Chairman Connaughton. COASTAL AMERICA Innovative Readiness Training History of the Diver Training project: In 2005 an IRT project package was completed and 2 local Navy dive teams are trained in the safe handling and removal of nets as a proof of concept. Working with trained WA DNR divers, new diver skills are pasted in to the Navy. COASTAL AMERICA Innovative Readiness Training Navy Divers Train to Remove Derelict Fishing Gear from the Waters of Puget Sound, WA COASTAL AMERICA Innovative Readiness Training For 2006 the training opportunity is opened up to all military divers The following have expressed interest in participating in 2006 1. SWRMC Divers, San Diego, CA 2. Mobile Diving Salvage Unit ONE, HI 3. Mobile Diving Salvage Unit TWO, Norfolk, VA 4. Deep Submergence Unit, San Diego, CA 5. Army Dive Company (3 dive teams), Ft, Eustis, VA As the project management support from the civilian agencies only exists in Puget Sound, WA, the 2006 training will continue to occur in WA COASTAL AMERICA Innovative Readiness Training 2006 Diver Training project: Dive teams can’t do this alone! Ironically, divers have little access to boats needed for this training. In 2005 support vessels for divers and recovery platforms were supplied by the WADNR, USACE and NOAA Diver interest in 2006 exceeds the support capacity available from civilian agencies. COASTAL AMERICA Innovative Readiness Training Real world training opportunities need not be limited to divers: Boat drivers, air and ground transport of personnel and cargo transportation all present opportunities for support personnel training. “Purple” projects are highly encouraged by OSD. Projects such as these allow us to practice integrating our units into leveraged, functioning forces during a training mission, further enhancing our capabilities for cooperation and collaboration intheatre. William Nuckols Project Coordinator and Acting Military Liaison Coastal America William.Nuckols@usda.gov 202-401-9548 www.CoastalAmerica.gov http://www.defenselink.mil/ra/ondemand/irt.html The Coastal America Partnership Department of Agriculture * Department of the Air Force * Department of the Army Department of Commerce * Department of Defense * Department of Energy Department of Housing and Urban Development * Department of the Interior Department of the Navy * Department of State * Department of Transportation Environmental Protection Agency * Executive Office of the President