Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute

USF IT Security
HIPAA Practice
Ensuring IT Security:
Policies, Training &Technology
All USF workforce members utilizing/ coming in
contact with HIPAA Protected Health Information
(PHI) must complete this training program and
pass the security quiz at the end of Part 4.
The purpose of this training is to provide USF
faculty & staff information on:
– USF data security requirements & procedures
– The Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
– The HITECH provisions of the ARRA Act
Part 1
General Network
Information and
Security Procedures
the USF
USF Computer Network
USF employees work
on computers that are
linked through a network
that connects all
computers at the University.
 The network allows users to share computing
resources and increases efficiency for all computer
 A log-in ID and a secure password are needed to
allow you to access this system.
USF Computer Network
With an ID and password, you are able to:
 Use email
 Access shared files & information stored in databases
 Use hardware such as printers and scanners
 Use software such as web browsers & virus protection
Secure Log-in ID
The USF Information Technologies (IT) Office will help
you establish a log-in ID that will be a unique identifier
linking you to all of your computer transactions.
Secure Log-in ID
Like a fingerprint, your ID can
be traced for all authorized
and unauthorized activities
conducted on the USF
Secure Password
 You will need to establish a secure password to
ensure that you and only you can access your
network account and files.
 Your secure password should NEVER be shared with
others, including co-workers or family members.
Secure Password
To maximize security, passwords must be at
least eight characters long and contain 3 of the
following 4 types of characters: upper case
letters, lower case letters, numbers; or special
characters such as ! # &.
Example: GoBulls2!
Please don’t select this as your
own password – make up one yourself!
Password Aging
 All users will be asked to change their
network password every 6 months.
 When it is time to change your password,
you will be notified with a pop-up message
when logging in.
 If you do not change your password in a
timely manner, your account will be
temporarily locked.
Appropriate Use
All USF users sign a statement
agreeing to use the USF
computers and network only
to conduct activities related
to the mission and business
purposes of the University.
Closing Accounts
All USF computer accounts are automatically
closed when employment ends. Some
transitional services (such as auto-forwarding
of e-mail messages) may be offered as allowed
by USF policy.
General Network Security
 It is very important to protect all computer
users at USF from loss or corruption of files
and data on the network.
 Network security is maintained through
procedures and technical tools designed to
prevent negative events like viruses,
intrusion, and data loss.
 These negative events have the potential to
harm everyone connected within our
computer network.
What is a computer virus?
 A computer virus is a bit of computer
programming code that instructs the computer to
do something you did not intend for it to do.
 The virus is usually invisible to the user until
AFTER it has attached itself to the computer.
How do you get a computer virus?
 Most computer viruses enter a
computer from program or file
“downloads” (for example, email attachments) or from
transfers from external disks
(floppies, USB drives).
Although all USF PCs have a virus protection
program installed, we all must be VERY CAREFUL
about what we download to our computers.
Are viruses dangerous?
 Some viruses are simply a nuisance, but others
can seriously harm the network and permanently
damage computers and data.
 The cost of restoring the system after a virus
attack is very high in both time and money.
How do viruses work?
Some viruses open
pathways or holes in the
system to provide access
for later intrusion into
the network.
Some viruses and intrusions are more damaging
than others, but all of them represent a hole in
the security of the network.
 An intruder may not be interested in what is
on your computer, but may be searching for
an unprotected point of access to the
 A virus may even send sensitive information
from your computer to another unauthorized
Access to E-mail
 USF and the University has established an
electronic mail (e-mail) system to
improve communication and facilitate the
important work at USF.
 E-mail may be accessed directly from USF
network computers, or remotely from
other locations (e.g. home computer)
through the USF web-server, using a login ID and secure password.
Appropriate Use
All communications using the USF e-mail
system should be courteous and
professional and should comply with USF
anti-harassment policies, i.e., unwelcome,
offensive or otherwise inappropriate
messages are prohibited.
The USF e-mail system may not be used for:
– lobbying activities
– political or religious causes
– private, commercial ventures
E-mail Messages are Public Records
 All e-mail created, transmitted,
and stored in the USF e-mail
system are the property of USF
and become part of the public
record of the University.
 Your e-mail messages may be
released by the University upon
receipt of a public records
 If you don’t want to read about it
in the newspaper, don’t put it in
E-mail Monitoring
 USF reserves the right to review, audit,
intercept, access, and disclose email.
 However, your email will be treated as
confidential and will be accessed only when
Remote Access
 For PC users, remote access to the USF Network for
purposes other than email is provided through a
Microsoft Remote Desktop Gateway server located on
campus. This enables a secure encrypted connection
directly to your USF desktop computer.
 Macintosh users, and others with special
requirements, may request the use of the GoToMyPC
remote access software.
 GoToMyPC also uses encryption to transfer
information in a secure manner.
 An application to establish a GoToMyPC account may
be obtained from the CBCS Administrative Office.
What is encryption?
 Encryption is the conversion of data into a
form that cannot be easily understood by
unauthorized people.
 An encrypted computer will require you to
enter one additional password as the PC or
laptop boots up.
Laptop Security
 All USF owned laptops (i.e., those that
have a USF Property barcode tag) must
have their entire hard disk drive
 Laptops will be encrypted by the IT staff
during the initial setup of all new
Why is laptop encryption required?
 Because of the
portability of laptops, the
chances of a lost or
stolen laptop are higher
than an office-based
work station.
 Thus, laptop encryption
is used to protect our
confidential data.
If only it had been encrypted…
 A thief who stole a laptop from UC Berkeley
might have walked off with more than a
computer. The thief wandered into a building
and snatched the laptop off a desk. The laptop
contained personal data, on more than 100,000
UC Berkeley alumni or applicants, such as their
Social Security numbers, birth dates and
 The school had to notify ALL 100,000 consumers
who might have had their data compromised,
some whom had graduated as long ago as 1976!
•Adapted from article by:
• MICHAEL LIEDTKE, AP Business Writer
What do I do if my laptop is stolen or lost?
 Immediately contact
the IT Office at USF
and report the loss.
 The IT staff will help
you secure sensitive
data, investigate and
document the loss,
and report the
incident to the proper
New Equipment
to the Network
If you purchase new
computer equipment and
want it connected to the USF
network, it must comply with
USF standards and be
approved prior to purchase by
the IT department.
If you purchase new equipment..
•Contact the IT Office at USF for additional
information or go to the policy section of the IT
•USF IT Security Policies and Standards
Part 2
USF Security
Policies and
Part 2 of this training program
provides an overview of USF
computer security
policies and procedures.
Basic Principles
Faculty and staff at USF
often use sensitive and
confidential data to
conduct research and
evaluation studies.
Data security is not only an
obligation of individual
researchers, but also of the
University, it’s Colleges and
Institutes as academic entities.
Potential Dangers
Because USF stores confidential information,
our data systems must be protected against:
 Internet hackers
 Access by unauthorized users
 Improper printing or distribution of protected
electronic information
 Inappropriate use or access by employees
 Other threats to protected information
Risk Assessment
 To enhance the security of our data, USF
systematically monitors its network for
intrusions, security incidents, and
inappropriate activity.
 USF also conducts periodic audits of all PC’s
and network devices.
Security Infrastructure
 Our security infrastructure includes:
 clear policies and procedures
 secure facilities and equipment
 shared responsibility for information security
among faculty and staff
Information Security
 The USF security infrastructure includes the:
– Information Security Officer (ISO)
– Information Security Coordinator (ISC)
– Information Security Relationship Manager
– Data Network Committee
– Information Security Liaison to the Dean
Information Security Officer
Our ISO, Dennis Guillette, has primary
responsibility and authority for the security
of the USF Information Systems.
Information Security Coordinator
Steve Gammon is the IT Security Coordinator.
He works with the ISO to carry out the
information security policies and procedures.
USF IT Relationship Manager
Alex Campoe acts as the
Relationship Manager between USF
IT and CBCS for all issues needing
escalation between the two entities
Data Network Committee (DNC)
The DNC strives to provide reasonable data
access for research, while ensuring protection
of sensitive information against security
breaches. The DNC includes faculty and staff
from all USF units.
PSRDC Director Charles Dion chairs
the Data Network Committee.
Dean’s Office Liaison
Dr. Catherine Batsche,
Associate Dean, serves as
the Dean’s liaison to the Data
Network Committee.
Part 3
Basic Information
for All Employees
What is HIPAA?
 HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act.
 Congress passed HIPAA in 1996 to make
health insurance eligibility “portable” from
one employer to the next when employees
change jobs or have a change in family status.
 Congress passed HITECH in 2009 significantly
affected HIPAA, including changes to security
and privacy rules, increased enforcement and
more severe penalties
HIPAA establishes a civil right
to the protection of personal
health information through the
U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services.
Health Information is any information created or
received that relates to the past, present, or
future physical or mental health of an individual.
What is Protected Health Information?
Protected Health
Information (PHI) is any
information that contains data
that may be used to directly or
indirectly identify an individual.
Elements that can make Health
Information identifiable:
Address/geographic info
Telephone #
Email address
Finger or voice prints
Social Security #
Vehicle I.D./device serial #
Health plan #
Certificate/license #
Names of relatives
Name of employer
Fax number
Birthdate; other dates
Photo image/x-rays
Internet IP address
Medical record #
Account #
Does USF Have PHI data?
Yes, we house private
information for individuals
receiving services through
Medicaid, Medicare, as well as
mental health and substance
abuse services. These data sets
contain names, Social Security
numbers, addresses, patient ID
numbers, and other identifiers
and are protected health
PHI is protected in any form:
database or computer files
hand-written notes
student logs
Can PHI be used in research?
Yes. PHI may be used for
research with the express
authorization of the
individual or through
other measures designed
to protect the privacy of
the individual.
What is the impact on USF?
USF must provide as good, or better, security for
sensitive data than the agencies and providers from
whom we obtain the data.
Non-compliance with HIPAA can result in:
 Civil penalties with fines
up to $100/violation
 Criminal penalties with 1 to 10 years in jail and
$50,000 - $250,000 fine for wrongful
Breach Notification
 Breach generally is the unauthorized
acquisition, access, use or disclosure of PHI.
 Breach Notification – must provide notice, via
first class mail, to the affected person(s) within
60 days of the breach.
 In any case in which 500 or more persons are
affected by a breach, notice to major media
outlets must occur.
How does USF protect PHI data?
Information security is the key to
protecting PHI data. USF has developed:
1. policies and procedures on Information
Technology & Security
2. training activities for employees
3. secure technology enhancements and risk
assessment procedures.
 USF has security policies addressing:
 Data procurement and use
 Data access and security
 Security incident reporting
 Regular review of systems activity
 For more information on specific policies, please
contact USF IT or go to the policy webpage:
USF Policies and Standards
USF Training
We provide training through
mandatory, periodic, basic
training for all USF faculty
and staff on security
procedures and through
specialized training for USF faculty and staff who
use data that are subject to HIPAA guidelines.
USF Technology Security
USF has implemented several technological
enhancements to address security concerns.
USF Technology Security
 We have installed a Firewall to protect our
network. A firewall is computer hardware
and/or software that limit access to a
computer network from an outside source.
Firewalls are used to prevent computer
hackers from getting into computer systems.
USF Technology Security
 Restructured the USF computer
network to increase security
 Implemented the use of Microsoft’s
Remote Desktop Gateway or the
GoToMyPC software for external data
access to HIPAA ePHI
Part 4
Who can be an Authorized User ?
 An authorized user is a person who has:
– completed this USF training module;
– received permission to use the sensitive data
(including collecting such data themselves);
– been approved by the DNC to use the USF
secure data servers.
Becoming an Authorized User
 To become an authorized user,
submit an application to the
ISO. The form may be obtained
from USF IT.
 A complete application will
include supporting
documentation of appropriate
training as shown on next slide.
Application Documentation
The certificate indicating that the applicant has
completed the training on Human
Subjects/Institutional Review Board (IRB)
procedures required by the USF Division of
Research Compliance.
A certificate from the IT Department indicating
that this USF training on data security and HIPAA
guidelines has been completed (may be
submitted electronically)
If applicable, a signed Data Confidentiality
Procedures agreement from the source from
which the data were received (e.g., DCF, AHCA)
What is a Data Custodian?
The custodian of the data set is an authorized user who
has primary responsibility for:
– Developing the data use agreement with the source
– Approving the scientific use of the data
– Communicating with the IT Office regarding the storage
of data on a secure server
– Ensuring that individuals who access data are
appropriate co-investigators and have the approval of
the data source (e.g., AHCA) to use these data.
All research data at USF,
including data from active
projects and archived data from
inactive projects, are potentially
subject to the regulation.
Three categories of data
are subject to regulation:
 Protected Health Information (see previous
 Sensitive, personally identified data
 Non-sensitive or de-identified data
Sensitive, Personally Identified Data
 Sensitive, personally identified data are:
 Any research data (such as demographic
characteristics) that contain information that
might allow an individual’s identity to become
known to others (who do not have
authorization to see the data).
 In brief, sensitive data is all non-PHI data that
allows the identification of participants
Non-sensitive or de-identified data
 Non-sensitive or de-identified research data
is any data where all identifiers have been
removed or individual persons/entities
cannot be identified.
 Non-sensitive or de-identified data should
be secured in a manner that the data owner
or investigator determines is reasonable and
Protecting Data at USF
 Any data obtained or maintained by
USF faculty or staff that include
sensitive and/or PHI data, should be
protected from unauthorized
 It is recommended that all such data
be stored on USF secure data servers.
 Any data not stored on an USF secure
server should be stored according to
the Generally Accepted System
Security Principles (GASSP) of the
International Information Security
Sharing data with other users…
If the source of the
sensitive data asks you to
provide or share sensitive
data with specific
individuals, specific
procedures must be used
(continued on next slide).
– The request from the source should be in writing
(or via confirmed e-mail) and kept on file
– The request should be specific as to what data
sets are to be given the person
– The person who will gain access to the data
must complete the process to become an
authorized user
– No authorized user can allow anyone else to
access or use data without following
credentialing/approval by DNC.
Archived Data
 If you have data that are no longer needed:
Determine if the data can be
destroyed or deleted from
server (this should comply
with any data use
Maintain documentation on
file that the PI has removed
the data from his/her PC or
other form of data storage
and secured it appropriately.
Paper Copies of Data
 If you print copies of
sensitive/PHI data, the printed
documents should never leave
the USF premises and should
be secured promptly.
 Non-secured printouts should
be shredded – never
discarded or recycled.
Notification of Data Acquisition
 The department chair or other designated
authority should notify the ISO when a
research project that will use sensitive data
is approved at the departmental level.
 Any USF investigator acquiring sensitive
data should send a brief description of the
data to the ISO.
 The investigator may request
that the data be kept on a Data
Server under high security.
 The investigator may also choose to keep
sensitive, primary data (data collected by
the researcher for a specific research
project) outside of a secure data server
providing that the researcher
demonstrates adequate proof of security.
That proof must be filed with the ISO.
Data Access by Non-Authorized Users
All disclosures of
sensitive/PHI data to
non-authorized users
must be approved by the
custodian, with notice
provided to the ISO.
Project Closure
 Custodians for sensitive data sets should
inform the ISO and the IT department when:
 Projects have ended and the data can be
 Computers are to be removed from the
network and inactivated
We hope this training
program has increased your
understanding of the
importance of utilizing secure
procedures in your job.
All employees will need to complete a
short quiz to reinforce your knowledge
of critical security procedures.
 Please proceed to the security quiz.
 Click on the following link, print and
complete the quiz, and send it to the USF IT