Smoke Free SMC PPT

SMC Smoke Free Campus
Dr. Alireza Rezapour
Irene Umipig, MPH
The start of a dream…
Heart attack rates dropped immediately following implementation of antismoking laws reaching 17% after one year... 36% in three years (Lightwood &
Glantz, 2009)
“Public smoking bans (are) the single most important and cost-effective health
policy we have.” (Britton, 2009)
Why Tobacco?
Deadliest artifact in the history of human civilization (R.
Proctor, 2011)
Tobacco is the #1 preventable cause for disease and death
(CDC, 2011)
One of the most addicting products
Tobacco products are constantly manipulated in their content
to increase it’s addictive nature…and profitability
4800 chemicals, 599 additives such as arsenic, cadmium,
ammonia, nickel, beeswax, radioactive polonium, cyanide, sugar,
Siberian beaver anal secretions for pack aroma
Why the Tobacco Industry…
“Agnotology; the study of the gap between the scholar’s
consensus and public perception on a given topic”
–Golden Holocaust
Major tobacco companies met in December of 1953 to plan and
refute the accumulating evidence by advertisements, press release,
corporate networking, and journalists producing white paper studies
as well as a propaganda film called “Smoking and Health”
“How fortunate it was ‘for us’ that smokers were engaging in a habit
they can’t break.”
No accountability for detrimental effects of product until the end of
the past millennium!
“For every $6,000 profit made by tobacco industry, ONE person dies”
In 2010, the US tobacco profits were $36 billion. (World Lung Foundation)
For every acre of tobacco fields planted, you’ll harvest 1 death for
lung cancer and 2 deaths for heart disease, peripheral vascular
disease, and other forms of cancer.
(R. Proctor, 2011)
Surgeon General
2012 US Surgeon General’s Report:
 Preventing tobacco use among youth
and young adults
 “Among adults who become daily
smokers, nearly all first use of
cigarettes occurs by age 18, with
99% of first use by age 26”
1964- First year to mention tobacco as a
leading cause for cancer in men
 Now- no less than 30 reports have
included tobacco and tobacco
products as being hazardous to
health with numerous calls for action
to curb impact on society
Why Us?
…because colleges are the target!
Tobacco industry markets to young
adults using:
Social media to promote products
Sponsors events & promotions in
bars & clubs to normalize
tobacco use
The tobacco industry views
college-age people as replacement
A Philip Morris research director
was quoted “…carcinogens were
found in practically every class of
compounds in cigarette smoke.” (R.
Why Us?
Why Now?
Why SMC?
 At least 704 colleges and
universities are 100% smoke
 23 California Schools
 Loma Linda, Santa Clara,
Stanford, UCSF
 At least 270 colleges and
universities are 100%
tobacco free
Educational Campaign
Great American Smoke Out
Photovoice Project
Collegian Articles
Cigarette butt pick up event
Student Smoke Free Campus
Policy Survey
Student Resolution for
Smoke Free Campus Policy
Climate Survey
UC Campus Policy for 100%
tobacco free campuses
Transitional Policy
What It Is…
What It Is NOT…
Immediate & Absolute
Private Choices
Public Health Issue
Lacks direction or non
Individual Issue
Let’s make it happen for SMC!
 Resolutions for Support from Staff Council & Academic Senate
 Education
 Raise awareness and build support & ownership of policy
 Implementation
 Dissemination of policy
 Campus communication for compliance
 Enforcement
 Focus on education NOT punishment
 Promotion of cessation services
 Empower campus community to promote compliance
150th year anniversary
Health & Wellness
Dr. Alireza Rezapour and Irene Umipig
(925) 631.4254
Tobacco Atlas
World Lung Foundation and American Cancer Society