MEETING MINUTES Date of Meeting: Time and Location: Minutes Prepared By: September 9, 2014 Room 295 Bond Hall Sean Arledge 1.Attendance at Meeting Dr. Segle Absent Dr. Skipper Dr. Hines Dr. Weinstein Carla DeMille Dr. Hutchisson Dr. Garner Dr. Tenney Sharman Dr. Ilagan Dr. Johnson Dr. Hanchon Dr. Neulander Ex-officio Members & Guests Dr. Green Michelle Clifton CGC Dr. Silver Dr. Muller Lowcountry Graduate Center Dr. Brown Lisa Blake- Office of the Registrar David Goble Dr. Barth- Faulty Council Steve Cotter Kathy Jones School of Business Dr. Banik Dana DeFebbo-Parliamentarian Dr. McNamara 2. Meeting Minutes Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 11:23AM. Old Business: The motion to approve the minutes from the April 8, 2014 meeting was seconded and approved unanimously. New Business: Steve Cotter, on behalf of the mathematics department, asked Graduate Council to approve a course description change for Math 518. The current course description reads: MATH-518—Technology in Mathematics Classrooms (current) Three Credit Hours This course will introduce new technological developments and explore ways to use calculators, computers, etc. in the teaching of mathematics. The proposed change would read: MATH-518—Technology in Mathematics Classrooms (proposed change to catalog) Three Credit Hours This course is applicable to multiple middle and high school academic disciplines: mathematics, science, technology, and middle/high school engineering such as Project Lead the Way. The course content will introduce students to open-source (free) mathematical software packages and other technology tools. Middle and high school teachers will learn how to use these mathematical software packages and tools for mathematical modeling, classroom presentation and demonstration, illustration/exploration of mathematical concepts, and hands-on projects for teaching mathematics. Emphasis will be placed on STEM applications. In addition to the course description change, Mr. Cotter also asked that Graduate Council approve Math 618 - Mathematical Technology Resources and Applications for STEM Education for Middle and High School Teachers, as an acceptable substitute for Math 518. The motion to approve the course description change and the substitution was seconded by Dr. Skipper and approved unanimously. Dr. Skipper asked members of Graduate Council to approve the creation of a Certificate in Program Management. Dr. Skipper cited former and current students, and area businesses requesting the need for the creation of this certificate. The motion to approve the creation of a Certificate in Program Management was seconded by Dr. Neulander and approved unanimously. Dr. Hanchon began a discussion about support for graduate student travel. Following some discussion about the source of funding for the previous academic year and recently released budgets for each department this year, it was decided that Dr. Neulander and Dr. Hanchon would develop a proposal for a graduate student travel line item. Dr. McNamara asked Dr. Hanchon and Dr. Neulander to also include a protocol for how the funds would be distributed. Dr. Hanchon and Dr. Neulander agreed to do so. Other matters: Dr. Muller gave an update on the Lowcountry Graduate Center. She gave a brief outline of the programs in various stages that were coming to the center. She also invited Graduate Council to hold a meeting at the LGC. Dr. McNamara informed Graduate Council that no new business would be taken after 12:15 PM and that any discussion still taking place at 12:30 PM would need to be tabled until the next meeting. David Goble announced that the Library was still conducting business on the third floor of The Daniel Library. He added the construction was moving ahead of schedule. He hoped to have the entire library back open by early October. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 12:05PM.