Basic Physics of Nuclear Reactors Prof. Paddy Regan, Dept. of Physics University of Surrey Guildford, UK & Radioactivity Group National Physical Laboratory Teddington, TW11 0LW Feb, 2015 Several components are important for a controlled nuclear reactor: Fissionable fuel Moderator to slow down neutrons Control rods for safety and reactor criticality control Reflector to surround moderator and fuel in order to contain neutrons and thereby improve efficiency Reactor vessel and radiation shield Energy transfer systems if commercial power is desired Two main effects can “poison” reactors: (1) neutrons may be absorbed without producing fission [for example, by neutron radiative capture]; (2) neutrons may escape from the fuel zone. Outline • 1: Basic Nuclear Energetics – Nuclear masses; binding energy; binding energy per nucleon; nucleon separation energies. • 2: Neutron Interactions – Definition of cross-section; elastic collisions and neutron moderation; neutron attenuation; neutron mean free path; definition of neutron flux; definitions of neutron mean time/collision probability per unit time; reactor power; elastic and inelastic scattering. • 3: Basics of Nuclear Fission – Fissile materials 235,238U; energetics of fission; beta-delayed neutrons; oddeven effects; cross-sections for neutron interactions on 235,238U; Fission fragment mass distributions; neutrons per fission; fission neutron energy spectra; moderator materials and kinetics. • 4: Criticality – Concept of the chain reaction; 4 and 6 factor formulae; Definition of criticality and reactivity; reasons for Uranium enrichment; moderator materials; control rod materials; neutron cycle; delayed neutrons; Simple criticality calculations; reactor poisons; fast fission • 5: Breeder Reactors – Fissile and Fertile Materials; Formation of 239Pu; Use of 232Th; Breeding ratio. Useful web-sites for more notes, examples etc. etc: Part 1: Basic Nuclear Energetics Nomenclature 136 54 Xe = 82 Ionic Charge Chemical symbol Z N = A-Z A Where A = Mass Number, Z = Proton Number N = Neutron Number = A – Z Ionic Charge = charge on the ion. If neutral it is left blank Reactions :- 136 54 Xe ( d,p ) 82 137 54 Xe 83 2 Where d = H represents the deuteron and p the proton 1 1 Mass and Energy From Special Relativity:- m = m0 1-(v/c)2 when v = 0 then E = m0c 2 For an electron E0 = m0c2 = (9.11 x 10-31)(3 x 108)2 = 8.2 x 10-14 J = 0.511 MeV For 1 unit of atomic mass = 1/12 of the mass of a carbon atom = 1.66 x 10-27 kg = 931.5 MeV Matter can be converted into energy and energy can be converted into matter. Super Heavies Fewer than 300 nuclei Proton Drip Line Neutron Drip Line We can find some 283 stable or long-lived nuclei on the Earth’s surface. We define the proton (Sp = 0) and neutron (Sn = 0) drip-lines?. About 6-7000 species live long enough to be studied in principle. Binding Energy Z protons and N = A-Z neutrons can be brought together to form a nucleus which has a total mass M(A,Z) which is LESS THAN THE SUM OF ZmP + (A-Z)mN Some of the mass has been “used up” in binding the particles together. This difference in mass is equal to B or energy B/c2 is the Binding Energy. Variations in atomic masses due to variations in binding energy are very small compared with u 931 MeV The atomic mass is often given in the form (M(A,Z) – A) called the Mass Excess The Binding Energy increases with mass and proton number. This is reflected in the Chart of the Nuclides, the plot of the stable nuclides as a function of N and Z. Separation Energies. If we want to remove one neutron or proton from the nucleus it “costs” energy. This leads to the definition of the neutron separation energy SN = B(A,Z) –B(A-1,Z) = [ M(A-1,Z) –M(A,Z) + MN]c2 Similarly the proton separation energy is defined as SP =B(A,Z) –B(A-1,Z-1) = [ M(A-1,Z-1) –M(A,Z) + MH]c2 where we are working with atomic masses. These quantities are analogous to the Ionisation energies in atoms. Effectively they give us the amount of energy required to remove the last neutron or proton, i.e. how well bound the last particle is. Plotted as a function of A they reveal evidence of Shell structure. The variation of Binding Energy per nucleon with A Binding Energy 8 MeV/A Slope= 8 MeV/A A B (Z, A) 8 ´ A MeV binding is via a short range force Deviations from the “constant” 8 MeV/A fission and fusion can release energy A = 56 Nuclear binding Mnucleus < Sum of the constituent nucleon masses. B(Z,A)/c2 = ZMp + NMn – M(Z,A) ( > 0) Coefficients (values obtained from fits to experimental data) av = 15.56 MeV ; as = 17.23 MeV ; ac = 0.697 MeV ; aA = 23.285 MeV ; aP = 12.0 MeV In fission a nucleus separates into two fission fragments. One fragment is typically somewhat larger than the other. Fission occurs for heavy nuclei because of the increased Coulomb forces between the protons. We can understand fission by using the semi-empirical mass formula based on the liquid drop model. For a spherical nucleus of with mass number A ~ 240, the attractive shortrange nuclear forces offset the Coulomb repulsive term. As a nucleus becomes nonspherical, the surface energy is increased, and the effect of the short-range nuclear interactions is reduced. Nucleons on the surface are not surrounded by other nucleons, and the unsaturated nuclear force reduces the overall nuclear attraction. For a certain deformation, a critical energy is reached, and the fission barrier is overcome. EXAMPLE: SOLUTION: Part 2: Neutron Interactions Examples of Neutron-Induced Reactions: Standard unit for cross-section is the ‘barn’ where 1 barn = 10-28m2 = 10-24cm2 8 (see later re criticality and discussion on effects of delayed neutrons on reactor control). Reactor Power The Reactor Power (= energy released per unit time in the reactor volume) can be given by the product of the Energy per fission reaction x the fission reaction rate per unit volume x reactor volume Note that since the (fission) reaction rate per unit volume ( = Rf ) is the equal to the product of the collision probability per unit path length times the neutron flux (in neutrons/ per unit area per unit time), then we can write (recall s.N=S) Power (in units of J/s = Watts) = [Joules ] x [ 1/length] x [1/length2 . time] x [length3] Example: A research reactor has a cubic shape, with a typical neutron flux of 1013 n/cm2s through its volume and sides of length 0.8m. If the probability of fission per unit length, Sf=0.1cm-1, what is the power of the reactor? Solution Assuming typical energy release per fission = 200 MeV (i.e., neutron capture followed by gamma de-excitation of the compound nucleus to Its ground state; or followed by fission.) i.e., neutron can interact either by scattering (both elastically and inelastically) or can be absorbed (leading to either gamma-emission; fission; p, a, & n emission) The total neutron interaction cross-section (st) is the sum of all the individual components. k Question: Answer: Neutron Moderation There are many possible sources of neutrons. In the list most of the neutrons produced had energies of 2-5 MeV. There are many other reactions which can produce neutrons of much higher energy. We cannot easily control their energies as we do charged particles. However we can slow neutrons down to the energy we want. This is done in collisions with atoms of various materials. This process is called “moderating” the neutron energy and the material used is called a moderator. The resulting neutrons are classified in broad energy ranges Thermal Epithermal Slow Fast E 0.025eV E ~ 1 eV E ~ 1 keV E ~ 100 keV – 10 MeV It turns out that moderation of neutron energies is a very important part of reactor design and operation. Why do we need to moderate the neutrons (slow them down?) The fission cross-section increases dramatically for thermal (~0.025 eV) neutrons on 235U than for higher energies (1/v dependence). Neutron Scattering / Moderation A m = neutron mass u = initial neutron velocity in lab frame. O v1 v’1 = neutron velocity in centre of momentum frame q vcom B v’2 = moderator nucleus velocity in centre of momentum frame. M = moderator nucleus mass v = 0 = initial moderator velocity in lab frame. v2 Substituting into the equation for kinetic energy gives Substituting into the cosine rule equation, M = A = mass of moderator nucleus (in AMU) ; m = 1 = mass of neutron in AMU. Initial kinetic energy of the neutron is T0=1/2 mu2 ; Scattered neutron kinetic energy is T1=1/2mv21 For a 1H moderator (A=1) For a 12C moderator (A=12) Example: Head-on Collision mu = -mv + MV mu2 = mv2 + MV2 Momentum conservation Energy conservation mv = MV – mu Therefore mv2 = ( MV – mu )2 m Substitute mu2 = ( MV – mu )2 +MV2 m Expand and rearrange and we get 2mMu = ( Mm + M2 )V Therefore V = 2mu (M + m) Neutron Interactions Elastic scattering:- effectively a “billiard ball” collision in which there is no internal excitation of the nucleus. Energy and momentum conserved in the collision. Inelastic scattering:- neutron is scattered but nucleus is excited internally in the collision. Neutron capture:- neutron is absorbed to form a compound nucleus. The excited state formed has no memory of its formation other than very general conservation laws. AX N Primary γ-rays SN Secondary γ-rays If target is stable nucleus A+1X N+1 formed is radioactive in majority of cases. Neutron Interactions At low neutron energies neutron capture dominates. At higher energies other reactions such as (n,p), (n,2n) or (n,α) etc become more important. In all of these reactions you should remember that quantities such as momentum, energy, angular momentum etc are conserved. In the decay of the capture state in neutron capture the primary gamma –rays populate states with J determined by selection rules in gamma decay. As a result most of the states populated directly have spins close to that of the capture state. The states populated by primary gamma rays are populated in a non-selective way. their intensities are distributed in a statistical way. In general the nuclei created in neutron capture are radioactive. Since they are on the neutron –rich side of stability they decay to the nucleus with Z + 1. Note:-This Is important in discussing reactors since it is the reason that heavier nuclei are bred during reactor operation. Part 3: Basics of Nuclear Fission Discovery of Fission Discovery of the neutron by Chadwick (1932 ) In following years Fermi and his co-workers bombarded many elements with neutrons and studied the induced radioactivity. They discovered many of the nuclei produced in neutron capture decay by βemission. In other words the excess neutron is converted to a proton. This gave them the idea that they could make transuranic elements, not found in in Nature, by n capture followed by beta decay. They bombarded Uranium with neutrons and found new activities but when they tried to separate these activities chemically they showed a chemical behaviour similar to Ba (Barium) In 1939 Hahn and Strassmann showed, using careful radiochemical techniques, that the activity was due to isotopes of Ba (Z = 56) With this information Meitner and Frisch (1939) proposed that this was due to the neutron inducing the heavy nucleus to fission – to split into two heavy fragments. [Note:-the name is borrowed from the description of cell division in biology] Why does Fission occur? If we start with a spherical nucleus and it starts to vibrate, either naturally or because it absorbs a nucleus then the shape is distorted and the surface area term increases and Coulomb term decreases. 250 Energy MeV 200 B = aVA – aSA2/3 – aCZ(Z-1) – aA(A – 2Z) +/- A1/3 A Separation distance This means that as we stretch the nucleus the total binding energy may decrease. Once we go past the maximum point in this curve energy is gained by continuing and so we proceed to fission. EB EF EF – energy released in fission EB – energy of barrier EA – Activation energy Why does Fission occur? Consider the case of 238U splitting into two equal fragments each being 119Pd with Z = 46. R1 = R2 = 1.25(119)1/3 = 6.1F (From R = R oA1/3 ) V = 1 . Z1Z2e2 = 250 MeV 4εo - Coulomb Barrier R From the S.E.M.F, energy released in this case is 214 MeV The fission process is hindered by the barrier. Inside the barrier the two Pd nuclei can exist but the barrier inhibits their release. Note:- This is too crude – such estimates can easily be modified . For example if we split the nucleus into masses 79 and 159 then the Coulomb Barrier falls to 221 MeV. Again releasing a few neutrons means mass numbers are nearer stability and hence more energy is released. Also the Coulomb barrier calculation assumes a sharp edge to the nucleus which is unrealistic. Main conclusion – Height of Coulomb Barrier Energy released in fission. Why does Fission occur? The Semi-empirical mass formula B = aVA – aSA2/3 – aCZ(Z-1) – aA(A – 2Z) +/- A1/3 A The primary cause of fission is competition between the nuclear and Coulomb forces. As nuclei get larger/heavier the total nuclear binding energy increases with A and the Coulomb repulsion increases faster as Z2. If now we think of the process of fission as being the emission of a heavy fragment like the emission of an alpha particle then we can regard the heavy nuclei as sitting near the top of the nuclear potential well. The Coulomb Barrier is very thin here and so can be penetrated easily. Fission can thus occur spontaneously or it can be induced through the absorption of a relatively low energy neutron or photon. Energy MeV 250 200 Separation distance Any nucleus can fission if it is given enough excitation energy. In terms of practical applications it is only important for heavy nuclei Why does Fission occur? Main conclusion – Height of Coulomb Barrier Energy released in fission. For some nuclei the energy release places them just below the barrier and they will undergo Spontaneous fission since they have a reasonable chance of tunnelling through the barrier. Others may exist where the barrier would be zero. They would fission instantaneously. Naturally we do not find such nuclei in Nature. The barrier would be zero around mass 300. Nuclei may also exist which are so far below the barrier that spontaneous fission does not occur. However extra energy brought in by a photon or neutron may form an intermediate state at or above the barrier so that induced fission occurs readily. Note:-If the intermediate state is below the barrier still, then fission is inhibited and other decay modes may dominate. Depending on the energy of the intermediate state absorption of thermal neutrons will push them over the barrier whereas for others several MeV of energy may be required. Energy versus Separation as a function of mass. 3) At A =250 one should get spontaneous fission 2) At A = 235 it requires an input of energy 1) At A = 100 it would need a lot of energy. The Energy released in Fission Roughly speaking we can see from the binding energy curve below that we gain about 0.9 MeV per nucleon in the fission of Uranium. That is 200 MeV in total. If we take a specific pair of fragments with masses 93 and 141 the Q-value is 181 MeV. Other combinations have different Q-values but overall the assumption of 200 MeV released is a reasonable one. 0.9 MeV The two fragments are so large compared to everything else released that we can assume that they are emitted back-to-back to conserve momentum Fission in terms of the Liquid Drop model. Basic idea:- We stretch an initially spherical nucleus. What is the effect on the B.E? Assume stretched nucleus is an ellipsoid of revolution with volume = 4/3.ab2, where a is the semi-major and b the semi-minor axis. We introduce a distortion parameter ε and the distortion can be written a = R( 1 + ε ) b = R( 1 + ε )-1/2 Note:- R3 = ab2 which means volume is constant as we stretch the spheroid. As we stretch the spheroid the surface area S = 4R2 ( 1 + 2/5. ε2 + ---) increases. At the same time the Coulomb energy term in the S.E.M.F is modified by the factor (( 1 - 1/5. ε2 + ---)) Thus the decrease in the binding energy between spheroid and ellipsoid is given by the S.E.M.F as E = -aSA2/3 ( 1 + 2/5. ε2 + ---) – aCZ2A-1/3 ( 1 - 1/5. ε2 + ---) + aSA2/3 + aCZ2A-1/3 b = ( -2/5 aSA2/3 + 1/5 aCZ2A-1/3)ε2 a Fission in terms of the Liquid Drop model. If second term is larger then energy difference is positive – we gain energy by stretching the nucleus. The more it stretches the larger the gain. If so the system is unstable against stretching and will fission. Condition for this spontaneous fission to occur is 1/5 aCZ2A-1/3 > 2/5 aSA2/3 If we put in the values for the coefficients we find Z2 > 47 A BUT remember…. a) Quantum mechanical tunnelling modifies this expression b) Nuclei around Uranium have a permanent (‘quadrupole’) deformation. c) As this parameter increases the spontaneous fission half life decreases and when it is 10-20 seconds we find Z2/A 47 Note:- no such nuclei are known in Nature. Lifetimes for Spontaneous fission Expect the half-life for spontaneous fission gets rapidly shorter with increasing Z2/A. Remember this is not the actual half-life of the radionuclei (just a ‘partial half-life) since they can also decay by alpha or beta emission. λT = λF + λAlpha + λBeta V.M.Strutinsky and H.C.Pauli, Physics and Chemistry of Fission(IAEA 1969) p155 Comparison – Liquid Drop and Observed Activation Energies Fission Cross-sections Here we see the cross-sections for neutron -induced fission and neutron capture on 235U and 238U Thermal In the thermal (low energy) part of the spectrum the cross-section falls with energy as 1/ v. For 235U the cross-section for fission = 584 b, much larger than for scattering 9 b or for capture 97 b. Overall the cross-section falls by 3 orders-of-magnitude from thermal to fast energies. For 238U no fission occurs until the neutron reaches an energy of 1 MeV. Differences between Even and Odd Nuclei Previous slide showed there is a significant difference in behaviour for 235 and 238. Why? 235U + thermal neutron E (excitation energy) = [m( 236U*) – m( 236Ugs)] assuming EN = 0 Now m( 236U*) = m(235U) + mN = 236.052589 u So E (excitation energy) = (236.052589 u – 236.045563 u)931.502 MeV/u = 6.5 MeV The Activation Energy ~ 6.2 MeV so EN = 0 induces fission The same calculation for 238U gives E(excitation energy) = 4.8 MeV <<6.6MeV hence it requires a neutron with ~ 1 MeV to induce fission. The primary reason for this difference lies in the pairing effect in nuclei. Why does Fission occur? Recall the Semi-Empirical Mass Formula B = aVA – aSA2/3 – aCZ(Z-1) – aA(A – 2Z) +/- A1/3 A Volume Energy Surface energy Coulomb energy Asymmetry energy Pairing energy It turns out that pairing plays a significant role in determining which nuclei are suitable as fuel in a nuclear reactor. It arises because like nucleons prefer to form spin zero pairs in the same spatial state. The extra binding then comes from the strong spatial overlap of their spatial wave functions. is +ve if N and Z are even and all nucleons are coupled to zero spin. is –ve if N and Z are both odd. is zero if N or Z is odd i.e. A is odd. Note that all the terms vary smoothly except the pairing term. A common value for the pairing term is = 12/A1/2 MeV [ 0.78 MeV for A = 235] Differences between Even and Odd Nuclei The difference in the cross-section lies in difference between their excitation energies. Why are they different? 236U* = 235U EEX +n 239U* = 238U δ δ EEX 239U +n The binding energy of 236U is increased i.e. the g.s energy is lowered by an amount δ ( ~ 0.56 MeV ). The excitation energy is correspondingly increased by Δ over what it would be in the absence of pairing. δ 235U 238U Overall the difference in excitation energy between the two cases is 2δ or 1.1 MeV which accounts for the different behaviour. In the case of 238U the energy of the g.s. before capture is lowered by δ, which, in turn, lowers the energy of the capture State. The excitation energy is therefore reduced by δ relative to its value without the pairing effect. The Mass Distribution of Fission frgaments A typical result of thermal neutron induced fission in 235U leads to the result 93Rb + 141Cs + 2n n + 235U This is not a unique split and there is a wide distribution of masses for the two resulting fission fragments. Since every heavy fragment must have a corresp. light fragment the distribution is symmetric about an equal split. Fission into almost equal mass fragments is less probable than the maximum yield by 600. Fission induced by fast particles shows a different mass distribution, with more yield around A/2. Typical Emitted Neutron Energies in Fission See B.E. Watt Phys. Rev. 87 (1952) 1037 i.e., typically 2.5 neutrons per fission event (thermal or fast) on 235U; higher (~2.9 neutrons per fission) for 239Pu at similar average neutron energies. 39 140 Plot of % of total events as a function of kinetic energy of the fragment The Energy Released in Fission This distribution in kinetic energy is consistent with the mass distribution observed in fission. Overall the two fragments carry about 80% of the total energy released. Where does the rest go? Decay Secondary Fission Fragments These secondary fragments are radioactive and represent the decay of the primary Fragments back to the line of stability. They produce 7% of the power when the Reactor is in operation and the decays continue after shutdown. Delayed Neutron Emission I n addition to the prompt neutrons emitted in fission there are also delayed neutrons associated with beta decay. AX N SN AX N-1 Z Z+1 AX N-2 Z+1 For neutron-rich nuclei the most general decay mode is β- - decay but in some cases if the neutron separation energy is low enough it may populate levels above SN. Such levels will then emit a neutron leading to a level in the nucleus which is an isotope with 1 neutron fewer. We see below an example where the primary fragment is 87Br, which beta decays to levels in 87Kr, some of which are above the neutron separation energy. These levels decay by emitting a neutron. Neutron Emission in Fission Consider again the common split in thermal fission – 95Rb + 140Cs Here the two fragments share 92 protons. These two fragments are rich in neutrons and they shed a few neutrons at the instant of fission ( within 10-16 s ) to get rid of this excess. These are known as prompt neutrons. The average no. of prompt neutrons = n is characteristic of a given fission process. [Greek nu] We find that for thermal neutron induced fission:Nucleus n 233U 2.48 235U 2.42 239Pu 2.86 The distribution about the mean shows the statistical behaviour expected for an evaporation process. Fission Cross-sections Here we see the cross-sections for neutron -induced fission and neutron capture on 235U and 238U Thermal In the thermal (low energy) part of the spectrum the cross-section falls with energy as 1/ v (v = velocity of the neutron). For 235U the cross-section for fission = 584 b, much larger than for scattering 9 b or for capture 97 b. Overall the cross-section falls by 3 orders-of-magnitude from thermal to fast energies. For 238U no fission occurs until the neutron reaches an energy of 1 MeV. Part 4: Criticality & Chain Reactions The Idea of a Chain Reaction Each neutron inducing fission results in the production of several neutrons, typically 2.5 as we saw earlier. Each of these neutrons is capable of initiating fission in another nucleus with the emission of another 2.5 neutrons on average. Clearly if this continues the number of fissions and neutrons will increase very rapidly. This process is described as a chain reaction. The chain reaction is characterised by the neutron multiplication factor k, which is defined as the ratio of the number of neutrons in one generation to the number in the preceding generation. If k < 1 then the number of neutrons decreases with time and the process stops. In the context of a reactor it would be said to be sub-critical. If k > 1 then the number of neutrons increases with time and the chain reaction diverges. A reactor would be said to be super-critical. Effectively we have a bomb. If k = 1everything proceeds at a steady rate. A reactor in this state would be said to be critical. The Idea of a Chain Reaction If we try to use natural Uranium ( now 0.7% 235U ) we cannot get k above 1 because the dominant 238U absorbs too many neutrons. As we can see from the cross-section curve as a function of energy most of the neutrons end up by being captured. However if we can enrich the sample highly in 235U then we can get k > 1 and the chain reaction can be sustained. This is the basis of the fast reactor, namely a reactor that operates with fission being initiated by neutrons that have not been slowed down much following their production. If the enrichment is high enough it is also the basis of an explosive weapon. The Idea of a Chain Reaction However looking at the 235U cross-section we see that it is three orders-of-magnitude higher at thermal neutron energies than at 1 MeV. If we can efficiently moderate the neutron energies down to thermal values then we can arrange that k > 1 for natural Uranium. Thus it is possible to make a reactor using natural Uranium but it demands efficient moderation to ensure that the neutrons have thermal energies. Such a reactor is referred to as a thermal reactor. The Oklo reactor is interesting in itself but it is also highly relevant to the discussion of dealing with present day waste. Neither the fission fragments nor the Pu migrated from the site in 2 x 109 y. A natural Reactor in Oklo, Gabon A. The power generation industry has meant that very careful measurements have been made of the fraction of 235U in natural Uranium from all the deposits we have found. It is found to be very precisely 0.00720 +/- 0.00001 with the error reflecting not only the measurement error but also the variation found in samples from all the places where uranium is mined. B. This is, of course, a ratio which will vary on a geological timescale. The mass 235 and 238 isotopes have half-lives of 7.0 x 108 y and 4.5 x 109 y resp. Note:- 2 x 109 y ago the ratio would have been ~ 3% C. 1972 – a sample was found in Gabon with an abundance of 0.00717. Further samples from the same place were as low as 0.00440 D. Hypothesis was that 2 x 109 y ago a natural reactor operated in Oklo. Moderation would have been by groundwater. Before this could happen it needed uranyl ions to be transported in the ground water. Prior to 2 x 109 y ago there was not enough oxygen in the water to form these ions. E. The reactor would have worked intermittently with the heat boiling off the water and it would then start again when enough water accumulated. The Four Factor Formula A nuclear reactor is simply a controlled chain reaction – a system arranged so that it is stable and produces constant power. Initially we consider an infinitely large system. - In effect we ignore the loss of neutrons from the surface. We define a Neutron Reproduction Factor k∞ k∞ = No.of neutrons in a generation No.of neutrons in preceding generation In other words it gives the net change in the number of thermal neutrons from one generation to the next. On average each thermal neutron produces k∞ new thermal neutrons If a chain reaction is to continue we must have k∞ ≥ 1 However although 2.5 neutrons are produced on average in each fission they are fast neutrons. The Four Factor Formula Why are fast neutrons ”bad” in this context? The answer lies in the cross-section curve we saw earlier. The cross-section for fission is three orders-of-magnitude larger for thermal neutrons compared with the fast neutrons created in fission. It increases from a few barns to 580 b It is essential to moderate the initial neutron energy so that the average energy drops from a few MeV to 0.025eV. Of course there is a price to pay. In the moderation process we will lose neutrons either by absorption or by some other process. We already learned how to moderate neutron energies. The energy is most easily lost in elastic collisions with nuclei. The best choice for a moderating material is a light element because then the neutron transfers the largest possible energy in an elastic collision with a light nucleus. The Four Factor Formula In terms of energy loss alone hydrogen is clearly the best moderator but there are other considerations. - It must be light - best if it is a solid both in terms of constructing a reactor and the high density of atoms. - It should be inexpensive - It should be easy to handle - It should have a small capture cross-section Carbon in the form of graphite fulfils all of these criteria. The simplest way to make a reactor or chain-reacting pile as it was called is to make a lattice of alternating blocks of Uranium and graphite The neutrons are produced in the U and then when they enter the graphite their energies are moderated. The picture shows Enrico Fermi and the first pile built in a squash court at the University of Chicago in 1942. The Four Factor Formula If we are to have a self-sustaining reaction in the pile the reproduction factor k must equal 1. In other words to get a steady stable flow of energy the pile must be critical. Still assuming the pile is infinitely large we can calculate k by following what happens to neutrons as they go from one generation to the next. We begin with N thermal neutrons Each of them should produce n 2.5 fast neutrons per fission. However not all of them induce fission. In particular some are captured. We define = Mean Number of fission neutrons produced per initial thermal neutron. Note < n since some of the original neutrons do not cause fission. If sf = fission cross-section for thermal neutrons sa = cross-section for other absorptive processes then = n sf sf + sa The Four Factor Formula For 235U sf = 584 b and sa = 97 b so = 2.08 fast neutrons per thermal neutron For 238U sf = 0 for thermal neutrons and sa = 2.75 b Natural U contains 0.72% 235U For natural Uranium we have effective cross – sections for fission and capture sf = 0.72 99.28 sf (235) + sf (238) = 4.20 b 100 100 sa = 0.72 99.28 sa (235) + s (238) = 3.43 b 100 100 a So the effective value of for natural U is 1.33 This number is rather close to 1 so we have to do something to ensure we have a critical system. One “simple” thing we can do is enrich the U to 3% in 235U This increases to 1.84 The Four Factor Formula Moderation:- Of our original N neutrons some have been absorbed and some cause fission so we now have N fast neutrons which we must arrange to lose energy and become thermal neutrons-in order to take advantage of the high thermal cross-section. This is achieved in the collisions with nuclei in the moderator. However in the course of their random walk through the pile they may encounter 238U nuclei which have a small cross-section ( ~1 b ) for fission by fast neutrons.This means they are “lost” to the overall process and we have to introduce another factor ε the fast fission factor which takes account of this effect. The number of fast neutrons is now Nε Typically ε has a value of about 1.03 for natural Uranium. The Four Factor Formula Nucleus H 2H 4He 12C 238U No.of collisions to reach thermalisation 18 25 43 110 2200 If the moderator is graphite then as we can see from the table it takes about 100 collisions on average before an MeV neutron is thermalised. In going from MeV to 0.025 eV energy the neutron will pass through a range where its energy is between 10 and 100 eV. In this energy range 238U has many resonances with large cross-sections ( ~ 1000 b) for neutron capture. The Four Factor Formula Unless we can ensure that the resonances are “avoided” we will lose all our potential thermal neutrons. For example if we have a fine powder of U and graphite then any given neutron will only scatter a few times before encountering 238U. Then a significant fraction will be captured in one of the resonances. How do we get round this? The answer is to make the lumps of graphite larger so that the neutrons can be completely thermalised whilst in the graphite. This would then avoid the resonance region. The average distance in graphite to achieve thermalisation is 19 cm. So we construct the pile of U fuel elements separated by ~ 19 cm of graphite. This does not eliminate the problem completely. Some neutrons stray near the graphite surface and escape into U and are lost. We account for this by introducing the the resonance escape probability p. The Four Factor Formula Now the number of neutrons we have left after thermalisation is Nεp A typical value of p is about 0.9 It is worth noting that the size of the graphite must not be too large. Once thermalised we want the neutrons to be in the U to induce fission. One of the reasons we chose graphite was the low capture cross-section but the neutron encounters a lot of it and there will be some losses to capture in this and other reactor components. To take account of these losses we introduce the thermal utilisation factor f which gives The fraction of thermal neutrons that are actually available to the U. Typically f is about 0.9. The Four Factor Formula Now the number of neutrons we have left after thermalisation is Nεp A typical value of p is about 0.9 It is worth noting that the size of the graphite must not be too large. Once thermalised we want the neutrons to be in the U to induce fission. One of the reasons we chose graphite was the low capture cross-section but the neutron encounters a lot of it and there will be some losses to capture in this and other reactor components. To take account of these losses we introduce the thermal utilisation factor f which gives The fraction of thermal neutrons that are actually available to the U. Typically f is about 0.9. The Four Factor Formula Overall the number of neutrons which survive the moderation process is Nεpf It is whether this number is greater or smaller then the original number N that Decides whether a reactor is critical or not. The neutron reproduction factor is k∞ = Nεpf/N = εpf This is called the The Four Factor Formula A real reactor. What lessons are there for us in terms of designing a real reactor? There are a number of factors we can control. A. In particular the enrichment of the fuel. B. Secondly the choice of moderator. C. Thirdly the geometry of the pile. In this third case there are three factors involved, namely ε, p and f One has to consider the relative geometry of U and graphite. Neutrons of energy 10-100 eV do not travel far in U before absorption so resonant capture basically occurs on the surface of the U. As far as the centre of a piece of U is concerned this effect is of no real relevance. So the U has to be sufficiently large to minimise this surface effect but not so large that all the thermal fission occurs at the surface too and so the centre of the U fuel sees fewer neutrons. A real reactor. If we take reasonable values we can calculate k∞ For Natural Uranium = 1.33 ε = 1.03 p = 0.9 f = 0.9 So k∞ = 1.33 x 1.03 x 0.9 x 0.9 = 1.11 A real reactor. If we take reasonable values of the four factors εpf Then we find k∞ = 1.11 This would be sufficient to sustain a chain reaction in a reactor. However we have been discussing an infinitely large reactor. Real reactors are finite in size. All of the four factors we have discussed are still appropriate but now we have to take into account the fact that we will lose neutrons from the surface. In a real reactor there is leakage of fast and slow neutrons. If we now introduce LF and LS as the fractions of fast and slow neutrons that are lost from the reactor then the complete formula for the reproduction factor is k = εpf( 1-LF )(1-LS ) This is called the SIX FACTOR FORMULA Example Question: Comment? A real reactor. Clearly one way to minimise the leakage factors is to make the reactor as large as possible. In this way we minimise the surface to volume ratio. If the two leakage factors are kept small then k∞ - k k(LF + LS ) So increasing the volume will mean this difference decreases. The longer a neutron travels in the moderator before it is absorbed the more chance we have of losing it from the surface. There are two contributions to this distance which is called the migration length - M. For thermal neutrons, where they diffuse through the medium, we have L(D). This diffusion length is the distance a thermal neutron can travel on average before absorption. For fast neutrons we have a slowing down distance, the distance over which it travels in slowing down to thermal energies, L(S). M = (L(D)2 + L(S)2)1/2 For graphite L(S) = 18.7 cm and L(D) = 50.8 cm. A real reactor. From a dimensional analysis we can get some idea of how big our reactor made of natural U and graphite has to be. Let us take R as the characteristic dimension – this could be the radius if it is a sphere or it could be the length of one side if it is a cube. It is reasonable to assume that the difference in k for an infinite and a finite reactor is proportional to the surface area. Thus k∞ -k ~ M2/R2 The critical size when k = 1 is given by RC, where RC ~ M (k∞ - 1)1/2 The constant of proportionality is of order 1 but for a sphere RC = M (k ∞ - 1)1/2 The result for a U-graphite reactor is R ~ 5m. In other words a sphere of U and graphite of 5m radius would go critical. There are some measures one can take to Reduce the size. For example by putting a neutron ‘reflector’ round the pile. Moderating the Neutrons Moderation is the process of the reduction of the initial (high) energy of the emitted (fast) neutrons from fission to lower (ideally thermal) energies, where they have the highest cross-section for causing fission (after capture on 235U). In the case of elastic collision between a neutron (mass 1u) and a nucleus with mass Au. For a head-on, elastic collision it can be shown from conservation of KE and linear momentum that: which leads to More generally we need to take into account both head on and glancing elastic collisions. In these cases, using 2-body kinematics, the mean logarthmic neutron energy reduction (or decrement) per collision, x, can be defined. This can be calculated using the expression: x=ln (E0/E) = 1 + [ (A-1)2 / 2A ] . ln [ (A-1)/(A+1)] ~ 2 / A+1 From this, the number of collisions, n, between the neutron and a nucleus of mass A are expected on average to reduce the neutron kinetic energy from E0 to E is given by n = 1/x .(ln E0 – ln E) Choice of Moderator Materials • The ideal moderator materials have – Low –A values (to maximise energy loss per collision for elastic scattering) – Small neutron absorption cross-sections (sa) to minimize the neutron lost from the flux by absorption in the moderator itself. • We can define the MODERATING EFFICIENCY, which incorporates both aspects and is given by x.(ss /sa) ,i.e., the product of the mean logarthmic neutron energy reduction per collision and the ratio of the scattering and absorption cross-sections for neutrons. Controlling the Reactivity. A. There is a delicate balance between neutron production and absorption. We can sum it up by saying the power level is proportional to the number of neutrons available in the reactor. B. It is not possible to design a reactor in which the number of neutrons in successive generations is exactly constant. C. Instead we add extra fissile material to the fuel and use what are called “control rods” to absorb some of the neutrons. These rods can be pushed in or taken out to control the reactivity. Control rods are made of neutron absorbing materials such as cadmium (with silver and indium), boron and hafnium. D. We need the extra fissile material anyway since over a long period of operation enough fissile material is destroyed that the reactor would turn off. E. In addition operation produces many fission products that absorb neutrons and this would also reduce k. Can we actually do it? Control Rods We need control rods but can they be made to work? Remember the timescales involved. If we had only prompt neutrons it would all happen so quickly that it would not be possible (see later). However the small fraction of delayed neutrons lengthens the timescale and this alters the rate at which the neutron population changes giving us time to insert or withdraw control rods. Typical control uses rods loaded with elements such as cadmium or boron that absorb neutrons. The rods can be moved in or out of the core to stabilise the number of neutrons. There may be “burnable poisons” as part of the core. Once they capture they are neutralised. Sometimes as a safety measure poisons are added to the cooling fluid. For example in emergency shutdowns (SCRAM) the operators can inject solutions containing poisons into the coolant e.g.sodium polyborate or gadolinium nitrate Timescales As in any physical process it takes time for the multiplication of neutrons. What is the timescale? A. We have not only to design so that k = 1 but also that we take account of any changes with time. We associate a time τ with the process. B. There are essentially two steps or stages in the process. - slowing down to thermal energies - diffusion of thermal neutrons before absorption. - they have characteristic times 10-6 and 10-3 s C. If we have N neutrons at time t then on average we have kN after t+ τ and k2N after t + 2 τ etc D. If we now consider a small time interval dt we can write dN = (kN – N) dt τ So N(t) = N0 exp ((k-1)t/ τ) Timescales A. N(t) = N0 exp ((k-1)t/ τ) B. If k = 1 then there is no variation with time and we would happily operate our reactor. C. Even if k deviates only slightly from 1 then the number of neutrons grows or decays exponentially with a time constant τ/(k-1) D.If we take the case of k = 1.01 then the reactor is super-critical and the time constant is ~ τ/(k-1) ~0.001s/(1-1.01) = 0.1 s Thus in 1 second the number of neutrons would grow by exp (10) 22,000 and the reactor can not be controlled on this time scale. This is a very rapid growth even for a small increase in k. In these circumstances it would not be possible to control the reactor. Fortunately Beta-Delayed neutrons come to the rescue. Timescales A. About a fraction d = 0.0065 of fission neutrons are from beta decay and are delayed- in other words they follow the beta decay half lives. Because of this our previous formula for the number of neutrons as a function of time must be modified. B. We take q = (k – 1) and d is our fraction of delayed neutrons, τ is the time constant for the prompt neutrons and τD is the time constant associated with the delayed neutrons. C. Now . N(t) = N0 [ d d-q exp qt ((d – q) τ ) D q - d-q exp ( -(d – q)t ττ )] This equation reverts to our simple case with no delayed neutrons if d = 0 Timescales A. N(t) = N0 [ d d-q exp qt ((d – q) τ ) D q - exp d-q ( ------------(1) -(d – q)t τ ) ] Provided q = (k – 1) is always less than d then the rate of change of N(t) will be Governed by the mean delay time τD which is of the order of 12.5 s. B. If q << d then we can approximate N(t) ~ N0 ( qt/(d – q) τD ) --------------(2) C. We must keep q = (k – 1) less than d or second term in (1) takes over and we get rapid rise in neutrons. D. If we take our graphite-U reactor with q = 0.001 then eqn.(2) gives exp(t/70) so increase is by a factor e = 2.7 in 70 secs (and the reactor is controllable). Reactor Poisons When a reactor is in operation it produces many fission fragments. They will all absorb neutrons and hence decrease k. Those with large cross-sections are referred to as reactor poisons. 135Cs T1/2 = 9.14 h 135Xe 136Xe 135Xe +n 136Xe With σC = 2.75 x 106 b T1/2 = 6.57 h 135I After shutdown the amount of Xe continues to increase because the main part of Ist production comes from the decay of I. The amount of compensation one can supply with the control rods is limited (typically ~ 5%). As a result if the reactor was stopped and not restarted quickly it would be impossible to restart for 1-2 days until the Xe decays. Reactor Poisons Xe is the most significant poison but there are others. 149Sm also has a large cross-section but it is stable. It reaches an equilibrium value after about 500 hours and this essentially stays constant during the reactor operation. Numerous other fission products – individually they have a small effect but lumped together they are significant. In practice the buildup of poisons in the fuel leads to a loss of efficiency and sometimes instability. It is this build up that limits the lifetime of the fuel. Long before all possible fissions have taken place buildup of long-lived, neutron-absorbing Fission products kills off the chain reaction process. Reprocessing is essential to separate these activities chemically and since spent fuel has 99% of the original fissile material which is in fresh fuel it allows it to be used again. The main elements of a reactor. 1. Fuel – pellets of UO2 (1cm diam. by 1.5 cm long) arranged in tubes to form fuel rods. They are usually formed into fuel assemblies in the core. 2. Moderator – usually water but may be graphite or heavy water. 3.Control rods – Made with neutron absorbing material included so that inserting or withdrawing the rod controls or halts the rate of reaction. Note:-Secondary shutdown systems involve adding other absorbers of neutrons, usually in the primary cooling system. 4.Coolant- Liquid or gas circulating in the core to carry away heat. In light water reactors the coolant acts as moderator and coolant. 5.Pressure vessel – Usually a robust steel vessel containing the core and moderator/coolant but it may be a series of tubes holding the fuel and conveying the coolant through the moderator. 6.Steam generator – Part of cooling system where the reactor heat is used to make steam to drive the turbines. 7.Containment –Structure round core to protect it from intrusion and protect the outside from radiation in case of a major malfunction. Part 5 : Breeder Reactors Breeder Reactors A more advanced kind of reactor is the breeder reactor, which produces more fissionable fuel than it consumes. The chain reaction is: The plutonium is easily separated from uranium by chemical means. Fast breeder reactors have been built that convert 238U to 239Pu. The reactors are designed to use fast neutrons. Breeder reactors hold the promise of providing an almost unlimited supply of fissionable material. One of the downsides of such reactors is that plutonium is highly toxic, and there is concern about its use in unauthorised weapons production. The re-cycling of spent fuel Normal reaction 235U + slow n fission fragments + 2(fast)n “Parasite” reaction 238U + fast n 239U* Pu/U fuel cycle 239Np Process “used” fuel to extract (or to make bomb!) (neptunium) 239Pu 239Pu to be mixed with U Other parasite reaction 232Th + fast n Th/U/Pu cycle 233Th* (fissile) 233Pa (protactinium) Lace natural Uranium with Thorium to extract injected into natural Uranium. 233U 239Pu (fissile) and 233U to be re- Additional Slides for Reference Making Fuel rods Most reactors use enriched fuel- enriched in mass 235. The yellowcake is converted to UF6 – a gas- which is enriched either by gas diffusion or in a centrifuge. The former relies on the different diffusion rates of masses 235 and 238. In the latter the gas passes through spinning cylinders and the centrifugal force causes the mass 238 move to the outside leaving a higher mass 235 concentration on the inside. Uranium dioxide pellets are then made form the enriched material. The pellets are then encased in long metal tubes, usually made of zirconium alloy (zircalloy) or stainless steel to form fuel rods. The rods are sealed and assembled in clusters to form fuel assemblies for use in reactors. Fuel Economy in Thermal and Fast Reactors Note:- the much higher fraction of neutrons captured in mass 238 in the FBR Energy Transfer The most common method is to pass hot water heated by the reactor through some form of heat exchanger. In boiling water reactors (BWRs) the moderating water turns into steam, which drives a turbine producing electricity. In pressurised water reactors (PWRs) the moderating water is under high pressure and circulates from the reactor to an external heat exchanger where it produces steam, which drives a turbine. Boiling water reactors are inherently simpler than pressurized water reactors. However, the possibility that the steam driving the turbine may become radioactive is greater with the BWR. The two-step process of the PWR helps to isolate the power generation system from possible radioactive contamination. Boiling Water Reactor Pressurised Water Reactor Years Used Fuel A. Used fuel emits radiation and heat. B. It is unloaded into a storage pond adjacent to the reactor to allow it to decay. C. It can be stored there for long periods. It can also be stored in dry stores cooled by air. D. Both kinds of store are intended to be temporary. It will be reprocessed or sent to final disposal. The longer it is stored the easier it is to handle. E. Main options for long term – reprocessing to recover useful fuel - storage and final disposal F. Reprocessing – separates U and Pu from waste products by chopping up rods and dissolving them in acid to separate the various materials. G. Typically used fuel is 95% 238U, 1% 238U, 1% Pu and 3% fission products including other transuranics. H. Reprocessing enables recycling of fuel and produces a significantly reduced waste volume. Where does the Uranium come from? Uranium is relatively common – found in seawater and rocks. Half the world’s production is in Canada and Australia in open pit or relatively shallow mines It is then milled – the ore is crushed to form a fine slurry and it is leached with sulphuric acid to produce concentrated U3O8 – which is called yellowcake and generally has more than 80% U compared with the original 0.1% Underground mines cause less disturbance but one needs very good ventilation to protect against airborne radiation exposure. Tailings are radioactive with long-lived activities in low concentrations and also contain heavy metals. They have to be isolated. Increasingly the mining industry uses in-situ leaching. Here oxygenated groundwater is circulated through the U deposit underground to dissolve the U and bring it to the surface. Coolant: to extract heat from core Need to remove heat from core and make use of this heat Desired properties of “heat extractor” - Can be circulated (gas, liquid) - Low neutron capture (to economize neutron and to prevent too much [radio]activation) - Chemically stable - High thermal conductivity H2O, D2O, He, liquid Sodium Then heat is exchanged to a steam boiler to power turbines