Project WAM: A Wavelet Auditory Model for characterizing complex acoustic signals PI/Contractor John Benedetto, University of Maryland John J. Benedetto Department of Mathematics University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 301-405-5161 Background The Wavelet Auditory Model (WAM) constructed by the contractor implements an alternate method for characterizing acoustic signals (sounds) using a mathematical model based on the mammalian auditory system. This model is based on a theoretical framework that uses an iterative algorithm for reconstruction from irregular samples. This is an effective method for dealing with speech compression problems. The published technical abstract for the work on which this is based is as follows: “A time-scale representation of (acoustic) signals, motivated by the structure of the mammalian auditory system, is presented. Drawing from the theory of irregular sampling and frames, a theoretical framework is developed in which an iterative algorithm for reconstruction is constructed. Numerical examples are included which illustrate the validity of such a representation as a new and effective method to deal with speech compression problems.” A Wavelet Auditory Model and Data Compression; Authors: Benedetto J.J.; Teolis A.; Source: Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Volume 1, Number 1, December 1993 , pp. 3-28(26); Publisher: Academic Press Due to the novel framework used to attack speech compression, the possibility exists to extend the implementation for arbitrary acoustic signals. By utilizing the mathematical approach of frames, the power of wavelet transforms to provide temporally specific characterization of complex acoustic signals could be substantially increased. The Government would like to see the current theoretical software re-written into a user-friendly environment so that analysts can explore this approach. Scope The scope of this project is two-fold. Implementing WAM in its current form in a user-friendly, documented format Extending WAM from a compression application into an application for detecting and characterizing features and anomalies in complex acoustic signals WAM is uniquely suited to provide temporally specific characterizations of portions of the acoustic signal with varying levels of coherence and vastly different characteristics. Moreover, it should be able to overcome some of the limitations commonly associated with incomplete or interrupted sampling strategies. In particular, we expect that it will be a powerful tool to address background “noise” found in multimedia samples. The University of Maryland’s Norbert Wiener center for Harmonic Analysis and Applications will provide the needed computing and academic resources for successful completion of the project. Deliverables Deliverables will include reports, software, and limited support to the Government in implementing the software. Reports: three reports a year beginning with Fall 2009, to correspond to progress, documentation of effort, and projected future steps from the previous academic period (fall, spring, summer) Software: user-friendly implementation of current WAM theoretical framework (FY10) Software: user-friendly implementation of extended WAM for detection, characterization and evaluation of features and anomalies in acoustic signals Support: getting all software to work on the project Laptop and Hard-drive, and either the Gallery for Advancing Signal Processing (GASP) system, or another system designated by the government. Budget (to be fleshed out with overhead costs, etc) FY09—Fourth Quarter Salary/overhead for Research Programmer $ 15 K Laptop & 1T Hard-drive for test-data/software/deliverables $10K or as supplied by Government FY10 $ 125 K Salary/overhead for Research Programmer Limited salary/overhead for PI Travel Misc. Supplies Option Year 1 (FY11): $150 K Salary/overhead for Research Programmer Limited salary/overhead for PI Travel Misc. Supplies Option Year 2 (FY12): $150 K Salary/overhead for Research Programmer Limited salary/overhead for PI Travel Misc. Supplies Timeline FY09: Ramp up Project summary FY10: Coding, Documentation, Verification and Validation for WAM in its current form Option Year One FY 11: Extensions for WAM, to include detection and characterization of features and anomalies in acoustic signals, with emphasis on some or all of the following: Noise reduction Synthetic noise Option Year One FY 12: Additional Extensions for WAM, to include detection and characterization of features and anomalies in acoustic signals, to include some or all of the following: Noise reduction Synthetic noise