GUIDELINE FOR PREPARATION OF UNDERGRADUATE THESIS INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING FACULTY OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITAS ATMA JAYA YOYAKARTA 2013 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta requires all students to work on a final project as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering. According to Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (Competency-Based Curriculum) 2012, Final Project (IND 5585) is placed at the 8th semester. In addition, this subject has 5 (five) credits. The student is allowed to take this Final Project the student must complete the following requirements: 1. Student must pass all courses, assignments, and laboratory work with Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.26 and the maximum number of D is 25% of all courses has been taken. 2. Students can take both internship and Final Project at the same time, as long the requirements mentioned in point 1) have been met. Final Project is a project that has to be done independently under one or two faculty supervisors. The purpose of this Final Project is to give the student an opportunity to demonstrate the capability in applying Industrial Engineering concept to the real case (problem-solving research) using Industrial Engineering science, theory, tools and skills. The scope of the Final Project includes designing, improving, developing and/or installing an integrated system. The problem solved in the Final Project should be within the limits of the ability of the student to solve them, both on the complexity of the problem and the time available. Besides problem solving research, other type of research such as testing-out research is allowed to be conducted. The aim of testing-out research is to make an improvement to the methods / concepts / theories that have been established. CHAPTER 2 PROCEDURE The students must follow the procedure for conducting undergraduate thesis according to QSP No. 024-QSP/FTI-UAJY/27-2/2009 as it is shown in Figure 2.1 – 2.3. Basically there are three main activities in the business process of conduction the undergraduate thesis. They are thesis registration, final defense registration and yudisium registration. Business Process for Conductiong Undergraduate Thesis Student Administration Officer Form of Request for Thesis Topic and Thesis Advisor 027-QSR/IND.FTIUAJY/08-VII/2011 Monitoring card of the final project coaching process Receive the completed form along with the approved thesis proposal Completed from along with the approved thesis propsal Announce the load for thesis advisor in the announcement board Head of IE Department Prepare the thesis proposal Get approval from proposed advisor and the lecturer of research methodology class Attending thesis presentati on Approve the thesis proposal by giving the signature in the approval sheet Pick up the complete form along with the approved thesis proposal Do supervisi r Completed form Print the thesis data Submit completed from along with the approved thesis proposal Load plan for thesis advisor Wait for the confirmation from the Department by checking at the announcement board File thesis advisor Give approvalfor the student to conduct final defense Conduct the meeting Load for thesis advisor Get the MONITORING CARD OF THE FINAL PROJECT COACHING PROCESS Lecturer of Research Methodology Class Approve the thesis proposal by giving the signature in the approval sheet Give approval Record the thesis data Get Form of Request for Thesis Topic and Thesis Advisor Register KRS Proposed advisor Thesis proposal Approved thesis proposal Complete the Form Receive load for thesis advisor Business Process for Thesis Registration of New Thesis Registrar Go to final defense registration procedure Check the load for thesis advisor See the advisor Complete the monitong card Figure 2.1. Business Process for Conducting Undergraduate Thesis for New Thesis Registrar Approval sheet Business Process for Conducting Undergraduate Thesis Administration Officer Form of Request for Thesis Topic and Thesis Advisor 027-QSR/IND.FTIUAJY/08-VII/2011 Monitoring card of the final project coaching process Business Process for Thesis Registration of Continuouing Thesis Registrar Student Head of IE Proposed Thesis Progress Meet the Department Report advisor supervisor for 006A-QSR/INDreporting the thesis progress UAJY/02-08/2011 Approval process Ask for approval by giving the thesis progress report form Attending thesis presentati on Receive the completed form along with the approved thesis proposal Completed from along with the approved thesis propsal Approve the thesis proposal by giving the signature in the approval sheet Yes Pick up the complete form along with the approved thesis proposal Approve? No Go to termination procedure Record the thesis data Submit completed from along with the thesis progress report Print the thesis data Receive load for thesis advisor Announce the load for thesis advisor in the announcement board Load plan for thesis advisor Register KRS Wait for the confirmation from the Department by checking at the announcement board Get the MONITORING CARD OF THE FINAL PROJECT COACHING PROCESS Give approvalfor the student to conduct final defense Approval sheet Do supervisi r Conduct the meeting Load for thesis advisor File thesis advisor Lecturer of Research Methodology Class Give approval Go to final defense registration procedure Check the load for thesis advisor See the advisor Complete the monitong card Figure 2.2. Business Process for Conducting Undergraduate Thesis for Continuing Thesis Registrar CHAPTER 3 TERMS OF FINAL PROJECT The aims to be achieved through a final project are: a. Students can demonstrate the application of Industrial Engineering methodology, particularly in the design, improvement, development and / or installation of an integrated system b. Students can identify and formulate the problem in an integrated system, then find a solution of the formulated problem, and made the decision to implement the results to solve the problem c. c. Students can develop the science of Industrial Engineering d. Students can write and present the results of their work systematically 3.2. Final Provisions Final Project in Industrial Engineering Program UAJY have the following conditions: a. Final Project is a task to be done independently by the student in one or two counseling supervisor. b. Final task is a task that can demonstrate the application of the attitude, outlook, and methodologies Industrial Engineering. c. Final Project may take the form of a study to solve a problem (problemsolving research) or research in order to develop scientific (theoretical development) manifold testing-out research. Terms of problem-solving research and testing-out research will be described in a separate section in this chapter. CHAPTER 5 THESIS REPORT Thesis report should be divided into appropriate sections or chapters. The thesis should not be more than 150 pages including appendices. The arrangement of the list of thesis sections is provided below. a. Front Cover b. Identification page c. Declaration of Originality d. Acknowledgment (if any) e. Table of concent f. List of Table (if any) g. List of Figure (if any) h. List of Appendices (if any) i. Abstract Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Background Chapter 3 Research Methodology Chapter 4 – (x-1) (the title of this part may be replaced with a more appropriate title depending on the type of research conducted. Chapter x Conclusion References Appendices If the appendices make thesis report longer than 150 pages, then the appendices can be presented in soft file. CHAPTER 6 THESIS FORMAT 6.1. Paper All submitted final thesis must use white HVS, good quality (80 g/m2 ) paper of A4 size (210 x 297 mm). Print on one side only. Photographic illustration should be printed on good quality high resolution paper. Print on one side only. 6.2. Margins Left margin should be 4 cm (40 mm) wide for binding purposes. The other three sides that are top, bottom and right margin should be 3 cm (30 mm) wide. An example can be seen in Figure 6.1. 3 cm 4 3 cm cm 3 cm Figure 6.1. Margins 6.3. Font The same font type should be used throughout the thesis. Candidates should use the Arial with font size 11 in preparing their thesis where other fonts are not acceptable. 6.4. Space and Format The thesis should only be typed on one side of the page. The following guidelines should also be observed. The text should be one and half-spaced throughout, except one-spaced for abstract. 6.4.1. Paragraph A new paragraph should be aligned with left margin. One and half (1.5) line spacing with paragraph spacing-after 6pt should be used between paragraph. The spacing between the last line of a text with the title of the sub-section is one and half (1.5)-spaced with paragraph pacing-after 6pt. A new paragraph should not begin on the last line of a page. The spacing between the last line of a text and a table, or a figure or an illustration should be one and half (1.5) line spacing. 6.4.2. Table and Figure The size of the table and figure should be proportional in the sense that it is easy for the reader to read the table. The table and figure should be aligned with centered margin. Source of the tables and figures should be stated in full if it was borrowed from copyrighted permission. It should be written at the end of the caption. a. Table Horizontal and vertical border is only used to separate between header and content of the table. It is no need to use inside horizontal border. Header should be typed using bold letter, font Arial minimum 8 pt. The title of the table should be placed above the table if the page orientation is portrait. If the page orientation is landscape than the title of the table is place in the left side of the page. Please capitalize only the first word of each sentence except for conjunction and preposition. The table number must be written using Arabic style, begin with the chapter number (i.e., 1.1.,1.2., and so on). The spacing between the table title and the title is one and half (1.5)-spaced with paragraph spacing-after 6 pt. The spacing between last line of paragraph and the table title is one and half (1.5)-spaced with paragraph spacing-after 12pt. ( See Figure 6.3). If the table needs more than one page, then it can be split to two or more table. However, for each continued table please give the title: Cont’d. This should be aligned left margin. If the size of the table is so big that it cannot be put in one page, then the table can be placed in the appendices. 1,5 spasi + 12pt 1,5 spasi + 12pt Figure 6.3. Placing the Table b. Figure Beside picture, graph and flowchart can be considered as figure. Every figure must be titled. The title of the figure is placed below the figure and should be in the same page with the figure itself. It should be typed using bold letter, font Arial 11 pt. Please capitalize only the first word of each sentence except for conjunction and preposition without full stop (.). The figure number must be written using Arabic style, begin with the chapter number (i.e., 1.1.,1.2., and so on). The spacing between last line of paragraph and the title of the figure is one and half (1.5)-spaced with paragraph spacing-after 12pt. The spacing between the title of the figure and the first line of the next paragraph is one and half (1.5)spaced with paragraph spacing-after 12pt. (See Figure 6.3) 1,5 spasi + 12pt 1,5Placing spasi + 12pt Figure 6.3. the Figure If the page orientation is landscape than the title of the figure is placed in the right side of the page.If the size of the figure is so big that it cannot be put in one page, then the the figure can be placed in the appendices 6.4.3. Equation The equation should be aligned with centered margin. Use an equation editor to insert common mathematical equations or other formulas such as Equation Editor or Math Type. The equation should be written using the Arial with font size 11 (see the example below). The equation should be numbered. The number should be aligned with right margin and should be placed in parenthesis. The number contains of two digits separated by a full stop (.).The first digit represents the chapter where the equation appears, the second digit represents the order. f ( x) x 2 x sin 2 x 23 (3.1) It is noted that mathematical notation that is inserted within the sentences must be written using the Arial with font size 11 and italic. 6.4.4. Symbols For symbols that are not available on the computer keyboard, such as copyright symbol, trademark symbol, paragraph marks and Unicode characters, use appropriate function in the MS Office Word to generate them. 6.4.5. Chapter and Sub SectionsTitle A new chapter must start on a new page. Chapters and their sub-sections must be given titles. The title of each chapter should be typed using capital letters, centered, bold letters, and not be underlined. The chapter number must be written using Arabic style (i.e., 1,2,3 and so on). The chapter number is the first line of each page. The spacing between the chapter number and the chapter number is one and half (1.5)-spaced. The spacing between the title of chapter and the first line of the first paragraph is one and half (1.5) line spacing with paragraph spacing-after 18pt. The title of the sub-sections should be aligned left margin, bold letters and not be underlined. In addition, when the candidate writes the title of the sub-sections please capitalize only the first word. The title of the sub-sections begins with the number of the sub-sections. This number is written using two digits Arabic style separated by full stop (.). While the first digit represent the chapter number, the second digit represent the order. (i.e. 2.1,2.2,2.3 and so on). The spacing between the number of subsections and the title of subsections is one character spacing. The spacing between the last line of a text with the title of the subsection is one and half (1.5)-spaced with paragraph pacing-after 18pt.Spacing between the title of the subsections and the first line of the text is one and half (1.5) line spacing. 6.4.6. Pagination Pages should be numbered consecutively throughout the thesis, including pages of figures, tables and appendices. Preliminarypages (i.e. those preceding Chapter 1 must carry page numbers in small roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc.). The title page should not be numbered. Page numbers should be centered at the bottom of the page of the thesis and should be at least 1 cm (10 mm) from the margin of the page. Page numbers should appear by themselves and they are not 4 to be enclosed in parenthesis, hyphens, etc. Each appendix should be identified separately in alphabetical order. The pages of the appendices should also be typed according to the above pagination system. Page numbers should be retained at the centre and bottom of the page (at portrait layout) even though landscape table and figures are attached. 6.5 Language The thesis for International Undergraduate Industrial Engineering Program must be written in English. The usage of personal pronouns in the sentences must be avoided. In the Acknowledgement, personal pronouns is replaced by the word “ Author”. The number should be written in Arabic style, except in the beginning of the sentences, the number must be written using English. For example: Ten companies join this exhibition (correct) 10 companied join this exhibition (incorrect) Unit measurement should be expressed using their formal abbreviation (mm for millimeter, m for meter, l for liter, m2 for meter square and so on). In the beginning of the sentences unit measurement must be written using English. For example: The area of this warehouse is 40 m2 (correct) Forty meter square of this area has been occupied for storage (correct) 40 m2 of this area has been occupied for storage (incorrect) 6.6 Typing A thesis should be typed using word. (e) Notes and Footnotes In the case where notes and footnotes are used, the font sizes must be smaller than general text. However, footnotes are not encouraged for science, engineering and business, and should be kept to minimum. 6.7. Front Cover Front cover must contain the following: a. Title of a thesis: It should be as concise as possible giving an accurate description of the work. It must be written in uppercase (capital letters) b. The degree submitted for A THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering c. Logo of Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta d. Full name of candidate including his/her Student ID e. INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM must be written in uppercase (capital letters) f. DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING must be written in uppercase (capital letters) g. FACULTY OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY must be written in uppercase (capital letters) h. UNIVERSITAS ATMA JAYA YOGYAKARTA must be written in uppercase (capital letters) i. The year thesis is submitted for Do not number this page. The format of the front cover can be seen in Appendix A. 6.8. Title Page The content of this page is the same as it is written in Front Cover. Do not number this page. The front thesis cover shall be printed in accordance to the color of field of study and the degree being awarded together with the embedded UAJY logo. An Asturo type cover must be used and written with black ink for the lettering following the style shown in Appendix A. The thesis must be bound in soft cover. The colour of the cover is orange. The title of the thesis, student’s name, student’s ID, UAJY logo and year shall also be printed on the spine of the bound thesis as it is shown in Appendix B. All copies must be of good legible quality. Hard copies of the thesis submitted for examination or binding must be printed using a laser printer or similar quality machines. Candidates are required to carefully proof read and correct any typographical errors before submitting the thesis. 6.9. Identification Page This page as indicated by the signature of the Dean of Faculty of Industrial Technology Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Board of Examiners, Faculty and Co-Faculty, indicate the thesis report has been approved. The identification page must contain the following: a. A THESIS ON must be written in uppercase (capital letters) b. Title of a thesis must be written in uppercase and bold (capital letter) c. Full name of candidate including his/her student ID d. The date and year when the final defense is taken. e. The name of Faculty and Co-Faculty Supervisor f. The name of Board of Examiners including its position (either chair or member) g. Dean of Faculty of Industrial Technology h. Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta i. The name of the Dean on Faculty of Industrial Technology The format of identification page can be seen in Appendix B. 6.10 Declaration of Originality of Research This page should contain declaration by the student on originality of the thesis. The declaration should be signed. An example is provided in Appendix C. 6.11 Dedications (if any) The dedication must not contain any chart or photograph. See example in Appendix D. 6.12 Acknowledgement This page is used for the student to acknowledge those who have helped or contributed for obtaining the degree. It can be individuals, institution or government bodies. Number this page with a lower case Roman numeral. An example is provided in Appendix E. 6.13 Table of Content The title of sections, chapters, and their principal subdivisions along with the page number should be appeared in the Table of Content. Titles should be worded exactly as they appear in the text of the thesis. Chapter with many subsections should use a hierarchical numbering system for headings and sub-headings (i.e., 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, etc). Second level section headings may use either title capitalization or sentence capitalization (i.e., as in sentences only the first letter of the first word and names (proper nouns and adjectives) are capitalized; all other words in the title appear in lower case). Omit third level sub-section headings from the table of contents. Number the Table of Contents page with a lower case Roman numeral. See example in Appendix G. 6.14 List of Figures and Tables List of Figures and Tables include all tables and figures appeared in the thesis report. All figures and tables should be numbered consecutively throughout the text. The caption for figure is placed below the figure itself, in contrast the caption for table is placed above the table itself. See example in Appendix H and I. 6.15 List of Appendices Appendices should be numbered consecutively throughput the text. 6.16 Abstract The abstract should be 200 words maximum. If your abstract exceeds 200 words, shorten it. Number this page with lower case Roman numeral. CLUSTERING TECHNIQUE FOR SPARE PARTS CLASSIFICATION IN PT. PUPUK KALIMANTAN TIMUR A THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering ANTON MERL LUMBAN RAJA 09 14 05964 INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING FACULTY OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITAS ATMA JAYA YOGYAKARTA YOGYAKARTA 2014 IDENTIFICATION PAGE A THESIS ON CLUSTERING TECHNIQUE FOR SPARE PARTS CLASSIFICATION IN PT. PUPUK KALIMANTAN TIMUR submitted by Anton Merl Lumban Raja 09 14 05964 was examined and approved on April 14, 2014 Faculty Supervisor, Co-Faculty Supervisor, The Jin Ai, D.Eng. Ririn Diar Astanti, D.Eng. Board of Examiners, Chair, The Jin Ai, D.Eng. Member, Member, Baju Bawono, ST., MT. Deny Ratna Y, ST., MT. Yogyakarta, April 14, 2014 Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Dean, Dr. A. Teguh Siswantoro, M.Sc DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY OF RESEARCH I certify that the research entitled “Clustering Technique for Spare Part Classification in PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur” in this thesis has not already been submitted for any other degree. I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this thesis which I wrote does not contain the works of parts of the works of other people, except those cited in the quotations and bibliography, as a scientific paper should. In addition, I certify that I understand and abide the rule stated by the Ministry of Education and Culture The Republic of Indonesia, subject to the provisions of Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor 17 Tahun 2010 tentang Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Plagiat di Perguruan Tinggi. Signature : materai 6000 Student name Student ID Date : : : ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author expresses his sincere gratitude to his supervisor, The Jin Ai, D.Eng, for providing many precious advices, comments and suggestions during his study and the preparation of this thesis. His appreciation is given to Ririn Diar Astanti, D.Eng who serves as Coordinator of International Industrial Engineering Program and also his Co-Supervisor for patiently conducting and educating the author how to have a good sense in making a report and how to be a good student. Her perspective on many different aspects of life, not particularly on the academic and research life, was broaden the knowledge of the author. Many thanks are dedicated to all staff of PT. PUPUK KALIMANTAN TIMUR for supporting the author during the data collection. The author also gives his thanks to all faculty members of Department of Industrial Engineering UAJY for helping him in various ways. The same appreciation is extended to his UAJY friends. Finally, his gratitude is addressed to his beloved father and mother Mr and Mrs. Anton Lumban Raja and his sisters Miss Xeptiyanlin Nopoor Novita Sema and Venezia Preesin for their continuous support and prayers. TABLE OF CONTENT BAB 1 JUDUL HAL Halaman Judul i Halaman Pengesahan ii Daftar Isi iii Pendahuluan 1 1.1. Latar Belakang 2 1 1.2. Perumusan Masalah 3 1.3. Tujuan Penelitian 3 1.4. Batasan Masalah 3 Tinjauan Pustaka dan Dasar Teori 6 2.1. Team Orienteering Problem 6 2.2. Particle Swarm Optimization 8 3 Metodologi 11 3.1. Tahapan Penelitian 11 3.2. Penelitian Pendahuluan 12 3.3. Pengumpulan Data 13 3.4. Eksperimen Komputasional 14 3.5. Jadwal Penelitian 14 Daftar Pustaka 15 THESIS CLUSTERING TECHNIQUE FOR SPARE PARTS CLASSIFICATION IN PT. PUPUK KALIMANTAN TIMUR ANTON MERL LUMBAN RAJA 09 14 05964 2014