Objectives • Students will demonstrate understanding of and be able to use major reference lines on a map such as: Lattitude, Longitude, Prime Meridian, Equator. • Students will demonstrate understanding of and be able to use Time Zones. • Students will demonstrate understanding of and be able to use the Scale on a map. • Students will be able to identify the symbols on, and use Topographic maps. Latitude and Longitude Objectives • Compare and contrast latitude and longitude. • Describe how time zones vary. Vocabulary – cartography – topographic map – equator – contour line – latitude – contour interval – longitude – map legend – prime meridian – map scale – International Date Line Latitude and Longitude Latitude and Longitude • Cartography is the science of mapmaking. Typical Graph • This is an example of a typical graph we are all familiar with. • The graph is made up of different “points” with lines that connect the points. Typical Graph • Each point has two values: Y axis • The “X” value that runs along the horizontal “X” axis • The “Y” value that runs along the vertical “Y” axis X axis Typical Graph Y (0,0) (3,8) • X value is always stated first (9,5) • Followed by the Y value • The “origin” is the point where the 2 axes Xintersect with a value of (0,0) • A point can also have negative (-) values Typical Graph Y (-X,+Y) • Negative X values are to the left of the origin (0,0) (+X,+Y) (0,0) X (-X,-Y) (+X,-Y) • Negative Y values are below the origin East West, North South on The Earth • Let the X axis be the Equator. Y • Let the Y axis be the Prime Meridian that runs through X Greenwich outside of London. • Lat/Long are the 2 grid points by which you can locate any point on Earth. East West, North South on the Earth N W S • Let each of the four E quarters then be designated by North or South and East or West. East West, North South on the Earth (N, W) (S, W) (N, E) (S, E) • The N tells us we’re north of the Equator. The S tells us we’re south of the Equator. • The E tells us that we’re east of the Prime Meridian. The W tells us that we’re west of the Prime Meridian. East West, North South on the Earth (N, W) Prime Meridian • That means all points in North America will have a North latitude and a West longitude because it is North of the Equator and West of the Prime Meridian. East West, North South on the Earth • What would be the latitude and longitude directions in Australia? Prime Meridian If you said South and East , you’re right! What is Latitude? 90°N Y • Latitude is the distance from the equator along the Y axis. • All points along the equator have a value of X 0 degrees latitude. • North pole = 90°N • South pole = 90°S 90°S • Values are expressed in terms of degrees. What is Latitude? 90°N Y X 90°S • Each degree of latitude is divided into 60 minutes. • Each minute is divided into 60 seconds. This is also true of longitude. What is Latitude? • For Example: 90°N • 37°, 02’,51’’N Y X 90°S • This is close to the latitude where you live. What is Longitude? Y • Longitude is the distance from the prime meridian along the X axis. • All points along the prime meridian have a value of 0 degrees X longitude. 180°W 180°E • The earth is divided into two parts, or hemispheres, of east and west longitude. What is Longitude? Y X 180°W 180°E • The earth is divided into 360 equal slices (meridians) • 180 west and 180 east of the prime meridian Latitude and Longitude Longitude – Lines of longitude are not parallel like latitude lines – semicircles extending from pole to pole. – Distances covered by degrees of longitude vary with location. – One degree of longitude equals – 111 km at equator – 0km at the poles. What is Latitude? 90°N • Our latitude and longitude might be: Y X • 37°, 03’,13’’N • 76°, 29’, 45’’W 90°S So Where is (0,0)? • The origin point (0,0) is where the equator intersects the prime meridian. • (0,0) is off the western coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean. See If You Can Tell In Which Quarter These Lon/Lats Are Located A B C D • • • • • • 1. 41°N, 21°E 2. 37°N, 76°W 3. 72°S, 141°W 4. 7°S, 23°W 5. 15°N, 29°E 6. 34°S, 151°E • • • • • • 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. D Positioning on the Earth’s Surface East is the direction of rotation of the Earth North Pole Prime Meridian Latitude: (90oN to 90oS) Longitude: (180oE to 180oW) 0o Longitude Tropic of Cancer 21st June 22nd Sept 20th March Equator 22nd December Tropic of Capricorn Longitude 90o West Longitude 60o West Longitude 30o West Latitude 23½o North oE 90 60o90 30 30 60 90 Wo o 66½23½ o 900 23½o Latitude 0o Latitude 23½o South Longitude 90oEast Longitude 60o East Longitude 30o East South Pole Latitude and Longitude together enable the fixing of position on the Earth’s surface. Now you’re ready to find some locations on a map! Latitude and Longitude Time Zones • Earth is divided into 24 times zones • The International Date Line, or 180° meridian, serves as the transition line for calendar days Latitude and Longitude Time Zones • Each time zone is 15° wide, corresponding roughly to lines of longitude. • Time zone boundaries have been adjusted in local areas for convenience. Latitude and Longitude Time Zones • 6 zones in the United States. Latitude and Longitude Section Assessment 1. Match the following terms with their definitions. ___ D latitude ___ B longitude ___ A prime meridian ___ C equator A. the reference point for longitude B. the distance in degrees east or west of 0° C. the reference point for latitude D. the distance in degrees north or south of 0° Latitude and Longitude Section Assessment 2. If it is 10 A.M. in Madagascar, what time is it in Washington, D.C.? It is 2 A.M. in Washington, D.C. Latitude and Longitude Section Assessment 3. Identify whether the following statements are true or false. _______ false A degree of longitude always represents the same distance. _______ true If you travel west across the International Date Line, you advance your calendar one day. _______ false Lines of latitude are not perfectly parallel to each other. _______ true When referencing a specific place on Earth by its coordinates, latitude always comes first. Types of Maps Topographic Maps • detailed maps showing changes in the elevation of terrain. – Elevation – distance above or below sea level. – Elevation on a topo map is shown with contour lines. – A contour line connects points of equal elevation. Types of Maps Topographic Maps Contour Intervals – The difference in elevation between two side-by-side contour lines. – The contour interval is dependent on terrain. – The steeper the slope the closer the contour lines Types of Maps Topographic Maps Index Contours – Index contours are bold contour lines marked by numbers representing their elevations. Types of Maps Topographic Maps Depression Contour Lines – Depression contour lines are used to represent features that are lower than the surrounding area. – On a map, depression contour lines have hachures, or short lines at right angles to the contour line that point toward the lower elevation, to indicate depressions. Types of Maps Map Legends • Topographic maps and most other maps include both humanmade and natural features that are located on Earth’s surface. • These features are represented by different symbols. • A map legend explains what the symbols represent. Types of Maps Map Scales • the ratio between distances on a map and actual distances on the surface of Earth. 3 Types of Map Scales – A verbal scale expresses distance as a statement, such as “One centimeter is equal to one kilometer.” – A graphic scale consists of a line that represents a certain distance, such as 5 km or 5 miles. – A fractional scale expresses distance as a ratio, such as 1:63,500. Types of Maps Section Assessment 1. Match the following terms with their definitions. ___ C projection ___ A contour interval ___ D map legend ___ B map scale A. the difference in elevation between two side-by-side contour lines B. a diagram that explains what the symbols on a map represent C. a map made by transferring points and lines on a globe’s surface onto a sheet of paper D. the ratio between distances on a map and actual distances on the surface of Earth Types of Maps Section Assessment 2. Which type of map would be best suited for the following applications? C An aviator is trying to identify the ___ shortest route between New York and London. B A cartographer for the state ___ department of transportation has been tasked with making a new state road map. D A group of friends is planning on ___ hiking in the back country of Idaho. A A sailor is sailing up the coast from ___ South America to North America. A. Mercator projection B. conic projection C. gnomonic projection D. topographic Types of Maps Section Assessment 3. What does it mean if a map says “Scale 1:100 000”? This fractional scale means that one unit on the map represents 100 000 units on Earth’s surface. For example, one inch on the map would equal 100 000 inches on Earth’s surface. Chapter Resources Menu Study Guide Section 2.1 Section 2.2 Section 2.3 Chapter Assessment Image Bank Section 2.1 Study Guide Section 2.1 Main Ideas • Cartographers use a grid system to locate exact positions on Earth. Lines of latitude refer to distances north and south of the equator. Lines of longitude refer to distances east and west of the prime meridian. • Earth is divided into 24 time zones. Each zone represents a different hour. The International Date Line, or 180° meridian, is the transition line for calendar days. The calendar advances to the next day in each time zone at midnight. Section 2.2 Study Guide Section 2.2 Main Ideas • Maps are flat models of Earth’s surface. All maps contain some sort of distortion in the shapes or areas of landmasses. • Maps are made by transferring points and lines on a globe onto paper. Mercator projections and gnomonic projections are commonly used for navigation by ships and planes. Conic projections are best suited for mapping small areas. • Topographic maps show changes in elevation of Earth’s surface. Contour lines connect points of equal elevation. A map legend explains the symbols on a map. A map scale shows the relationship between distances on a map and actual distances on Earth. Section 2.3 Study Guide Section 2.3 Main Ideas • The process of gathering data about Earth from far above the planet is called remote sensing. The electromagnetic spectrum shows the arrangement of electromagnetic radiation, which is often used by remote-sensing devices to map Earth. • Landsat satellites use visible light and infrared radiation to map Earth’s surface. The Topex/Poseidon satellite uses radar to map features on the ocean floor. • The Global Positioning System is a satellite-based navigation system that allows a user to pinpoint his or her exact location on Earth. Chapter Assessment Multiple Choice 1. Which of the following is NOT true about lines of latitude. a. They are parallel to each other. b. They connect the north and south poles. c. They are either referenced as north or south. d. Latitude is measured from 0º to 90º. Lines of latitude are parallel to the equator. The equator is 0º and each pole is 90º. Lines of longitude connect the north and south pole. Chapter Assessment Multiple Choice 2. What is the reference point for lines of longitude? a. the equator b. the International Date Line c. the prime meridian d. Earth’s center The prime meridian, which runs through Greenwich, England, is 0º longitude. The equator is the reference for latitude. The International Date Line, which is 180º E or W, is opposite the prime meridian. Earth’s center is used to find the line of latitude but it is not a reference point. Chapter Assessment Multiple Choice 3. What represents equal elevation on a topographical map? a. great circles c. hachures b. a map scale d. contour lines Great circles represent the shortest distance between two points on a sphere. A map scale is the ratio between distances on a map and actual distances on the surface of Earth. Hachures are short lines at right angles to the contour line, to indicate depressions. Chapter Assessment Multiple Choice 4. What is the distance between one degree of longitude? a. 111 km b. 48 km c. 2 km d. all of the above Remember the lines of longitude are not parallel. The distance between lines of longitude ranges from 111 km to essentially the distance covered by a point at the poles. Chapter Assessment Multiple Choice 5. The Topex/Poseidon satellite uses _____ to map features on the ocean floor. a. radar c. gamma rays b. sonar d. GPS Sea Beam uses sonar, which is the use of sound waves to detect and measure objects underwater. Gamma rays are at the high end of the electromagnetic spectrum, beyond the frequency that radar uses. GPS is the global positioning system which is a navigation system. Chapter Assessment Short Answer 6. What characteristic do all electromagnetic waves share? All electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of 300 000 km/s in a vacuum, a value commonly referred to as the speed of light. Chapter Assessment Short Answer 7. If it is 6:00 P.M. on July 4 in Los Angeles, California, what day and time is it in Tokyo, Japan? It would be 10:00 A.M. on July 5. Chapter Assessment True or False 8. Identify whether the following statements are true or false. ______ false Contour lines can cross each other. ______ true There are 3600 seconds in a degree. ______ true By connecting points on a gnomonic projection, navigators can plot great-circle routes. ______ false The United States has six time zones. ______ true If you travel east across the International Date Line, you would move your calendar back one day. Image Bank Chapter 2 Images Image Bank Chapter 2 Images Image Bank Chapter 2 Images Image Bank Chapter 2 Images