Bridge to the Future

Bridge to the Future
The Changing Secondary Mathematics Curriculum
Cheryl Reger, NBCT
Neil Reger, NBCT
WV’s Next Generation Mathematics
Content Standards and Objectives
Why do we need yet another set?
Sets of state and national math standards have
come and gone in the past twenty years.
These standards are truly the next generation
of standards – the standards are derived from
the Mathematics CCSS.
WV’s next generation set of standards are
written to ensure depth of understanding of
the required topics in mathematics.
• Provide greater focus and coherence.
• Are based on what is known today about
how students’ mathematical knowledge, skill,
and understanding develop over time.
• Focus on the development of mathematical
understanding and procedural skills using rich
mathematical modeling.
Mathematical Practices
• Make sense of problems and
persevere in solving them.
• Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
• Construct viable arguments and
critique the reasoning of others.
• Model with mathematics.
• Use appropriate tools strategically.
• Attend to precision.
• Look for and make use of structure.
• Look for and express regularity in
repeated reasoning.
High School and the Common Core
NxG CSOs are organized by conceptual categories,
not by courses. Our work has been to group the
standards into courses and the courses into
Number and Quantity
Probability and
West Virginia will
be using this
What’s Different in High School?
Current High School Pathways
Algebra I*
Algebra II
Transition Math for Seniors
Algebra III
Probability and Statistics
AP Calculus
AP Statistics
Other college level math courses
NxG CSOsPathways in
West Virginia
Math I*
Math II
Math III (LA)
Options for the required fourth math
Math IV
Transition Math for Seniors
Advanced Mathematical Modeling
STEM Readiness Mathematics
Technical Readiness Mathematics
AP Calculus
AP Computer Science
AP Statistics
Other college level math courses
WV Next Generation Pathway
Common Core Standards are addressed in the
three year sequence.
•Math I, II, III systematically build proficiency in
algebra, geometry, and probability & statistics.
•Trigonometry concepts are addressed in Math II &
Math III.
•Formal Modeling Unit appears in Math III*.
•(+) Advanced standards are addressed in Math III
Career and College Readiness
A powerful organizing principle of the Next
Generation West Virginia State Standards is that of
progressions, where an idea is reinforced over
grade levels to build depth of understanding. The
detailed prescriptions in WVNGMS define the
learning progressions and complexity of
mathematical content required for career and
college readiness in the 21st century.
*Fourth and Additional Course Options:
Math I Support (must be taken during 9th grade year)
Math IV
AP Calculus
Advanced Mathematical Modeling
AP Statistics
STEM Readiness Mathematics
Transition Math for Seniors
AP Computer Science
Other College Level Mathematics Courses
Technical Readiness Mathematics I & II
High School Math IV
The fundamental purpose of Mathematics IV is to generalize and
abstract learning accumulated through previous courses and to
provide the final springboard to calculus. Students take an
extensive look at the relationships among complex numbers,
vectors, and matrices. They build on their understanding of
functions, analyze rational functions using an intuitive approach to
limits and synthesize functions by considering compositions and
inverses. Students expand their work with trigonometric functions
and their inverses and complete the study of the conic sections
begun in Mathematics II. They enhance their understanding of
probability by considering probability distributions. Previous
experiences with series are augmented. High School Math IV is
appropriate for those students that complete Math III STEM.
High School STEM Readiness Mathematics
This course is designed for students who have completed the Math
III (LA) course and subsequently decided they are interested in
pursuing a STEM career. It includes standards that would have
been covered in Math III (STEM) but not in Math III (LA) (i.e.
standards in the CCSS document that are marked with a “+” ),
selected topics from the suggested CCSS Math IV course, and
topics drawing from standards covered in Math I and Math II as
needed for coherence.
Advanced Mathematical Modeling
Students continue to build upon their algebra and geometry foundations and
expand their understanding through further mathematical experiences. The
primary focal points of Advanced Mathematical Modeling include the analysis of
information using statistical methods and probability, modeling change and
mathematical relationships, mathematical decision making in finance, and spatial
and geometric modeling for decision-making. Students learn to become critical
consumers of the quantitative data that surround them every day, knowledgeable
decision makers who use logical reasoning and mathematical thinkers who can
use their quantitative skills to solve problems related to a wide range of situations.
As they solve problems in various applied situations, they develop critical skills for
success in college and careers, including investigation, research, collaboration
and both written and oral communication of their work. As students work with
these topics, they continually rely on mathematical processes, including problemsolving techniques, appropriate mathematical language and communication skills,
connections within and outside mathematics and reasoning. Students also use
multiple representations, technology, applications and modeling and numerical
fluency in problem-solving contexts.
Transition Mathematics for Seniors*
Transition Math for Seniors prepares students for their entry-level creditbearing liberal studies mathematics course at the post-secondary level.
This course will solidify their quantitative literacy by enhancing numeracy
and problem solving skills as they investigate and use the fundamental
concepts of algebra, geometry, and introductory trigonometry. * See
current policy for placement criteria.
Example Pathway I
Students who have completed Technical Readiness II have completed
their four courses in mathematics. These students are in the skilled
pathway and are interested in entering a technical field upon high school
graduation. Should students decide to take courses beyond the CC
College and Career Readiness requirements, then Transition Math for
Seniors, Advanced Mathematical Modeling and AP Computer Science are
appropriate choices.
Example Pathway II
Students in this pathway, who complete Technical Readiness I and wish
to enter college, must take Math III LA or Math III STEM.
Example Pathway III
Students who wish to enter a non-STEM program of study in college, who
have completed their CC College and Career Readiness requirement with
Math III LA may then take Transition Math for Seniors, Advanced
Mathematical Modeling or College Level Mathematics Courses for their
fourth mathematics course.
Example Pathway IV
Students who decide, after the completion of Math III LA , to change
directions and pursue a STEM program at the college level should take
STEM Readiness Mathematics or College Level Mathematics courses
that would help to prepare them for a STEM program of study.
Example Pathway V
Students who wish to enter a STEM program of study in college, who
have completed their CC College and Career Readiness requirement with
Math III STEM would benefit from taking Math IV, AP Calculus, AP
Statistics, Calculus or College Level Mathematics Courses. Students who
enroll in Calculus or AP Calculus are advised to complete Math IV or
College Level Mathematics courses that provide pre-calculus preparation.
8th grade
HS Math I Readiness
Options for providing evidence of 8th Grade Mathematics I readiness are:
--Qualifying Exam and/or portfolio for students to demonstrate
• Mastery of Math 7 NxG WVCSOs
• Mastery of Math 8 NxG WVCSOs not addressed in 8th Grade Mathematics I
Options for mastering these standards may include:
• Before or after school 8th Grade Mathematics I prep time
• Summer school opportunities for 8th Grade Mathematics I
• Use of suggested Internet resources
The Key to Drive Successful
Guide students into the most realistic
pathway that includes the courses
needed for career and college