5th Grade Science

Unpacking the EOC
8th Grade Released Items
Eligible Texas Essential Knowledge
and Skills
Texas Education Agency Student Assessment Division Fall 2010
“Think Around” the question and capture all thoughts
by jotting down what is being said.
In order for a 8th grade student to be able to master
this question what does the student need to know?
In order for a 8th grade student to be able to master this question what does the student need to know?
Let’s look at Vertical Alignment
2011 8th Grade STARR Mathematics Released Item~Question 12
:Readiness 8.11.A (7.10.B, 6.9.B)
(11) Probability and statistics. The student applies concepts of theoretical and experimental
probability to make predictions. The student is expected to:
(A) find the probabilities of
dependent and independent
(10) Probability and statistics. The student
recognizes that a physical or mathematical
model (including geometric) can be used to
describe the experimental and theoretical
probability of real-life events. The student
is expected to:
(A) construct sample spaces for simple or
composite experiments;
(9) Probability and statistics. The student
uses experimental and theoretical
probability to make predictions. The
student is expected to:
(B) find the probabilities of a simple event
and its complement and describe the
relationship between the two.
CSCOPE Performance Indicators
Please note that Fig. 19 D is assessed through performance
indicators in every unit. Only a few were selected for this activity
8th Grade CSOPE Performance Indicators
7th Grade CSOPE Performance Indicators
Unit 8 third Nine Weeks
Unit 7 Third Nine Weeks
Create a presentation (e.g., brochure, poster, etc.) with the experimental and theoretical
probabilities of dependent and independent events within a given real-life situation (e.g.,
baseball, snakes, sandwiches, etc.). Make conjectures from the probabilities of the reallife situation, and validate conclusions using mathematical properties and relationships.
Design and simulate an in-class experiment with math manipulatives to compare the
theoretical and experimental probabilities of a dependent real-life situation. (8.2B;
8.11A, 8.11B, 8.11C; 8.14A, 8.14C, 8.14D; 8.15A; 8.16A, 8.16B)
Create a written description (e.g., letter, email, etc.) that describes all possible outcomes offered of a given
real-life situation that involves simple or composite events. Find the probability, as a percent or decimal, of
an independent event within the problem situation. Validate conjectures by constructing the sample space of
the given real-life problem situation and identify the problem-solving strategy used. (7.1B; 7.10A, 7.10B;
7.13A, 7.13C, 7.13D; 7.14A; 7.15A, 7.15B)
5F, 5G
Sample Performance Indicator: A local copy store offers several choices for customers to select from for
their copy needs
Sample Performance Indicator: There are over 3,000 species of snakes in the world, and
only 15% are considered dangerous to humans. Texas has 15 of the 25 species of
poisonous snakes identified in North America. With each bite, one-half are “dry”, which
means that the snake does not inject venom into the victim.
A supply order was delivered, however pink and blue cardstock were left off the shipment. Write an email to
the supply company identifying the percent of the orders placed that could involve pink or blue cardstock,
and how this error could affect the business of the copy store. Validate the solution by constructing the
sample space of the choices offered by Aesop’s Copy Shop and identify the problem-solving strategy used.
Create an informational brochure to inform tourists about the venomous snakes that
inhabit Texas. Include the probability of not receiving a “dry” bite from each type and
category of snake, and predict which habitat is most likely to yield the least and most
snake bites. Validate the predictions with mathematical properties and relationships. The
rattlesnake is one of the most notorious snakes in the Lone Star State; identify the
probability of being bit by a snake in a wooded area and it being a rattlesnake. Design
and simulate an in-class experiment with math manipulatives to determine the
experimental probability of being bit by a venomous snake in a wooded area and it being
a rattlesnake. In writing, compare the experimental and theoretical probabilities of being
bitten by a snake in a wooded area and it being a rattlesnake.
Examining STAAR 8th Grade
Implications for Teaching
Number of Non-linguistic
Number of 6th Grade
Aligned SEs
Number of 7th Grade
Aligned SEs
DOK Levels
Taught in
1 nine weeks
Unit 1
Readiness 8.1. A (6.1A, 7.1A)
(1) Number, operation, and
quantitative reasoning. The
student understands that
different forms of numbers are
appropriate for different
situations. The student is
expected to:
(A) compare and order rational
numbers in various forms
including integers, percents, and
positive and negative fractions
and decimals;
Number of steps it takes to solve the
problem. 2 to 4 steps
What part of the SE is being tested?
Comparing rational numbers in
terms of fractions.
Students need to convert
the mixed number into
an improper fraction,
convert to a decimal and
then compare the values
to determine the order.
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Level 2 retrieve information from a figure
and use it to solve a problem requiring
multiple steps.
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied
Positive rational numbers (i)
Percent (s)
Fraction (s)
What do the students need
to know in order to answer
the question correctly?
How is it being tested?
Comparing mixed number
percentages to determine greatest
to least.
Taught in
1 , 2nd , 3rd and 4th
nine weeks
Units 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Readiness 8.2B (6.2B, 7.2B)
(2) Number, operation, and
quantitative reasoning. The
student selects and uses
appropriate operations to
solve problems and justify
solutions. The student is
expected to:
(B) use appropriate
operations to solve problems
involving rational numbers
in problem situations;
Processing 8.14.A (7.12.A,
(14) Underlying processes
and mathematical tools. The
student applies Grade 8
mathematics to solve
problems connected to
everyday experiences,
investigations in other
disciplines, and activities in
and outside of school. The
student is expected to:
(A) identify and apply
mathematics to everyday
experiences, to activities in
and outside of school, with
other disciplines, and with
other mathematical topics;
Number of steps it takes to solve the
What part of the SE is
being tested?
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is
How is it being tested?
What do the students
need to know in
order to answer the
question correctly?
Taught in
1 , 2nd , 3rd and 4th
nine weeks
Units 3, 4, 7, 11
Supporting 8.2BD(6.2C,
(2) Number, operation, and
quantitative reasoning. The
student selects and uses
appropriate operations to solve
problems and justify solutions.
The student is expected to:
(D) use multiplication by a
given constant factor
(including unit rate) to
represent and solve problems
involving proportional
relationships including
conversions between
measurement systems.
Processing 8.15.A
(7.14.A, 6.12.A)
(15) Underlying
processes and
mathematical tools. The
student communicates
about Grade 8
mathematics through
informal and
mathematical language,
representations, and
models. The student is
expected to:
(A) communicate
mathematical ideas using
language, efficient tools,
appropriate units, and
graphical, numerical,
physical, or algebraic
mathematical models
Number of steps it takes to solve
the problem.
What part of the SE is being
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is
How is it being tested?
What do the
students need to
know in order to
answer the
Taught in
1 , 2nd , and 4th
nine weeks
Units 3, 5, 11
Supporting 8.3A
(3) Patterns, relationships,
and algebraic thinking. The
student identifies
proportional or nonproportional linear
relationships in problem
situations and solves
problems. The student is
expected to:
(A) compare and contrast
proportional and nonproportional linear
Processing 8.14A (7.13A, 6.11A)
(14) Underlying processes and
mathematical tools. The student
applies Grade 8 mathematics to solve
problems connected to everyday
experiences, investigations in other
disciplines, and activities in and
outside of school. The student is
expected to:
(A) identify and apply mathematics
to everyday experiences, to activities
in and outside of school, with other
disciplines, and with other
mathematical topics;
Number of steps it takes to
solve the problem.
What part of the SE is
being tested?
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) it is stated and (I) if
it is implied
How is it being tested?
What do the
students need to
know in order to
answer the
Taught in
1 , 2nd and 4th
nine weeks
Units 3, 4, 10
Readiness 8.3B (6.3C,
(3) Patterns, relationships,
and algebraic thinking. The
student identifies
proportional or nonproportional linear
relationships in problem
situations and solves
problems. The student is
expected to:
(B) estimate and find
solutions to application
problems involving
percents and other
proportional relationships
such as similarity and rates.
Processing 8.14A (7.13A,
(14) Underlying processes
and mathematical tools. The
student applies Grade 8
mathematics to solve
problems connected to
everyday experiences,
investigations in other
disciplines, and activities in
and outside of school. The
student is expected to:
(A) identify and apply
mathematics to everyday
experiences, to activities in
and outside of school, with
other disciplines, and with
other mathematical topics;
Number of steps it takes to solve
the problem.
What part of the SE is being
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it
is implied
How is it being tested?
What do the
students need to
know in order to
answer the question
Taught in
2 , 3rd and 4th
nine weeks
Units 5, 9, 10, 11
Readiness 8.4A (7.4.B)
(4) Patterns, relationships,
and algebraic thinking. The
student makes connections
among various
representations of a
numerical relationship. The
student is expected to
generate a different
representation of data given
another representation of
data (such as a table, graph,
equation, or verbal
Number of steps it takes to solve the problem.
What part of the SE is being tested?
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied
How is it being tested?
What do the students need
to know in order to answer
the question correctly?
Taught in
2nd and 4th
nine weeks
Unit 4, 10
Readiness 8.6A
(6) Geometry and
spatial reasoning.
The student uses
geometry to develop
spatial sense. The
student is expected
(A) generate similar
figures using
dilations including
enlargements and
Processing 8.14C (7.13C, 6.11C)
(14) Underlying processes and
mathematical tools. The student applies
Grade 8 mathematics to solve problems
connected to everyday experiences,
investigations in other disciplines, and
activities in and outside of school. The
student is expected to:
(C) select or develop an appropriate
problem-solving strategy from a variety of
different types, including drawing a picture,
looking for a pattern, systematic guessing
and checking, acting it out, making a table,
working a simpler problem, or working
backwards to solve a problem;
Number of steps it takes to solve
the problem.
What part of the SE is
being tested?
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is
How is it being tested?
What do the
students need to
know in order to
answer the question
Taught in
1 , 2nd and 3rd
nine weeks
Units 3, 4, 6, 7
Readiness 8.7B
(7) Geometry and
spatial reasoning. The
student uses geometry
to model and describe
the physical world.
The student is
expected to:
(B) use geometric
concepts and
properties to solve
problems in fields
such as art and
Processing 8.14B (6.11B, 7.13B)
(14) Underlying processes and
mathematical tools. The student
applies Grade 8 mathematics to solve
problems connected to everyday
experiences, investigations in other
disciplines, and activities in and
outside of school. The student is
expected to:
(B) use a problem-solving model that
incorporates understanding the
problem, making a plan, carrying out
the plan, and evaluating the solution
for reasonableness;
Number of steps it takes to solve
the problem.
What part of the SE is being
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is
How is it being tested?
What do the
students need to
know in order to
answer the
Taught in
3rd and 4th
nine weeks
Units 7, 10
Readiness 8.8C (6.8B,
7.9C) (8) Measurement.
The student uses
procedures to determine
measures of threedimensional figures. The
student is expected to:
(C) estimate
measurements and use
formulas to solve
application problems
involving lateral and
total surface area and
Processing 8.14B (6.11B, 7.13B)
(14) Underlying processes and
mathematical tools. The student
applies Grade 8 mathematics to
solve problems connected to
everyday experiences,
investigations in other disciplines,
and activities in and outside of
school. The student is expected to:
(B) use a problem-solving model
that incorporates understanding the
problem, making a plan, carrying
out the plan, and evaluating the
solution for reasonableness;
Number of steps it takes to solve
the problem.
What part of the SE is being
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is
How is it being tested?
What do the students
need to know in
order to answer the
question correctly?
Taught in
2nd and 4th
nine weeks
Units 6, 10
Readiness 8.9.A
(9) Measurement.
The student uses
measurement to
solve problems. The
student is expected
(A) use the
Theorem to solve
real-life problems;
Processing 8.14B (6.11B, 7.13B)
(14) Underlying processes and
mathematical tools. The student
applies Grade 8 mathematics to solve
problems connected to everyday
experiences, investigations in other
disciplines, and activities in and
outside of school. The student is
expected to:
(B) use a problem-solving model that
incorporates understanding the
problem, making a plan, carrying out
the plan, and evaluating the solution
for reasonableness;
Number of steps it takes to solve
the problem.
What part of the SE is being
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is
How is it being tested?
What do the students
need to know in
order to answer the
question correctly?
Taught in
3rd and 4th
nine weeks
Unit 7, 10
Supporting 8.10.A
(10) Measurement. The
student describes how
changes in dimensions
affect linear, area, and
volume measures. The
student is expected to:
(A) describe the
resulting effects on
perimeter and area when
dimensions of a shape
are changed
Processing 8.15.A (6.12A, 7.14A)
(15) Underlying processes and
mathematical tools. The student
communicates about Grade 8
mathematics through informal and
mathematical language, representations,
and models. The student is expected to:
(A) communicate mathematical ideas
using language, efficient tools,
appropriate units, and graphical,
numerical, physical, or algebraic
mathematical models;
Number of steps it takes to
solve the problem.
What part of the SE is being
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) it is stated and (I) if
it is implied
How is it being tested?
What do the
students need to
know in order to
answer the question
Taught in
3rd and 4th
nine weeks
Units 8, 10
Readiness 8.11.A (7.10.B,
(11) Probability and statistics.
The student applies concepts of
theoretical and experimental
probability to make predictions.
The student is expected to:
(A) find the probabilities of
dependent and independent
Number of steps it takes to solve the problem.
What part of the SE is being tested?
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is implied
How is it being tested?
What do the students need to
know in order to answer the
question correctly?
Taught in
3rd and 4th
nine weeks
Units 9, 11
Supporting 8.12C (6.10A, 7.11A)
(12) Probability and statistics.
The student uses statistical
procedures to describe data. The
student is expected to:
(C) select and use an appropriate
representation for presenting and
displaying relationships among
collected data, including line plots,
line graphs, stem and leaf plots,
circle graphs, bar graphs, box and
whisker plots, histograms, and
Venn diagrams, with and without
the use of technology.
Processing 8.15.A (6.12A, 7.14A)
(15) Underlying processes and
mathematical tools. The student
communicates about Grade 8
mathematics through informal and
mathematical language,
representations, and models. The
student is expected to:
(A) communicate mathematical
ideas using language, efficient
tools, appropriate units, and
graphical, numerical, physical, or
algebraic mathematical models;
Number of steps it takes to
solve the problem.
What part of the SE is
being tested?
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) it is stated and (I) if
it is implied
How is it being tested?
What do the
students need to
know in order to
answer the question
Taught in
3rd and 4th
nine weeks
Unit 9, 10
Readiness 8.13B
(13) Probability and
statistics. The student
evaluates predictions and
conclusions based on
statistical data. The student is
expected to:
(B) recognize misuses of
graphical or numerical
information and evaluate
predictions and conclusions
based on data analysis.
Processing 8.15.A (6.12A, 7.14A)
(15) Underlying processes and
mathematical tools. The student
communicates about Grade 8
mathematics through informal and
mathematical language,
representations, and models. The
student is expected to:
(A) communicate mathematical
ideas using language, efficient
tools, appropriate units, and
graphical, numerical, physical, or
algebraic mathematical models;
Number of steps it takes to solve
the problem.
What part of the SE is being
DOK: Level (Evidence)
Academic Vocabulary
Write (S) it is stated and (I) if it is
How is it being tested?
What do the
students need to
know in order to
answer the question