
Serlio Software
(This presentation best viewed in slideshow mode)
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Why Case Complete?
• The most common reason for I.T.
projects to be delivered late, over
budget, or not at all is poorly-defined
• Case Complete allows a business
analyst to specify a more complete
and accurate set of requirements in
less time and in a way that is easily
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Competitive Advantages
• Superior user interface
• Requirements and Use Cases together
• Single source project documentation
– High quality output: Word, HTML, UML
• Lightweight, yet scalable
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Superior User Interface
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
No “blank slate”
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Dynamic Help
As you move
…help text
You don’t need
to be an expert
in Use Case
modeling to use
Case Complete.
Hyperlinks give
you more details
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Advanced Auto-numbering
Inserting a step here…
…renumbers steps
below the insert
In addition, Case
Complete renumbers
extensions and
continuation steps.
The ease of adding, removing and reordering steps surpasses most
word processors.
Case Complete’s ability to keep extension numbers in sync goes
beyond the capabilities
of any word processor.
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Easily break steps out of one use case to create another
Selected steps
and associated
(shown in bold
numbers) are
moved out…
…and automatically
replaced with a
reference to the
new use case
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Intuitive Data Entry
• Familiar UI, similar to word processors
– Simple bullets (no complex database grids)
– As-you-type spell checking
• But Case Complete is so much more than a
word processor because it guides you through
the process of creating a great Use Case
model, and provides powerful document and
report generation.
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Automatic Hyperlinks
Actors and
glossary terms
are automatically
converted to
hyperlinks as you
Hovering mouse over
text shows description.
Control+click on the
text will navigate to the
item’s details page.
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Brainstorming Mode
• Easily add new items without getting bogged down in
details to keep the ideas flowing
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Custom Fields
• Capture extra data specific
to the project or
• Reportable by name in
custom report templates
(e.g. SignedOffBy instead
of CustomField1)
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Requirements and Use Cases
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Emphasis on Use Cases
• No other tool embodies the use case approach to
the extent that Case Complete does
• Advantages of Use Cases are well understood:
– Elicit functional requirements
– Understandable to all stakeholders
– Provide a base for:
• Test cases
• User documentation and manuals
• Development activities
– Foster incremental development
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Start with Actors
• Actors interact with
the system to
achieve specific
• Defining actors first
drives the need for a
• Hidden requirements
will be found sooner
rather than later
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Goals Evolve Into Use Cases
• When ready, generate use cases from
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Requirements in Addition to
Use Cases
• Case Complete seamlessly integrates Use
Cases and Requirements
– Use Cases: behavioral aspects
– Requirements: non-behavioral e.g. performance,
usability, business rules
• Switch easily
between the
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
• Assign applicable
Requirements to Use
Cases, for example:
Requirement: Web page
must be printable
Applicable use cases: View
Invoice, Generate Order
History, etc.
• When requirement
changes, easily find
affected use cases
on requirement’s
details page
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Single Source Project
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Single Source
• Generate output for many phases of the
project directly from your Use Case
Test Plans &
Case Complete
Use Case Model
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Predefined Reports
• High quality Word and HTML reports
• Reports for different stakeholders
Project manager: Open Issues list
Funding Authority: Executive Overview
End User: Brief Descriptions
Developer: Detailed Descriptions
QA Engineer: Test plan and test checklist
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Customizable Word Reports
• Key feature of Case Complete
• Controlled by uncomplicated keywords in Word document
• Extremely powerful yet simple, even for nonprogrammers
Example Word template (type this
in a word document):
My Use Cases:
$repeatUseCases where AssignedTo = ‘dae’
$Name ($Priority)
-------Generate report
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Customizable Word Reports - 2
• All formatting, logos, footers, tables, etc. are preserved
• Example of advanced output based on simple report
template: Group by release, then by priority
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Test Plans
• Use Cases serve as an excellent starting point for functional
test plans
• Case Complete goes beyond this by letting you specify test
procedures and inputs right in the use case.
User clicks to add testing data…
…testing procedures and
inputs appear side-by-side
with use case steps
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Test Plan Word Report
Test cases are generated to a Word report (customizable, as are all reports):
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
• Provide screen mockups of Use Cases for end users and engineers
Case Complete takes Visio or standard
image files from the related documents
section of the use case…
...and automatically
displays them in the
generated Word report
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Generate UML
Export to most UML tools:
• Use cases
• Actors
• Associations
• Domain objects
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Export to Microsoft Project
• Use Cases and Requirements export as
tasks to Microsoft Project
– Use Cases and Requirements drive
development activities
– Use Cases help with project estimates
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Export to Microsoft Project - 2
Model hierarchy as seen
in Case Complete:
Priority, Duration, Complexity and other
fields are exported from Case Complete
Export to Project
Notes from
field of Case
Clicking on
hyperlink opens
Use Case in
Case Complete
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Lightweight, Yet Scalable
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Installs in Less than 1 Minute
• .Net Framework 1.1 or 2.0 required
• 5 minutes from download to first Use Case
• No server setup required
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
Multi-user access
• Model can be separated into “packages”
of related elements
• Users can “check out” a package using
their version control system
• Users can be in the office or on the
beach – network access is not needed
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation
• Designed with “powerful simplicity” in mind
• Supports both Use Cases and Requirements,
with traceability between them
• The wealth of information stored in use cases
allows single source project documentation
• Custom reporting allows creation of reports
that conform to corporate standards
• Please see our online demos
IBM Rational Rose is a trademark of IBM Corporation
Microsoft Project and Microsoft Word are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
Visual UML is a registered trademark of Visual Object Modelers, Inc.
UML is a trademark of Object Management Group, Inc.
Copyright © 2006-2007 Serlio Software Development Corporation