Ohio Federal and Military Jobs Commission (OFMJC) Support Improving Ohio’s Economy Through R&D WSU - Dennis Andersh OSU - Marty Kress CSU – Jerzy Sawicki Joint WPAFB/NASA Glenn Priorities Reviewed and Refined FMJC Research Priorities AFRL Priorities NASA Glenn Priorities Human Performance/ Health Sciences Hypersonics Directed Energy Weapons (Lasers) Autonomy C4ISR LVC Materials/ Manufacturing Propulsion NASIC Priorities Cyber Data analytics C4ISR Modeling/Simulation/Analysis Hypersonics Directed Energy Hybrid Electric Propulsion Advanced Communications Solar Electric Propulsion Energy Storage (Enabler for others) Materials and Manufacturing Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) Priorities Human performance Human physiology Manned / unmanned aeromedical ops Toxicology Risk assessment 2 FRN Funding Focus BASIC Research and Development Applied Research and Development Advanced Technology Development 6.2 6.3 DOD RDT&E Level 6.1 A F O S R TRL1 Basic Principles Engineering and Manufacturing 6.4 RDT&E Management Operational Systems Support Test and Validation 6.5 6.6 6.7 FRN COE Focus Mission Application Research for NASA, AFRL, NAMRU and NASIC F O C U S NASA Demonstration and Validation TRL2 Concepts Application Focus TRL 3 TRL 4 TRL 5 Analysis and Experiments Concept and Breadboard in Laboratory Component and Breadboard Validation in Realistic Environments TRL 6 System / Subsystem prototype demonstration in realistic Environment TRL 7 System prototype demonstration in Operational Environment TRL 8 Actual system completed and qualified through test and demonstration TRL 9 Actual system Proven through successful mission operations 3 WPAFB / GRC Mission Applications Driven Centers of Excellence (COEs) Application Domains Crosscutting UAV challenge Problem Human Performance and Health Sciences Aerospace Systems • Manned • Remotely Piloted • Hypersonic Space Systems • Manned • Unmanned Cyber Systems • IT • Weapon Systems • Autonomy • LVC Training • Neuroscience • Aerospace Physiology /Toxicology • Biosensors / Biomarkers • Human Machine Teaming • RPA Operations COE Lead LCCC, CSU Modeling/Simulation/Analysis Commercialization & Technology Transition Small / Med Business Growth Connections to Business Workforce Development • STEM • Skilled • Unskilled Primary Support: All Universities to specifically include UC, UD, KSU, Miami, BGSU, Central WSU, Stark State, Clark, UA, UT, CSU, Lorain, Case, Sinclair, OU, OSU Power and Propulsion • Hybrid Electric Power and Propulsion • Solar Electric Power and Propulsion • Advanced Turbine Engines • Energy / Fuels • Energy Storage / Retrieval • On-board Power Systems Materials and Manufacturing • Nanomaterials • Sustainment • Additive Manufacturing • Ceramics • Composites • Materials for Adverse Conditions • Flexible Electronics Energy Storage/Integration • Batteries • Supercapacitors • Green Technologies • Rapid charge/discharge cycling • Mcro-devises Command, Control, Communications Computing Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance (C4ISR) • Human- Centered ISR • Data Analytics • Data Compression / Analytics • Processing Exploitations and Dissemination • Infrared (IR), Electro-optical (EO), Laser, RF, Hyperspectral, Acoustic, & Radar Sensors • Space Situational Awareness • Electronics Warfare (EW) 4 Existing AHEAD Advanced Communications Precision Navigation and Targeting (PNT) • Directed Energy • Offensive and Defensive EW • Novel Payloads • Avionics • Next Gen Global Positioning Systems (GPS) • Space Communicatio ns • Tactical Communicatio ns • RF Spectrum Management • FCC • Advanced Algorithms • Digital Systems New Lead: WSU Lead: OSU Lead: UD Lead: Case Lead: WSU/OSU Lead: OU Primary Support: UC, UT, OSU, Case, UD, KSU, CSU, Sinclair, Lorain, Clark, Jobs Created: 575 Contracts Awarded: $167M Private Sector Investment: $150M Project 25% Y/Y Growth Primary Support: UC, UD, UA, UT, CSU, Lorain Potential Jobs : 400 Potential Contracts: $100M Potential Private Sector Investment: $50M Primary Support: YSU, OSU, UA, Case, UC, UT, CSU, KSU, Lorain, Sinclair, Clark, Central Potential Jobs : 600 Potential Contracts: $150M Potential Private Sector Investment: $75M Primary Support: UT, OSU, UD, UC, CSU, Lorain Potential Jobs : 200 Potential Contracts: $50M Potential Private Sector Investment: $10M Primary Support: UD, OU BGSU, Case, UT, UC, Miami , Sinclair Potential Jobs: 600 Potential Contracts: $150M Potential Private Sector Investment: $75M Primary Support: WSU, OSU, KSU, UD, Miami, Lorain Potential Jobs : 300 Potential Contracts: $75M Potential Private Sector Investment: $25M Construct for Ohio Centric Center of Excellence (COE) Federal Research Network (FRN) NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) Priorities Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Priorities Human Performance/ Health Care Hypersonics Directed Energy Weapons (Lasers) Autonomy C4ISR LVC Materials/ Manufacturing Propulsion State of Ohio Executive Review Board 3 WP and GRC Reps (Ex Officio) 1 OFMJC Commissioner 1 JobsOhio Rep 1 Third Frontier Exec 4 Private Industry, 4 University (1 State Supported, 3 State Funded) Rotates every 2 years. Human Performance and Human Sciences COE WSU (Dr Tim Broderick / Dr Chad Reiter) National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) Priorities • • • • Cyber Data analytics C4ISR Modeling/Simulation/Analysis Hypersonics Directed Energy Power and Propulsion COE Ohio State University (Dr. Mike Benzakein) Wright State University Applied Research Corporation Materials and Adv Manufacturing COE University of Dayton (Dr. John Leland) Technical Review Council 3 WP and GRC Reps (Ex Officio) 4 Rotating VP of Research or Deans of Engineering at Ohio Universities 4 Private Industry CTO or Dir of Engineering 1 Third Frontier Rep Rotates every two years. Hybrid Electric Power and Propulsion Advanced Communications Solar Electric Power and Propulsion Energy Storage (Enabler for others) Materials and Manufacturing Advanced Communications, COE Ohio University C4ISR and Data Analytics COE WSU/OSU (Mr. Trent Skidmore Dr. Shawn Ostermann) (Dr Brian Rigling / Dr Greg Creech) Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) Priorities Energy Storage and Integration COE Case Western Reserve U. (Dr. Alexis Abramson) Commercialization and Workforce Development Support (Dr. Jerzy Sawicki(CSU) Ms. Tracy Green(LCCC)) Human performance Human physiology Manned / unmanned aeromedical ops Toxicology Risk assessment 5 State of Ohio WP/GRC Executive Review Board Human Performance and Human Sciences AHEAD COE Power and Propulsion COE Technical Review Council Applied Research Corporation Materials and Manufacturing COE Advanced Communications COE ISR and Data Analytics COE Commercialization and Workforce COE Chapter 2: Expand Small Business Contracting Chapter 3: Create Workforce Placement Center for FMJ Energy Storage COE ERB and TRC Composition Review Team for Proposals Executive Review Board Designee Cleveland State Pres Ron Berkman Ohio State University Dean of Engineering Dr Dave Williams Wright State University Pres Dave Hopkins Lorain County Community College Pres Roy Church Ohio Federal Military Jobs Commission Gary O'Connell NASA Glenn Director Jim Free AFRL Jack Blackhurst Technical Review Council Designee University of Toledo VP of Reseaerch Dr Bill Messer University of Cincinnati Department Head Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics OAATC Dr. Paul Orkwis Ohio University Dean of Engineering Dr Dennis Irwin Case Western Reserve VP of Research Dr Suzanne Rivera University of Dayton Research Institute Dr John Leland Ohio Federal Military Jobs Commission Don Campbell NASIC Curt Rowland Jobs Ohio Glenn Richardson 3rd Frontier Karen Conrad Industry 1 Ricky Peters, Perduco NASA Glenn Sandra.T.Reehorst Dr Morley Stone / Chris AFRL Ristich NASIC Steve Hayden 3rd Frontier Paul Jackson Industry 2 Ron Yates, Boeing Industry 2 Salvatore J. Miraglia, Jr. Indep Industry 3 Jeff Taylor, Event 38 Industry 3 Frank Winslow Indep Industry 4 Tom Brady Indep Industry 4 Carlos Grodsinsky Industry 5 Ed Morris Industry 6 Greg Morris, Additive MFG TRC Scheduled for Dec 10th ERB Planned for January 12th All Federal and State Government Employees are Ex Officio 7 FRN Funding Allocation Total State Operating Funding for FY 16 and 17 Aerospace Workforce Development Legacy Programs FRN Admin., Financial and Organizational Support ($1.5M Required) Funding Available for 7 COE’s Research and Business Plans $ 25 M $( 3 M) $( 2 M) $ 20 M Tech Commercialization/Workforce Development Support (LCCC/CSU Required White Paper and Proposal fro Rounds one and Round 2 – Will be focused on projected selected for COE funding. Made a call for ~$12.5 M for full proposals on Oct 15. Will then have $7.5M for round 2. 8 Round 1 RFP EVALUATION CRITERIA ALIGNMENT WITH AFRL, NASA GRC AND NASIC RESEARCH Do the proposed projects of the COE meet the applications/user driven requirements derived from emerging mission focus areas of NASA and DOD? Does the project have a government sponsor at one of the national labs? Each project needs to identify their sponsor by name, job description, organization and provide their contact information including email address. THIS IS A GO/NO GO FOR EACH PROJECT. The Evaluation Team will validate each federal lab sponsor as well as validate the relationship of the project to the overall priorities of AFRL, NASIC, and NASA GRC. A clear statement of the requirement being addressed and the overarching technical goals and objectives of that requirement and the proposed research activity Each research topic that is proposed is required to have a sponsor/supporting Principle Investigator (PI) or Program Manager (PM) at NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC), Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) or National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC). Identified federal research collaborators should be identified by name, title, email address and contact information. COE’s are encouraged to not only identify the "owner" of the federal research requirement they are addressing, but also, to demonstrate and establish a working relationship with the federal PI(s) PM(s) that augments and supports their related research portfolio. The intent is to develop an impedance match between researchers both “inside and outside the fence” that is key to success in the FRN collaborative environment. The appropriate Federal laboratory will provide the evaluation and feedback as to whether or not this criterion has been met. Note: Proposals must clearly identify the federal requirement. Ensure that FRN monies will not to be used to finance projects that were previously funded by AFRL, NASIC, or NASA but that have now been terminated by that Agency. 9 Round 1 RFP EVALUATION CRITERIA JOB CREATION The number of jobs the project will create (12 months, 24 months, and 36 months respectively). If there is no industry cost share, then the long-term impact to Ohio industry should be considered. What industry/government contracts will subject matter experts, new capability or capacity potentially support? What are the proposed projects degree of alignment with Ohio industries and its potential to impact job creation? Cost share from industry partners would be a measure of alignment. THIS IS A GO/NO GO FOR EACH PROJECT. The FRN will utilize best practices adopted by JobsOhio and affiliated regional economic development organizations in the state to evaluate this criteria based on validated data provided by participating companies and organization through the COE’s. The alignment of programs will create jobs in Ohio from expanded research activities. These successes either keep more federal competitive contract research dollars in Ohio or import additional federal research funds from outside Ohio. Additional success metrics for job creation and economic impact in Ohio include: Transitioning federal research to a private sector company who will further the research or provide a product or service directly related to the federal contract. Jobs created will be predominantly in the private sector. Research projects that train and equip participating individuals for jobs going unfilled in Ohio at WPAFB, GRC or private enterprises by creating the talent pool necessary to gain/retain the associated federal missions and/or business operations. Creation of graduate students supported through the federal research projects will be considered a progress milestone. New job creation exits when the graduates stay in Ohio and go to work in a full time equivalent job COE should strive for cost sharing from Industry and provide funding to industry on a value added, in particular job creation as the result of funding to industry will be a key evaluation 10 Round 1 RFP EVALUATION CRITERIA COLLABORATION What is the proposed level of collaboration between the university partners? Is the project a collection of independent sub-projects or is it truly an integrated approach to meeting a technical objective of a federal agency or company? Creation of test beds for Ohio firms that enable them to test and validate their systems and technologies on approved government platform and to secure new government contracts as subs to prime contractors, additional members of large task order agreements, or as standalone small business contracts. Identified opportunities to explore collaboration between other FRN COE’s to achieve project success. (This will secure bonus points on the evaluation) Identified possibilities of external collaboration with COE partnerships that would contribute to COE objectives. Identified opportunities to explore collaboration between other FRN COE’s to achieve project success. (This will secure bonus points on the evaluation) 11 Round 1 RFP EVALUATION CRITERIA FUNDING ROI As the state funds are an investment intended to attract additional federal, foundation or industry funding – what are some of the key procurement targets each project will attempt to secure with this additional funding? Targets should be called out by name and agency/organization. How does the project improve the long-term competitiveness of Ohio’s universities, federal labs or industries? Success of the COES will be measured by: More research funding coming to Ohio from AFRL, NASIC and NASA GRC because we are building a more competitive environment in the state, not a handout or give away. More federal research committed to Ohio through collaboration with AFRL, NASIC and GRC as intermediary partners that bring additional work to Ohio from out of State. In this collaboration, AFRL, NASIC and GRC execute federal research work outside their normal POM budget cycle. More federal research to Ohio because the COE's proactively respond to outside federal proposals that relate their core business focus areas for other agencies. More SBIR funding and small business funding to Ohio firms working in areas related to the COE funded projects. Successful COE proposals will identify not only the plan for expenditure of state and matching funds on the selected research focus areas in the RFP, but also, will demonstrate an understanding of and coherent plan to pursue additional related business development opportunities that will leverage the initial state investment in these emerging mission requirements. Proposals must clearly identify key federal and state procurement targets12and their timing as well as potential sponsored research opportunities. Round 1 RFP EVALUATION CRITERIA COST SHARE Proposals that include university/government/industry matching funds are strongly encouraged. It is the intent of the FRN leadership to fund the COE’s that most directly meet the evaluation criteria. The FRN leadership team will evaluate each white paper against the following evaluation criteria: Identified cost sharing by COE team members to stand up and operate the COE. Administrative/Management cost allocations are not to exceed 10% of project cost. F/A is not to exceed 20% of project cost. COEs that have lower F/A rates can reflect that as cost share 13 FRN COE Milestones and Funding Profile Funds Available/Projected July 1, 2015 July 1, 2016 July 1, 2017 $7.5M $12.5M $12M Not all COEs will necessarily get the same level of funding in year one and year two. Funding will be based on the merit of the proposal – the linkage to AFRL, NASIC and GRC requirements – and the ability to create some jobs in the not too distant future – emphasis on some jobs – not hundreds or thousands Key Dates RD 1 4/15/16 7/15/16 10/15/16 7/1/15 State Budget Support White Paper Decision Gate Iteration (as required) with Leadership Team BEFORE proposal development/submission COE Quarterly Reviews 1/15/17 4/15/17 RD1 COE White Papers Due $15M 1/15/18 7/15/18 July 1, 2020 Total $62M Funding released as projects are accepted by review boards 1/15/18 7/15/18 COE 6 Month Reviews Legend Funds Available RD2 COE Proposals Due 5/15/16 RD1 COE Funding Released COE 6 Month Reviews RD2 COE White Papers Due 3/15/16- 4/30/16 RD1 COE Proposals Due 1/30/16 $15M COE Quarterly Reviews 7/15/17 10/15/a17 3/1/16 10/15/15-11/30/15 July 1, 2019 It is our intent to secure out year funds – to do that – we need near term results – a satisfied and energized set of government customers – some key industry partners (large and preferably small and mid sized), and we need some state organizations as champions FY 16/17 9/30/15 July 1, 2018 Funds Proposed RD2 COE Funding Released Phase I COE Reviews Milestones 14 FRN Timetable – 2015-17 Event August 31, 2015 September 30, 2015 October 1-15, 2015 Week of October 12, 2015 October 15, 2015 October 28, 2015 November 30, 2015 December 20, 2015 December 1-31, 2015 January 12, 2015 January 15, 2015 January 20, 2016 January 30, 2016 Announcement of FRN COE Call for White Papers Round 1 FRN COE White Papers Due Round 1 White Paper Review by FRN Executive Team Round 1 and 2 COE Lead Meeting in preparation of RFP Process Round 1 COE RFP Release Round 1 C&W COE RFP release Round 1 COE RFP Response Deadline Round 1 Commercialization and Workforce Development COE RFP Response Deadline Round 1 RFP Review by TRC Round 1 Proposal Review by ERB Round 1 Award Approval from OFMJC Commission Round 1 Notification of RFP Selection COE Awards Round 1 COE Funding Release Phase 1. January 30, 2016 March 15, 2016 March 15-28, 2016 March 30 , 2016 May 1, 2016 May 1-15, 2016 June 15, 2016 June 30, 2016 Round 2 FRN COE Call for White Papers. Round 2 FRN COE White Papers Due Round 2 White Paper Review by FRN Executive Team Round 2 COE RFP Release Round 2 COE RFP Response Deadline for Funding Business Plan Proposals Round 2 RFP Review by TRC and ERB Round 2 Notification of RFP Selection COE Awards Round 2 COE Funding Release Phase I April 15, 2016 July 15, 2016 October 15, 2016 January 15, 2017 April 15, 2017 July 15, 2017 October 15, 2017 Round 1 COE Quarterly Review with FRN Leadership Team Round 1 and 2 COE Quarterly Review Round 1 and 2 COE Funding Release Phase II Round 1 and 2 COE Annual Review Round 1 and 2 COE Quarterly Review with FRN Leadership Team Round 1 and 2 COE Quarterly Review Round 1 and 2 COE Funding Released Phase III Date