Unit 8: Developing Automaticity And Fluency Understanding Fluency and Automaticity Issues Instruction for Fluency and Automaticity Table Talk Discuss several way that decodable texts could be used to reinforce and support explicit instruction in decoding. Explain how this would differ from using context texts (such as science or social studies). What are some strategies you currently use to help students with fluency? Discuss what do you think it means to directly teach comprehension strategies. What strategies do you currently teach in your classroom? Unit 8: Developing Automaticity And Fluency Understanding Fluency and Automaticity Issues Instruction for Fluency and Automaticity Understanding Automaticity and Fluency “…reading is like learning to ride a bike: if you go too slow you fall off” Susan Hall & Louisa Moats, Straight Talk About Reading Defining Automaticity “Ability to respond or react without attention or conscious effort. Automaticity in word recognition permits full energy to be focused on comprehension.” Birsh, 1999 Defining Fluency “Ability to translate print to speech with rapidity and automaticity that allows the reader to focus on meaning.” Birsh, 1999 Defining Fluency …“Beyond the ability to merely decode words, the ability to use punctuation and other cues to read smoothly and easily, with proper speed, accuracy and phrasing.” Birsh, 1999 Fluency Related Processes letter perception inference and comprehension skills phonological representation lexical access and retrieval prosodic knowledge Fluency orthographic representation syntactic morphological Wolf et al 2003 decoding/word ID Factors that may limit oral reading rate: Proportion of words recognized by “sight” Speed with which sight words are processed Speed of processes used to identify novel words Speed with which word meanings are identified Speed at which overall meaning is constructed (J.Torgesen in speech to American Speech and Hearing Association, 2003) Further Challenges for Fluency • The challenge for continuing growth in fluency becomes even greater after third grade. • 4th, 5th and 6th graders encounter about 10,000 words they have never seen before in print during a year’s worth of reading. • It is difficult to guess these new words from the context so they must have reliable decoding strategies to improve the accuracy with which “new” words are identified when encountered in text. Torgesen, 2003 In reading, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer… Good Reader Vs. Poor Reader Becomes a better, faster reader Finds reading easy. Reads slowly, with effort. Demands increase. Finds reading difficult. Reads a great deal. Good Reader Poor Reader Reads very little. “This cycle must be broken if poor readers are to become proficient readers.” Felton & Lillie, 2001 Putting it all together: the development of reading fluency To be a fluent reader: A child must be able to recognize most of the words in a passage “by sight” Children must correctly pronounce words 5-10 times before they become “sight words” Children must make accurate first guesses when they encounter new words or the growth of their “sight word vocabulary” will be delayed. J.Torgesen, 2003 National Reading Panel On Fluency Guided, repeated oral reading with guidance from teachers, peers, or parents… Improves word recognition, fluency and comprehension across the grades. Helps good and poor readers as well as special education students. National Reading Panel, 2000 Text Fluency “students rarely have the opportunity to perfect their performance of a passage, as most texts tend to be read only once” National Reading Panel, 2000b National Reading Panel On Fluency While silent reading is important, the NRP found no significant effects on fluency for reading programs such as… DEAR (Drop Everything and Reading) AR (Accelerated Reader) Reading Workshop SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) National Reading Panel, 2000 Unit 8: Developing Automaticity And Fluency Understanding Fluency and Automaticity Issues Instruction for Fluency and Automaticity Fluency Instruction: Principles and Strategies Establish accuracy and then automaticity and fluency Provide practice at the letter-sound, word, phrase and text level Use a variety of Repeated Reading strategies Model phrasing and reading with expression Felton & Lillie, 2001 Fluency Instruction: Principles and Strategies Provide short frequent practice sessions Establish goals and measure rate and accuracy Document progress Provide incentives Combine fluency training and comprehension Felton & Lillie, 2001 For the More Impaired Readers • Provide more adult guidance during reading • Use more decodable text • Practice words and phrases before reading • Use shorter passages • Model expressive reading • Provide multiple daily sessions • More incentives may be necessary Fluency Practice: Phrase Level Phrases on the path at their house with her friend can you play have a drink from a book all this junk our favorite book baking a cake walking to school Fluency Practice: Text level Choose passage on instructional level. Preview story using titles and pictures. Teacher reads story with expression to model Teacher slides finger along words as student watches Felton & Lillie, 2001 Fluency Practice: Text level Teacher and student read together; student reads alone. Teacher graphs correct words per minute. Student reads at least 2 more times. Student (and teacher) set goal and work toward it. Felton & Lillie, 2001 Repeated Reading 1st Read Read Silently, text orientation 2nd Read Read Aloud, Timed, Set Goals, Graph 3rd Read Read Aloud, Timed, Set Goals, Graph 4th Read Next Meeting: Read Aloud, Timed, Assess goals, Graph Katie's Repeated Readings 160 Words Per Minute 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 2 3 Session 4 5 Katie's Oral Accuracy 100 90 80 70 60 Percent 50 Correct 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 Session Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 4 5 Katie’s Pre- Post Comparisons 200 184 180 150 Words Per Minute 135 153 151 100 81 50 0 Feb Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 April Reading Levels Independent level: 98-100% accuracy read without assistance can be used for fluency practice Instructional level: 95-98% accuracy read with assistance used for fluency after accuracy practice Frustration level: below 95% accuracy too difficult not used for instruction Scaffolding Instruction for Fluency Success Review decoding skills Review vocabulary and proper names Discuss story, pictures; students make predictions Teacher reads aloud prior to student Teacher/student read together Teacher reads leaving certain words for student Student reads silently first Felton & Lillie, 2001 Prosody Rhythm Intonation Expression Phrasing ABCD? EFG. HI? JKL. MN! OPQ. RST? UV! WX. YZ! AB. CDE? FG! HIJK. LMNO. P! QRS, TUV. W, X, Y, Z! Prosody Woman without her man is nothing. Woman, without her, man is nothing. The old man the boat. The old, man the boat. Marking Text For Phrasing Phrasing may be tricky in “unnatural” decodable text. Dave saw a black snake in the shade by a lake. He said, “I will take the snake to be my pet.” He gave his snake the name Jake. Students may differ in the length of phrase they can handle. Dave did not know what a snake ate. Jane, at the pet shop sold him a rat for the snake. Dave’s mom said, “No, Jeff. I can take a snake, but a snake and a rat is too much.” Jeff took the snake back to the lake and the rat to the shop. Teaching Phrasing And Reading With Expression Explain to student importance of phrasing and expression Mark copy of text to indicate natural phrasing Model reading with appropriate phrasing and expression Have students practice Move toward student marking of text and independent practice Rating Prosody NAEP Rating Level 1 Word-by-word, infrequent two to three-word phrases (not preserving syntax). Level 2 Two-word phrases with some longer – some word by word may be present. Grouping may be unrelated. Level 3 Majority of phrasing appropriate, but with little or no expression. Level 4 Meaningful phrases, preservation of syntax, read with expression. Use Variety Of Repeated Reading Strategies Assisted reading 4-way oral reading Reader’s theater Poetry reading Tape Assisted Reading Fluency Strategies: Assisted Reading Pair student with another at same reading level Pair students who are compatible Students read assigned text aloud in unison Reading may be practiced and then tape recorded Students and teacher listen to tape and discuss rate, phrasing, intonation, expression and comprehension Fluency Strategies: 4-Way Oral Reading Teachers lead reading of text using varying types of oral reading. Students never read individually but read with a partner or group. 4 types of oral reading: 1.Unison choral reading 2.Echo reading 3.Paired reading 4.Mumble reading Fluency Strategies: Reader’s Theater Choose text or portion of text that is engaging has a well-paced storyline has lots of dialogue Prepare copies of text mark different characters parts on each copy use highlighter, checkmarks or underlining Marking Text for Reader’s Theater Narrator 1 Narrator 2 All Great Big Billy Goat Troll Then Great Big Billy Goat started across the bridge. “TRIP-TRAP, TRIP-TRAP, TRIPTRAP.” The old troll called out, “Who’s that triptrapping over my bridge?” “It is I, Great Big Billy Goat Gruff. What are you going to do about it?” “I’m coming up there to eat you,” roared the troll. “Well, come on up,” bellowed the Great, Big Billy Goat Gruff. I’m waiting for you.” The troll rushed up to the top of the bridge. Fluency Strategies: Reader’s Theater Students practice individual parts then read together as a play. Discuss expression, phrasing, etc. and reread. Exchange scripts and parts and reread. Poetry Coffee House Students prepare for the Coffee House Party early in the week. Individual poems are selected based on interest and readability by students and teachers. Poems can be read individually or in pairs. Daily practice sessions with the teacher serving as the poetry coach. Students practice at home. Poetry Coffee House At the end of the week, the lights are dimmed and classrooms are transformed to an inviting coffee house filled with good things to eat. Some type of performance chair or barstool is used. Teacher reads first and introduces the performers. All visitors are requested to bring a poem to read. Poems can be discussed between sets. Audio Assisted Reading Books on Tape Use at instructional and independent reading level Student must look at print while listening Student practices with tape until ready to performance read for teacher Audio Assisted Reading Computer Based Assisted Reading Books are presented in visual and auditory forms Student highlights sentences or unknown words Some programs allow student to read and computer records accuracy and rate Benefits of Audio Assisted Reading • Opportunities for repetition • Practice of high frequency words • Illustrations to support text • Modeling of expressive reading • Exposure to multiple genre • Provides scaffolding • Vocabulary development Combining Accuracy, Fluency And Comprehension Practice Each story is read in 3 different ways: Expert reader (accuracy) Read for speed (rate, fluency & expression) Read for meaning (comprehension) Preparation Select story based on instructional level and skill to be taught Plan lesson Morris, 2003 Expert Reader (Accuracy) May be preceded by partner reading for practice Each student reads 1 or 2 pages. Student receives Expert reader score (% correct) Below 95% requires more practice and another check for Expert Reader Expert Reader EXPERT READER Name _____________________ Date 10-15 10-15 10-16 Score 96 98 97 Date Score 10-18 100 Read For Speed (Fluency) Students paired-up 1st partners from all pairs timed at the same time for 2 minutes. Graph number of words read. 2nd partners read and graph. 1st partners, then 2nd partners read and graph a second time. Read for Speed Graph 120 111 110 100 99 90 89 82 80 76 70 60 50 40 70 Reading For Meaning (Comprehension) Read story in sections. Use echo-reading, choral reading, mumble reading, individual oral reading, silent reading. Question and discuss after each section. Retelling and further discussion at the end of story. Final Words…. Just like decoding accuracy, fluency is a bridge towards comprehension and the desire to read more, which will ultimately enable deeper comprehension. Fluency, therefore, is a means- just like decoding-to a higher end than itself. For the end of all our efforts is a child who reads accurately enough and fluently enough to understand what she reads and to reach for more. Wolf et al, 2003 Congratulations! You have completed Unit 8: Developing Automaticity And Fluency Sources Berninger, V. (2002). Referenced in Neuhaus, G.F. What does it take to read a letter? Perspectives (Newsletter of the International Dyslexia Association), 28 (1). Birsch J.R. (1999). Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills. New York, New York: Paul H. Brooks. Felton, R. & Lillie, D. (2002). Teaching students with persistent reading problems (a multi-media CD ROM). Greensboro, N.C: Guilford County Schools. Fry E. (2003). How to Teach Reading. Westminster, CA: Teacher Created Materials. Martha Combs. (2001). Readers and Writers in the Primary Grades. Prentice Hall. Sources Hall S.L., & Moats L.C. (1999). Straight Talk About Reading. Chicago, Il: Contemporary Books. Juel C. (1994). Learning to read and write in one elementary school. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag. Morris, D., & Slavin, R. E. (2003). Every Child Reading. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. National Reading Panel. (2000). Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching children to read – Reports of the subgroups. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH Pub. No. 00-4764. Rasinski, T.V. (2003). The Fluent Reader. New York, NY: Scholastic Professional Books. Sources Rasinski, T. V. (2004). Fluency Seminar. Boone, NC. Shaywitz, S. (2004). Overcoming Dyslexia: A New and Complete Science-Based Program for Reading Problems at Any Level. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf. Stanovich, K.E. (1986). Matthew effects in reading: Some consequences of individual differences in the acquisition of literacy. Reading Research Quarterly, 21. 360-406. Torgesen, 2003. Speech to American Speech and Hearing Association.