M.U.S.H.ROOM - Odysseus Contest

An alternative for a lunar colony.
Students of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens ,
Physics Department:
Athanasopoulos Dimitrios
Karampelas Konstantinos
Mentor: Dr. Gazeas Kosmas
Date: 29 January 2016
Odysseus European Youth Space Contest
The presentation begins with:
 Some known lunar pits
 Chemical composition of lunar rocks
 Particle radiation and protection
 Algorithm F.Lu.P. (Flux in Lunar Pits)
Lunar Pits and Cosmic Radiation
Known Lunar Pits:
Marius Hills Pit:
Coordinates: 14.09°N
Diameter: 47 – 60 m
Depth: ~36 m
Mare Ingenii Pit:
Coordinates: 35.95°S 166.06°E
Diameter: 66 – 101 m
Depth: 60 ± 15 m
We can’t know exactly the
form of lunar pits.
Mare Tranquilitatis Pit:
Coordinates: 8.34°N 33.22°E
Diameter: 85 – 97 m
We will examine many cases.
Depth: 100 ± 6 m
There are strong indications for underground
Lunar Pits and Cosmic Radiation
Structure of Lunar Surface:
Depth of Mare
Regolith (dust)
d = 1.5 gr/cm3
Sample composition of Regolith:
SiO₂ TiO₂ Al₂O₃ FeO MnO MgO CaO Na₂O K₂O P₂O₅
44,1% 5,2% 13,3% 15,7% 0,2% 9,5% 11,0% 0,5% 0,2% 0,2% 0,1%
(lunar) Basalt
d (grain) = 3.03 – 3.46
d (bulk) = 2.36 – 3.27 Sample composition of Basalt:
SiO₂ TiO₂ Al₂O₃ FeO MnO MgO CaO Na₂O K₂O
41,8% 7,5% 8,6% 19,8% 0,3% 11,0% 9,8% 0,3% 0,6% 0,1% 0,1%
Lunar Pits and Cosmic Radiation
Particle radiation:
• 80% protons
• 15% α particles
• 5% heavier nuclei, electrons.
Radiation on the Moon:
1) Direct particle radiation.
2) Direct γ radiation.
3) Secondary radiation (mostly
neutrons from lunar surface).
Very harmful for
human health!
We will investigate the
protection that can be provided
by the Lunar Pit for the 1st type
of radiation
Software SRIM/TRIM:
Stopping powers for:
Srp = 0.28 GeV/m & Srα = 1.01 GeV/m
Sbp = 0.60 GeV/m & Sbα = 2.17 GeV/m
*p: protons & α: particles α
Protons (10 GeV)
Particle α (10 GeV)
Lunar Pits and Cosmic Radiation
Algorithm F.Lu.P.:
Lunar Pits and Cosmic Radiation
Simple Lunar Pit plans for algorithm F.Lu.P.:
Marius Hills:
Mare Tranquilitatis:
We examined many cases for the dimensions above.
Lunar Pits and Cosmic Radiation
Results of algorithm F.Lu.P.:
Radiation at the bottom:
 The particle radiation is very weak away from the center.
 About protons, Marius Hills has 0 – 18% and Mare Tranquilitatis 14 – 15.3%.
 In each case no more than 20%.
 Larger diameter, more radiation at the bottom.
 The existence of a cavity (as in the case of Marius Hills) significantly increases protection .
Lunar Pits and Cosmic Radiation
Results of algorithm F.Lu.P.:
Radiation per height :
 The radiation decreases as we go deeper.
 The protection by the cavity can be seen here too.
 Lunar pits with great depth can also protect us well.
D.L.P. (Discover Lunar Pit)
 Early Lunar Facilities (E.L.F.)
 Po.S.Su.M. (Power System Support Mushroom)
 Green Moon
 Launch Rockets
 Self-sustainability
The missions of M.U.S.H.ROOM
Mission: D.L.P. (Discovery Lunar Pit)
 Close-up image of Lunar Pit
 Mapping the interior of Lunar Pit
 Measuring the incident radiation
• Lander Cameras
• Imaging Lidar Technology
• Cosmic Ray Detector (CRD)
• Communication system
• Propulsion system for soft-landing
Mass: ~630 kg
The missions of M.U.S.H.ROOM
Mission: Early Lunar Facilities (E.L.F.)
System ascent / descent
Mass: ~35 metric
Mass: ~12 metric T
Inflatable Space Habitats
Mass: ~3.2 metric T (Capacity: 12 –
15 persons)
The missions of M.U.S.H.ROOM
Mission: Po.S.Su.M. (Power System Support Mushroom)
Lunar Daytime: 13.5
Lunar Nighttime: 13.5
Photovoltaics (efficiency
Specific Power: 150 W/ kg
Specific Mass: 0.7 kg/m²
Electric power needs on Moon:
For each Human: 3 kW
An early lunar base: min 100 kW
For an early lunar base:
Mass: min 6.67 kg
Surface: min 9.5 m²
Regenerative Fuel Cells (RFC)
Energy coverage for: ~8 LN ~ 8
for: ~16 LN ~ 16
*LN = Lunar
Energy source
Lifetime: ~5 year
Total Mass: ~1 metric T
The missions of M.U.S.H.ROOM
Mission: Green Moon
 A variety of experiments.
 Production of oxygen.
 Food production.
First vegetables: lettuce, spinach and cabbage
An extra idea: Indoor Plants
• Refreshing the air
• Improving the attitude of humans
• Increasing the workforce efficiency
The missions of M.U.S.H.ROOM
Launch Rockets
The missions of M.U.S.H.ROOM
A first base:
A future base:
Protection from radiation:
85 – 100 %
 A lunar city
M.U.S.H.ROOM and Scientific Research
 Society after M.U.S.H.ROOM
The future of M.U.S.H.ROOM
Ideas for the first foundations:
The future of M.U.S.H.ROOM
The future of M.U.S.H.ROOM
The expectation:
The future of M.U.S.H.ROOM
The name:
The future of M.U.S.H.ROOM
M.U.S.H.ROOM and Scientific Research:
• Exploration of the sublunarean cavities and developing theories for moon
• Research for H₂O
• Exploitation of lunar rocks
• Exploitation of special vacuum conditions and microgravity for innovative
• Radio-telescopes, space observatories, cosmic ray study workshops
• A future space station
The list has no end…
The future of M.U.S.H.ROOM
Society after M.U.S.H.ROOM:
• Global cooperation
• Creating new jobs and new professions
•Technology and economy development
• New perception of the world
• Source of artistic inspiration for new architecture
• Turn to renewable energy sources, development of PV and the model of
an autonomous energy base
The list has no end…
The End