Preparing for the Respiration Lab Many people define respiration incorrectly…. What is the actual definition? Respiration applies to three distinct but interrelated processes….. 1. 2. The active acquisition of oxygen by an organism. The release of energy through the breakdown of organic compounds by chemical reactions. 3. The production of Carbon Dioxide and water. 2 ATP A poikilotherm is an animal who’s body temperature fluctuates with the changes in the surrounding temperature. Reptiles are a common example of this type of ectotherm. If you have ever seen a lizard or snake in the early morning when the air and ground are cool, you may have noticed how slowly they move. They move slowly when the environment is cold because they require heat from their surroundings to increase their internal temperature and metabolism. Once their internal body temperature has warmed, they can metabolize foods more quickly and produce the energy they need. Aerobic respiration is the process of metabolism where sugars are broken down in the presence of Oxygen. This type of cellular respiration yields ATP, carbon dioxide, and water. Your task today: Create a lab plan for testing the affects of temperature on the rate of cellular respiration. Think- How can you measure the rate of respiration? What could you use? How would you incorporate temperature as an independent variable? The objectives for this activity: 1. Some AP Free Response questions have been about designing a lab to test a particular variable. This will serve as a practice for setting up a free response outline. 2. To supplement your unit on Cellular Respiration, thinking of the reactants, products, and factors that can affect the rate. 3. Review parts of Experimental Design. Treat this assignment as if it were given to you as a free response and you are preparing your outline and key points. Fill in your sheet. We will go over this together. Take this assignment seriously, as if you were asked to create a real, ethical lab. In our respiration lab this Friday we will be measuring the amount of carbon dioxide produced in germinating peas. -We will use the lab pro equipment and a CO2 sensor. -We will quantify and graph the effects of temperature on the rate of respiration in plants. -We will demonstrate the relationship between independent and dependent variables -We will compare the rates of cellular respiration in germinating and nongerminating peas. -READ THE BACKGROUND READ AND HAVE YOUR TITLE, PURPOSE, PROCEDURE STEPS, AND EMPTY DATA TABLE READY TO GO WHEN YOU WALK IN…..