AP Microeconomics Date Pre Reading Topic 1/7 Section 1 Basic Economic Concepts 1/8 Sec. 2 Mod. 5 Supply & Demand: Introduction and Demand 1/10 Sec. 2 Mod. 6 Supply & Equilibrium 1/11 Sec. 2 Mod. 7 Changes in Supply & Demand 1/14 Sec. 2 Mod. 8 Price Controls 1/15 (1/2 day) TBD 1/16 Sec. 2 Mod. 9 Quantity Controls 1/17 Current event Section 2 Problems & Review 1/18 Section 2 Exam: Supply & Demand *Homework Due 1/21 No School: MLK Day 1/22 Sec. 9 Mod. 46 Income Effects, Substitution Effects, & Elasticity 1/24 Sec. 9 Mod. 47 Interpreting Demand Elasticity 1/25 Sec. 9 Mod. 48 Other Elasticities 1/28 Sec. 9 Mod. 49 Consumer & Producer Surplus 1/29 Sec. 9 Mod. 50 Efficiency & Deadweight Loss 1/31 Sec. 9 Mod. 51 Utility Maximization 2/1 Marginal Analysis 2/4 Current event Section 9 Problems & Review 2/5 Section 9 Exam: Consumer Choice *Homework Due 2/7 Sec. 10 Mod. 52 Defining Profit 2/8 Sec. 10 Mod. 53 Profit Maximization 2/11 Sec. 10 Mod. 54 The Production Function 2/12 (1/2 day) TBD 2/13 Sec. 10 Mod. 55 Firm Costs 2/14 Sec. 10 Mod. 56 Long-Run Costs & Economies of Scale 2/15 Sec. 10 Mod. 57 Introduction to Market Structure 2/18 Current event Section 10 Problems & Review 2/19 Section 10 Exam: Profit, Production, & Costs *Homework Due 2/21-22 No School: Rodeo Break 2/25 TBD 2/26 AIMS Sec. 11 Mod. 58 Perfect Competition 2/28 Sec. 11 Mod. 59 Graphing Perfect Competition 3/1 Sec. 11 Mod. 60 Long-Run Outcomes in Perfect Competition 3/4 Sec. 11 Mod. 61 Monopoly 3/5 Sec. 11 Mod. 61 Monopoly Simulation 3/7 Sec. 11 Mod. 62 Monopoly & Public Policy 3/8 Sec. 11 Mod. 63 Price Discrimination 3/11 Current event Section 11 Problems & Review 3/12 (1/2 day) TBD 3/13 Section 11 Exam: Perfect Competition & Monopoly *Homework Due 3/14 P. 637 Market Structures: Imperfect Competition 3/15 Sec. 12 Mod. 65 Game Theory 3/18-22 Section 12 No School: Spring Break *Section 12 exam Monday after break Pre Reading: Read module and complete corresponding homework worksheet BEFORE class. Current Event: Bring to class a current event AND analysis (with graphs) relating to section topic. *Dates & Topics subject to change Absences: If you are absent, complete all parts of the module review found at the end of each module. Lecture notes can be found on http://www.amphi.com/schools/irhs/teacher-staff/mrs-hering.aspx If you are absent for a section exam, see me to schedule a make-up exam. AP Microeconomics Date 3/25 Pre Reading Section 12 Sec. 13 Mod. 69 & 70 Sec. 13 Mod. 71 Sec. 13 Mod. 72 Sec. 13 Mod. 73 Section 13 Sec. 14 Mod. 74 Sec. 14 Mod. 75 Sec. 14 Mod. 76 Sec. 14 Mod. 77 Sec. 14 Mod. 78 Current event Current event Section 14 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Topic Exam: Imperfect Competition *Homework Due Factor Markets 3/26 The Markets for Land & Capital 3/28 The Market for Labor 3/29 The Cost-Minimizing Input Combination 4/1 Theories of Income Distribution 4/2 Exam: Factor Markets *Homework Due 4/4 Externalities 4/5 Externalities & Public Policy 4/8 Public Goods 4/9 AIMS Public Policy to Promote Competition 4/11 Income Inequality & Income Distribution 4/12 Government Failure 4/15 Section 14 Problems & Review 4/16 Exam: Market Failure & the Role of Government *Homework Due 4/18 Supply & Demand 4/19 Economic Performance 4/22 National Income & Price Determination 4/23 (1/2 day) TBD 4/24 Section 5 Financial Sector 4/25 Section 6 Inflation, Unemployment, & Stabilization 4/26 Section 7 Economic Growth, & Productivity 4/29 Section 8 International Trade & Finance Review 4/30 Practice Macro AP Exam 5/2 Section 9 Behind the Demand Curve 5/3 Section 10 Behind the Supply Curve 5/6 Section 11 Market Structures: Perfect Competition 5/7 Section 12 Market Structures: Imperfect Competition 5/9 Section 13 Factor Markets 5/10 Section 14 Market Failure and the Role of Government 5/13 Must-Know Graphs Review 5/14 Practice Micro AP Exam 5/16 AP Exam: Macro (AM) & Micro (PM) Pre Reading: Read module and complete corresponding homework worksheet BEFORE class. Current Event: Bring to class a current event AND analysis (with graphs) relating to section topic. Absences: If you are absent, complete all parts of the module review found at the end of each module. Lecture notes can be found on http://www.amphi.com/schools/irhs/teacher-staff/mrs-hering.aspx If you are absent for a section exam, see me to schedule a make-up exam. *Dates & Topics subject to change