Webster University and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics BUSN 6200 Strategy and Competition Summer, 2015 Syllabus Professor: Rolf Hemmerling Email: hemmerl@webster.edu Telephone: to be determined Catalog Description The student examines the conceptual and practical aspects of business policies and policy decisions making by utilizing all the concepts, theories and tools that were presented in the previous courses. The student should be able to analyze and recommend a comprehensive and workable approach to the situation. The course should cover current business issues and developments. Prerequisites All other core MBA courses. Course Level Learning Outcomes Outcome 1. Students understand the important facts, terminology, concepts, principles, and theories in the area of Strategy. 2. Students can conduct industry analysis to assess the relative market position of a firm or product division. 3. The student will be able to use accounting and financial information to assist in their strategic analysis. Expectation Students can discuss the results of research that links strategic variables to firm performance. Students can describe the various models and methods used to conduct external and internal analysis (e.g. SWOT, BCG, Porter, etc.) Students can prepare a written analysis of a business situation, including market structure, within the parameters of the Porter Five Forces Model or standard Economic Market Structures to assess market conditions. Students can determine the relative wellbeing of the firm and identify specific performance problems (e.g. inventory management, debt load, etc.) based on financial statements. 4. The MBA student will be able to use quantitative tools to assist in the analysis of the strategy of the firm. Students can determine whether the financial condition of the firm will allow the firm to pursue a desired strategy. Students can discuss quantitative tools that can be used to assess competitive position and strategy. Students can identify situations when these quantitative tools can be helpful in the analysis. They can apply the tools and interpret the results. 5. The MBA student can address unstructured business problems that span multiple functional areas. Materials The MBA student will, when faced with an unstructured business situation (through a case or simulation), be able to identify the key factors driving the problem or situation, the additional information needed to understand the situation, and to set priorities for decision and action. Strategic Management By Fred David 15th Edition Capstone® Business Simulation: the current Team Member Guide (download at Capsim.com®) Comp-XM® (download from Capstone®) $99 lab fee (billed to your student account) Grading Grading Case Presentation (Oral): 15% Peer Evaluation: 10% Capstone Simulation: 35% Case Presentation(Written): 15% Comp-XM® 15% Final Exam: 10% A 93 - 100 A- 90 - 92 B+ 87 - 89 B 83 - 86 B- 80 - 82 C 70 - 79 F 69 - 0 The GRADUATE catalog provides these guidelines and grading options: A/A– Superior graduate work B+/B/B– Satisfactory graduate work C Work that is barely adequate as graduate-level performance CR Work that is performed as satisfactory graduate work (B– or better). A grade of "CR” is reserved for courses designated by a department, involving internships, a thesis, practicum or specified courses. F Work that is unsatisfactory I Incomplete work ZF An incomplete which was not completed within one year of the end of the course. ZF is treated the same as an F or NC for all cases involving G.P.A., academic warning, probation, and dismissal. IP In progress NR Not reported W Withdrawn from the course Policy Statements: University Policies University policies are provided in the current course catalog and course schedules. They are also available on the university website. This class is governed by the university’s published policies. The following policies are of particular interest: Academic Honesty The university is committed to high standards of academic honesty. Students will be held responsible for violations of these standards. Please refer to the university’s academic honesty policies for a definition of academic dishonesty and potential disciplinary actions associated with it. Drops and Withdrawals Please be aware that, should you choose to drop or withdraw from this course, the date on which you notify the university of your decision will determine the amount of tuition refund you receive. Please refer to the university policies on drops and withdrawals (published elsewhere) to find out what the deadlines are for dropping a course with a full refund and for withdrawing from a course with a partial refund. Special Services If you have registered as a student with a documented disability at the Academic Resource Center (ARC) and are entitled to classroom or testing accommodations, please verify with your instructor at the beginning of the class that the instructor has received your accommodations letter from the ARC. If you a disability and need academic accommodations but have not been documented with the ARC, please contact Barbara Stewart at 314.968.7495 or steart@webster.edu Contacting the ARC to complete ADA documentation is the only way to ensure you may receive reasonable accommodations. Weekly Schedule Week 1- May 30, 2015 Chapter Readings: None Capstone: Register at capsim.com, download the Team Member Guide TEAM Practice Round 1 is to be completed Thursday, 10 p.m. China time. Individual Assignment: Completion of Capstone® Rehearsal Tutorial and Quiz and processing the Rehearsal Round and the fours tutorials and quizzes (the Introductory Lesson, Human Resources, TQM and Labor Negotiations) that go with the tutorials by Sunday night May 31st. Week 2- June 6, 2015 Chapter Readings: Chapter 2, The Business Vision and Mission Assignments: Complete the assigned rounds Capstone: TEAM Practice Round 2 due Monday, 10 PM China time (CT); TEAM Practice Round 3 due Thursday evening 10 P.M. CT Weekly Discussions Week 3-June 13, 2015 Chapter Readings: Chapter 3: The External Environment. Real round 1 due Thursday, 10 P.M. CT Week 4-June 22, 2015 (Monday) Chapter Readings: Chapter 4: The Internal Assessment Capstone: Real Round 2 due Thursday, 10 P.M. CT Team Cases Assigned Weekly Discussions Week 5-June 27,2015 Chapter Readings: Chapter 5: Strategies in Action Capstone: Real Round 3 due Monday, 10 PM; Real Round 4 due Thursday, 10 P.M. CT Weekly Discussions Week 6- July 4, 2015 Chapter Readings: Chapter 6: Strategy Analysis and Choice and Chapter 7: Implementing Strategies: Management and Operations Issues. Capstone: Real Round 5 due Monday, 10 PM; Real Round 6 due Thursday, 10 P.M. CT. Please note: Please spend time this week preparing your Team Case Study Weekly Discussions Week 7- July 11, 2015 Chapter Readings: Chapter 8: Implementing Strategies: Marketing, Finance, Accounting, R&D, and MIS Issues; Chapter 9: Strategy Review, Evaluation, and Control. Capstone: Round 7 due Monday 10 P.M. CT. Round 8 due Thursday, 10 P.M. CT Assignments: Written TEAM Case Reports due. Weekly Discussions Week 8-July 18,2015 Comp-XM® starts (self-paced) Assignments: Work on Comp-XM® Oral Presentations of Cases Week 9-July 25, 2015 Comp-XM® to be completed by 4 p.m. Tuesday of week 9. (July 21, 2015) Final Exam