Archaeology Training Forum Meeting on the 18 December 2013 1pm PG141, Bournemouth University Talbot Campus, Bournemouth MINUTES Attendees: Anthony Sinclair, Kate Geary, Tara Sutcliffe, Bob Hook, Robin Turner 1. Apologies Ken Smith, Rebecca Jones, Mark Beattie-Edwards, Raimund Karl, Chiz Harward, Stewart Bryant 2. Minutes of last meeting (18 September 2013) The minutes of the last meeting were agreed. 3. Matters arising & action points from last meeting Communication: TJS noted that Mike Feider is leaving CBA and that will have implications for maintaining the ATF mailing list, so it would be a good time to move to a straightforward circulation list AS reported that Ray Karl had attended the SCFA meeting and that AS had spoken to Carl Heron (SCFA chair) who is keen to set up regular liaison meetings with ATF, IfA and FAME. Discussion to include linking academic qualifications to the NVQ and building better relationships with commercial units, focussing on fieldwork opportunities. Action: AS to contact Carl Heron to set up meeting BH reported that a new body – the University Vocational Awards Council – has been set up with an emphasis on promoting Higher Apprenticeships. BH is meeting with them in the New Year and will report back at the next meeting. Action: BH to circulate details BH explained the background to the HEF task groups on skills. One is aimed at stimulating demand from clients for better skills and the second is charged with looking at the disconnect between academic provision and vocational needs. Action: BH to circulate minutes from the original event. BH to also circulate details of the Richards Review of Apprenticeships and the a new review looking more generally at vocational qualifications No progress on NVQ Level 4 as yet. BH noted that EH might be able to fund some work. It was acknowledged that the greatest chance for long term stability for NVQs is through more general historic environment qualifications with specialist (eg archaeology) options. Action: KG to check timescale for review of NVQs. Action: KG to circulate NAS e-learning link with the minutes. Access to the ELearning lessons can be done by visiting Login using the following: Username:Student Password: V3r1,Cxr32 4. Report from CCSkills There was no report from CCSKills. BH had attended the last industry advisory panel meeting. The next meeting will consider the industry panel’s role in more detail. 5. Heritage Counts Report BH summarised the report’s findings, bringing together various LMI reports from across the historic environment sector. BH noted that 8 new or refreshed LMI research datasets are now available, BH is working on a digest and will circulate in due course. RT noted that the Scottish Historic Environment Audit is equivalent and is carried out every 3 years. Action: BH to forward link to CCSkills research on skills and Heritage Counts report as a pdf Action: AS to respond formally on behalf of ATF, draft to be circulated to ATF members for comment by end of Jan 14 6. ATF Vision and forward plan The FAME/SCFA WP has been agreed in principle but need further information from PC at the next meeting. The mechanism for advertising fieldwork placements was discussed. TJS suggested using BAJR but there is potential to advertise via the IfA website. Action: KG to report back on this at the next meeting As noted earlier, staffing at CBA will have implications for changes to the website although Sarah Howard will update content when necessary. It was suggested that a blogger or wordpress blog site would be free and easier to update and maintain as all Forum members could have access. AS noted that there might be potential for sponsorship of a website from Antuquity. It was agreed to investigate other options for the next meeting. NVQ development had been discussed under Matters Arising. KG and AS had discussed the potential for an HEA funded workshop to help HEIs looking to align their provision with NOS/vocational requirements. Could also include University Vocational Awards Council. Action: AS to contact HEA re funding 7. Annual Report It was agreed that this should be renamed as a Forward Plan and progress summary and should focus more on what the Forum has done including updating the Forward Plan and the Training Award. It was agreed that it would be shorter and be primarily web-based although a flier could be produced for inclusion in delegates packs at the IfA Conference, FAME Forum and TAG Action: KG to amend and send to Sarah Howard to put on the ATF website 8. OUDCE Professional Training in the Historic Environment courses KG reported that this year the programme of short courses had been liked to NOS (work carried out by KG and funded by EH). ATF agreed to approve the courses but would like further input into the course evaluation forms to make them more relevant to CPD. 9. AOB RT asked for an update on IfA progress with chartership. KG reported that the formal petition had been submitted following the AGM in October and that the application was undergoing formal consultation. There is no indication at present of how long this will take or when a decision might be expected. AS noted that the benchmarking statement for archaeology was under review. A panel will be set up, headed by Mark Pearce at Nottingham, and is due to report in June. ATF will provide comments and the consultation will be circulated as soon as it is available. TJS noted that only one applicant to the CBA’s most recent round of Skills for the Future placements had supplied a personal development plan/CPD log and wondered if personal development planning formed part of the statement. 10. Dates of Future Meetings: April 2014 in Glasgow to coincide with the IfA Conference. KG to confirm date and venue as soon as possible. The next meeting will be aligned with the FAME Forum in June/July and will replace the previously scheduled June Edinburgh meeting.