
Case Problem 2
Data File needed for this Case Problem: Popcorn.xlsx
Seattle Popcorn Seattle Popcorn is a small company located in Tacoma, Washington, that
produces gourmet popcorn distributed in the Northwest. Steve Wilkes has developed a
workbook that will allow him to perform a profit analysis for the company. Using this workbook, he wants to create formulas to determine the break-even point for the company—the
sales volume needed so that revenues will match the anticipated monthly expenses. Three
factors determine the break-even point: the sales price of each unit of Seattle Popcorn, the
variable manufacturing cost to the company for each unit, and the fixed expenses (salaries,
rent, insurance, and so on) that the company must pay each month. Steve wants to be able
to explore a range of possible values for each of these factors, as follows:
• The sales price of each unit of Seattle Popcorn can vary from $5 to $1 5 (in whole
• The variable manufacturing cost of each unit can vary from $5 to $1 5 (in whole
• The fixed monthly expense for the company can vary from $1 5,000 to $30,000 (in
whole numbers).
Complete the following:
1 . Open the Popcorn workbook located in the Excel8\Case2 folder included with your
Data Files, and then save the workbook as Seattle Popcorn. In the Documentation
sheet, enter your name and the date.
2. Switch to the Profit Analysis worksheet, and then define names for cells, as follows:
cell C1 5: PricePerUnit
cell C1 6: CostPerUnit
cell C1 7: MonthlyExpenses
3. In the range H3:H43, enter a formula using defined names to calculate the revenue,
which is determined by the units sold multiplied by the price per unit.
4. In the range I3:I43, enter a formula using defined names to calculate the expenses,
which are determined by the units sold multiplied by the cost per unit plus the fixed
monthly expense.
5. In cell C1 8, enter a formula to calculate the break-even point, which is determined
by the fixed monthly expense divided by the difference between the price per unit
and the cost per unit. Use the IFERROR function to display a blank cell instead of an
error value.
6. In cell C1 9, enter a formula to calculate the revenue at the break-even point, which
is determined by the break-even point multiplied by the sales price per unit. Use the
IFERROR function to display a blank cell instead of an error value. 7. Create the validation rules for cells
C1 5, C1 6, and C1 7, as shown in Figure 8-38.Figure 8-38 Validation rules for cells C15, C16, and C17
8. Protect the worksheet so the user can enter data only in cells C1 5, C1 6, and C1 7.
Everything else in the worksheet should remain locked.
9. Enter the following values in the worksheet to determine how many units Seattle
Popcorn must sell each month in order to break even:
• Sales Price per Unit = $13
• Manufacturing Cost per Unit = $10
• Fixed Monthly Expense = $30,000
1 0. In cell C1 6, add the following comment: Call Joe Heller in Cost Accounting for unit
cost data.
Note: In the following steps, you’ll create a macro. Save your workbook before
recording the macro. That way, if you make a mistake while recording the macro,
you can close the workbook without saving the changes, and then reopen the workbook and try again. Also, read the list of tasks before you begin recording them.
1 1 . Save the workbook.
1 2. Create a macro named PrintChart with the shortcut key Ctrl+a and an appropriate
macro description that performs the following tasks:
a. Set the print area to include the chart and input/output area (range A1 :E20).
b. Set the page layout to landscape orientation, centered horizontally on the page,
with the text Break-even Analysis in the center section of the header, and your
name in the right section of the footer.
c. Print the chart and input area.
d. Make cell A1 the active cell.
e. Stop recording the macro.
1 3. Test the PrintChart macro by pressing the Ctrl+a keys. If the macro doesn’t work,
close the workbook without saving your changes, reopen the workbook, and record
the macro again.
1 4. Edit the PrintChart macro, replacing the line ActiveWindow. SelectedSheets.
PrintOut Copies: =1, Collate: =True, IgnorePrintAreas: =False with
ActiveSheet. PrintPreview. (Hint: The line to edit is four lines above the end of
the macro.)
1 5. Create a button in the range A22:B23, assign the PrintChart macro to the button, and
change the default label to a more descriptive one.
1 6. Run the PrintChart macro to test the button and the revised macro.
1 7. Save the workbook as a macro-enabled workbook using the name SP with Macros,
and then close it.
1 8. Submit the finished workbook to your instructor, either in printed or electronic form,
as requested.
Case Problem 3
Data File needed for this Case Problem: Cookin.xlsx
Cookin’ Good Cookin’ Good sells specialized home cooking products. The company
employs individuals to organize “Cookin’ Good Parties” at which the company’s products
are sold. Cleo Benard is responsible for entering sales data from various Cookin’ Good
Parties. She wants to design an Excel workbook to act as a data entry form. She has
already created the workbook, but she needs your help with setting up data validation
rules, creating a table lookup, and writing the macros to enter the data. Complete the
1 . Open the Cookin’ workbook located in the Excel8\Case3 folder included with your
Data Files, and then save the workbook as Cookin’ Good. In the Documentation
sheet, enter your name and the date.
2. Go to the Sales Form worksheet. Create appropriate defined names for each cell in
the range C3:C8. Assign the name ProductInfo to the range E4:G1 5.
3. In the Sales Form worksheet, create the following validation rules:
a. The criteria allows only one of five regions (represented by the numbers 1 , 2,
3, 4, and 5) to be entered in cell C3. Enter an appropriate input message and
error alert.
b. The criteria provides the list of 1 2 products (found in range E4:E1 5) in cell C4.
Enter an appropriate input message and error alert.
c. The criteria allows only whole numbers greater than 0 to be entered as the number of units sold in
cell C7. Enter an appropriate input message and error alert.
4. In cells C5 and C6, enter a VLOOKUP function that automatically enters the product name and price
into the sales form when the ProductID is entered. (Hint: Cells
should be blank if an error value appears in a cell.)
5. In cell C8, enter a formula that automatically calculates the total sale for the order,
which is determined by the number of units sold multiplied by the price of the product. Use the IFERROR
function to display a blank cell if an error value occurs during
the calculation of Total Sale.
6. Prevent users from entering data into any cell in the Sales Form worksheet other than
cells C3, C4, and C7, and then protect the Sales Form worksheet.
7. Test the data entry form by entering the following new record: Region = 1, Product
ID = CW, Units Sold = 8.
8. Save the workbook, and then create a macro named AddData with the shortcut key
Ctrl+d that performs the following tasks:
a. In the Sales Form worksheet, copy the values in the range C3:C8. (Hint: You’ll
paste later in the macro.)
b. Switch from the Sales Form worksheet to the Sales Record worksheet. Click
cell A1 .
c. Turn on Relative References.
d. Use the End+
keys to locate the last used row in the first column. Then, press
key to move to the next row in the first column.
e. Turn off Relative References.
f. Paste the copied values from Step A into the blank row. (Hint: Use the Paste button arrow, and then
click Paste Transpose button.)
g. Switch to the Sales Table worksheet.
h. Click inside the PivotTable and refresh the contents of the PivotTable to include
the new data.
Switch to the Sales Form worksheet and clear the values in cells C3, C4, and C7.
j. Make C3 the active cell.
k. Stop recording the macro.
9. Create a button in the range C1 1 :C1 2 on the Sales Form worksheet and assign the
AddData macro to the button. Change the button label to Transfer Sales Data.
1 0. Test the data entry form and AddData macro by entering the following new records:
Region Product ID Units Sold
3 HR 4
4 OEG 2
1 1 . Create a macro named ViewTable with the Ctrl+t shortcut key that displays the contents of the Sales Table worksheet.
1 2. Create a macro named ViewChart with the Ctrl+c shortcut key that displays the
Sales Chart worksheet.
1 3. Create a macro named ViewForm with the Ctrl+f shortcut key that displays the Sales
Form worksheet. Test each macro using its shortcut keys.
1 4. In the Documentation worksheet, create three macro buttons below row 1 3 to view
the Sales Table worksheet (Step 1 1 ), the Sales Chart worksheet (Step 1 2), and the
Sales Form worksheet (Step 1 3). Assign the appropriate macro to each button, and
change the labels on the buttons to be more descriptive.
1 5. The Sales Table worksheet displays the total product sales in each region. Change the
PivotTable to show the values in the cells as percentages of the Column Total. (Hint:
On the Options tab, in the Calculations group, click the Show Values As button,
and then click % of Column Total. You can return the original value by clicking No
1 6. Create two macros. The first displays the PivotTable as percentages of column
totals (Step 1 5). Name this macro ShowAsPercent. The second macro displays
the PivotTable as numbers (values shown as No Calculation). Name this macro
1 7. Edit the ShowAsPercent macro to display the results with a percent style by adding
the following three commands immediately before the End Sub statement:
Range( “ C5: H17 ” ) . Select
Selection. Style = “ Percent”
Range( “ A1” ) . Select
1 8. Create two macro buttons below the PivotTable in the Sales Table worksheet to run
each macro. Assign a macro to each button, and then change the button labels to be
more descriptive.
1 9. Save the workbook as CG with Macros, and then close it. Submit the finished work