Prepared By:
Brittany Alexanderson
Ashley Campise
Lorena Guerrero Espinoza
Sharon Hawley
Tayna LaPierre
Prepared For:
Professor Ceresino
MKTG 433
February 15, 2011
Creating a strategic marketing plan is essential for our company to be able to successfully launch our product, Hydracaí Vodka. The marketing plan is based on a situation analysis that is helpful in understanding our customers, their wants and needs, and what we should do to take advantages of the various opportunities the market holds.
Opportunity Analysis
After a careful analysis of the marketplace, several market opportunities for our new product have been found. There is a need for refreshing, hydrating vodka that has no side effects or hangovers. There are many companies that sell Vodka, however none of those products compare or have the same benefits of Hydracaí Vodka. There are two main target segments that have the greatest demand for this product; Young adults ages 21 to 26, and middle age adults ages 45 to
Competitive Analysis
Hydracaí Vodka has a competitive advantage over the competition. Our product is a high quality product at a great price. It will also be the only Vodka on the market that doesn’t leave a hangover.
Relevant competition for Hydracaí Vodka is other companies that produce spirits globally.
Within the spirit manufacturing industry there is considered to be a medium level of competition within the industry. The competition within the industry is increasing. The participants in the global spirits manufacturing industry are faced with internal as well as external competition.
Wine and beer manufacturers are considered to be strong competition.
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In regards to internal competition, any alcoholic beverage manufacturer competes on branding, price, taste, and distribution methods. The top spirit manufacturers in the world are Diageo,
Pernod Ricard, Bacardi & Company Limited, Beam Inc., and Brown-Forman Corporation.
These manufacturers produce such vodka brands as Absolut Vodka, Grey Goose Vodka, and
SVEDKA Vodka. Not only are alcoholic beverage companies in competitions with each other, but non-alcoholic beverages such as water, juice, and soft drinks are considered to be competition. (Global Spirits Manufacturing, 2011).
Target Market Selection
After evaluating the opportunities, our company found two market segments, which have a demand for our product. These two markets seem like they should both become the focus of our company’s marketing efforts.
1) Youth groups that age from 21 to 26 are a good market for Hydracaí Vodka. This age group is the time when consumers reach the legal drinking age and are drinking and partying. “Most of these consumers are generally studying and/or earning from part time jobs. Whatever they tend to earn from their part time jobs is generally spent on liquor once they are addicted to this very thing.” (mysensex, 2008) It would be beneficial to our company to drop the price of Hydracaí, to increase the sales among this group. This group is most likely to choose our product over others based solely on price of the product because they don’t have a large source of income.
2) Mature groups that age from 45 to 65 are also a great market for Hydracaí Vodka. These consumers are most likely settled in jobs, and have a steady income. “They like to drink for pleasure and leisure, they are easily approachable but are very hard to convince. Brand loyalty is
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strongest among this group and they are usually moderate to high users.“ (mysensex, 2008) This group is most likely going to stick to the brand they have learned to love over the years. They want the product to fit their needs, and the generally stick to the product that has done this time and time again. Once we can convince this market to try Hydracaí Vodka, they will prefer to stick to our brand over all the others.
The marketing strategy and analysis is very helpful in creating the best ways to market our product to consumers. Our marketing program consists of several ways our company will attempt to reach our desired market.
Product Decisions
Having a superior product is key to reaching consumers. Hydracaí Vodka adds value and benefits to the customer in a number of ways. First, the health benefits are clear. A person who consumes this product is going to be consuming vitamins and antioxidants from the acai berry as well as avoiding sugars and toxins that are normally found in other forms of alcohol. Also, the intoxicated-like feeling that is associated with drinking an alcoholic beverage can be of interest to anyone who intakes this vodka. Taking these two values into considerations, those who value a unique, healthy experience can also value this product.
To a consumer, this vodka should symbolize a high end, classy way to enjoy a cocktail without the feeling of others judging poorly or a regretful morning. It makes it okay to let loose and enjoy the positive aspects of life and it is an escape from reality. It symbolizes freedom and living in the moment. The name, logo, symbols, design, and packaging will say it all.
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Since this product has a positive message using the benefit and value attributes, the brand equity should reflect this closely. Once the target market realizes that this product is completely beneficial for them, the brand equity will naturally increase with positive feedback.
Pricing Decisions
Most of our target market is a consumer who already drinks alcohol. The consumer wouldn’t want to give anything up that they wouldn’t already be giving up for a normal alcohol. This vodka, though high end and beneficial, is affordable to many. Pricing too low would otherwise risk lowering the value of such a great product. Therefore, the price and high quality ads will be necessary to coincide with this high quality product.
Distribution Channel Decisions
Making this product available for consumers in the easiest and best way possible is crucial for their consumption. Channels such as grocery stores usually carry every type of liquor from low end to high end products. Hydracaí Vodka can be sold among its competitors on those grocery shelves. Any other type of convenient store that carries high-end liquors will also carry Hydracaí
Vodka because the brand has to stay as close to high end as possible for how unique it is. Bars will certainly carry our product as well, which will broaden the marketing channels and help get the brand name known better. The more channels that this vodka is offered in, the better chances it has of selling well.
Promotional Strategies
Assuming there will be enough funds, having a pull strategy for Hydracaí will involve creating advertising and sales promotions in an effort for customers to see the product and encourage
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them to request it through their retailers. Having this type of strategy will be less pushy and invasive. Showcasing the value and uniqueness of this product will naturally make consumers want to buy it through a pull strategy.
Analyzing the environmental factors is beneficial for understanding how the current trends and developments might affect our promotional program. Keeping up with the trends in society is very important for our company to be able to stay competitive. Some of the current trends and how they will affect out marketing plan are listed below.
Social Networking
One of the most important trend to consider is the use of social networking. It is essential for our company to create and manage a Facebook page, and Twitter Account, which will allow us to keep consumers in constant contact with our company and products. Having a campaign that uses contests, promotions and other creative ideas on Facebook allows our company to have interaction and better communications with the consumer. We still have to maintain our standards as a high quality product through these channels.
Online Websites
Online Websites have also become a large source for consumers to gather information about products. It is essential that our company has a well kept, and informational website about our company and products. Consumers should be able to inquire about our product, find information and make purchases using our website.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
“Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society, the environment and its own prosperity.” (MPI, 2012) It is very popular for companies that sell alcohol to incorporate CSR into its marketing. Currently, companies try to convey messages such as: “Drink Responsibly” and “You don’t want to spoil a great party”. A company “sees it as its responsibility to inform consumers about responsible alcohol consumption”. (Trends in Corporate Social Marketing, 2009) Our company will be incorporating Corporate Social Responsibility into our marketing, because it is important for us to inform our customers that drinking responsibly is very important.
Green Image
The concept of “going green” is a popular topic in the world today. Society is currently trying to protect our planet and its resources. Incorporating being green in our marketing can be very beneficial to getting customers to buy our product. For our company to utilize this trend, we can promote green aspects of our manufacturing process, and bottling process. Our company can also give money to green causes for every bottle purchased of Hydracaí Vodka.
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(2012). Retrieved February 14, 2012, from MPI: COMMITTED TO IMPROVING OUR
Eureopean Centre for Monitoring Alcohol Marketing. (2009). Corporate Social Responsibility:
the new marketing tool. Retrieved February 14, 2012, from Trends in Alcohol
Eureopean Centre for Monitoring Alcohol Marketing. (2010). Movies with a tick . Retrieved
February 14, 2012, from Inventory of alcohol portrayal in Europe’s most popular movies.
European Centre for Monitoring Alcohol Marketing. (2009). Alcohol advertising in new media.
Retrieved February 24, 2012, from Trends in Alchohol Marketing.
European Centre for Monitoring Alcohol Marketing. (2008). The Green and Healthy Image of
Alcohol. Retrieved February 14, 2012, from Trends in Alcohol Marketing.
Global Spirits Manufacturing. (2011 йил 17-November). Retrieved 2012 7-February from
IBISWorld: cs.aspx?indid=400 (n.d.). Trends in
Marketing. Retrieved February 14, 2012, from (2008, June 7). Retrieved February 13, 2012, from Absolut Vodka - Marketing
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