Syllabus, Spring 2015 - The University of Texas at San Antonio

Syllabus: MGT 3003 (Sections 001 and 002), Spring 2015
Business Communication & Professional Development
Section .001 (Course #21763): Monday & Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m., BB 2.01.06
Section .002 (Course #22869): Tuesday & Thursday, 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m., BB 2.01.02
Office Hours: MW: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., TR: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m., BB 4.04.29
(Last non-substantive or clarifying editing update: March 6, 2015)
Dr. Wilson’s Web site:
should use the Mozilla Firefox browser to access UTSA Web sites and Blackboard Learn—Mozilla
Firefox and Chrome are the only browsers that currently permit full access to Blackboard Learn and the
Online Writing Lab (OWL). Access Blackboard Learn at
Dr. Bennie Wilson
Blackboard message or email
Documented emergency absences
Teaching Assistant
BB 4.04.29
MW: 11:30 am.-12:30 pm
TR: 1:00 pm- 2:00 pm
And by appointment
BB 4.04.29
Blackboard Learn message or email
Alex Lewis
Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Quizzes, final
Résumé Grading (non-CAP students)
Point deductions
Miscellaneous points
College of Business Center for Student Professional Development (CSPD)
University Career Center (UCC)
Julio Joey Ramos
 Career Action Program (CAP)
 Résumé Grading (CAP students)
Lauren Hoffmann
 Résumé Reviews
Morris Ellington  Etiquette Dinner
 Group Mock Interviews (non-CAP students)
MW: 11:30 pm-12:00 pm
TR: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 pm
And by appointment
BB 2.01.08
UC 2.02.04
7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.,
7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.,
Located in University
Career Center, room UC
Junior Achievement (JA) Coordinators
403 E. Ramsey, Ste. 201, San Antonio, Texas
Bernadette Byrd
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
 To volunteer for JA Finance Park extra credit
Monday - Friday
Felicia Breaux
To discuss classroom JA issues
McGraw-Hill Text and “Connect”
Angie Foster
Questions regarding “Connect”
IMPORTANT: For easy access to University policies and information on the following important
subjects, please go online to
Counseling Services
Student Code of Conduct and Scholastic Dishonesty
Students with Disabilities
Transitory/Minor Medical Issues
Supplemental Instruction
Tutoring Services
The Roadrunner Creed
WELCOME TO THIS COURSE: You probably remember the classic book and movie, The Wizard
of Oz, in which Dorothy laments to her pet dog: “Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
This course will take you out of “Kansas,” my metaphor for your experiences prior to entering the “real
world” of work. In doing so, it will challenge your time-management skills, meaning you will have to
do advance planning regarding completing assignments prior to their deadlines, particularly the
“Connect” quizzes and writing assignment and the Online Writing Lab (OWL) assignment quizzes.
If you are the type to wait until the last minute to do assignments, you risk not fulfilling your academic
potential and you will not share in the professional skills that this course will provide you. Effective
time management and meeting deadlines in a timely manner are valued and critical skills in the real
world of work.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this course, we will examine basic interpersonal communication
processes within written and verbal channels, with practical applications for the business environment.
We will discuss issues regarding cross-cultural communication, crisis communication, and ethical
considerations in business. The course emphasizes three major areas: (1) planning, organizing, writing,
editing, and revising business documents; (2) planning, organizing, and delivering business
presentations; and (3) preparing for professional success in the business world, including career
planning, networking, job searching, résumé preparation, and job application and interviewing. Written
assignments and oral presentations are required.
COURSE PREREQUISITES: COM 1053 or COM 1043 (Business and Professional Speech), and
WRC 1023 or ENG 1023 (Freshman Composition II).
 Students will be able to communicate, verbally and in writing, information and ideas pertinent to
business decision-making. (This course directly supports this goal.)
 Students will be able to use quantitative analysis and quantitative and non-quantitative reasoning to
effectively identify and solve business problems.
 Students will be able to use current information technology to support business decision-making.
 Students will be able to incorporate a global perspective in business decisions.
 Students will be able to identify ethical and legal issues in a business context and find alternatives
that demonstrate ethical values.
o Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked World, 1st ed., by Peter Cardon,
McGraw-Hill Publishing, in one of the following formats:
o Printed text plus “Connect” (cost approx. $143.00): ISBN—9781259414176, available in the
University bookstore. The Pre Pack includes:
A hard copy, loose-leaf version of the text
Access to the e-text
An access code to “Connect,” an online (via the course Blackboard site) study and
assignment system required for this course.
o “Connect” access card (cost approx. $85.00): ISBN – 9781259447358, available in the
University bookstore. The access code provides access to the e-text and to the required
“Connect” study/assignment management system.
o If you have a used copy of the above text, you may use ISBN – 9781259443763 to buy access to
“Connect” and the e-text.
o Approximately 15 copies of ParScore test form number X-101864-PAR-L (50 questions per
side), to be used for recording class attendance and for completing the midterm and final
Study and Learning Assistance
o McGraw-Hill “Connect”: This interactive eLearning and assignment program is available at
the course Blackboard site, located at the links on the left side of each Blackboard page. It
provides many extensive study and evaluation tools to assist your success in reading and
understanding chapter materials in the text. These include practice chapter pre- and postquizzes, simulation exercises, etc. In addition, this program is required to access Connect-based
quizzes and writing assignment.
Register on Blackboard for “Connect” by accessing the “Connect” tab at the course
Blackboard site, using the instructions at
_Class_814.pdf. You must register for “Connect” via Blackboard only using an access
code that came with your hard copy text or that you obtained by purchasing access to the text
e-book via the Blackboard “Connect” link. (NOTE: Access and register “Connect” only at
the course Blackboard site—do not register for “Connect” via a McGraw-Hill web link.)
“Connect” also includes access to:
 LearnSmart “Achieve”: Improves writing editing skills and empowers students to put
responsible writing into practice. It is an adaptive learning system to help students learn
faster, study more efficiently, and retain more knowledge. It pinpoints concepts the
student does not understand and maps out a personalized study plan. Based on students’
self-diagnoses of their proficiency, it provides students with a series of adaptive
questions. This provides students with a personalized one-on-one tutor experience.
 LearnSmart “SmartBook”: An adaptive reading experience designed to change the way
students read and learn. It creates a personalized reading experience by highlighting the
most important concepts a student needs to learn at that moment in time. The student’s
text reading continuously adapts by highlighting content based on what the student does
and does not know. This ensures that the focus is on the content he or she needs to learn,
while simultaneously promoting long-term retention of material.
 Connect Class Assignments: Access class quizzes and the Connect-based writing
assignments through the Blackboard “Connect Quizzes & Writing Assignment” link.
Since these are online and are available for several days before they are due, there are no
extensions under any circumstances unless the McGraw-Hill tech support staff certifies to
me that there was a systemic Connect outage during the time you attempted to access a
particular quiz.
 Before attempting to access each Connect assignment (each quiz and the writing
assignment), click on Check My Computer to see if your computer meets the
requirements for Connect. If not compatible for listed reasons, e.g., outdated browser
version, blocked cookies, pop-up blocker is on, etc., correct the issue and
troubleshoot again. If compatible, click “Connect Quizzes & Writing Assignment” at
your Blackboard site, to access the assignment.
 When you start a quiz, you are committed to complete it within the appropriate time
limit—failing to do will result in the point score you earned when the time limit
 If you have computer issues, contact McGraw-Hill technical support during their
operating hours if you have problems--be sure to inform them that you registered on
“Connect” via Blackboard, not via the McGraw-Hill Web site.
 Tech Support & FAQ:
Call: (800) 331-5094 (See hours open below)
Chat: (do NOT use email if you desire a quicker response).
Monday - 8:00 am - 11:00 pm
Tuesday - 8:00 am - 11:00 pm
Wednesday - 8:00 am - 11:00 pm
Thursday - 8:00 am - 11:00 pm
Friday - 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday - 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
(All times Central)
 If tech support is not able to resolve the issue, please provide the support reference
number given to you by the support team. At that time, you should contact our McGrawHill representative, Angie Foster, at and provide her
with the support reference number and your user ID and password you use to access
Blackboard. She will NOT be able to assist outside of normal workdays and hours.
Office of Information Technology (OIT) Assistance: For assistance with the Blackboard Learn
communication system, except for the Online Writing Lab, email OIT”Connect” or call
210-458-5555. (NOTE: If you have problems with your OWL site, contact our teaching assistant
via Blackboard Learn course message.
When contacting OIT regarding Blackboard problems, be sure to:
o Give your name, email address, banner ID/User ID, a phone number where you can be contacted
o Provide your course and section number, and the name of your professor
o List your computer’s Operating System & version number, e.g. Mac OSX, Windows 7, Windows
XP, etc.
o The brand and version of internet browser in which you are using blackboard, e.g., Safari version
5.1.2, Internet Explorer version 8, Mozilla Firefox version 12, etc.
o If you are currently on campus and using a UTSA-owned computer, provide your computer’s
inventory/asset number
Designated seating areas: State and Federal fire codes require students not sit or stand in aisle
space, on landings, or on steps. Please do not block the designated exit areas. Neither students nor
guests may sit at the tables and seats behind the last row of fixed seats designated for disabled
students. Only students certified as disabled by the Office of Student Disability Services and who
require classroom accommodation may sit in these areas.
Professional Behavior: Please be respectful of each other at all times. Be on time; be good
Laptop and Electronic Devices: Treat these classes as business meetings—do not use laptops, cell
phones, and other electronic devices in class. Further, please turn off and remove your cell phones
from sight by putting them in your pockets, your purses, etc., or you must leave class. If you are
expecting an emergency call, please notify me at the beginning of class—you must respond to the
emergency phone call in the hallway outside of the classroom.
Assignment Submissions & Returns: In the event you must submit a hard copy of an assignment
by a specific date and/or time, and class is not in session or I am not in the office, you may slide the
assignment under my office door or scan it and email it to me—on or before the deadline. Further,
if you are not present when the TA returns a graded assignment in class you must pick it up during
office hours in my office (BB 4.04.29).
ASSIGNMENTS & EXAMINATIONS: See pages 18 – 20 for charts showing assignment and exam
deadlines and point values, and course grade determinations.
Quizzes and Examinations: The text is the basis for all quizzes (both “Connect” and OWL), the
midterm exam, and the final exam.
o “Connect” Quizzes: There are 10 quizzes, each worth 10 points for a total of 100 points.
Assess each quiz through “Connect” on Blackboard and complete it in accordance with the
appropriate section schedule at the end of this syllabus. Extensions are not granted under any
circumstances since these are available online for several days.
“Connect” generates quiz questions randomly for each student. You may access each quiz
during the period between when its “available” and its “deadline.” Once you start a quiz, you
have until the time limit to complete it—there are no “do-overs” or “extensions.” Once you
reach the time limit, the quiz stops and “Connect” grades the questions you answered. After
the deadline passes, you may re-access the quiz site for feedback on how you did on each
quiz question.
Do all “Connect” quizzes on a hard-wired computer such as those in the UTSA computer
labs and elsewhere on campus. Do not use Wi-Fi; I repeat, do not use Wi-Fi to connect to
“Connect” quizzes.
 AirRowdy and other wireless connections--particularly those serving apartment
complexes, dormitories, and other high-volume areas--are prone to disconnecting
 Bad weather such as electrical storms and the like may result in computer disruptions.
 Computer issues late on the last day the assignment is available will not be a basis for a
“do-over.” In the real world, waiting until the “last minute” to do your job is a trap you
do not want to fall in.
o Midterm Examination: The midterm is in class and consists of up to 100 multiple-choice
questions from the text chapters covered prior to the midterm.
o Final Examination: The final is in class and consists of up to 100 multiple-choice questions
from the text chapters covered after the midterm exam.
o Online Writing Lab (OWL) Modules & Quizzes: You will complete OWL assignments
online linked on the left side of the course Blackboard page. You should start the OWL
assignments after the OWL orientation in class on the date shown in the class schedule. As with
the other course assignments, it is vital that you do not wait until the last minute to attempt to
complete the OWL assignments. The quizzes are online and available for several days; thus,
there are no deadline extensions.
OWL Core Modules Assignment (Four Core OWL Modules) - The four core modules are
(1) writing composition, (2) English grammar mechanics, (3) business writing style, and (4)
critical thinking. Your grade for the OWL Core Modules assignment will be the average of
the four post-assessment scores. For each of the four modules:
 Study the core module to learn the relevant facts, concepts, and principles for the subject.
 Complete a graded post-assessment to help measure your knowledge of the subject.
OWL Supplemental Modules Assignment (Four Supplemental OWL Modules) – Your
grade for this assignment will be the average of the post-assessment scores for the following
four supplemental modules: (1) résumé writing, (2) cover letter writing, (3) writing emails,
and (4) presentation skills
Since the OWL is part of the Blackboard Learn program, use Mozilla Firefox or Chrome
browsers to access the OWL for full access to Blackboard.
Blackboard Learn is down for maintenance on Saturdays, from midnight to 3:00 a.m., in
addition to other periodic outages as announced on Blackboard. Review these
announcements prior to attempting to access the OWL.
Like “Connect” based quizzes, timed OWL quizzes terminate when the scheduled assessment
times expire. Do all “OWL” quizzes on a hard-wired computer such as those in the
UTSA computer labs and elsewhere on campus. Do not use Wi-Fi; I repeat, do not use
Wi-Fi to connect to “OWL” quizzes. Doing any of the following actions while attempting
to complete OWL assessments will also cause your assessment attempts to terminate without
the ability to again access the assessment:
Using a wireless (Wi-Fi) connection.
Attempting to access the OWL module while connected to the assessment.
Setting your computer to “time-out” when there is a level of inactivity.
Accessing the assessment during times of increased probability of power outages, e.g.,
thunderstorms, etc.
Direct all questions regarding the OWL, including technical issues, to the TA via Blackboard course
message or during instructor office hours.
“Connect”-Based Writing Assignment: You will complete a business writing assignment via
“Connect” at your course Blackboard site. On the date listed in the class schedule, you will receive
(via Blackboard Learn “Announcements”) instruction on using the “Connect” link at the course
Blackboard site to access a business scenario requiring you to write a business document. You will
submit the document online for grading. The scenario will assess your ability to write a “routine”
business message, a “negative” business document, or a “persuasive” business document.
o The Blackboard link to access this assignment will be on the date listed in the class schedule.
You must complete the writing assignment by 11:59 p.m. on the subsequent date listed in the
class schedule. Grading will reflect an evaluation of your written business document using the
grading rubric at the "Connect Quizzes & Writing Assignment” link on the course Blackboard
"Course Content Page." This link will be available on the first day that the assignment is
available for access.
o Since this assignment is online and available for several days, there are no deadline extensions.
o NOTE: Once you receive this assignment, you may not consult the Writing Center staff or any
other office or individual to collaborate on it. “SafeAssign,” a Blackboard-based plagiarismmonitoring tool will be used to determine point deductions for students who copy the work of
others, no matter the source, e.g., other students papers, online sources, and the like.
Résumé: You will prepare a professional job résumé as part of the professional development portion
of this course. The résumé grading rubric is at
o Your résumé should be for a job or type of job you will likely be seeking--if you have no specific
job or employer to refer to, refer to a job for which you might like to apply, and an employer for
which you might like to work. The processes for completing and submitting the résumé
assignment differ for students who are extra-credit volunteers for the Career Action Program
(CAP) sponsored by the Center for Student Professional Development (CSPD), and for students
who are not CAP volunteers (see below). However, the résumés for both CAP and non-CAP
students must follow the CSPD résumé template at
o If you are a non-CAP student, prior to the submission deadline listed in the class schedule for
turning in your résumé for grading, you must have it reviewed for feedback by the University
Career Center (UCC) or CSPD career counselors, who will recommend improvements to you, if
necessary. Print a copy of the “Résumé Review Confirmation Form” before you go to see the
career counselor. You are encouraged to make appropriate changes to your résumé, if any, prior
to turning in your résumé for grading. Pre-résumé submission reviews are as follows.
15-minute walk-in reviews:
 CSPD (BB 2.01.08): Mondays, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
 UCC (UC 2.02.04): Monday through Friday, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Appointment reviews: Call 210-458-4589 to get on Career Counselor Lauren Hoffmann’s
After the review, your career counselor will complete your “Résumé Review Confirmation
Form.” You must give this completed form to your professor or to the TA in order to
complete the grading of your résumé.
(NOTE: The responsibility for the content and construction of your résumé is yours and yours
alone. Reviews and recommendations of CSPD and UCC counselors are advisory only and do
not ensure that you will receive a particular grade on the résumé assignment.)
o The résumé turn-in processes differ for non-CAP and CAP students as follows:
Non-CAP students: After your résumé is reviewed via the Résumé Review Confirmation
Form, make any changes to it and upload the résumé as a PDF file to the course Blackboard
site by the deadline listed in the class schedule and this syllabus. To do this:
 Access the “Course Content” page on the course Blackboard site, scroll down and click
the link “Résumé (submit your résumé here).”
 Click “Browse My Computer,” locate your résumé PDF file, open it, and upload it to
 Click “Submit”
Once you later receive your graded résumé grading rubric, you are encouraged to make any
changes to it and upload your final résumé to your “RowdyJobs” account for review by
potential employers.
CAP extra-credit students: Email a Word or PDF file of your résumé to the CSPD at by the deadline listed in the class schedule. The CSPD staff will send each
CAP student an email confirming receipt of the résumé. CAP students who receive a grade
of 80 or higher will have successfully completed the résumé assignment for both the CAP
program and for their MGT 3003 class.
In order to remain in good standing with the CAP program, CAP students who initially
receive a résumé grade lower than 80 are required to submit both the graded initial résumé
and a revised résumé—both in hard copy—to the CSPD no later than the CSPD deadline for
doing so. Once the CSPD staff grades your revised résumé, you are highly encouraged (1) to
make recommended improvements to the résumé, and (2) to upload your final résumé to
your “RowdyJobs” account. (NOTE: CAP students revising their résumés for the CSPD
will not have their MGT 3003 résumé assignment grades adjusted.)
In-Class Oral Presentation: Each student will make an in-class business-oriented oral presentation
on a subject of his or her choosing. Follow the oral presentation schedule linked to your MGT 3003
Blackboard site The grading sheets are linked at for individual
presentations, and at
if team presentations are held. For group/team presentations, group members not contacting the
other members of the group in a timely manner to plan and organize the presentation will be
penalized points for their failure to do so.
[OPTIONAL] Junior Achievement (JA) Classroom Volunteer Program: An Alternative to the
In-Class Oral Presentation and the Final Examination: As an alternative to the above oral
presentation process, if you are eligible you may volunteer for an alternative oral presentation
opportunity as part of the partnership between Junior Achievement of South Texas and the UTSA
College of Business. If you are interested in possibly volunteering, prior to the in-class JA
orientation session listed in the class schedule, please review the YouTube video at, and read the homework at JA Pre-Orientation
If you previously signed up for the JA option as part of my course, you may not again volunteer for
the JA option to satisfy the oral presentation and final exam assignments. Of course, you may
reapply as a JA volunteer without sponsorship of my class. The purpose of this provision is to
provide you a different route for learning that you have not previously experienced.
Successful completion of the JA program means you will:
o Be exempt from taking the final examination, with full credit for with the 100 points.
o Have your classroom teacher’s evaluation—worth up to 200 points--as your oral presentation
o Be awarded 10 extra-credit points if you present a high school JA program. High school JA
presentation volunteers need to be mature and professionally experienced. Request JA staff
evaluation to teach a high school class by completing the form at
The Junior Achievement classroom volunteer program requires personal commitment. The "payoff" will be a tremendously satisfying experience working with young people who can benefit from
your professional example. Many JA volunteers report that the experience improves selfconfidence.
Please note the following important specifics:
o The application process for the JA program includes a background investigation by appropriate
law enforcement officials. To get a background check, U.S. citizens must have either a driver’s
license or a social security card; international students must have a passport.
o You must attend a JA orientation presentation regarding the duties of a JA volunteer. This
presentation will be in our class on the date listed in the class schedule. If you do not attend this
class, you must contact the JA staff at (210) 490-2007 to arrange to attend one of the following
make-up sessions at the offices of JA of South Texas located at 403 E. Ramsey, Suite. 201, San
Antonio, Texas 78216.
Make-up Sessions for JA Orientation
Tuesday, Jan. 27
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Wednesday, Jan. 28
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Thursday, Jan. 29
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Friday, Jan. 30
9:00 am - 10:30 am
o Child Protection Training (CPT): All students desiring to volunteer for the Junior
Achievement program option must self-enroll in this online training by taking the following
steps: (NOTE: Use browsers Mozilla Firefox or Chrome.) The training is mandated by the
state of Texas for all volunteers who will make presentations to minor children.
Visit the “online course” page at
Click on SB1414: Child Protection Training link under Non-Employee Training:
If you have such an account already, use your “MyUTSA ID” and your passphrase to login to
the Child Protection Training Web site—again, you must be using browser Mozilla Firefox.
If you do not have an account for this site, click Create new account.
Fill in the blocks for username/password and for “more details.”
Record the “reCAPTCHA” shown. If there is no reCAPTCHA shown, you will see a shieldlike icon next to the “go back one page” arrow at the top left of the web page—click that icon
to produce your reCAPTCHA.
Click the “Create my new account” button.
You will receive an email confirming your registration, and then you will be able to login to
the Child Protection Training web site.
After completing the online training, complete SB1414: Child Protection Quiz (must pass
with minimum grade of 70%)
Print the completion certificate and turn it in to Dr. Wilson no later than the deadline listed in
the class schedule--you may email the certificate, or slide it under the office door (BB
4.04.29) if no one is in the office.
o To apply and process for the JA option, follow the steps in this calendar of events:
Junior Achievement Classroom Volunteer Program Calendar
Jan. 14 – Sec. 1
Jan. 15 – Sec. 2
Attend the Junior Achievement in-class Training. Complete & return volunteer profile in
volunteer training packet. (Print neatly)
After Training
Complete and return JA training evaluation survey that JA staff will email to you
By Tue., Jan. 27
Complete the “High School Volunteer Inquiry” at this link only if you are interested in a
high school level JA class:
Fri., Jan. 30
Provide Dr. Wilson your completed certificate for the online UTSA Child Protection Training
Tue., Feb. 3 &
Wed., Feb. 4
Visit the JA office only if you have recruited your own JA class assignment/teacher.
You will need to bring a copy of your UTSA Child Protection Training Certificate with you.
Fri., Feb. 6
8:00 am
First day to select a JA classroom assignment online at via Sign-Up
Genius. You can sign-up and pick a class of your choice. Sign up for ONE class only!
Tues., Feb. 10
5:00 pm
Last day to select a JA classroom assignment online via “Sign-Up Genius.”
Tues., Feb. 17
10:00 am - 11:00 am
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
---------------Wed., Feb. 18
8:00 am - 9:30 am
11:30 am - 2:00 pm
--------------Thur., Feb. 19
10:00 am - 11:00 am
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
JA staff will be available at UTSA in BB 4.02.10 for (1) JA classroom assignment, (2)
teacher confirmation form pick-up, and (3) background check submission.
 Must be dressed in professional business attire! (No jeans, tennis shoes, or flipflops, etc.)
 Bring a driver’s license or a government-issued ID.
 Must turned in Child Protection Training certificate to Dr. Wilson by Jan. 30
 Must have completed JA Volunteer Training in class or at JA office.
Volunteers who do not pick up their JA classroom assignments during this period will
be removed from the program.
After you receive
your assignment
Contact your assigned teacher immediately & schedule a meeting. Make sure to email AND
call! If your teacher does not respond after several attempts, contact JA staff
Meeting your
Your teacher must sign your green Teacher Confirmation Form and you must schedule all
presentation dates. Be sure to dress in business attire.
Fri., Feb. 20
First day to return completed & signed green teacher confirmation for to JA office and to
pick up presentation kit –need not be in business attire.
Fri., Feb. 27
Last day available to return completed & signed teacher confirmation form to JA office to
pick up presentation kit—need not be in business attire.
Week of Mar.2
First JA classroom presentation session ought to be started by this day, unless alternate
arrangements are made with the classroom teacher
Wed., Mar. 25
Complete “midpoint status check” at
Print the Teacher Evaluation Form at the below link & give it to your teacher and ask
On or near last day him/her to fax or email it to Dr. Wilson at the conclusion of the JA program—
of JA presentations instruction are on the evaluation form.
All JA presentations should be completed by today; notify Dr. Wilson if completion
Submit a Class Verification to JA either (1) online at or (2) by turning in a signed and
completed Teacher Assignment Letter to the JA office.
Thur., Apr. 23
Mon., Apr. 27
Completed JA classroom teacher evaluations of student presentations due Dr. Wilson
from your JA teacher
After completing all
Please return any leftover presentation materials to the JA office. Thank you!
JA lessons
o Once you receive and accept a classroom assignment as a JA volunteer, you undertake this
program as a commitment—young students and their teachers are depending on you to provide
them the JA business-learning program. If you do not successfully complete the Junior
Achievement classroom program (including all of the scheduled presentations) because of
factors under your control and/or for non-emergency reasons, you will be docked 25 points and
you must make an in-class oral presentation and complete the final exam.
o If you do not complete your JA commitment for factors not under your control and/or because of
an emergency as defined in the syllabus, you will not be docked 25 points, and you much make
an in-class oral presentation and complete the final exam. Such factors include:
The Junior Achievement staff certifies that you and JA attempted, but could not find, a
classroom assignment by the final date for having a school assigned.
You were not able to complete your JA assignment because of the results of your background
check by the school district. If you get direct notification from the school district, please
notify the JA folks and me so that you face no point penalty for not being able to participate
as a JA volunteer.
o You must make the required number of presentations to an elementary school, middle school, or
high school class, completing the presentations prior to the end of the semester. You must report
for the presentations on time and ready to make extemporaneous presentations (not read, not
memorized, but may use notes). (NOTE: I award 10 extra-credit points to students who
volunteer to present to high schools—the JA staff must approve such appointments.)
o Wear modified business dress during JA presentations—coat and tie for men and comparable
women’s dress is preferable; however, tie with long-sleeve dress shirt and dress slacks (and
comparable women’s dress) is acceptable. At no time will volunteers present in jeans, shorts,
sweat shirts/pants, tennis shoes, flip-flops, etc.
o Copy the UTSA/JA student evaluation form at, print your name and
your MGT 3003 section number on the form, and personally give it to your JA classroom teacher
to complete. The completed form will be your oral presentation grade for this course.
It is your responsibility to make sure that your classroom teacher mails, emails or faxes the
completed student evaluation to me prior to the end of the semester. Completed evaluation forms
must have the teacher’s name, school address, or other information on the envelope or on the fax
cover sheet. Under no circumstances will I accept a completed evaluation directly from
students, unless it is in a sealed envelope with your JA teacher’s signature across the seal.
o Schedule Junior Achievement classroom presentations so as not to conflict with attending your
MGT 3003 or other UTSA classes. If this is unavoidable in isolated situations, then the extracredit points for non-emergency, unavoidable absence will partly offset any points you might
have missed from class.
o When you complete your JA presentations, if you have leftover, unused materials in your
presentation kits, please return the materials to the Junior Achievement office so that JA can
recycle them into new kits for future JA classes. You will be helping the JA folks save a lot of
money on presentation kits.
EXTRA CREDIT (EC) POINTS: You have the opportunity to earn extra-credit points, using the
following guidelines:
 If you attend extra-credit events that conflict with your MGT 3003 class, you cannot earn the
associated extra-credit points.
 You are responsible for keeping track of the extra-credit points you earn. If you desire to challenge
the number of extra-credit points recorded for you, then you must list in writing the extra-credit
events you attended for that extra-credit category (EC-Lec, EC-Misc, etc.) you attended, and the
name, date, and time of the events.
If you volunteer to undertake an extra-credit event, and for non-emergency reasons (1) you withdraw
your volunteer status, (2) you are late for the event, or (3) you otherwise do not meet the conditions
for appropriately completing the event; the number of extra-credit points that the event is worth will
be deducted from your points. This is to help ensure that you meet the commitments for which you
volunteer and for which, as a result, you have a responsibility to meet—just as is expected in the real
world of work.
Extracredit Points
Due Not
Later Than
Career Action Program (1) (“EC-CAP”) [Business majors only]
(Register for
Continuing or initial membership in a professional
organization/association, including Toastmasters International (2) ("EC-Prof
Feb. 6
Extra-credit (EC) Items (Blackboard Learn label)
OWL Report Module Quiz (“EC-Report”) (3)
Apr. 17
Apr. 17
(“EC-Mock”) [non-CAP students only]
Apr. 24
Apr. 24
5 (each)
Apr. 24
As earned
Apr. 24
OWL Citation Module Quiz (“EC-Citation”)
Group mock interview
Junior Achievement Finance Park (5) (“EC-Park”)
Guest lectures, conferences, panels, meetings, workshops, or seminars
annotated on the course schedule as “extra credit” (6) (“EC-Lec”)
Miscellaneous Points (7) (“EC-Misc.”)
The Career Action Program (CAP) is a College of Business professional development program
under the Center for Student Professional Development (CSPD) and supported by H-E-B. The
deadline for signing up for CAP at
The CAP program only accepts business students who are highly motivated self-starters who have a
firm commitment to professional excellence. The College of Business finances the CAP program;
therefore, only business majors may participate in the program. Volunteers who successfully
complete the program will earn a certificate attesting to their accomplishments. CAP includes
presentations, résumé writing, workshops, mock interviews, and business site visits. The CAP
résumé requirement also satisfies the MGT 3003 résumé-writing requirement. Required CAP
Orientation Sessions are during January 28 – February 5.
The College of Business expends much time and financial resources to provide its students the very
best professional support through the CAP program. Accordingly, once you have completed the
CAP orientation session and have signed up for the CAP Conference, you assume a professional
commitment to the program. Accordingly,
o If you commit to attending the CAP Conference, but do not attend, you are subject to a
$50 fee to pay for the conference expenses your commitment initiated.
o If you fail to complete one of the mandatory CAP events, e.g., group mock interview,
speed networking, etc., you cannot earn CAP certification and the extra-credit points.
You may not retake the CAP program for extra credit in my class unless you previously dropped
from the CAP program without completing it; in which case you must retake all portions of the
Membership in a Professional Organization: Use the extra-credit certification form—linked at have a chapter
officer certify initial (including as a “pledge”) or continuing membership—to include paying dues-in a qualified professional organization. Qualifying, non-academic credit professional
organization/associations must relate to your academic discipline (Toastmasters International relates
to all disciplines). The professional organization may be an on-campus or an off-campus
College of Business RSOs (linked at meet these criteria for
business majors (other majors should check with me). For example, outstanding organizations such
as academic honorary societies, Student Government Association, and social and service
fraternities/sororities do not qualify for extra credit because they generally are not geared to specific
majors. Further, there is no additional extra credit for belonging to more than one qualifying
professional organization. Finally, enrollment in ROTC programs does not qualify for extra credit
because they are University courses leading to academic credit.
Group Mock Interview: [NOTE: Volunteers for the CAP program are not eligible for this extra
credit since group mock interviews are an inherent part of the CAP program—CAP-sponsored mock
interviews must be scheduled through the College of Business Center for Student Professional
Development (CSPD).] You have the opportunity to participate in a group mock interview sessions
for extra credit by making an appointment through the University Career Center (UCC) “Rowdy
Jobs”, or by contacting Morris Ellington at the
University Career Center (UC 2.02.04), at 458-6844, or at [NOTE:
Only group mock interview sessions qualify for extra credit; individual mock interviews do not
unless you can show that all group mock interview sessions conflict with one of your UTSA
To successfully earn this extra credit, you must (1) be on time for the mock interview, (2) dress in
business professional attire, (3) bring a completed résumé, and (4) be prepared to respond to typical
interview questions (see examples of such questions at this link). Also, please review the mock
interview guide. The folks in the UCC will notify me of the students who successfully complete the
mock interview for this extra credit.
JA Finance Park: Both JA volunteers and non-JA volunteers may participate in this extra credit
event—you may earn extra credit only once as a volunteer for this event. Junior Achievement of
South Texas sponsors “Junior Achievement Finance Park,” a program for improving the personal
finance skills of middle and high school students in the Bexar County area. A computer-assisted,
mobile training center run by volunteers help mentor students on financial planning. The Finance
Park Center is located in San Antonio at 6837 San Pedro Ave. 78216, adjacent to H-E-B on the
southwest corner of San Pedro and Oblate. To volunteer for this extra-credit opportunity, complete
and submit to the JA staff online the Finance Park “Volunteer Availability” registration form at
The JA staff will notify me when you complete your JA Finance Park duties. Remember; do not
volunteer for a Finance Park event which conflicts with this or any other UTSA course. Finance
Park volunteers must: Queries
o Report to the Finance Park Center on time and perform a one-time assignment from 8:00
a.m. - 2:00 p.m., with volunteer training provided from 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m., and students
arriving thereafter.
o Be able to work positively with young students, and possess real-world personal finance and
budget experience.
o Wear clothes that are casual but neat--no jeans, no shorts, no tee shirts, no tennis shoes or
o Perform the Finance Park event for which they volunteered, and for which confirmed by the
JA staff to perform.
Lectures, conferences, panels, meetings, workshops, or seminars annotated on the course
schedule as extra credit. I will add these to the class schedule as they become available. Attendance
slips or sign-in sheets will certify attendance at extra-credit symposia, lectures, or conferences.
Guest lectures conducted in and/or during your normally scheduled MGT 3003 class do not earn
extra credit for you. Only the event sponsors can provide me completed attendance slips or
attendance rosters.
Miscellaneous Points: Included under this category are extra-credit points that do not pertain to
any other category, including the following:
o The one-time 10 extra-credit points to compensate partially for being late or absent from
classes where attendance is taken and that are due to unavoidable, non-emergency reasons.
o The 10 extra-credit points for JA volunteer participants who teach a high school class. To
get JA authorization to teach a high school class access:
o Any points awarded for class participation at the discretion of the professor.
COURSE GRADING & ATTENDANCE POLICIES: This course will use the plus/minus (+/-)
grading system in assigning course letter grades (see below grading chart showing related grade
points and percentages for each course letter grade).
Course Description & Undergraduate Catalog Requirements: The official course
description for MGT 3003 requires the completion of written and oral presentation assignments.
Accordingly, the following grading policies apply to those students who do not complete the
“Connect”-based writing assignment and/or the in-class oral presentation assignment by the
appropriate date and time deadline for documented non-emergency reasons as defined in this
o The grade for the assignment will be “zero,” and will not change.
o If a student fails to complete the missed assignment by the last scheduled class day prior to
final exams, the student’s course grade will be “incomplete” (“IN”) if he or she has sufficient
points for a passing grade (“D-“ or higher) after the final exam. Otherwise, the student’s
grade for this course will be “F.”
o If there is not time for a student to complete the missed assignment by the end of the current
semester, he or she must complete it within one year in Dr. Wilson’s class during a
subsequent semester. Failure to clear the “IN” by completing the assignment within one year
after the end of the current semester will result in the “IN” converting automatically to a
course grade of “F.”
Status of Grades:
o JA Oral Presentation Grades: Junior Achievement volunteers must accept their classroom
teachers’ UTSA Student Volunteer Evaluations—linked at their oral
presentation grades. The ratings of the classroom teachers are final, and changes are not
permitted. However, you may request a meeting with your JA classroom teacher and ask for
clarification for some of his or her ratings.
o Résumé Grades: Trained, highly experienced graders grade résumés following the CSPD
format at The ratings of
these graders are final in terms of this course, and I will not accept changes. However, if your
awarded points are confusing to you, I encourage you to make an appointment with the grader
and ask for clarification for his or her ratings.
o Challenging Grades: If you disagree with a grade you receive (either for a course
assignment, for an extra credit event, or a deduction), bring the matter to my attention in
writing (Blackboard Learn mail message, email, letter, etc.) within seven calendar days from
the date I post the grade on Blackboard Learn. Otherwise, the grade will remain as is. It is
your responsibility to check Blackboard at least twice a week for announcements, course
messages, and posted grades.
You will receive assignment grades from the University Career Center (UCC) and CSPD
career counselors, “Connect” contracted grading (“Connect”-based writing assignment), and
from me as your professor. I will not change assigned grades without concrete, factual
information for my consideration. Frivolous claims of incorrect points are not be honored.
o “Curved” Grades: There is no grading “on the curve” in this class for individual assignments
since there are opportunities for extra-credit points. However, once grades are calculated after
final exams are completed, if the average total points for the class reflects fewer than 733
points (“C“), each student’s total points will be adjusted upward to reflect an average total
score for the class of 733 points.
o Incomplete/Late Assignments: All assignments not submitted on time are graded “zero.”
Unless otherwise noted on the class schedule, all assignments that are due in class are due by
the beginning of class.
Attendance: Students must be on time for every class, be attentive, and participate in class activities
until the professor adjourns class. Class attendance may be taken anytime (using the appropriate
ParScore form) during each class. Attendance in conjunction with extra-credit events--whether in
our class or at another time or location--is taken via attendance slips or lists prepared by the event
o For every class: Students must have on-hand at least two appropriate ParScore forms, both with
the following information already entered/bubbled on the forms:
 Banner ID
 Name, course & section number
o When attendance is announced (the goal is speed and accuracy):
 No one may enter the classroom until attendance process is completed.
 Students enter on the form the “Test Form” and the “Answer to the First Question Response”
that the professor or the TA announces.
 Students immediately pass a completed appropriate ParScore form to the center aisle.
 Student sitting on the aisle collects/confirms number of forms equals the number of students
in that row, and gives forms to the professor or TA.
o By definition, arriving in class after the class starting time means you are late. Students who are
absent from or late for class will have 10 points deducted from their point totals, except for
conflicting emergencies or mandatory obligations as discussed below.
o Completed ParScore attendance forms are machine graded and the UTSA testing office staff will
not hand-score ParScore forms not properly completed, e.g., not bubbling in Banner ID,
recording the wrong Banner ID, not recording the proper test form, putting the wrong attendance
answer to question #1 on the ParScore, using ink instead of pencil to record responses,
etc. Students doing so are counted as late or absent. Our class is simply too large to do it any
other way.
o Students who are absent from scheduled assignments or exams will receive grades of “zero” if
the absence is not the result of an emergency or mandatory obligation as discussed below. There
are no “make-ups” for these missed assignments; however, you may take and/or turn them in
early with the approval of the professor or the TA.
o Students who sit in classroom areas in violation of fire laws, who have their laptops and cell
phones open, who engage in “texting” (or reading, writing, or other inattentive activities), or who
engage in disruptive conversation or other activities, are considered “absent” from class and will
have 10 points deducted.
o Online and other assignments that can be done via computer while not in class, i.e., OWL
modules, “Connect”-based assignments, résumé, etc., must be completed early or on time
regardless of the reason for the absence, or will otherwise be graded “zero.”
o If you miss or are late for a class for one of the below reasons, you will not have points deducted.
Documented, verifiable emergencies of immediate family members. A verifiable, written
documented emergency involves you or a member of your immediate family, i.e., spouse,
parent, guardian, sibling, or other relative who resides full time with you, and is of the nature
of a major issue, e.g., death, funeral, extremely serious illness or injury, etc. (NOTE:
“Significant others,” boyfriends/girlfriends, grandparents or other relatives are not considered
members of your immediate family unless they currently live full time with you.)
Absences for viruses that are preventable with appropriate immunizations, but for which you
have not received the vaccination, will not be excused and will be considered nonemergency, unavoidable absences, the loss of points for which are partially accommodated
with the one-time award of the ten extra credit points provided all students in my class. Also,
please refer to for university policy regarding
“Transitory/Minor Medical Issues,” which in this class are not considered “emergencies.”
Documented conflicting, mandatory UTSA obligations (for example, on UTSA athletic
team, participant in Leadership Challenge program, etc.). To be eligible for this provision,
an appropriate UTSA official must certify the UTSA mandatory obligation in writing and in
advance of the date of the event, and you must complete scheduled conflicting assignments
and examinations early. (NOTE: Registering for overlapping classes/labs is not eligible for
this exception—students may not register for classes or associated labs that conflict with the
days and times that this or other classes meet.)
Documented conflicting, mandatory religious obligations prohibiting working during the
time of a scheduled class. You must provide each of your professors (whose courses take
place during the absence) advanced written documentation and notification of your intention
not to attend classes on the dates and/or times of mandatory religious obligation.
Documented evidence includes credible evidence of the mandatory nature of the absence.
Written military mobilization orders, copies of which you provide each of your professors
prior to the date of the mobilization.
Written city, county, state, or federal order/subpoena, a copy of which you provide each
of your professors prior to the day of the event, e.g., to report to court, jury duty, court
witness, or other mandatory legal proceeding, e.g., immigration/citizenship proceedings, etc.,
on a specific date. (NOTE: Excluded here is traffic court in which you voluntarily decide to
challenge or otherwise adjudicate a traffic ticket.)
Off-campus events, e.g., State and national professional association meetings and
conferences, etc., with expenses paid completely or in part by UTSA, with a copy of the
written UTSA approval provided each of your professors prior to the day of the event.
Participation in events/activities under sponsorship of other classes and that conflict with
attending class, are not excused absences—they are non-emergency, unavoidable absences
that meet the criteria of the one-time 10 extra-credit points that all students receive at the
beginning of the semester.
It is the nature of computer systems that unforeseen and uncontrollable situations may cause them to “go
down,” i.e., Wi-Fi failures, electrical interruptions, thunderstorms, battery drainage, etc. Failure to
complete assignments on time due to these unfortunate events is not a basis for granting extensions to
assignment due dates or for starting assignments over again. Remember, procrastination and last minute
assignment attempts have no room in the real world of professional work. (NOTE: Blackboard Learn
is down for maintenance as scheduled on the Blackboard site.)
Section Assignments and “Connect” Quiz Schedules and Course Grade Determination:
Regular Assignments (Blackboard grade book label)
OWL Supplemental Modules [average of designated four
supplemental modules] (“OWL Supplemental”)
Résumé (“Résumé”) [Non-CAP Students]
Section 1
Section 2
See class schedule
for individual
OWL quiz
See class schedule
for individual
OWL quiz
Feb. 17***
Feb 17***
Feb. 17 **
Feb 17**
Résumé (“Résumé”) [CAP Students]
Midterm Examination (“Midterm”)
Feb. 25
Feb. 26
OWL Core Modules [average of all four core modules]
(”OWL Core”)
Mar. 20***
Mar. 20***
Quizzes via “Connect” [total] (”Quiz 1,” ”Quiz 2,” etc.)
See class schedule See class schedule
& below charts for & below charts for
individual Connect individual Connect
quiz deadlines*** quiz deadlines***
“Connect”-based Writing Assignment (”“Connect”-based
Available Mar. 27
Due Apr. 3***
Available Mar. 27
Due Apr. 3***
Oral Presentations (”Oral”)
Apr. 6 – Apr. 27
Apr. 2 – Apr. 23
Final Examination (”Final”)
May 6****
May 5****
Total [excluding extra-credit points]
Absent or late for guest lectures and oral presentations
Due by beginning of class
** Due by 11:59 p.m. via email attachment to
*** Due by 11:59 p.m. via Blackboard
**** Refer to class schedule for time & place for final exam.
Section 001 “Connect” Quiz Schedule
Chapter (s)
Time Limit
Quiz Available
Quiz Deadline
(Date & Time)
14 & 15
Feb. 2
Feb. 7
Feb. 9
Feb. 14
Feb. 16
Feb. 21
Mar. 2
Mar. 16
Mar. 21
Mar. 23
Feb. 4, 11:59 p.m.
Feb. 9, 11:59 p.m.
Feb. 11, 11:59 p.m.
Feb. 16, 11:59 p.m.
Feb. 18, 11:59 p.m.
Feb. 23, 11:59 p.m.
Mar. 4, 11:59 p.m.
Mar. 18, 11:59 p.m.
Mar. 23, 11:59 p.m.
Mar. 25, 11:59 p.m.
Section 002 “Connect” Quiz Schedule
Chapter (s)
14 & 15
Quiz Available
Quiz Deadline
(Date & Time)
Feb. 3
Feb. 8
Feb. 10
Feb. 15
Feb. 17
Feb. 22
Mar. 3
Mar. 17
Mar. 22
Mar. 29
Feb. 5, 11:59 p.m.
Feb. 10, 11:59 p.m.
Feb. 12, 11:59 p.m.
Feb. 17, 11:59 p.m.
Feb. 19, 11:59 p.m.
Feb. 24, 11:59 p.m.
Mar. 5, 11:59 p.m.
Mar. 19, 11:59 p.m.
Mar. 24, 11:59 p.m.
Mar. 31, 11:59 p.m.
Course Grade Determination
Course Letter
Course Points
966.33 1000+
933.00 966.32
899.66 932.00
866.33 899.65
833.00 866.32
799.66 832.00
766.33 799.65
733.00 766.32
699.66 732.00
666.33 699.65
633.00 666.32
599.66 632.00
Percent Between
1. If I previously took this course from Dr. Wilson (but I am retaking his course), must I again complete
the regular and extra-credit assignments in order to again get credit for them? Yes, you must retake all
regular and extra-credit assignments; however:
If you previously signed up for the JA option as part of my course, you may not again volunteer for the JA
option to satisfy the oral presentation and final exam assignments. The purpose of this provision is to
provide you a different route for learning that you have not previously experienced.
You may not retake the CAP program for extra credit in my class unless you previously dropped from the
CAP program without completing it; in which case you must retake all portions of the program if you wish
to again register for CAP. (NOTE: Only business majors may participate in the CAP program because the
College of Business pays the expenses of the program.)
2. May I email the assignments to you? If you will not be in class on the day that an assignment is due, you
must turn the assignment in early, or slide it under my office door or send it to me or my teaching assistant via
email or Blackboard Learn mail message attachment by the time and day that it is due. CAUTION: If the
formatting or printing of the emailed assignment is such that sending it electronically adversely affected the
document, e.g., parts chopped off, formatting skewed, etc., your grade on the assignment will be affected
When will you post my grades to my Blackboard Learn grade book?
“Connect” quizzes, final exam, résumés: After graded.
In-class oral presentations: As soon as possible after each presentation class, usually within a day or two.
“Connect”-based writing assignment: After graded.
Extra-credit points: Some as individually completed, e.g., professional organization membership,
miscellaneous, RSO, etc.; some after due dates when notified by the University Career Center or the CSPD,
e.g., group mock interviews, etc.; some periodically.
 JA related points (oral presentation, final exam): Upon receipt of the JA classroom teacher evaluation.
 CAP program: When CSPD staff certifies satisfactory completion of CAP certification requirements.
4. When can I see the documentation for my assignment points?
 Connect quizzes - after the deadline for submitting each quiz, re-access the quiz and you will be provided
your results.
 Resumes and in-class oral presentations - these are available in class as soon as possible after they are
graded; those not picked up at that time will be available in my office.
 JA evaluations and final exam - may be picked up in my office after grades are posted.
 Connect Writing Assignment - as soon as possible after graded; you will receive a digital or a hardcopy
summary of grading.
 ParScore forms & attendance slips for attendance, extra-credit, etc. - in my office as soon as possible
after received from Testing Office or event sponsor and posted.
Whom do I contact regarding questions about my assignment points?
Résumé (Staff who graded it)
All OWL assignments (TA)
Excused absences and documentation of emergencies (Dr. Wilson)
Quizzes and final (Dr. Wilson or TA)
Extra-credit points:
o Mock interview (TA)
o Professional organization (TA)
Deducted points (TA)
All other graded assignments (TA)
6. I will not be in class next week; are there any other assignments (a paper, etc.) that I can complete to
help make up points for missing a guest lecture or a student in-class presentation? Other than the extracredit opportunities listed in this syllabus, there are no other assignments to help you make-up missed points.
Please see exceptions under “Grading Policies” for students with one of the five recognized excused absences.
7. I am really close to making a higher grade in this course. Are there ways for me to earn more points
to get this higher grade? No, except for any extra-credit opportunities that may still be available.
8. How do I appeal an assignment or course grade?
 To appeal an assignment grade given or confirmed by me, you must meet with me and discuss the
assignment grade. My decision regarding the assignment grade is final. I may affirm the previous grade, or
I may elect to re-grade the assignment personally, if which case the new grade—whether lower, the same, or
higher than the original grade—will be final.
 To appeal a course grade, you must appeal in writing to Dr. Stewart Miller, Chairman of the Department of
Management, BB 4.01.06, within 90 calendar days from the end of the semester. You must have
"compelling evidence" that your course grade reflects "discrimination, differential treatment, factual
mistake, or violation of a relevant University policy" (reference appendix E of the UTSA Information
Bulletin at You must include the following in your
written appeal:
o The date of the appeal.
o Your name, your Banner ID number, and your academic major.
o Your full address, telephone number, and email address.
o My name (Dr. Bennie Wilson) and your course and section number.
o State specifically the grade you are appealing (exam, quiz number, etc.)
o State specifically the action you want done regarding the grade.
o Explain the rationale supporting your appeal and provide any supporting documentation. (NOTE: It is
not sufficient to state that you disagree with my judgment.)
James Allen, president, James Allen Family Partners, Ltd.
Kenneth Allard, warrior, scholar, author, commentator, columnist, executive-in-residence, UTSA
Suzanne Allford-Wade, president, San Antonio Food Drug Retail Division, H-E-B Grocery Company
Charlie Amato, chairman, Southwest Business Corp.
Veronica Avila, vice president of education, Junior Achievement of South Texas
Charles Bagby, Jr., CEO, Maid Brigade
Randy Baker, managing partner, Ken Bachelor Cadillac, Saab, Hummer
James Bodenstedt, CEO, MUY Brands, LLC
Kristen Bohac Consolidated Electrical Distributors, Inc. (CED)
Terry Brechtel, city manager, San Antonio, Texas
Earnest Bromley, chairman & CEO, Bromley Communications
Gale Brown, vice president, Western Region Partners, IBM Corporation
Jelynne Burley, assistant/deputy city manager, City of San Antonio; later GM, City Public Service Energy
Richard “Rick” Cavender, Cavender Oldsmobile, Toyota & Saturn
Mike Campbell, managing director, Holland & Davis, Inc.
Bartlette Cocke, board chairman, Bartlett Cocke, Inc., & executive-in-residence, UTSA
Amanda Conine, South Texas group recruiting supervisor, Enterprise Rent-a-Car
Frank Corte, Jr., Texas state representative, House District 123
Margaret Costantino, career planning counselor, Office of University Career Center, UTSA
Elizabeth Costello, director, International Affairs Department, City of San Antonio
Lynda de la Viña, dean, College of Business, UTSA
David Dillon, board of directors, Frost Bank
Harold Dougherty, vice president, P3S Corporation
Walter Downing, executive vice president for Operations, Southwest Research Institute
Alan Dreeben, vice chairman, Block Distributing Co. & Republic Beverage Co.
James Dublin, chairman/CEO, Dublin & Associates
Morris Ellington, group recruiting manager, Enterprise Rent-a-Car
Arthur Emerson, chairman & CEO, Groves Rojas Emerson Advertising
Susan Evers, property and casualty senior financial officer, USAA
Jeff Farver, president & CEO of San Antonio Federal Credit Union
Greg Fleming, assistant vice president for Claims Service, USAA
Pat Frost, president, Frost National Bank
Matt Foxhall, divisional vice president, AXA Advisors
Charlie Gonzalez, United States representative, 20th Congressional District of Texas
Cheryl Garcia, associate, Holland & Davis, Inc.
David Garza, CEO/president, Trinity Millennium Group
Edward Garza, mayor of City of San Antonio, Texas
Claudia Giliberti, career counselor, Center for Student Professional Development, UTSA
Leo Gomez, vice president for public affairs, Spurs Sports and Entertainment
John Helmerci, director, PMM Services Center, Philip Morris Management Corp.
Miller Hicks, R. Miller Hicks & Co.
Gene Hildabrand, master networker, North San Antonio Chamber of Commerce
Isidoro Hodara, chairman of foreign trade, Universidad ORT, Uruguay
Brian Hughes, Offices of Brian Hughes ("angel" investor)
Barbara Jackson, career counselor, Center for Student Professional Development, UTSA
Tina James, senior vice president for human resources, H-E-B
John Jennings, assistant dean of undergraduate professional development, College of Business, UTSA
Elizabeth Jones, Texas State representative, House District 121
Jarratt Jones, president (retired), Coca-Cola Bottling Ltd., Canada
Jim Kahan, senior executive vice president for corporate development, SBC Communications
Dan Karam, Chief Information Officer & Partner, MUY Brands
George Kauss, managing director & chief business officer, Actium Biosystems
Jacob Kluger, business development officer, E.P.S.M.
Ryan Kohnen, entrepreneur and community leader, author of Young Professional’s Guide to Success.
Charles Korbell, Jr., president & CEO, Clarke American Checks, Inc.
Rosemary Kowalski, chairperson emerita, The RK Group
Joe Krier, president & CEO, Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce
Nancy Kudla, president/CEO, dNovus Group (and Frost Distinguished Lecture series)
Richard Lewis, special assistant to the president of UTSA, professor of sociology, & owner/president,
Round Top Consulting Associates
Kim Lubel, president & CEO, CST Brands
Lori Malone, case office, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
Janie Martinez Gonzalez, president, The Web Head Group
Jennifer Martinez, member services director, Free Trade Alliance
Mike Martin, director of human resources, PMM Service Center, Philip Morris Management Corp.
Ruth Jones McClendon, Texas State representative, House District 120
B.J. “Red” McCombs, chairman, McCombs Enterprises
Ken Mercer, Texas State representative, House District 117
Bill Morrow, Founder, vice chairman and CEO, Grande Communications
George Muller, Director of Information Technology, C.H. Guenther & Son
Maria Ng, international business consultant, UTSA Institute for Economic Development
Mike Novak, president/CEO, CCI Telecom, Inc., & Chairman, Greater San Antonio Chamber of
Harold Oliver, managing principal, TX Capitol Consulting Group, LLC
Aurora Ortega-Geis, director, San Antonio Partnership Office, Fannie Mae
Albert Ortiz, chief of police, San Antonio, Texas
Mary Rauch, Mary E. Rauch Communications
Ricardo Romo, president, University of Texas at San Antonio
Rolando Pablos, legal counsel, Oberthur Gaming Technologies Corp.
Sandie Palomo-Gonzalez, senior program coordinator, Nonprofit Management Program, UTSA College of
Public Policy
Dr. Sarah Wright Plaster, Executive Director of Member Media, USAA
Richard Priore, senior vice president & chief development officer, Nix Health Care System
Alex Rodriguez, president, Cultural Interchange Exchange (CIE)
Shirley Rowe, career counselor, Office of University Career Center, UTSA
Martin Salinas, Jr., assurance senior manager, KPMG
Beverly Santos, career counselor, Office of University Career Center, UTSA
Dayton Schrader, broker/owner, RE/MAX Advantage
Dr. Patrick D. Sculley, DDS, executive dean of the Postgraduate Dental College & senior vice president for
University Programs, Uniform Services University of the Health Sciences
GP Singh, president/CEO, Karta Technologies, Inc.
Joe Solis, CEO, Luxor Jewelers, Inc.
Phil Sorgen, general manager, Microsoft Gulf Coast District
Joe Stallard, vice president for human resources, Sewell Automotive Companies
Michael Soulek, president, FOODPRO Recruiters, Inc.
David Spencer, chairman/founder, OnBoard Software, Inc.
Fernando Suarez, managing director, Northwestern Mutual
Roy Terracina, CEO, Sunshine Ventures, Inc.
Edmund Tijerina, columnist, San Antonio Express-News
Leticia Van de Putte, Texas State senator
Patrick Valdez, assistant dean and director, Center, for Student Professional Development, UTSA
Michael Venson, Eichlitz, Dennis, Wray & Westheimer Insurance Agency, Inc.
Michael Villarreal, Texas State representative, House District 115
Angela Ward, human resource specialist, State Farm Insurance Companies
Phillip Washington, college unit director & financial representative, Northwestern Mutual
Graham Weston, chairman, RackSpace Hosting
Ed Whitacre, chairman & CEO, SBC Communications, Inc.; later chairman & CEO, General Motors, Corp.
Frank Wians, Jr., Founder, LoneStar Pathology Laboratory & Scientific Writing Consultants, Inc.
Horace Wilkins, chairman, Dallas Community Development Agency
Judge Nelson Wolff, Bexar County Judge, Texas
David Zammiello, vice president for staffing and compensation, USAA
“Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
“Dorothy” in The Wizard of Oz