BRITE Budget Fundamentals Introduction Prerequisites Participants should have completed the following lessons prior to starting this lesson: – SAP Navigation – Chart of Accounts BRITE Budget Fundamentals 2 Budgeting Roles BRITE has created roles to define: – Who is responsible for the tasks within a business process – Who has access to perform those tasks in the BRITE system – Who needs what type of training Roles involved in the End User Budget process: – Budget Office – Budgetkeepers – Principals / Department Heads – Area Business Analysts (ABAs) BRITE Budget Fundamentals 3 Role Description: Budgetkeeper Role Goal: • Maintain records and accounts of all budgeted funds and to provide Principal/Director with information concerning availability of funds. Responsibilities/Tasks: • Review information for schools and departments and update during Budget Prep phase • Create/maintain funds reservation documents in SAP for current year plans • Enter budget transfer information into SAP for internal transfers where funding available; prepare & obtain approval for Budget Transfer requests between funds center and/or functional areas & submit to Budget Office BRITE Budget Fundamentals 4 Course Description During this course, SAP users will be introduced to the revised SBBC Budget process. Participants will learn how the implementation of the BRITE Budget process will change the way in which the budget is currently prepared and maintained. Participants will be introduced to some basic SAP Budget screens and vocabulary. Budget Professional Development Payroll Finance Operations BRITE Budget Fundamentals 5 Human Resources Unit Objectives At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: • Understand the basic budget structure for Schools and Departments in SAP • Describe the interaction between BI-IP and ECC • Understand how legacy information, (i.e., location, activities, function, type, fund) is used in the new ECC system • Understand Business Intelligence Integrated Planning (BI-IP) • Understand how budget data is transferred between BI-IP and ECC • Understand the type of budget transactions which are processed in ECC BRITE Budget Fundamentals 6 BI-IP Key Terms SAP Business Intelligence– Software client that provides an integrated Integrated Planning platform for entering plan data, analyzing and (BI-IP) reporting budget data using the commonly known Excel interface. The “Integrated Planning” portion is how budget data gets entered. The “Business Intelligence” portion runs reports and replaces Optispool. Enter Budget Planning Data Receive Reports IP BI (read/edit data) (read only data) SAP ECC Updates BI Data Nightly IP Updates SAP ECC as Needed ECC BRITE Budget Fundamentals 7 BI-IP Key Terms Enterprise Central Component (ECC) Enterprise Central Component or ECC is the version of the SAP client which runs beside the BI-IP client and is used to process the day-to-day transactions required by the various business processes of Finance, Purchasing and Human Resources/Payroll. ECC BRITE Budget Fundamentals 8 IP Integrated Planning (IP) provides a platform for entering budget data, analyzing and reporting data using the commonly known Excel interface and Web-based functionality. The IP client is designed to allow for the easy input and extraction of data. Typical Excel Worksheet users know. The IP client offers default layouts that have been purposely designed to match BCPS Budget business processes. BRITE Budget Fundamentals BI-IP will look similar. 9 IP Annual budget data for SBBC locations will be entered into Excel based spreadsheets provided in IP. Examples of information which can be entered into IP and downloaded into ECC include budget data for: Schools Departments Food and Nutrition Services (FN&S) BRITE Budget Fundamentals 10 IP Annual budget data for SBBC locations will be entered into Excel based spreadsheets in IP. Currently budget preparation and approval is mostly accomplished in Excel. In the future, instead of using Excel spreadsheets, Budget Preparation will be accomplished on spreadsheets provided in the IP client. Budget preparation training will be provided prior to the roll-out of the Budget Preparation process. To ensure ease and continuity from the old system into the new SAP system, the Excel layouts in BI-IP have a similar look and feel as the legacy Excel files. BRITE Budget Fundamentals 11 IP Budget creation and approval will be accomplished in the IP client. When approved, budget data from IP is loaded into SAP ECC. Budget execution, (i.e., fund transfer, fund reservation) is accomplished in ECC. Note: Currently IP is not active. This system will be active prior to go live. Budget preparation training using IP will be provided prior to the roll out of this system. Transfer of budget data when needed IP ECC Budget Execution transfer funds reserve funds purchase services Budget Data input BRITE Budget Fundamentals 12 BI Data Extraction The BI client is used for reporting purposes. Actual data is extracted from ECC into BI nightly. Since actual data is exchanged on a nightly basis the information contained in BI is considered near real time. BI ECC Nightly BRITE Budget Fundamentals Reports Nightly 13 BI Reports Standard Queries will be available in BI to provide desired information. 14 12 10 8 Report selection—can limit by date, by account, etc. 6 4 2 Drill down—BI provides capability to delve deeper into specific areas of a report You will have the ability to view your reports in various formats— pie charts, bar graphs (right), line charts, etc. Budget report on Standard Salary is an example of a pre-configured report which may be generated from BI. BRITE Budget Fundamentals 0 1 14 2 3 4 Business Intelligence (BI) Reporting Features Report selection criteria Limits the amount of information a report retrieves Drill-Down Enables drill-down to the next level of detail in a report Graphical reports Allows display of a report in a graphical format Time out reports Interrupts a report that may be taking too long to run Report Buttons BRITE Budget Fundamentals Buttons will help you customize report results 15 Budget Funds Management Structure Unit Objectives At the end of this presentation, you will be able to: • Identify new terms and concepts associated with the Budget process • Understand how the various budgets (schools, departments) are implemented in the BI-IP tool BRITE Budget Fundamentals 17 FM / Funds Management This is where most of your budget data will be after it has been loaded from BI-IP into SAP ECC. BRITE Budget Fundamentals 18 FM Master Data Overview Master Data is created and stored as electronic records that play a key role in the core budgeting process Master Data records include items such as: Functional Area Fund Funds Center Funded Program Commitment Item Master Data records are highly centralized The Budget Office is responsible for creating and maintaining FM Master Data records BRITE Budget Fundamentals 19 SBBC / ECC / IP In many ways, the current SBBC business processes will remain the same. All budgeting guidelines will remain the same Some terms currently used in SBBC legacy systems (e.g. “budget transfer”, “FTE” will be used in ECC) Some terms in ECC resemble SBBC legacy objects (e.g. Fund) Many terms and objects used in ECC system combine SBBC legacy objects to form one object in the ECC (e.g. Function + Activity = Functional Area) BRITE Budget Fundamentals 20 FM Master Data: Fund Fund Funds are the means to account for the School Boards’ various resources. School and Department day-to-day expenditures are normally charged to General Fund 1000 Fund MSA Fund = 100 General Fund BRITE Budget Fundamentals SAP Fund = 100 0 General Fund 21 FM Master Data: Business Area Business Area The business area number is new to SBBC and is the first 4 digits of the Fund Center/Cost Center. Each school will have its own specific Business Area assigned that must be combined with the correct location number in order for an action to take place in SAP ECC. Some departments will have their own Business Area. Others within the same division will share a Business Area. Example: 3315 Royal Palm Elementary BRITE Budget Fundamentals 22 FM Master Data: Fund Center Funds Centers Represent areas of responsibility for budgetary monitoring and control at SBBC Are equivalent to a location or department Capture “where” the costs are incurred Example: 3315118510 ROYAL PALM E Legacy: Location = 1851 - Royal Palm E Type = 1 - School Type (Elementary) ECC: Funds Center = Business Area + Cost Center (new coding - 4 digits) Funds Center Type + Location + 0 (1 digit) (4 digits) (1 digit) Funds Center/Cost Center = 3315 1 1851 0 (10 digits) BRITE Budget Fundamentals 23 FM Master Data: Cost Center Cost Center A unit of responsibility for capturing actual cost. There is a one-to-one relationship; there will be one Cost Center which will match to one Funds Center. Example: 3315118510 ROYAL PALM E Legacy: Location = 1851 - Royal Palm E Type = 1 - School Type (Elementary) ECC: Funds Center = Business Area + Cost Center (new coding - 4 digits) Cost Center Type + Location + 0 (1 digit) (4 digits) (1 digit) Funds Center/Cost Center = 3315 1 1851 0 (10 digits) BRITE Budget Fundamentals 24 FM Master Data: Functional Area Functional Area Functional Areas are equivalent to the current function and activity combination. They are used to divide costs according to Functional activities or programs to meet legal/internal reporting requirements. Note: Not all MSA activities will become part of a functional area in SAP ECC. Functional Area Legacy: ECC: Function = 5103 - 9–12 Basic Activity = 00000 - Operating Functional Area = Function + Activity followed by 7 zeros 4 digits 5 digits 7 digits Functional Area = 5103 00000 0000000 - 9-12 Basic (16 digits) BRITE Budget Fundamentals 25 FM Master Data: Commitment Item Commitment Item Commitment Items are equivalent to balance sheet, revenue account or object code in MSA. Used to capture the type or classification of an asset, liability, fund balance, revenue or expense. Example: 53990000 - OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 55110000 - SUPPLIES Commitment Item Legacy: Class Object = 5 Expenditure = 511 Supplies ECC: Commitment Item = Class + Object + 4 zeros (1 digit) (3 digits) Commitment Item = 5 511 0000 (8 digits) BRITE Budget Fundamentals 26 (4 digits) FM Master Data: Funded Program Funded Program For schools or departments with grants, capital projects, or the need to track specific costs, you will use a new field called “Funded Program.” Most budget information will show NOT RELEVANT in the Funded Program field. Funded Program – e.g. Grant Legacy: Activity = 27615 Head Start ECC: Grant Funded Program = Grant Type + Location Managing Grant + Grant Number 1 (Letter) 4 digits 4 digits Grant Funded Program = B 9779 0001* Head Start *Example of FM budget control at grant level BRITE Budget Fundamentals 27 MSA-SAP Crosswalk MSA SAP-FM (Funds Management) Fund General Fund Fund 100 General Fund 1000 Location & Type Fund Center/Cost Center 0011 & 1 = Deerfield Beach Elem. Business Area+Type+Location+0 3101100110 = Deerfield Beach Elementary Class & Object Commitment Item Expense & Supplies Expense & Supplies 5 & 511 55110000 Function & Activity Functional Area Gr K-3 Basic Gr K-3 Basic 5101 & 00000 5101000000000000 Grant Activity Grant Funded Program Head Start 27615 (Head Start B97790001) Capital Project Funded Program Location & Activity P.00011 BRITE Budget Fundamentals 0211& 78123 28 SBBC / ECC By and large, the current AS-IS SBBC annual budget process is performed and consolidated within Excel spreadsheets and loaded into the legacy financial system, MSA. When converted into the SAP ECC client, budgeting information will be prepared and consolidated in IP layouts then retracted to the Funds Management (FM) area of ECC client for budget control. Budget objects and monetary resources can be displayed using standard SAP ECC budget reports. Budget data processed in ECC instantly posts or encumbers funds from a budget. Information in ECC client is considered real time. BRITE Budget Fundamentals 29 Displaying Budget Information in SAP ECC Displaying Budget Transfers and Reports in ECC The following slides demonstrate how to access the SAP BRITE web site and view information concerning budget resources in ECC. 1. Go to URL: 2. Click the “Click to Access Portal” button. Note: Currently this button does not exist, however, it will be installed on the SAP BRITE web site prior to go-live. This presentation will give you a look at some of the screens available in ECC. You will be given more in-depth training on how to access and process budget information in future training sessions. Click to Access BRITE Portal BRITE Budget Fundamentals 31 Displaying Budget Transfers and Reports in ECC After clicking the Access Portal button the SAP NetWeaver screen will appear. 1. Enter your User Name 2. Enter your unique password. 3. Click . BRITE Budget Fundamentals 32 Try It! The next few screens will show you how to display Budget Transfers and Reports in the web version of ECC. Click here to begin. BRITE Budget Fundamentals 33 Click on the SAP Access tab. BRITE Budget Fundamentals 34 Click on the Web Gui link. ECC - Web Gui BI - Web Gui BRITE Budget Fundamentals 35 ECC - Web Gui BI - Web Gui Click on the ECC Web Gui link. BRITE Budget Fundamentals 36 FMAVCR01 1. We will type transaction code FMAVCR01 in the Fast Path field to access the Overview of Annual Values Budget in ECC. 2. You would then press the Enter key on the keyboard. Click here to see the next screen. BRITE Budget Fundamentals 37 The Display Annual Values of Control Objects search screen appears. We have entered search information for the budget to be reviewed. Example: Grant – Not Relevant Fund – 1000 Funds Center – 2220097030 Click here to see the next step. BRITE Budget Fundamentals 38 Click Execute. BRITE Budget Fundamentals 39 Note how the search information displays. Grant – Not Relevant Fund – 1000 Funds Center – 2220097030 Great Job! This is one way to display a report. You will learn more in class. Click anywhere or press “Page Down” to advance. BRITE Budget Fundamentals 40 Budget Transfer Budget resources are transferred from one area to another through transaction Budgeting Workbench. As a Budgetkeeper, you will process budget information using the Budgeting Workbench transaction. The following slides demonstrate how to access and review information in the Budgeting Workbench transaction. BRITE Budget Fundamentals 41 ECC Budget Report 1. Enter transaction code FMBB in the Fast Path field. 2. Click the Enter key on the keyboard. BRITE Budget Fundamentals To access the Budgeting Workbench transaction, users can enter transaction code FMBB in the Fast Path field then click the Enter key on the keyboard. This report displays information concerning budget allocations and balances available to different budget accounts. 42 ECC Budgeting Workbench Functional Area Commitment Item Once loaded into ECC, data can be transferred to other budget areas using the Budgeting Workbench transaction. Examples of the type of budget transfers which will be processed in the Budgeting Workbench are a transfer of funds between Commitment Items. BRITE Budget Fundamentals 43