2004 Bogle Pratt International Library Travel Fund Application Form

2016 Bogle Pratt International Library Travel Fund
Application for Grant to Participate for the First Time
in an International Conference in 2016
Amount of Grant: $1,000
Personal Data
Mailing Address:
Zip code:
E-mail address:
ALA Personal Membership Number**:
Job Title: If you are a student, please name the institution where you are studying and your
expected graduation date.
Responsibilities: If you are a student, list major area of concentration, and any previous library
Please return the completed application and accompanying letter(s) postmarked no later than January 1, 2016 to:
International Relations Office, American Library Association, 50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2795 / Email: intl@ala.org / Fax: 312-280-4392.
2016 Bogle Pratt International Library Travel Fund
Application for Grant to Participate for the First Time
in an International Conference in 2016
Amount of Grant: $1,000
Conference Data
Provide information on the conference for which the Bogle Travel Funds will be used. Attach a
conference announcement if available.
Conference Name:
Sponsoring Association:
Location of Conference:
Conference Dates:
Your Planned Attendance Dates:
Will you be presenting a paper? __________
If Yes, Tentative Title: ______________________________________________________________
Will you deliver a speech or participate on a panel? ___________
If Yes, Tentative Title: _____________________________________________________________
Academic Background (list most recent experience first)
College/University Attended: ______________________________________________________
Location: _______________________________________________________________________
Degree Awarded (Or certificate or hours if no degree):
Area of Study:___________________________________________________________________
College/University Attended: _______________________________________________________
Location: _______________________________________________________________________
Degree Awarded (Or certificate or hours if no degree):
Please return the completed application and accompanying letter(s) postmarked no later than January 1, 2016 to:
International Relations Office, American Library Association, 50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2795 / Email: intl@ala.org / Fax: 312-280-4392.
2016 Bogle Pratt International Library Travel Fund
Application for Grant to Participate for the First Time
in an International Conference in 2016
Amount of Grant: $1,000
Area of Study: _________________________________________________________________
College/University Attended: ______________________________________________________
Location: _____________________________________________________________________
Degree Awarded (Or certificate or hours if no degree):
Area of Study: _________________________________________________________________
College/University Attended: ______________________________________________________
Location: ______________________________________________________________________
Degree Awarded (Or certificate or hours if no degree):
Area of Study
College/University Attended: ______________________________________________________
Location: _______________________________________________________________________
Degree Awarded (Or certificate or hours if no degree):
Area of Study: ___________________________________________________________________
Other: List relevant workshops, seminars and experiences
Please return the completed application and accompanying letter(s) postmarked no later than January 1, 2016 to:
International Relations Office, American Library Association, 50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2795 / Email: intl@ala.org / Fax: 312-280-4392.
2016 Bogle Pratt International Library Travel Fund
Application for Grant to Participate for the First Time
in an International Conference in 2016
Amount of Grant: $1,000
List ALA conference attended, year and level of participation
List other conference attended, year and level of participation
Please return the completed application and accompanying letter(s) postmarked no later than January 1, 2016 to:
International Relations Office, American Library Association, 50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2795 / Email: intl@ala.org / Fax: 312-280-4392.
2016 Bogle Pratt International Library Travel Fund
Application for Grant to Participate for the First Time
in an International Conference in 2016
Amount of Grant: $1,000
Statement of interest and need
Please provide the committee with a statement, in your own words, describing your interest in the
conference, the expected value to the Library Information Science profession and to your professional
career and the need for these travel funds. Limit 200 words.
I submit this application for the Bogle International Library Travel Grant in awareness of the
preferences noted:
1. **Recipients must be personal members of the American Library Association (ALA) for at least one
full year.
2. Recipients must be attending for the first time an international conference. An international
conference may be defined as a conference sponsored by an international organization or a conference
held in a country other than your home country.
List the type and amount of support, if any that will be provided by your employer and/or other
funding sources. [Attach letter(s) of verification]
Please return the completed application and accompanying letter(s) postmarked no later than January 1, 2016 to:
International Relations Office, American Library Association, 50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2795 / Email: intl@ala.org / Fax: 312-280-4392.
2016 Bogle Pratt International Library Travel Fund
Application for Grant to Participate for the First Time
in an International Conference in 2016
Amount of Grant: $1,000
Should I be awarded this grant, a brief report (may include a copy of a paper presented at the
conference) will be submitted to the chair of the Bogle International Library Travel Fund
committee within two months following the close of the conference.
If a project/paper presented by the applicant at this conference is published, the applicant agrees
to make the following acknowledgment, "Funds in support of this project/paper were made
possible, in part, by the American Library Association - International Relations Committee."
Signed ______________________________________________________________
Dated _______________________________________________________________
Please return the completed application and accompanying letter(s) postmarked no later than January 1, 2016 to:
International Relations Office, American Library Association, 50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2795 / Email: intl@ala.org / Fax: 312-280-4392.