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1 December, 2015


St Vincent’s-Sydney LHD Partnership Ensures New Lease on Life for State-Wide HIV


A new agreement between the Committee of Stanford House, St Vincent’s Health Network

Sydney and Sydney Local Health District will safeguard the long-term survival of the statewide short-term supported accommodation service for people living with HIV (PLHIV) who have complex health needs.

With the recent closure of Stanford House’s Stanmore premises, a new - home will be established on the St Vincent’s Campus in Darlinghurst with increased capacity for six clients. The new relocated service will also provide outreach services for clients and past residents.

St Vincent’s Health Network Sydney (SVHNS) offered to partner with the Committee of

Stanford House and Sydney Local Health District to provide a new home suitable for short term residential accommodat ion. The Hospital established the country’s first HIV service over thirty years ago and continues to provide several HIV outpatient and community services as well as conduct major international clinical research into HIV.

The decision to relocate Stanford

House to St Vincent’s involved significant canvassing of key stakeholders associated with the service including the Stanford House Management

Committee, staff, current and previous residents, and has the support of key community stakeholders and peak HIV NGOs. The partnership with SVHNS is consistent with Stanford

House’s Catholic history with shared values, and a commitment to providing compassionate care.

The Chief Executive of Sydney Local Health District, Dr Teresa Anderson, said: “Sydney

Local Health District has continued to provide HIV services to the community since establishing a HIV clinic at RPA in 1984. The strengthening of this partnership with St

Vincent’s and Stanford House through this new agreement will enable us to provide even better car e and services to meet the needs of people living with HIV in the community.”

In welcoming the new Stanford House partnership, the Chief Executive Officer of St

Vincent’s Health Network, A/Prof Anthony Schembri noted “As we celebrate World AIDS

Day, it is very encouraging that our health services have worked so effectively together in partnership to provide a new home for Stanford House at St Vincent’s. This is a natural home for this valuable service, a place where I know clients will get the best care and effectively link with the vital supports within our community.”

Supporting this sentiment, Bernard Dunne, Chairperson of Stanford House said “This is great news for Stanford House and the HIV sector. For the last 25 years, Stanford House has been helping those struggling with HIV and as a result, achieving better health and wellbeing outcomes for them. Sadly, the demand for this service has not diminished.


“The work and reputation of St Vincent’s speaks for itself and we have long shared missions, to help the poor, the marginalised and the homeless, so this is a good fit and we are confident and happy that the work of Stanford House will continue for as long as it is needed by the community,” Mr Dunne said.

For more information, contact David Faktor at St Vincent’s Hospital on 8382 2866

About Stanford House

Since 1991, Stanford House was located in its Stanmore premises owned by the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul. Referrals have been provided through the NSW HIV

Supported Accommodation Program Coordinator located at the AIDS Dementia and HIV

Psychiatry Service (ADAHPS) which has been managed through the Sydney Local Health

District (SLHD).

The primary objectives of Stanford House are to:


Provide a service for PLHIV who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to assist them to achieve stabilisation of basic accommodation, food, support, health and wellbeing needs;


Support intensive case management and integrated care coordination with service providers to assist clients to improve HIV clinical management and treatment adherence;


Improve clinical management of other chronic physical, drug and alcohol and mental health conditions;

Support clients to transition into independent living.

