Military Alliance Program (MAP) - Toolkit for Veteran Friendly

Military Alliance Program
An initiative to support student veterans
Where Innovation Is Tradition
• Major Allison Black
• Fall 2010
• “CCVC”
• “Green Zone” project
Competently Communicating with
Veterans in the Classroom
“Ideas for
Reduce confusion and stigma
Raise awareness of institutional services
Better understanding of military culture
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Faculty Development Program
Alliance members in the MAP program are encouraged to display
the MAP Shield outside their office doors to let others know they
are available to provide support and information about resources.
Where Innovation Is Tradition
What is an Alliance?
Staff and faculty who identify themselves
• as someone who knows something about the issues and
concerns faced by student veterans/active military students
• as someone who is available to assist the veteran student
They are NOT expected to be experts who can “solve”
the problems
• a sympathetic ear
• someone who can help the student find the appropriate
resources for problem resolution.
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Who are Mason’s military and veteran population
Why is the population increasing
The Military experience
Transition from Military to Campus
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Commonly Used Terms
Active Duty Service Members
• Generic term-encompasses all Active Duty and all branches of service
National Guard and Reserves
• Traditional guard and reserves serve 2 days a month and 15 days
Annual Tour per year
• Subject to activation and mobilization
• Any individual who served in the U.S. military
OEF- Operation Enduring Freedom
War in Afghanistan
OIF- Operation Iraqi Freedom
• War in Iraq
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OEF (under the umbrella of GWOT)
• Began on October 7, 2001, Bush presidency
• US-led coalition action
• Focus on counterterrorism activities
• Taliban (government from 1996-2001)
• Al-Qaeda (led by Osama)
• Afghanistan: areas include Kandahar, Bagram
Kabul (Camp Eggers and Camp Phoenix)
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OIF (Iraqi War, Second Gulf War)
Began on March 20, 2003, Bush presidency
Led to occupation and eventual capture of Saddam
8 year occupation followed
Feb 2009, President Obama announces 18 month
• Troops still remain to advise/train Iraqi SF
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A 2010 documentary by journalist Sebastian Junger and photojournalist Tim Hetherington.
• Assignment for Vanity Fair
• Embedded with 2nd Platoon of Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173 Airborne
• Korengal Valley in Afghanistan
• Mission: Clear Korengal Valley of insurgency and gain trust of local population
• Outpost Restrepo, named for a platoon medic killed early in the campaign
• Mission Operation Rock Avalanche occurred late in the 15 month deployment
The Sal Giunta Story
** Hetherington was killed in 2011 by mortar shells fired by Muammar Gaddafi’s
forces while covering the 2011 Libyan Civil War
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Who is a military or veteran student?
Diverse group of individuals. They are:
From all branches of the military
Range in age, race/ethnicity, gender, and sexuality
Have served during times of war and peace
Have different education goals
More likely to have families
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Student Sample
Marital Status
18 - 20 years old 21 - 25 years old 26 - 30 years old 31 - 40 years old 41 - 50 years old
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51 years old or
• Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944
-GI Bill of Rights
-To avoid mistakes following WWI
-7.8 million unemployed vets
• 2009 – Post 9/11 GI Bill
“ …have been compelled to make greater economic sacrifice and
every other kind of sacrifice than the rest of us, and are entitled to
definite action to help take care of their special problems.”
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• Why not simply pay lump sum?
• Integrate veterans into the civilian community
• Full-time student-veterans > success
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Education Benefits
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Student Veteran Pop.
Veteran Education
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Where Innovation Is Tradition
The Military Experience
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Military Experience
Separation from family or loved ones
• Most are leaving home for the first time
• Separation from extended family and close friends
• Separation from boyfriends and girlfriends
Relocate away from family and friends
• May be assigned to a base in a different part of the country
• Adjustments to new climates and culture
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Military Experience Deployments
Deployments last from 6-18 months
Multiple deployments
• Some serve more than one deployment before being
discharged from the military
– Over 350,000 have experienced two or more deployments
Emotional Cycle of Deployment:
• Pre-Deployment, Deployment, Sustainment, ReDeployment, Post-Deployment
Where Innovation Is Tradition
***(Savych, 2009)
Emotional Cycle of Deployment
Anticipation of loss vs Denial
Train-up/long hours away
Getting affairs in order
Mental/physical distance
Mixed emotions/relief
Numb, sad, alone
Sleep difficulties
Security issues
Honeymoon period
Loss of independence
Need for “own” space
Renegotiating routines
Reintegration into family
Anticipation of homecoming
Burst of energy/”nesting”
Difficulty making decisions
New routines established
New sources of support
Feel more in control
Confidence: “I can do this!”
Where Innovation Is Tradition
*** (Franklin, 2009)
Emotional Cycle of Deployment:
Training with long hours away
• Spending more time in the field to prepare for deployment
• Separation from family and friends before deployment
Getting affairs in order
• Preparing a living will and assigning a power of attorney
National Guard and Reservists
• Added stress during semester due to anticipation of deployment
• May be called to duty while enrolled in classes
• Having to file paperwork to withdraw from classes and stop G.I. Bill
Where Innovation Is Tradition
*** (Franklin, 2009)
Emotional Cycle of Deployment:
Adjusting to being in a combat zone, on a ship, or aircraft
Adjusting to new climate, terrain, and language
Dealing with emotions regarding separation from family, friends, and
Maintaining a strong sense of awareness
“Hypervigilance is an enhanced state of sensory sensitivity
accompanied by an exaggerated intensity of behaviors whose purpose is
to detect threats. Hypervigilance is also accompanied by a state of
increased anxiety which can cause exhaustion. Other symptoms include:
abnormally increased arousal, a high responsiveness to stimuli, and a
constant scanning of the environment for threats”
Must maintain some level of emotional control
• May not be able to react immediately to loss/trauma but are encouraged
to deal with loss/trauma while deployed and upon return
Where Innovation Is Tradition
*** (Franklin, 2009)
Deployment Cont….
Persistent hypervigilance and arousal
Sleep deprivation- fatigue
Periods of intense boredom
Some have experienced
Friends wounded or killed
RPGs: Rocket Propelled Grenades
IEDs: Improvised Explosive Devices
Car bombs
Suicide bombings
Crowd control
Where Innovation Is Tradition
***(Hoge et al., 2004)
Emotional Cycle of Deployment:
• The “honeymoon” stage is when first returning home to family and
• Difficult adjustment phase for both member and family
– Family has adapted to life without member
– Everyone has to re-establish roles
• Adaptive behaviors for war are maladaptive at home
– Aggressive driving = Road Rage
– Tactical Awareness = Hypervigilance
• Develop a “New Normal”
– Adjusting to life after it has changed
• Dealing with the emotions of war
Where Innovation Is Tradition
*** (Franklin, 2009)
Emotional Cycle of Deployment:
Family members/Dependents
Family members or dependents may also need support
• They may be experiencing
Separation from a loved one
Difficulty concentrating
Difficulty transitioning
Difficulty adjusting to role changes
Loss or injuries of a loved one
Where Innovation Is Tradition
from Military
to Campus
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Transition Strengths
Veterans/Active Duty transitioning out of the military onto
college campuses bring a unique perspective
Military training
Life experience
Established Identity
A more worldly view
Skills taught in the military help students to be successful
Time Management
Work Ethic
Stress Management
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Transition Difficulties
Issues that may arise during the transition process can
become barriers to success
• Military Mindset … strength and weakness
• Difficulty translating their military skills into a new profession
• Difficulty switching gears with a new focus that is unrelated to
military experience
• Defining College credits and transfer policy
– Why? AARTS and SMARTS transcripts vs. College Credit
– Credits from multiple universities with varying accreditation
• Difficulty using the GI Bill
– Late fees due to late payment of VA Benefits
– Late payment can prevent them from registering for classes,
applying for graduation, and receiving transcripts
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Transition Difficulties
• Being an older student
– Freshman 20+ years old with 18 year old classmates
• Living off campus
– Feeling isolated from classmates
• Alienation
– Veterans/AD may find it difficult to integrate on campus because
their life experiences within the military differ significantly from
most other students and faculty.
• Insensitivity of classmates, faculty, and others on campus in
regards to discussion of war and military
– Veterans/AD may not agree with discussions or may feel attacked when
asked about their experience
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Things to keep in mind about Student Veterans in the classroom:
• Some may
– Have difficulty relating to classmates
– Find loud noises to be disturbing
– Become anxious with changes in the classroom
– Have excessive absences
– Have PTSD or TBI
• A desire for highly structured environment and routine
• Injuries, seen and unseen
Where Innovation Is Tradition
***(Pfeffer, 2010)
Considering the Needs of Student Veterans:
It is estimated that 23% to 31% of Veterans/AD of OIF/OEF
have PTSD symptoms and 20% have mild TBIs. Some of
those are coming to our campus.
• New Disability
– Student Veterans/AD may be experiencing a disability for the first time
in their life
• May be unaware of services on campus for persons with an
identified disability
• May not want to identify as having a disability
– May not want to disclose problems because of stigma
– Identification of disability may have implications for future in the
military for those who are still active service members
*** (Jones, Young, & Leppma, 2010; Thomas et al., 2010)
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
PTSD occurs after an individual has seen or experienced
a traumatic event that involved the threat of injury or
PTSD is experienced by some, but certainly not all
Student Veterans
• Have some knowledge of PTSD, BUT do not expect that
every Student Veteran will have these symptoms
***(American Psychiatric Association, 2000)
Where Innovation Is Tradition
PTSD Symptoms
Repeated "reliving" of the event, which disturbs day-to-day
• Flashback episodes, where the event seems to be happening again and
• Emotional "numbing," or feeling as though you do not care
about anything
• Excess awareness (hypervigilance)
***(American Psychiatric Association, 2000)
Where Innovation Is Tradition
PTSD in the Classroom
Exhibited Behaviors:
• Sit in the back of the classroom so they can have a clear
view of everything around them
• Be easily startled by noises (pens dropping, shuffling in a
backpack, whispering or other noises from classmates)
• Be withdrawn from class discussion
• Have difficulty maintaining emotional control during
difficult topics
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Remember: although many Veterans may
have stressful or traumatic experiences, not
all develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
A blow or jolt to the head or a penetrating head injury
that disrupts the function of the brain.
• Severity of injury can vary
– Mild: brief change in mental status or consciousness
– Severe: extended period of unconsciousness or amnesia after the
Some, but certainly not all Student Veterans, may have
experienced a TBI
• Have some knowledge of TBI, BUT do not expect that all
Student Veterans/ASMs will have experienced a TBI
***(, 2010)
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Traumatic Brain Injury
Combat experience is one of the main risk factors for
sustaining a TBI
• Exposure to blasts through explosions and roadside bombs
Improvements in body armor and helmets have increased the
occurrence of TBI
• Likelihood of survival from blasts due to sophisticated equipment,
unlike from previous wars
TBI often goes undiagnosed because symptoms may not
appear until weeks later
• Especially emotional or personality changes which are difficult for
strangers to identify
• Difficult to differentiate between TBI and PTSD because they have
several overlapping symptoms
***(, 2010)
Where Innovation Is Tradition
TBI Symptoms
• Motor/Sensory Disturbances
• Impairments in:
Learning New Information
Speed of Information Processing
***(, 2010)
Where Innovation Is Tradition
TBI Symptoms
Emotional Liability
Lack of Initiation
***(, 2010)
Where Innovation Is Tradition
TBI in the Classroom
Behaviors Exhibited:
• Have difficulty expressing themselves (tongue tied)
• Show restless behaviors
– Example: Constant fidgeting and tapping pens or feet
• Show inappropriate reactions to discussion
– Example: Becoming aggressive, easily irritated, agitated, or
insensitive to others in the classroom
• Be withdrawn or not participating in class discussion
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Other Wounds of War
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
• A spinal cord injury occurs when trauma or disease damages the spinal
cord and results in partial or complete paralysis
Military Sexual Trauma (MST)
• Includes sexual assault, sexual threats, bullying, and
unwanted touching or grabbing that occurred while in the
***(Spinal Cord Injuries, 2010; VA MST, 2010)
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Considering the Needs of Student Veterans
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Easing the Transition
What Student Veterans want faculty to know:
• “We are having normal reactions to an abnormal experience.”
• “No two veterans are alike.”
• “Each of us has had different experiences.”
• “Do Not assume that you know my politics or beliefs just because I was in the
• “I may or may not be ready to talk about my experiences.”
• “Trust can be an issue for me.”
• “Being friendly and listening can go a long way toward building trust.”
• “Do Not be afraid of me.”
• “We are accustomed to being successful and may be too proud to ask for help.”
***(Pfeffer, 2010)
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Easing the Transition
Have an open dialogue about frustrations
Discuss career goals
Provide them with information about various services and
resources available as seems appropriate
Office of Military Services
University Career Services
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Office of Disability Services
Virginia Department of Veterans Affairs
Fairfax Field Office, Dept of VA
National Center for PTSD
Virginia Wounded Warrior Program “We are Virginia Veterans”
Remember that each student is unique in their experiences
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Considering the Needs: Disability Services
What the MAP volunteer should know:
• Do not ask or suggest that the Student Veteran has a disability, but
inquire about the issues they are experiencing to better provide the
appropriate resources
• “Academic Services” sheet to guide discussion
• Become familiar with information provided on Disability Support
Service website for those who may request such services
– Students may need extra help navigating the system and understanding
what help is available to them
– Provide the student with contact information if requested for Disability
Support Service Office
– Assist in making an appointment, if needed
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Suggested Questions To Ask a Student Veteran
Express appreciation for their service
What branch of service
How long they were in the military
What was your job or specialty
How many deployments
• When, where, how long
How has your experience at the university been
Could you be called back to active duty
Can you still be deployed
Do not ask if they have killed someone
Do not ask how they were injured
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Things to Remember
• Students veterans are a unique population with different
• There are numerous ways to help Student Veterans just as there
are for other student populations
• Developing trust with this population is important
• Following-up with the Student Veterans and carrying out what
you say you will do is essential.
Where Innovation Is Tradition
• A Student Veteran approaches you because she is
struggling in her classes. She goes to class every day,
takes notes, and allots time each day to study. She feels
frustrated because no matter how much time she puts into
it, she is not getting the grades she wants.
• How do you help her?
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Ask the veteran if she has always had difficulties with school work, or if this is new
Assist the veteran in searching for classroom help
− Tell her about Learning Services and The Writing Center
− Ask her if she is in a study group or would want to join one
− Recommend talking to her instructor or T.A.
If she acknowledges that she has a disability, ask if she has gone to the Office of
Disability Services (ODS)
Suggest peer mentoring in the “Battle Buddies” program
Have a discussion about her well being
− Is she sleeping and eating well?
Have a discussion about her academic success and implications for her GI Bill
Where Innovation Is Tradition
• A Reservist sees the “MAP” shield on your door and
comes in because she has received orders for a week long
training that will occur during the middle of the semester.
She has an exam during that week and her professor states
in the syllabus that there are absolutely no make-up exams.
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Inform the student that she must provide documentation of her
orders to the professor as soon as she receives them
• Encourage her to talk to her professor
• Encourage her to meet with her academic/faculty
• Review the policy related to attendance
Where Innovation Is Tradition
• A student comes to your office because he is experiencing
problems with his G.I. Bill. Because of his unpaid tuition,
there is a hold on his account and he is unable to register
for classes he needs to graduate.
Where Innovation Is Tradition
• Encourage the student to visit The Office of Military Services
• Explain Student Accounts, Office of the Registrar, and The
Office of Military Services have a collaborative relationship
• Encourage him to talk to his academic/faculty to see if they
could hold a spot in the classroom for him
Where Innovation Is Tradition
• A student Reservist comes to your office and is
anticipating being deployed. He is unsure whether it will
be before the end of the semester and is unaware of how he
should proceed.
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Review with the student the university policy regarding options
for activity duty military students who are deployed
• Mason Military Activation Policy
Encourage him to talk to his academic/faculty and professor
• Discuss options for incomplete grades
• Discuss available online courses
• Discuss completing work early
• Military Withdraw or Military Incompletes are available and
need to be taken care of before he leaves
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Discussion Continued
Talk with the student about the upcoming deployment
• Discuss his or her fears and hopes of the deployment
• Understand that the student is under a lot of pressure and time restraints
– It may seem more important to faculty members to discuss
withdrawing from classes, but remember the student is preparing for
• There are other things that take greater importance
Stay in contact and ensure he receives the needed assistance
Where Innovation Is Tradition
• A Student Veteran comes to your office to discuss her
GPA. When deployed, she did not withdraw from classes
and received failing grades. Since restarting school and no
longer being in the military, she has consistently received
good grades but due to the past, her GPA is affecting her
financial aid status.
Where Innovation Is Tradition
• Encourage her to talk to Financial Aid
• Encourage her to talk to her academic/faculty
• Encourage her to learn about the appeals process
• If needed, help her draft an appeals letter
Where Innovation Is Tradition
• A Student Veteran comes to you because he is frustrated
about his classes. The material he is learning is exactly
what he learned while he was in the military. He does not
understand why he has to repeat the course.
• What do you do?
Where Innovation Is Tradition
• Empathize with his frustrations
• Treat this student like any other advisee who has come to you with an issue
• Explain the advantages of already having the experience and knowledge
• Explain how he can help others in his class and take a leadership role
• Ask questions about his major and experience in the military
• Help him schedule an appointment with his academic/faculty
Where Innovation Is Tradition
• A Student Veteran comes to you because he feels very
alone on campus. He was use to being constantly
surrounded by individuals who share his goals and values.
Since he has come to campus, he has not met anyone like
that. He feels isolated and alone.
• How do you help this student?
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Inform him of what resources are available on campus
Help link the Veteran to other Veterans
• The Veterans Society of George Mason University
– Introducing the Veteran to other Student Veterans may allow him to develop a
social network on campus
Ask the Veteran what interests him or her
• Suggest joining student groups on campus that have similar interests
Follow-up with student
Where Innovation Is Tradition
• A Student Veteran sees the “MAP” sticker on your door
and decides to stop in to chat. She is having difficulty
deciding on a major. She has a lot of skills from her
military experience but is not sure she wants to stay on that
• How do you help her?
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Under the G.I. Bill requirements, Student Veterans must declare a major within
two semesters, which may cause additional stress
• Listen to Student and ask questions about her military training
• Ask what she enjoyed the most; encourage her think about whether or not she is
interested in transitioning those skills into her education and future career
• Ask her “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”
• Suggest to her the Career Center on campus
Websites have been created to assist translating military skills to civilian jobs
Where Innovation Is Tradition
• A Student Veteran comes to you for his scheduled
academic advising appointment. During the session he
mentions that he did two tours in Iraq.
• How do you respond?
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Show interest
If the Veteran wants to talk about his experience, listen and provide a safe
environment to the student.
• Listening to the Veteran can go a long way toward building rapport.
If you have limited time to be with the Veteran, express your interest in his
service and set up another appointment to further discuss his experiences
• Ask how his experiences may be helping or hindering his student
• Remember that every situation is going to be different
Where Innovation Is Tradition
• A Student Veteran comes to you because he is nearly on
academic probation. He has trouble getting to class
because it is a struggle for him to get out of bed most days.
• How do you help him?
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Have an open dialogue about the classes that he can not wake up for
• It may simply be that he does not have an interest in the classes and can not
wake up for them
• Is he struggling with these same issues in other areas of his life?
Discuss with the student Student Health Services
Provide information about available resources
Encourage student to meet with his academic/faculty advisor
Follow up with the Veteran to see how he is doing
Where Innovation Is Tradition
• A Student Veteran who has a spinal cord injury comes to
your office. He read in his syllabus that special
accommodations can be made for students who have a
disability. He currently does not have any issues in his
classes but wants more information on how they can help
him in the future.
• How do you help him?
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Refer to the Office of Disability Services (ODS)
ODS Website Link
Director, Linn Jorgenson,
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Resources on Campus
Office of Military Services
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, MS 3A4
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Phone: 703-993-1316
Fax: 703-993-2392
Office of Disability Services
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Phone: 703-993-2474
Office of the Registrar
Veteran Enrollment Certification
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, MS 3D1
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Phone: 703-993-2441
Counseling and Psychological Services
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, MS 2A2
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Phone: 703-993-2380
Where Innovation Is Tradition
VA Resources
Veteran Administration Website
Student Veterans need their DD-214 forms
List of VA hospitals and community outreach centers
Connects Veterans to health benefits
– 5 year eligibility for no-cost health care for conditions related to
– Mental health treatment
– Vet Centers for outpatient mental health treatment
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Veterans Resources
Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
Post 9/11 GI Bill website
Virginia Department of Veterans Services
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Veteran Associations
Wounded Warrior Project
• Mission “To honor and empower wounded warriors.”
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
• Its mission is to "honor the dead by helping the living" through
veterans' service, community service, national security and a
strong national defense
American Legion
• veterans service organization, committed to mentoring and
sponsorship of youth programs in our communities, advocating
patriotism and honor, promoting a strong national security, and
continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Veteran Associations
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
• Providing assistance, advocacy, educations, and support to
veterans of both conflicts
Disabled Veterans Association
• DAV is an advocacy group that helps ensure that active duty
and veterans receive the benefits and compensations that were
guaranteed to them when they enlisted
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Community Resources
Aurora Foundation
In support of the Aurora Foundation’s mission, they will assist student veterans with
the identification of internship opportunities in various fields & industries.
Support Our Troops
“Civilians stepped forward and founded the permanent national nonprofit Support Our
Troops as a concrete statement of thanks to our troops. They look out for our families,
let's look out for theirs.”
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Community Resources
The National Center for PTSD
After Deployment is a mental wellness resource guide for
PTSD and Women
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Community Resources
Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control information on
Soldiers with Traumatic Brain Injury brochure
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Community Resources
VA Spinal Cord Injury
National Spinal Cord Injury Association
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Community Resources
Substance Abuse
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Alcoholics Anonymous
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Clearinghouse on Alcohol and Drug Information
Army Center for Substance Abuse Programs with links to world-wide ASAP locations
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Community Resources
VA MST information
• Provides information and guidance on reporting MST
Military Rape Crisis Center
• Has a chart for off-base rape crisis centers located near military bases
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Community Resources
The National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1 800-273-TALK
• Press 1 for Veterans
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Where Innovation Is Tradition
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. (2010).
American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text
rev.). Washington, DC: Author.
Gewirtz, A., DeGarmo, D., Polushy, M., Khaylis, A., & Erbes, C. (2010). Post-traumatic stress symptoms
among National Guard soldiers deployed to Iraq: Associations with parenting behaviors and couple
adjustment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78(5), 599-610.
Franklin, K. (2009). Understanding the challenges of marriage, parenting, and family life for returning veterans
and military families: The Deployment Cycle and Reintegration Challenges.
Hoge, C., Castro, C., Messer, J., McGurk, D., Cotting, D., & Koffman, R. (2004). Combat duty in Iraq and
Afghanistan: Mental health problems and barriers to care. New England Journal of Medicine, 35(1), 1322.
Hoge, E.A., Austin, E.D. & Pollack, M.H. (2007). Resilience: Research evidence and conceptual considerations
for posttraumatic stress disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 24, 139-152.
Jones, K., Young, T., & Leppma, M. (2010). Mild traumatic brain injury and post traumatic stress disorder in
returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans: Implications for assessment and diagnosis. Journal of
Counseling and Development, 88(3), 372-376.
Where Innovation Is Tradition
Mundt., J. (2009). PTSD in the new generation of combat veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan: What the nonVA clinician needs to know. Medical Educational Services Ins. Professional Development Network. Eau,
Pfeffer, D. (2010). Quality Instructional Services for Veterans And Military Family Members, Webinar.
Santrock., J. (2005). Adolescence. McGrawHill. New York, NY.
Savych, B. (2009). Effects of deployment on spouses of military personnel. Humanities and Social Sciences,
Schupp., J. (2010). SERV VCU. Supportive education for the returning veteran. Helping Virginia’s Best,
Brightest, and Bravest get their degree, Webinar.
Spinal Cord Injuries. (2010).
Thomas, J. Wilk, J. Riviere, L., McGurk, D., Castro, C., Hoge, C. (2010) Prevalence of mental health problems
and functional impairment among active component National Guard soldiers 3 and 12 months following
combat in Iraq. Archives of General Psychiatry, 67(6), 614-623. (2010).
VA MST. (2010).
VCU. (2010). Veteran’s Census; Fall 2010.
Where Innovation Is Tradition