Chapter 2: Environmental History: Learning from the Past Human History Three Cultural Changes What are some effects of these cultural changes? Hunter-Gatherers Agricultural Revolution Industrial/Medical Revolution Information and Global Revolution What are the 4 eras of US History? __________________________ have been on the Earth 160,000 years Until 12,000 years ago we were ___________________________ moving as we needed for food 1) _________________________________ Began 10-12,000 years ago 2) _________________________________ 150 years ago 3) _________________________________ 50 years ago Have increased our impact on the environment in several ways 1) 2) 3) 4) Most of our existence 1) 2) 3) Population grew ____________________ _________________ environmental impact Due to: Understanding of ____________________________________ Low ________________________ Low _________________________ use Migration to allow reparation Lack of ______________________________ Began 10-12,000 years ago Hunter-gatherers _________________ and created ____________________________________ Plant cultivation developed ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Grew food for __________________________________________ Little ____________________ on the environment (NO machinery) Began in England in 1700s and US in 1800s—HUGE shift in culture! Cultural Shifts: ________________________ ____________________________ Localized goods_________________________________________ Rural _______________________________________ Increased ______________________________________________ Population ____________________ sharply Environmental impact ___________________ 1950s New technology to gain rapid access to global information 1) 2) 3) 4) Tribal Era Frontier Era Early Conservation Era ________________________________________________ 10,000 years before European settlement Hunter Gatherers _________________________________________________________ _________________ population _______________ environmental impact Early 1600s—European Settlement _____________________________________________-vast and inexhaustible resources Tribes and lands conquered Government declared frontier officially closed in 1890 Early Conservation Era (1870-1930) Alarm at _____________________________________ Urged part of unspoiled wilderness to be protected as legacy to future generations _____________ and other writers addressed issues Active role of __________________ increases ***Environmental change within democracies involves voicing opinions through ___________________________, __________________, ______________________ and _________________________________ 1891-Forest Reserve Act 1892-John Muir Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1908) Established _________________________ and _______________ size of national reserve Given power to designate public land as ___________________________ 1905: ______________________________________________ 1906: ______________________________________________ Golden Age of Conservation 1916: National Park Service Act President Herbert Hoover Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) 1960s 1970s 1933: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 1940s and 50s had little change Environmental Era Citizen began _______________________________________________ 1962: 1963: 1964: 1968: 1969: Environmental Decade 1970: Nixon 1970: 1973: 1970s cont. 1978: Jimmy Carter 1977: 1980s 1990-2012 Types of Environmental Laws 1977: 1980: Tripled land in __________________________________________ and doubled land in ________________________________________ ANTI-____________________ movement formed to laws in the 60s and 70s Ronald Reagan: __________________ private energy, mineral development & timber Funding for environmental resources __________________ “______________” movement formed to weaken government over environmental issues George Bush Sr. Weakened protections on lots of public land Passage of ________________________________________________ Bill Clinton Protected lots of public lands and national monuments 1997: _______________________ Met to negotiate a treaty to decrease emissions and slow climate change George Bush Jr. Withdrew US from Kyoto Treaty Similar to dad’s policies Barack Obama Still in progress… 1)______________________________________________________________ Ex) 2) _____________________________________________________________ Ex) 3) _____________________________________________________________ Ex) 4) _____________________________________________________________ Ex) 5) _____________________________________________________________ Ex) 6) _____________________________________________________________ Ex) Environmental Groups Nature Conservancy Sierra Club National Wildlife Federation, etc.