RAJGURU COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCES FOR WOMEN B.A.Sc.(Hons) Food Technology Ist year 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Human Communication Physics Chemistry Mathematics-I General Biology Introduction to Food Technology Physics Practical Chemistry Practical Biology Practical IInd year 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 A 2.7 B 2.8 2.9 2.0 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 850 Marks Foods and Nutrition Biostatistics Principles of Food Science Biophysics, Biochemistry & Physiology Technology of Plant Foods Computer Programming & Numerical Analysis Practical in Foods and Nutrition & Principles of Food Science Practicals in Principles of Food Science Biochemistry Practical Practicals in Technology of Plant Foods Summer Training IIIrd year 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 A 3.5 B 3.6 3.7 3.8 A 3.8 B 3.9 3.0 750 Marks Advanced Food Science-I Advanced Food Science-II Food Microbiology Technology of Animal Foods Practicals in Advance Food Science-I Practicals in Food Engineering Practicals in Advance Food Science-II Women Science and Society Practicals in Technology of Animal Foods Practicals in Food Microbiology Food Engineering & Packaging Industrial Project 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 850 Marks 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 50 1 1.1 Human Communication 100 Marks (75 Marks Theory + 25 Marks for internal Assessment) Communication - What it is ? Its process, methods & materials, Communication models, Mass communication, Communication realities in India. Communication And Society Communication – Social need, Groups & Group Dynamics, Inter personal communication, role of leaders & legitimize, two step theory of communication, in Development. Means of Communication Signs & Symbols, Reading & writing, Language, Oral & Visual communication, Radio, TV & the Press, folk and Traditional Media, Computer, Satellite & Telecommunication. Communication Skill Writing skills, concepts of News, reporting for Newspaper, Radio, T.V. Editing, Editing for Press, Radio and T.V. PRACTICALS: (a) Practice in Public Speaking (through CCTV micro-teaching sessions) (b) Practice in design and preparation of communication materials like poster, chart, puppet etc. (c) Photography, Slide and sound presentations (d) Reporting (e) Editing 2 1.2 Physics 100 Marks Thermodynamic system, Zeroth Law and Temperature, First law of thermodynamics, Reversible and irreversible processes. Carnot engine, Second law of thermodynamic and Entropy. Clausius inequality changes in Irreversible and Reversible process, entropy of Universe, 2nd law in terms of entropy. Thermodynamic potential, Carnots Theorem, Clausis and claperyon Equation, Gibb’s phase rule and application. Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations, identities based on Maxwell’s relation, T-ds equation, Derivation ideal gas equation, Adiabatic lapse rate. Material Sciences Stress, Strain, Hooke’s law, elastic Constants, Relation between various elastic constants. Engergy in a strained body. Bending Moment and shear forces Beams, Cantilevers, simply supported beams (uniformly loaded and centrally loaded) and theory of simple bending, bending stresses, Torsion of cylinder (Hollow and solid). Electricity Electrostatic field and potential, superposition Principle, Gauss theorem for electric flux. Energy in electrostatic field. Conservative nature. Gauss law in conducting medium Electric Field and Potential due to a dipole and quadruple. Interaction energy of two dipoles, Gauss’s law in a dielectric medium, effect of a dielectric on a capacitor, Vectors D, P.E.. Analysis of simple A.C. Circuits (using complex approach): Series L.C.R., circuits, Bandwidth, wheatstone’s Bridge, Principle of Owen’s Bridge, De-Sauty’s Bridge etc. Magnetism and Modern Physics Biot’s Swart law, Application of Biot’s swart law. Amperes circulate law, Vector potential, . B = 0 (proof). Semiconductor physics : p.n. junction and transistor simple applications as device). Optics Wave motion, Huygens theory, superposition principle, Young’s Double slit experiment, Lloyd’s Mirror, Fresnel’s Biprism, interference, Conditions for sustained interference, Fraunhofer diffraction : Fraunhofer diffraction due to single slit and double slit. Grating, Rayleigh’s Resolution criteria, resolving power and dispersive power of a grating. 3 1.3 Chemistry 100 Marks Inorganic Chemical bonds and molecules Characteristics of covalent bond, Ionic bond, co-ordinate bond, Vander waal, Hydrogen bond, metallic bond, factors affecting the formation of ionic/covalent compounds, Born Haber cycle, Fajan’s rule, shapes of molecules, bond length, bond order, bond angle, concept of resonance, valence bond theory (hybridization), VSPER concept, structure of water. Radioactivity Natural and artificial radioactivity, group displacement law, rate of disintegration and half life period, mass defect and binding energy, application of radioactivity, nuclear force and nuclear stability. Periodic Table Modern periodic table, periodicity in properties of elements, atomic radii, ionic and covalent radii, ionization energy, electronegativity , electron affinity, Lanthanide contraction, Inert pair effect. Acid and Bases Elementary idea of Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis concepts of acids and bases (proton-donor acceptor and electron donor acceptor systems), relative strength of lewis acids and bases and the effect of substituents and the solvent on them, Concept of levelling and differentiating solvents, hard soft acid base theory. General properties of 3-d elements and co-ordination compounds: Positioning in period table, general properties of 3-d elements, molecular compounds, IUPAC nomenclature, Werner’s co-ordination theory, EAN rule, isomerism in co-ordination compounds, discussion of VBT & CFT, role of tracer elements (na, K, Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cr, Mo, Co) 4 Organic Introduction Concept of functional group, nomenclature and isomerism, homolytic and heterolytic fission, types of reactions (addition, elimination, substitution & rearrangement) resonance vs tautomerism, aldol condensation, Hoffman bromamide rearrangement, Cannizzaro reaction, Friedel Craft reaction, Pinacolpinacolone rearrangement, Beckmann rearrangement orientation in benzene (disubstitution) reactive inter mediates (carobonium ion, carboanion, free radcial, carbenes). Stereochemistry Structural isomerism (Introduction), optical activity and optical isomerism, asymmetric carbon atom, geometrical, isomerism, chirality, chiral molecules, relative and absolute configuration (R/S designation, E/Z nomenclature as applied to simpler structures) isomers of lactic acid, tataric acid structure and configuration of glucose, cyclic hemi-acetal form of glucose (Fischer and Haworth projections). Industrial chemical Structure of benezene (kekule’s structure) concept of aromacity (Huckle’s rule), industrial production and uses of terylene based on DMT, nylone 6, nylone 66, polyster, preparation methyl orange and phenolphthelene, concept of colour, theory of indicator. Pharmaceuticals Chemotherapy and its development, synthesis of aspirin, paracetamol, sulphanilamide, their uses and drug action, elementary introduction to antibiotics. Insecticides Introduction, synthesis, use & toxic effects of gammexane, DDT, MIC (Methyl iso cynate), carbamate (Baygon). 5 Physical Gases: Kinetic theory of gases, derivation of the kinetics gas equation, mean free path, collision number and frequency (no derivation), ideal gas, causes of derivation, Vaander Waal’s equation, significance of Vaander Waal’s constants, critical state, critical constants (their relations), continuity of state, law of corresponding state, Vaander Waal’s equation and critical phenomena, reduced equation of state, liquifaction of gases, methods of liquifaction, intermolecular forces. Chemical-kinetics Velocity of a reaction, law of mass action, determination of rate constants for first and second order reactions, order and molecularly, general methods to determine the order of reaction, effect of temperature, pressure, catalyst, activated complex (collision theory of bimolecular reactions). Chemical equilibrium Reversible reaction, equilibrium law, equilibrium constant, ionic, equilibrium factors, influencing equilibrium states, relation between Kp & Kc, buffer solution, hydrolysis of salt, pH, Ksp, common ion effect. Surface tension, viscosity, their experimental determination & applications, principles of solvent extraction, Nernst distribution law. Electrochemistry Emf of a cell, galvanic cell, standard electrode potential, types of electrodes, pH & its measurements, acid base titration curve, electrochemical series, buffer solutions. Photochemistry Lambert Beer’s law, law of photo chemical equivalence, quantum efficiency, high and low quantum yields, reason for high and low quantum yields, phosphorescence and fluorescence. 6 1.4 Mathematics-I 100 Marks Differential calculus Successive differentiation, Mean value theorems, Taylor’s theorem, Taylor’s series, Maclaurin’s series, Indeterminate forms, Partial differentiation, Asymptotes, singular points, Maxima and Minima. Vectors Vector differentiation, vector integration, Gradient, Divergence and curl. Matrices Hermitian and skew-hermitian matrices, Rank of a matrix and its invariance by elementary operations, Normal form of a matrix, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem and its applications, Eigen-values and Eigen vectors of a matrix. Solution of system of equations is not more than four unknowns. Statistics Introduction and scope of statistics, Measures of central tendency, Measures of dispersion, Moments, Measures of skewness and kurtosis. Integral calculus Reduction formulae Differential Equations Solution of differential equations that are reducible to linear and homogeneous forms, First order linear differential equations of any order, simultaneous differential equations, partial differential equations. 7 1.5 General Biology 1. Life: Definition and characteristics of life, chemical origin of life, history and recent trends in cell biology. 2. Chemical organisation of cell: Molecular basis of life, inorganic and organic constituents, micro and macromolecules in the cell. 3. Techniques of Study: a. b. c. d. e. 100 Marks Microscopy (Simple, Compound, Electron-TM) Principles,histochemistry & cytochemistry for the study of nucleic acid, Proteins, lipids and carbohydrates Cell fractionation Tissue Culture methods 4. Cell Structure and Function: General structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell, cell wall, plasma membrane, protoplasm and its colloidal nature. Endoplasmic reticulum, lysosome, Golgi apparatus, centriole, basal granule, cillia, flagellum and microtubules, microfilaments, storage bodies and ribosomes. Elementary concepts of cell permeability and endocytosis, cellular motility, cellular secretion, cellular excitability, cellular aging and cell death. 5. Chloroplast: structure, biogenesis, function and mechanism of photosynthesis. 6. Mitochondria: structure, biogenesis, function and mechanism of aerobic and anaerobic respiration, fermentation. 7. Nucleus: structure, nucleosome organisation of chromatin, chromosome structure, specialized chromosomes (polytene, lampbrush), Nuclear Division-cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis, cytokinesis. 8. Genetics (Brief description): Mendel’s laws of inheritance, Gene structure and function, structure of nucleic acids, DNA replication, protein synthesis and gene regulation. 9. Micro-organisms: General characteristics, Morphology and Reproduction (conjugation, Transformation and Transduction) 8 10. 11. Plant Diversity: A brief general survey of the following groups a. Algae: Brief account of the following classes – Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Xanthophyceae, Rhodophyceae, Phaeophycea, Bacillariophycae, Euglenophycae. b. Fungi: Brief account of the following classes - Myxomycetes, Oomycetes, Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidomycetes, Deuteromycetes c. Lichens d. Bryphytes: Brief account of the following classes – Hepaticopsida, Anthocerotopsida and Musci. e. Pteridophyta: Brief account of the following classes Lycopsida, Equisetopsida, Pteropsida. f. Gymnosperms: Brief account of the following classes – Cycadopsida, Coniferopsida, Gnetopsida g. Angiosperm Animal Diversity a. General survey of the following Non-chordates i) ii) iii) b. 12. Psilopsida, Protozoa: Distinguishing characteristics of the phylum Metazoa and Metamerism Distinguishing characteristics of the following Phylum – Porifera, coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Nemathelminthes, Mollusca, Arthropoda and Echinodermata Distinguishing characteristics of the phylum chordata Ecology a. b. Ecosystem (Brief account): concepts, structure, productivity, trophic level, food chains and ecological pyramids Pollution: Air and Water 9 1.6 Introduction to Food Technology 100 Marks (4 Lectures) Introduction : Historical developments in food science and technology – Factors influencing food processing and supply, food adulteration, famine, development of the commercial food processing industry, impact of war on food industry, influence of religion on food process. Importance of exploration and transportation, the industrial revolution of exploration and transportation, the impact of modern scientific and engineering developments. Current Trends: Methods of Processing: Freezing: Definition, freezing as a means of preservation, thawing changes which occur during freezing. Effect of thawing on the food, slow freezing, quick freezing, typical freezing curve. Names of different types of freezers used in the food industry. Drying: Definition, drying as a means of preservation, differences between sun drying and dehydration (i.e. Mechanical drying), heat and mass transfer, factors affecting the rate of drying, normal drying curve, names of types of driers used in the food industry. Food Irradiation: Introduction, kinds of ionizing radiation’s used in food, definition of radiation, used of radiation. Food Microbiology: Food Infection, food intoxication, classification of bacteria based on temperature oxygen requirement, typical growth curve of M.O. , classification of food based on pH, definition of shelf life, perishable foods, semi perishable foods, shelf stable foods. Thermal Processing: Definition of pasteurization, sterilization, blanching. Textured Vegetable Protein : Trends in developing and developed world Compositional, Nutritional and Technological aspects and Post Harvest changes. Sugars: Structure of glucose, fructose, maltose, sucrose, lactose, galactose, pectin, uses of carbohydrates 10 Starch: Structure of amylase, amylopectin, gelatinization of starch, jams, jellies and marmalades, gel formation in jams, jellies and marmalades (role of pectin), non-enzymatic browning, Caramilisation, definition of dietry fibre. Fats and Oils: Classification of lipids, saturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids, Essential fatty acids, trans fats refining ng of oils (steam refining, alkali, bleaching, steam deodorization), solvent extraction, hydrogenation, rancidity (definition of hydrolytic and oxidative rancidity), margarine, butter, vanaspati, lard. Fruits and Vegetables: Classification (Leaf vegetables, flowers buds and stems, bulbs, roots and tubers, seeds, vegetable fruit) general composition, enzymatic browning, pigments (names and source), post harvest changes (horticulture maturity, physiological maturity, climactric rise, physiological change, phyical changes, chemical changes, pathological changes). Flesh Foods: 1) Meat 2) Fish 3) Poultry and eggs, concept of red meat, white wheat, composition of meat, marbling, ageing of meat, rigor mortis (i.e. post morten changes in meat), tenderization of meat, definition of carcass. Fish: Classification i.e. fresh water and marine water fishes acquaulture (def.), composition of fishes spoilage – microbiological, physiological, biochemical characteristics of fresh fish. Poultry Eggs: Composition and nutritive value, structure of Hen’s egg in detail with diagram, egg white protein, egg yolk protein, deterioration of egg quality, broiler and layers. Milk and Milk Products; Types of tare names of market milk, PFA definition of milk, typical: chemical composition of milk of different species i.e Buffalos, Cow (foreign), Cow (sindhi), Goat Murrah, Jersey, diagrammatic representation of milk constituents, comparison of human milk with cow and buffalos milk, pasteurization of milk with flowchart, sterilized milk homogenized milk, toned milk, both single and double toned milk, imitation milk, cheese, butter oil. Cereals: Introduction, structure of cereal grains (general), diagrammatic longitudinal structure of wheat grain with description and composition of cereal grains (Table 15.2 Shakuntala Mano; carbohydrates, protein, lipid, minerals, vitamins, enzymes contents of cereal. 11 Wheat: Structure and composition of wheat type (hard, soft, strong, weak) Rice: Composition, chemical composition of rice obtained by different dehusking method, parboiling of rice-advantages and disadvantages, productsparched rice, parched paddy, flaked rice. Maize: Varieties, composition, Sorghum, Millets (Pearl milled and Finger millet), composition, uses, Barley-composition (Malting) Oats, Rye, Triticals, (composition and uses). Pulses: Introduction, chemical composition of pulses, pulse protein, carbohydrates, lipids, mineral, vitamins. Processing of pulses-soaking, germination, decortification, cooking, fermentation toxic constituents of pulses, names of diseases due to pulse consumption i.e. Lathyrism and Farism, names of different pulses-common name and scientific names. Govt.regulatory agencies: Food laws and standards (National and International) Food adulteration and hygiene, definition of adulterated Food according to PFA act, common adulterants in food, Fruit Product Order, MFPO, MMPO, Agmark, BIS. International: Codex, FDA, USDA, misbranding, standards of fill of the containers, standards of identity, standards of minimum quality, good manufacturing practices, GRAS, principles of HACCP. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Food facts and principles by Manay Food Science by Potter Food Chemistry by Meyer Technology of Food Preservation – Dessrisuer Food Theory & Application – J. Bowers Dairy Technology – De Food Chemistry - Fennema Preservation of fruits & vegetables – Girdharilal 12 1.7 Chemistry Practical 50 Marks 1. To determine the value of elastic constants , , and for the material of a wire by searle’s method 2. To calculate the value of modulus of rigidity for the material of rod by vertical Torsion apparatus (statical method) 3. To compare the capacitances for two condensers by De-sauty’s method. 4. Measurement of self-inductance (L) by Owens’s bridge 5. Study of Diode characteristics 6. Study of Transistor characteristics 7. To draw the mutual characteristics of a triode and evaluate (I) amplification factor (ii) plate resistance (iii) mutual conductance 8. Phase measurement using a CRO 9. Frequency measurement using a CRO 10. To determine the specific Rotation by Polarimeter 11. To determine e/m of an electron 12. To determine the value of grating constant using He-Ne laser 13 1.8 Chemistry Practical 50 Marks Inorganic I. II. Volumetric analysis: Oxidation-reduction titration using KMnO4 and K2Cr2, O7 Iodometry titration: Estimation of sodium thiosulphate potassium dichromate and copper sulphate Physical III IV Determination of surface tension and viscosity of liquids Solubility curve of KmnO4 or benzoic acid Organic V VI Melting point, maximum melting point and boiling point determination Detection of extra elements and functional groups in organic compounds Analytical Optional experiments VII VIII Spectrophotometric determination of ascorbic acid glucose estimation (standard solutions) and benedicts solutions. 14 1.9 Biology Practical 50 Marks 1. Study of simple and compound light Microscope 2. Study of various plant cell-types 3. To carry out gram staining for identifying bacteria 4. To prepare squash mounts from onion root-tips to study mitosis 5. To prepare squash mounts of salivary glands of Chironomous to study polytene chromosomes 6. Demonstration of plasmolysis using R.B.C. 7. To carry out an experiment to show evolution of O2 during photosynthesis 8. To carry out an experiment for anaerobic respiration 9. To carry out an experiment for aerobic respiration using different plant organs 10. Karyotype of Human chromosomes 11. To study various cell organelles through electron micrographs 12. To demonstrate the activity of enzyme amylase, urease and catalase and to study the effect of temperature and pH. 13. To study plant diversity through slides and specimens of following groups: Algae, fungi, Lichens, Bryophytes, pteriodophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms 14. Family Description (one from monocot and Dicot) 15. To study animal diversity through slides and specimens of following groups: Protozoa, Porifera, Chdaria, Plathelminthes, Nematoda, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Annelida, Echinodermata and Chordata 16. Microchemical tests for the identification of Protein, Starch, Sugar, Fats 17. To study meiosis through permanent slides. 15 2.1 Foods and Nutrition 100 Marks (4 Lectures) 1. Concept of Nutrition: Definition of terms, Nutrition, mal-nutrition (Under Nutrition, overweight , obesity) Health and Nutritional status. 2. Functions of Foods: (a) Basic food groups-energy yielding, body building and protective. (b) Nutrients supplied by food. 3. Specific Nutrients: (a) Proteins- composition, Digestion functions, sources, quality of proteins, supplementary value of proteins, effect of deficiency. (b) Carbohydrates-composition, classification, digestion, functions, sources, dietry fibre, effect of deficiency. (c) Fats composition, digestion function, sources. (d) Minerals-functions, sources and their relative availability, factors, affecting absorption, Food interactions: (i) (ii) Absorption promoters for e.g vitamin C for iron Absorption inhibitors for e.g phytates, tannins, oxalates, zinc Effect of deficiency-calcium phosphorous, iron, zinc, iodine, fluorine and copper. (e) Vitamins-classification, functions, sources, factors affecting destruction, factors enhancing vitamin content in food, effects of deficiency, fat soluble vitamin A,D,E,K. Water soluble-Thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, Cyanocobalamin, folic acid and ascorbic acid. Spectrum of macro and micronutrient disorder for e.g malnutrition, iron deficiency anemia etc. in the community and discussion on community programmes for e.g ICDS, mid day meal programme run by the government 16 4. Nutritional needs: Requirements and recommended allowances of foods under normal conditions including balance diet. 5. Meal Planning: Principles of meal planning, factors affecting the application of the principles, planning of balanced diet for adults, adolescents and children at different income and activity levels. Infant feeding - complementary feeding (weaning) 6. Basic Technology: In food preparation and method of cooking. 7. Food Preparation: (a) Beverages: (Tea and coffee) composition, types available, basic rules for preparation. (b) Cereals (i) Structure, composition, types and selection (ii) Various ways of using cereals (iii) Changes during preparation of cereals (c) Pulse: Composition, types of quality of pulses, effect of heat, effect of germination, different ways of cooking, cooking losses. (d) Fruits and vegetables: Composition, recognition of quality, care in storage, nutritive value of various types of fruits and vegetables. (e) Milk and milk products: Kinds and composition, preparation of milk products, effects of heat, uses in cookery. (f) Eggs: Structure, composition, quality judgment , care in storage, principles of egg, cookery methods of cooking, uses of egg as binding, coating, leavening, foams, emulsifying agent. (g) Meat, fish and poultry: Kinds, quality selection, factors affecting tenderness, Principles of meat cookery (h) Fats and oils: Kinds of fat available and its use (i) Gelatin dishes: Types available and its use (j) Novel foods: Composition and method of preparation (k) Fast foods and soft drinks esp. Cola drinks 17 Suggestions Reading 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Food Facts and Principles by Manay Nutritive Value of Indian Foods by Gopalan Essentials of Nutrition and Diet Therapy by Williams Textbook of Nutrition and Dietetics by Khanna et al. Nutrition in Children: Developing countries concerns by Sachdev and Choudhary 6) Reports of UNICEF, WHO, FAO, CARE, World Bank and World Food Programme 18 2.2 Biostatistics 100 Marks Probability – (Introductory concepts) Definition of Probability – frequency approach, Laws of addition and multiplication of probabilities, Baye’s Theorem. Discrete and continuous Random Variables – Mathematical Expectation and Variance Mean, Variance, standard deviation, Standard error of mean and co-efficient of variation, General theorem on the variance of a function of random variables. Frequency Distribution of data and the calculation of sample statistics therefrom. Theoretical Frequency Distributions I Normal, Binomial and Poisson Distribution and their fitting to experimental data. Test of departure of experimental data from Normal and its measure of skewness and kurtosis. Theoretical Frequency Distribution II Students ‘t’ Distribution Testing of Significance of difference between means using t-Distribution When 1) n1 = n2 12 = 22 2) n1 = n2 12 # 22 3) n1 # n2 12 = 22 4) n1 # n2 12 # 22 Where n is the sample size and , the population standard deviation and 5) when the observations are paired: Confidence limits 1) for a single mean 2) difference between 2 means Theoretical Frequency Distribution: II X2 and F Distribution 19 One-way Classification and analysis of Variance Heterogeneity of a set of means when 1) no.of observations in the set are equal 2) no.of observations in the set are unequal. Correlation and Linear Regression Calculation of coefficient of correlation and linear regression from paired observations and testing of their significance. Significance of difference between 2 correlation coefficients and also between 2 regression coefficients. Least square Techniques for the estimation of constants in fitted curves Fitting of growth curves by iterative methods Testing the significance of the estimated constants Application of X2 – Distribution to data from attributed 1) 2) 3) 4) testing the goodness of fit of an observed ratios against a given hypothesis of two classes. Testing the goodness of fit of observed ratios against a hypothesis when there are more than 2 classes Contingency table-testing the independence of two characters in a R x C table, R x 2 table, 2X2 table Testing the significance of difference between two ratios. Quality Control charts and R charts, p and np charts and c charts 20 2.3 Principles of Food Science 1. 100 Marks (4 Lectures) Food Processing Operation: (a) Introduction to heat transfer: Thermal properties of food, specific heat, thermal conductivity, mode of heat transfer, Fouriers law, Newton law of cooling, Stefan Boltzmans law and elementary numericals on these. (b) Fluid Flow: Role of stress in fluid flow, flow characteristics, Reynolds number, laminar and turbulent flow, Newton’s law of viscosity, Newtonian and non Newtonian fluids, sheer stress and sheer rate relationship, for Newtonian and Newtonian liquid. (c) Material Handling: Elementary concent of material handing in food industry, equipment and functioning of belt conveyor, bucket elevator and pneumatic conveyor. (d) Cold Preservation: Freezing, requirements of refrigerated storage – controlled low temperature, air circulation and humidity, changes in food during refrigerated storage, progressive freezing, change during freezing-concentration effect and ice crystal damage, freezer burner, refrigeration load, factors determining freeing rate – food composition and non compositional influences, freezing method – direct and indirect, still air sharp freezer, blast freezer, fluidized freezer, platefreezer, spiral freezer, cryogenic freezing. (e) Dehydration: Normal drying curve, factor affecting rate of drying, effect of food properties on dehydration change in food during drying, drying methods and equipments air convection dryer, tray dryer, tunnel dryer, continuous belt dryer, fluidized bed dryer, spray dryer, drum dryer, vacuum dryer, freeze drying, foam mat drying. (f) Food Irradiation and Microwave heating: Ionizing radiation and sources, unit of radiations. Direct and indirect radiation effects, safety and wholesomeness of irradiated food mechanism of microwave food application. 21 2. Sensory Evaluation of Food: Objectives, type of food panels, characteristics of panel member, layout of sensory evaluation laboratory, sensitivity tests, threshold value, paired comparison test, duo-trio test, triangle test, hedonic scale, chemical dimension of basic taste, Amoore’s classification of odorous compounds. Sherman and Sczezniak classification of food texture. Flavor of bread, meat, fish, coffee, tea, fruits, vegetables, cheese. Color-pigments, structure of chlorophyll, carotenoids, flavonoids, anthocyanin, effect of cooking and processing of pigment, astringency from tannins. 3. Food Packaging: Objectives of packaging, flexible packaging, properties of the following packaging materials-low density, polyethylene high density poly ethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinylidene chloride, ethylene vinyl alcohol, polystyrene, polyethylene terepthalate, nylon, ethylene vinyl acetate, ethylene, acrylic acid, ethylene methacrylic acid, ionomers. 4. Water Disposal and Sanitation: Waster water, hardness of water, break point chlorination, physical and chemical impurities, BOD, COD, waste water treatment, milk plant sanitation, CIP system, sanitizers used in food industry. 5. Food Dispersions: Characteristics, sols, gels, colloidal, sols, stabilization of colloidal system, syneresis, emulsions, properties of emulsions, formation of emulsion, emulsifying agent, food foams, formation stability and destruction of foam, application of colloidal chemistry to food preparation. 6. Pectic Substances: Protopectin, pectinic acid, pectic, pectic acid, pectin gel, jelly grade, setting time. 7. Food Microbiology: Food as a substrate for microorganism, factors affecting growth of microbes, pH, water activity, O/R potential, nutrient content, inhibitory substances and biological structure. General characteristics of Pericillium, Aspergillus, Saccharomyces, Escherichia, Staphylococcus, Lactobacillus, Bacillus, Clostridium and their importance in food. General principles underlying spoilage, causes of spoilage. 22 2.4 Biophysics, Biochemistry & Physiology 100 Marks 1,. Aqueous Solution Properties of Water, Acids, Bases and Buffers, Biological Buffer 2. Biomolecules Amino acids, optical activity, “Nonstandards” peptides, Physiology active peptide 3. Techniques of protein purification a. b. c. d. e. f. 4. Covalent Structures of Proteins a. b. 5. Primary structures determination Polypeptide Synthesis Three Dimensional structures of proteins a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 6. Protein Isolation Solubility of proteins Chromatographic Separations Electrophoresis-SDS PAGE Ultra centrifugation Iso electric focussing Secondary structure Fibrous proteins Globular proteins Proteins stability Quaternary structure Denaturation of proteins, Hoffmeister series Bohr’s Effect of hemoglobin Sugars and Polysaccharides Monosaccharides, disaccharide’s , Glycoproteins, Mucopolysaccharides, Important chemical reaction of monosaccharides. 23 7. Lipids Lipid classification, simple lipid, compound lipit, glycolipid, Lipid linked protein & lipoprotein, aminolipids, Phospholipids, Sphingolipid, Steroids, Gangliosides, Cerebrosides, Important test, Derived lipid, Prostaglandin’s Properties of lipid aggregates. 8. Membrane and Membrane Transport Biological membrane, Membrane proteins, Passive transport a downhill process, Glucose permease of Erythrocytes, Chloride and Bicarbonate are cotransported across Erythrocyte membrane. Active transport result in solution movement against a Concentration gradient, Active transport of Na +, K + ion gradient provide the energy for secondary active transport ion selective channels act in signal transcution. 9. Mechanism of Enzyme action Introduction to Enzymes, substrates specification, coenzymes, Regulation of Enzymatic activity, enzyme nomenclature. 10. Rates of Enzymatic Reaction Chemical Kinetics, Enzyme Kinetics, inhibition effects of pH, Derivation of Michael’s Menten Equation, allosteric enzymes. 11. Metabolism: Introduction to metabolic compartment of cell a. b. c. d. e. 12. Metabolism Pathways, overview of Intermediary metabolism Experimental Approaches to the study of metabolism Thermodynamics of phosphate compound Oxidation Reduction reaction Thermodynamics of life Glycolysis a. b. c. d. e. f. Glycolytic pathways, utilization of Glucose Reaction of Glycolysis Fermentation: The anaerobic fate of Pyruvate Control of metabolic flux Metabolism of Hexoses other than Glucose, Feeder’s pathway Gluconeogenesis 24 13. Glycogen Metabolism Glycogen breakdown, Glycogen Synthesis, control of glycogen metabolism, Glycogen storage diseases (Vongerk’s syndrome) 14. Citric Acid Cycle Cycle overview, Metabolic sources of Acetyl CoA, enzymes of TCA, Regulation of TCA, Amphibolic nature of TCA Other pathways of Carbohydrate Metabolism Glucogenesis a. b. c. 15. Glyoxylate Pathway Pentose Phosphate Pathway Regulation of blood glucose concentration, Diabetic mellitus, conversion of carbohydrates into fats Lipid Metabolism Lipid Digestion, Absorption and Transport, Oxidation of Triglycerides, Ketone bodies, Fatty acid oxidation, fatty acid Biosynthesis – Regulation of fatty acid metabolism, , arthreoscleoris, Nieman’s pick disease, Tay sach’s disease. 16. Amino Acid Metabolism Dynamic state of protein, metabolism, Amino acid deamination, urea cycle, transmination, Aminoacid as biosynthetic precursor, Urea cycle Metabolic disorder in urea cycle, Metabolism of Amino Acid, 17. Biochemical Communication Hormones, Molecular mechanism of signal Transduction C-AMP, C-AMP as a second messenger for number of regulator molecule, CGMP also act as secondary messenger, Insulin receptor, Ca2+ as second messenger, Ion channels gated by ligand and membrane potential, Steroid and thyroid hormones, Neurotransmission. 25 18. Immunology Adaptive and Innate Immunity, Phagocytes and natural killer cells, acute phase proteins, compliments, interferon’s antibody, clonal selection theory, Tcells, B-cells, mononuclear phagocytic system, Reticulo endotheliaal system, antigen presenting cells, polymorphomonoclear Granulocytes (Eosinophil, Basophillic and Neutrophill) Mast cells, Plateletes, Primary and Secondary lymphoid tissues. 19. Antigen Recognition and Antibody structure Antigen antibody binding, antibody affinity, avidity , Haptens, Carriers, T-independent and T-dependent Antigen. The Immunologlobulins, antibody function Immunologlobulins, classes and subclass, T-cells receptor, Development of anti body response, Affinity maturation, Isotopic switching MHC, Primary and Secondary Antibody response, monoclonal antibodies. 20. Immunological Techniques Precipitation reaction in gel, radio immunoassay, ELISA, Immunoblotting 21. Recombinant DNA Technology C-DNA, Outlines and Medical Importance 22. Nucleic Acid Structure DNA, types of DNA (A, B, Z) Watson & Crick (Normal), Charagaff rule, RNA Hyperchromic effect transcription, translation, r-RNA, t-RNA, m-RNA 26 2.5 Technology of Plant Foods A. Technology of Fruits and Vegetables 100 Marks (4 Lectures) I. Introduction, importance, History and need of preservation, spoilage and preservation of fruits and vegetables. II. Canning and Bottling of Fruits and Vegetables: Process of canning, factors affecting the process time and temperature, containers of packing, lacquering, syrups and brines for canning, spoilage in canned foods. III. Fruits beverages: Introduction, process of fruit juice (selection, juice extraction, deaeration, chemically preserved with sugars, freezing, drying, tetra-packing, carbonation), Processing of squashes, cordials, syrups, nectars, concentrates and powders. IV. Jams, Jellies and Marmalades: Processing and Technology, defects in jelly. V. Pickles, Chutneys and Sauces: Processing, types, causes of spoilage in pickling. VI. Tomato products: Selection of tomatoes, processing of tomato juice, tomato puree, paste, ketchup, sauce and soup. VII. Dehydration of fruits and vegetables: Sun drying, Mechanical dehydration, drying system, process variation for fruits and vegetables, packing and storage. 27 B. Technology of cereals, legumes and oilseeds: Chemical composition of cereals C. I. Wheat: types, milling, flour grades, flour treatments (bleaching, maturing), flour for various purposes, technology of bread and biscuit preparation. II. Rice: Variety, milling, parboiling, ageing of rice, utilization of by product. III. Corn: Variety, milling, cornflakes IV Milling of barley, oats, sorghum, ragi and millets. V. Technology of pulses (milling) VI. Oilseeds: Composition, extraction of oil and refining, sources of protein(defatted flour, protein, concentrates and isolates), properties and uses, protein texturization. Plantation products I. Spices: Processing and properties of major and minor spices, flovouring components of spices, essential oils, oleoresins, adulteration. II. Tea, Coffee and Coca: Processing, variety and products 28 2.6 Computer Programming and Network Analysis 100 marks (Theory 40, Practical 60) Computer Language: Basic concepts of Fortran 77 Language-character set, constants & variables, expressions and their hierarchy, simple input and output statements, flow charts, loop instructions, formal statements-I, F, E, X, H, T, field specification, transfer of control statements- GO TO, Computed GO TO statements, arithmetic IF, logical IF, DO statements, subscripted variables, data and type statements, the statements function, function subprogram, subroutines subprograms, logical operations. Writing of programs to compute simple problems like evaluation of functions and summation of series as well as calculations of statistical characteristics, computer Arithmetic and Error control; Computer number systems, round off errors control of round of errors. Pit falls in computations Linear and Non linear Equations: Gauss Elimination method iterative improvement- Bisection, secant and Newton – Raphson method for polynomial equations, Gauss Seidel iterative method for soln. Of simultatneously equations, Numerical Interpolation, Numerical Integration and solution of Differential Equations. 29 2.7 Practicals in Food and Nutrition and Principles of Food Science A. Practicals: Food and Nutrition Unit I a. Nutrition Manual b. Principles of Meal Planning c. Concepts of Food Exchange List d. Food Distribution Table e. Meal Planning f. Meal Planning and snack planning for all income groups (i) Adolescent (ii) Pregnant Lady (iii) Lactating Mother (iv) Pre-Schooler g. Diet planning in conditions of under nutrition and over nutrition Unit II B. Practicals: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 50 Marks Preparation of Cakes Bread and Buns Biscuits and Cookies Ice-Cream Pizza Principles of Food Science Estimation of reducing sugar by fehlings procedure Estimation of salt content in brine. Estimation of salt content in butter. Estimation of starch content by phenol sulphuric acid medthod. Estimation of total sugars by phenol sulphuric acid method. Preparation of brix solution and checking by hand refractometer. Estimation of protein content by formol titration. Determination of porosity in tin plates. Determination of fat content by soxhlet method. Determination of hardness of water. Determination of acidity of water. Determination of alkalinity of water To perform sensitivity tests and determination of threshold values for different tastes – sweet, salty, sour and bitter. Estimation of protein by Kjehldahl’s method. Note: These two practicals of FNN and PFS should be treated as separate practicals of 50 marks each, 2.7 A 2.7 B Practicals in FNN Practicals in PFS 50 Marks 50 Marks 30 2.8 Biochemistry Practical 1. Solutions: 2. 3. (a) Preparation of molar, % solution and buffers (b) Determination of Pka of acid (c) Determination of PI for Casein Chromatography: (a) Separation of amino acids by descending paper chromatography (b) Separation of Leaf pigment by Thin Layer chromatography using Silica G25, (c) Separation of sugar by Thin Layer chromatography (d) Preparation of gel permeation column (e) Separation of COCl2 (Cobalt Chloride) and Blue dextran using sephantex G-25 Electrophoresis: (a) (b) 4. SDS-gel electrophoresis, Determination of Mol wt. Of proteins Agarose gel electrophoresis for DNA Spectrophotometer (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 5. 50 Marks The UV absorption of protein and nucleic acid Estimation of protein by Bradfod’s method Estimation of protein by Lowry’s method Estimation of sugars by Anthrone method Determination of Beer’s Law Determination of max of Cobalt chloride and Methylorange. Carbohydrates: Qualitative test for sugars and preparation of osazone 31 6. 7. Enzymes: (a) Isolation and partial purification of enzyme acid phosphatase from moong dal using ammonium sulphate precipitation (b) To find out the activity of enzymes Immunology: To raise antibodies in rabbit and check for the presence of Ab by Oucterlony’s double diffusion method 8. Microbiology To culture E.coli and check for its antibiotic sensitivity 9. Molecular Biology To isolate plasmid DNA from E.coli and carry out its electrophoresis. 32 2.9 Practicals in Technology of Plant Foods I. 50 Marks Cereal Technology (i) Physical Characteristic of Wheat (a) Color (b) Thousand Kernel Weight (c) Hectoliter Weight (ii) Quality Evaluation of Wheat Flour (a) (b) (c) (d) (iii) Yeast fermenting power Pelenske value Gluten content Determination of Potassium Bromate in flour Physical parameters of Paddy and Rice (a) (b) (c) (d) Grain Dimension (L, B, T) Thousand Kernel Weight Bulk density,true density/porosity Angle of Repose (iv) Cooking quality of Rice (v) Detection of adulterants in spices. II. Fruits and Vegetable Technology: Estimation of (i) Total soluble solids (TSS) by: (a) Physical method (b) Chemical method (ii) pH and acidity of juices (iii) Brix – Acid ratio (iv) Ascorbic acid (v) Effect of heat treatment of Ascorbic acid retention (vi) Preparation and evaluation of pectin products 2.0 Summer Training 50 Marks 33 3.1 Advanced Food Science –I 100 Marks (4 Lectures) 1. Quality Attribute of Foods: Introduction to appearance fectors, textural fectors and additional quality fectors. 2. Taste: Introduction organs involved in taste perception, viz: tongue, papillae, taste buds, salivary glands, Mechanism of taste perception, chemicals responsible for sweet, salt, sour and bitter taste their structure and chemical dimensions. Fectors affecting taste qualities. Reaction time and fectors affecting it. Absolute and recognition threshold. 3. Olfaction: Introduction and definition, Anatomy of nose, mechanism of perception of odour. Prerequisites for odour, perception, Odour classification, chemical specificity of odour amoore classification, olfactory abnormality, measurement of odour using olfectometer (Primitive, Double tube, Elseberg techniques Wenzel’s olfactomt), Merits and demerits of each. 4. Colour: Introduction to natural and synthetic colours, functions of color in foods. Optical aspect of color, perception of color, objective evaluation, use of Munsell color system and CIE color system. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of color by above systems, Reflectance spectrophotometry. 5. Texture: Introduction and definition, Parameters to describe texture, subjective evaluation, Phases of oral processing objective analysis, Rheological methods of texture measurement including rheological models, Measurement of texture in various food groups viz. Cereals, dairy, fruits and vegetables. 6. Food Contamination: Introduction, categories of contaminants, natural, toxicants, Botulinum toxins, Mycotoxins, structure of aflatoxinBI, Structure of DDT, Pesticides, Metal contaminants (Mn, Pb, Sn) radioactive contamination 7. Adulteration: Introduction to common adulterants and their detection techniques in salts, fats and oil, milk and milk products, spices and condiments, tests for some specific adulterants, impact of adulteration and newer adulterant. 8. Additives: (Chemical, technological and toxicological aspect). Introduction, characteristic of additives, need to add additives. Types of additives, antimicrobial agents (Nitrites, Sulphides, SO2, Nacl, H2O2). Antioxidants (Introduction, mechanism of action, natural and synthetic anti oxidants, technological aspect of antioxidants). Sweeteners (Natural and artificial, chemistry, technology and toxicology, consideration for choosing sweetening agents), Colors (Natural, artificial and natural identical, FD & C Dyes and Lakes. 34 9. Food Laws and Standards: History, US Laws, ISO & HACCP 10. Recent trends in food science: Basic principles and application of some basic techniques viz. Freeze Drying, retortable pouches, microwave processing high fructose com syrup, extrusion cooking, vacuum evaporation, cryogenic freezing, reverse osmosis, food irradiation, electrodialysis, ultrafilteration, supercritical fluid extraction, inert gas packaging, fat mimetics and total quality management. 35 3.2 1. Advanced Food Science II 100 Marks (4 Lectures) Introduction to chemistry of foods Composition, factors affecting composition of foods. 2. Water: Definition of water in foods Physical properties of water and ice Interaction of water with solutes Structure of water molecule Sorption phenomenon Types of water Water activity – food spoilage 3. Fats and Lipids; Classification of lipids, Identification of natural fats and oils using (a) Physical properties: Melting point, softening point, slipping point, shot melting point, specific gravity, refractive index, smoke, flash and fire point, turbidity point. (b) Chemical properties: Reichert Meissel No., Polenske No., Iodine No., acetyl value, peroxide value, saponification value, auto-oxidation, rancidity, flavor reversion (c) Technology of edible fats and oils (Extraction and refining) (d) Technology of individual fat products 4. Protein: Protein classification Amino acid composition and protein structure Denaturation Physical and chemical properties Electrophoresis, Sedimentation, Osmotic, Pressure, Light scattering, Analysis of unusual component, Amphoterism of Protein, Precipitation with antibodies. Functional properties of Proteins Nature of food proteins (Plant and Animal Proteins) 36 5. Carbohydrates: Introduction and classification Monasaccharides, oligo and poly saccharides Structure of important Polysaccharides (Starch, Glycogen, Cellulose, Inulin, pectin, Chitin, Hemicellulose, Seaweed gums) Chemical reactions of carbohydrates Modified celluloses and starches 6. Enzymes: Introduction, classification General characteristics Enzymes in food processing (Amylase, Proteases, Pectinases, Oxidoreductaces) Immobilized enzymes 7. Minerals: Major and minor minerals Metal uptake in canned foods Toxic metal Occurrence of Minerals (Plants and Animals) 8. Flavor: Definition and basis tastes Chemical structure and taste Description of food flavors 9. Pigments and synthetic Dyes: Introduction and major types (classification) Food Pigments (chlorophyll, Carotenoids, Anthocynin and Flavonoids, Beet pigments, Caramel) Permitted synthetic dyes 10. Vitamins Water soluble vitamins Fat soluble vitamins 37 11. Physico-chemical and nutritional changes occurring during food processing such as: Drying and dehydration Irradiation Freezing Fermentation Cannin 12. Enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning reactions in foods 13. Uses of enzymes in food industry 14. New product development Definition Importance Steps of product development Reasons for failure. 38 3.3 Food Microbiology 100 Marks (4 Lectures) 1. Introduction: Definition, interrelationship of Microbiology with other sciences, scope of food microbiology, Factors governing growth of micro organisms in foods (Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors), Principles of Microscopy. 2. General Characteristics of Bacteria, Yeast and Mold: Definition of above three group of micro organism, similarities and differences among them, their importance in foods Classification of bacteria, morphology of bacteria with special mention to spores and capsule, various families of bacteria with distinguishing features and examples - Classes of mold with special reference to sexual and asexual spores with examples and their morphology, Cultural characteristics - Yeast’s and their importance in foods, morphology and cultural characteristics - Definition and importance of viruses in foods, lytic & lysogenic cycle 3. Micro-organisms important in food: General characteristics) of LAB (Morphological and biochemical), Fermentation pattern (Homolactic and Heterolactic), leloi, Tagatose and citrate pathway. 4. Production of cultures for food fermentations: Principles behind selection and maintenance of cultures, Outline of methods of starter culture production, Maintenance of purity of cultures (Testing methods). 5. Cultivation of micro-organisms: Importance, Methods of isolation and cultivation, Pure Culture technique, preparation of pure cultures of bacteria, yeast and mold, enumeration methods for micro-organisms. 6. Food spoilage and food contamination: Factors, affecting spoilage, specific micro-organisms causing spoilage of milk and milk products, meat, fish, egg, cereal and cereal products, fruits, vegetables and canned products and their defects. 39 7. Chemical changes caused by micro-organisms in foods: breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and other constituents during spoilage in foods. 8. Microbiology of food plant sanitation: Introduction to food plant sanitation, sources of contamination, control methods using physical, chemical agents and detergents, waste disposal and treatment methods, methods of testing personnel hygiene, water testing methods. 9. Food borne poisoning: Introduction of food borne poisoning, types of poisoning, origin, symptoms and prevention of some commonly occurring food poisoning, Investigation of food borne disease outbreaks, Emerging pathogens of concerns. 10. Principles of Food Preservation: Basic principles of heat preservation, canning, freezing, irradiation with reference to microbial activity. 40 3.4 Technology of Animal Foods 1. Meat and Poultry Products: 100 Marks (4 Lectures) (A) Livestock and poultry population in India, development of meat and poultry in India and its need in nation’s economy, glossary of live market terms for animals and birds. (B) Effects of feed, breed and environment on production of meat, animals and their quality. (C) Slaughter, inspection and grading, ante mortem examination of meat animals, slaughter of cattles, buffalo, sheep, goats, pigs, dressing of carcasses, post-mortem examination of meat, retail and wholesale cuts, grading. (D) Factors influencing the quality of fresh meat and cured meat, preservation, refrigeration and freezing thermal processing, dehydration, irradiation and antibiotics, meat curing-bacon, ham, canned meat, salami, sausage products, packaging, nutritive value of meat products. (E) By products – like meat fats, feeds, hides, skins, natural casing and feathers and miscellaneous by products. 2. 3. Egg and Egg products: (A) The egg factory, its techniques of working, structure, composition and nutritive value of its products. (B) Preservation of eggs, by different methods: refrigeration, freezing, thermal processing, dehydration, coating. (C) Factors affecting egg quality and measures of egg quality Fish and Fish Technology: (A) Introduction and Fish Procurement (B) Status of Fishery Industry in India (C) Chilling and Freezing of Fish: Relationship between chilling and storage life, MAP, general aspects of freezing, freezing systems (air blast 41 freezing, plate of contact freezing, spray or immersion freezing), freezing on board, onshore processing, changes in quality in chilled and frozen storage, thawing. (D) Preservation of Fish by Curing: Drying and salting of fish, water activity and shelf life,. Salting processes, salting methods (brining, pickling, kench curing, gaspe curing), types of salt, dried and salted fish products – pindang, fishwood, dried shrimp. Preservation by smoking, smoke production, smoke components, quality, safety and nutritive value of smoked fish, processing and equipment, pre-smoking processes, smoking process control, traditional chimney kiln, modern mechanical fish smoking klin, examples of smoked and dried products. (E) Canning of fish: principles of canning, classification based onpH groupings, effect of heat processing on fish, storage of canned fish, rigid metal containers, pre-process operations, post-process operations, cannery operations for specific canned products-brisling in oil, tune, skinless fillets of mackerel in sauce, new canned products. (F) Fishery Bioproducts: surimi – Introduction, fish muscle proteins, the surimi process, traditional and modern surimi production lines, quality of surimi products, comparison of surimi and fish mince products. Fish protein concentrates (FPC), Fish protein extracts (FPE), Fish protein hydrolysis (FPH), fish oil, Specialist products (glue and gelatine) (G) Fermented Fish Technology: Indigenous Products – Fish sauce and Fish Paste. 4. Milk and Milk Products: (A) Definition of milk (PFA), components (gross composition of milk from Cow, Buffalo, Goat, Sheep, Human), differences between cow and buffalo milk. (B) PFA standards of Cow, Buffalo, special milks (toned, double toned, recombined, reconstituted, standardized) (C) Factors affecting composition of milk Physical properties of milk-color, taste, pH and buffering capacity, refractive index, viscosity, surface tension, freezing, boiling point, specific heat, OR, electrical conductivity. (D) Lactose (Alfa and Beta forms differences) Significances of lactose in diary industries 42 (E) Milk fat – General structures 9specially w.r.t. fatty acids), components of fatty acids affecting melting point, boiling point, solubility and R.I., fat constants (saponification value, iodine value, RM value, Polenske value, peroxide value. (F) Chemical reactions of fat (hydrolysis, auto-oxidation), condition favouring auto-oxidation, prevention, measurement. (G) Protein (general structure) amphoteric nature, difference between casein and serum protein, different tyupes of casein (acid and rennet) serum proteins, fractionation of proteins, uses of casein. (H) Enzymes – catalase, alkaline phosphatase, lipases and proteases (I) Market milk industry (i) Systems of collection of milk (ii) Reception and platform testing (iii) Various stages of processing (iv) Filteration (v) Clarification (vi) Homogenization (vii) Pasteurization (Descriptions of clarifier, cream separator, homoginizer and plate heat exchanger) (J) Flow diagram of following milk products - Butter, ghee, flavored milk, yoghurt dahi, shrikhand, ice-cream, condensed milk, milk powder, channa, paneer, cheese (cheddar). 43 3.5 A. Practicals in Advanced Food Science–I 50 Marks a. Training of sensory panel for flavor perception b. To perform sensitivity tests for four basic tastes c. To perform difference tests d. To identify a few chemicals and related odorous e. Sensory evaluation of milk for flavors f. Extraction of pigments from various fruits and vegetables and influence of heating time and pH g. Sensory evaluation of biscuits samples for textural properties h. Estimation of degree of penetration of butter samples using penetro meter i. Test for the presence of sesame oil j. Chromatographic estimation of color dyes k. Estimation of residual SO2 in beverages l. Analyses of edible common salt as per PFA m. Analyses of edible sugar as per PFA n. RM/PV estimation in fats o. NH3 estimation in water 44 3.5B Practicals in Food Engineering 50 Marks 1. Determination of Alcohol Insoluble solids in peas 2. Preparation of Laboratory layout 3. Canning of Tomatoes in brine/syrup 4. Canning of carrots in brine 5. Canning of pineapplies in syrup 6. Lye peeling and canning of oranges in syrup 7. Cut out analyses of baked beans in tomato sauce 8. Cut out analysis of cherries in syrup 9. Cut out analysis of any other kind of can (depending on availability) 10. Determination of BOD of given food industry efficient 11. Determination of COD of given food industry efficient 12. Determination of viscosity using broke fields viscosity 13. Determination of effect of temperature on viscosity 14. Study the drying characteristics in bread 15. Determination of Tin content in the given can product 16. Optimization of bakes yeast production 17. Optimization of Alcohol production 45 3.6 Practicals in Advanced Food Science II 50 Marks List of Experiments 1. Preparation of primary and secondary solutions 2. Estimation of moisture 3. Estimation of water soluble, acid soluble and total ash 4. Estimation of minerals (calcium and phosphorous) 5. To study the gelatinization temperature range (GTR) of different starches and effect of additives on GTR 6. Determination of smoke point and percent fat absorption for different fat and oils 7. Determination of percent free fatty acids 8. Estimation of peroxide value 9. Estimation of Iodine value 10. Estimation of saponification number 11. Determination of refractive index. and specific gravity of fats and oils 12. Determination of thermal inactivation time of enzymes in fruits and vegetables 13. Determination of carotenoids w.r.t. flour pigments 14. To study the extend of non-enzymatic browning by extraction method 15. To estimate reducing and non-reducing sugars using potassium ferricyanide method 16. Introduction of the concept of new product development and basic formulation of a new product (Lab scale) 46 3.8 A. Practicals in Technology of Animal Food 50 Marks Meat and Poultry Products a) Evaluation of the quality of meat and poultry b) Analysis of meat and poultry products c) Estimation of meat protein Fish and Fish Products a) Evaluation of quality of fish for processing physiochemical indices of quality b) Estimation of fish protein c) Analysis of frozen fish d) Analysis of canned fish Milk and Milk Products a) Chemical analysis of milk products b) Milk pasteurization and sterilization c) Quality evaluation of milk products Egg and Egg Products 1. Measures of egg quality a) External quality characteristics b) Internal quality characteristics 2. Indian and U.S. standards for quality of eggs 3. Preservation of eggs a) b) c) d) 4. Thermostabilisation (Flash treatment) Freezing Coating Lime water method Assessment of freshness of eggs 47 3.8 B. Practicals in Food Microbiology 50 Marks 1. Cleaning and sterilization of glassware 2. Preparation and sterilization of nutrient broth 3. Preparation of slant, slab and pourplates using nutrient agar 4. To study morphology of bacteria and moulds using permanent slides 5. Simple staining 6. Grams staining 7. Negative staining using tooth tarter 8. Endosperm staining 9. Preparation of different media (complex, differential and selective) 10. Streaking of enteric bacteria on EMB agar 11. To study casin hydrolysis by micro-organisms on SMA 12. To study the aerial microflora using PDA 13. To perform standard plate count using soil sample 14. To study fermentation pattern of carbohydrates by different micro-organisms 15. To demonstrate presence of catalase enzyme 16. Analysis of water (most probable number and IMV, Ctests) 17. Assessment of surface sanitation by swab/rinse method 18. Assessment of personal hygiene Note: These above two parts (3.8 A and 3.8 B) should be treated as two separate practicals of 50 marks each. 48 3.9 Food Engineering and Packaging 100 Marks Introduction: Concept of Unit operation, units and dimensions, unit conversions, dimensional analysis, Mass and Energy Balance. Fluid Flow in food Processing – Liquid Transport systems, Pipelines for processing plants, Types of Pumps, Properties of Liquids, Newtons Law and Viscosity, measurement of Viscosity: Capillary Tube Viscometer (concept and Mathematical design), Rotational viscometer (concept and mathematical design), Numerical based on viscometers, Influence of temperature on viscosity, Properties of Non-Newtonian fluids, Flow characteristics, Reynolds Number, friction (derivation of Darcy, Fanning and Poiseuille Equations), Moody chart, Numericals based on Friction and Moody chart, Bernoulli”s Equation and numericals on it, Flow Measurement devices: Concept of U Tube manometer, Pilot-Tube, Orifice meter, venture meter, Variable Area meter (Rotameter). Psychometrics – Properties of Dry Air, Properties of Water Vapour, Properties of air Vapour mixture, Concepts and Mathematics of Dry Bulb Temperature, Gibbs Dalton law, Dew Point Temperature Humidity Ratio, Relative Humidity, Humid Heat, Specific Volume, Adiabatic Saturation of Air, Wet Bulb Temperature, Psychometric Chart, air conditioning Processes like Heating and cooling of air, Mixing of Air, Drying and numerical problem based on all these. 1 REFRIGERATION: Concept of refrigeration, selection of a refrigerant,Nomenclature of refrigerants, components of a Refrigeration system and description of a Refrigeration cycle, Pressure Enthalpy charts, Pressure Entherapy Tables, mathematical Expressions useful in analysis of vapour – Compression Refrigeration of compression, condensation, Evaporation (Refrigeration Effect), Coefficient of performance, Refrigerant flow Rate, superheating and subcooling of refrigerant, Numericals based on VCR system, Freon 12 and R-717, superheating and subcooling. 2 FREEZING – Direct and Indirect freezing, various food freezers, freezing Time calculation using Plank’s Equation Numericals based on Planks Equation and concept of Freezing, Quality changes during frozen storage, Practical storage Life (PSL), High Quality Life (HQL) and Just Noticeable Difference (JND). 3 STEAM - Energy for food processing, Generation of steam, construction and functions of fire tube and water tube boilers, Thermodynamics of Phase change, steam tables, Numericals based on pH diagram, saturated steam tables and syperheated steam tables. 49 4 HEAT TRANSFER - Heat exchangers used in the food industry: Plate Heat Exchanger, Tubular Heat Exchanger, Scraped surface heat exchanger, Steam Infusion heat Exchanger, Thermal Properties of Food, Medas and Laws of heat Transfer, Application of steady state Heat Transfer, conductive heat transfer through a Rectangular slab, Tubular Piple, Composite Rectangular Wall (In series), Composite Cylindrical Tube (in series), Estimation of convective heat transfer coefficient, Forced convection (Laminar Transition and Turbulent Flow), Convection in non circular Flow post immersed, objects, free convection including Nusselt Number, prandtl Number, Grash of Number, Estimation of overall Heat Transfer coefficient, Design of Tubular, Heat Exchanger, Importance of surface characteristics in Radiative heat Transfer, Numericals based on all these Applications. 5 THERMAL PROCESSING - Decimal reduction Time, Thermal resistance Constant, Thermal Death Time, Spoilage probability, Relationship between chemical kinetics and thermal processing parameters : Decimal Reduction time “D” and Rate Constant “R”, Q10 and Thermal Resistance Constant “Z” , Activation energy Ea and Thermal resistance Constant “Z”, Q10 and Ea, Numericals and semi-logisthmic plotting based on all this. General method of process Calculation. 6 MASS TRANSFER - Introduction to mass Transfer, The Diffusion process, Fick’s Law of Diffusion, Membrane separation systems, Principle of electro dialysis and its application in desalting of water, Principle of reverse Osmosis, van’t Hoff’s Equation, Hagen – Poiseuille Law, Principle of Ultrafilteration, Concentration Polarization, membrane devices used for Ro and Uf: Plate and Frame, Tubular, Spiral wound and hollow fiber devices. 7 FOOD DEHYDRATION - Basic Drying Process, Moisture content on wet basis and dry basis, Drying Curve, Drying Rate Curve, Constant Rate Drying, Critical Moisture content, Falling Rate Drying, various Dehydration systems used in the food industry. Dehydration system Design using Mass and Energy Balance, Drying Time Prediction and Numerical problems based on Dryer Design and Drying Time predictions. 8 EVAPORATION - Single effect evaporator, multiple effect-evaporator, boiling point elevation, types of evaporations: batch type Pan Evaporator, Natural circulation, Rising film, Falling film, Rising/falling film, Forced circulation, Agitated Thin Film, Thermal recompression, Mechanical vapour recompression evaporators, vatrical design of single and double effect evaporators and numericals based on that 50 9 SIZE REDUCTION - Principle, size reduction of fibrous foods-slicing, dicing, flaking, shreeding and pulping equipment, For dry foods – Disc mills, hammer mills, plate mills, roller mills. For liquid foods – Emulsification and homogenizes (pressure and ultrasonic homoginiser). 10 MIXING - Principle, Liquid mixer – Propeller mixer Powder and particle mixer – Ribbon mixer, tumbling mixer Dough and paste mixer – Z blade (sigma blade) mixer or kneader. 11 SEPARATION PROCESS - Gas absorption – principle, method and application Distillation – principle, distillation equipment Extraction and washing – principle, solid-liquid extraction (Leaching) Filtration – principle, equipment (plate and frame filter press, rotary vacuum filter. Sedimentation – principle, gravitational sedimentation Sieving – principle, rotrary screen and vibrating screen Centrifugation – principle, disc-bowl centrifuge, coveyor bowl centrifuge 12 PACKAGING - Introduction, Purpose and Requirements of Packaging in food industry. Types of Containers, Packaging materials, Factors responsible for permeation of vapor and gases through packaging films, Detailed description of packaging of: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Frozen Products Dried products Chemically Preserved Foods Fats and Oils Confectionery Fruit Juices Heat Processed Note: Paper 3.9 should be treated as a theory paper of 100 marks and not as Project I 51 3.0 Industrial Project 50 Marks A four weeks summer training relating to a project conducted by student in the industry. 52