harris academy merton - Harris Academy South Norwood

All students have the right to achieve their maximum academic and social potential. The SEN/D
policy for Harris Academy South Norwood seeks to promote this by providing equality of access
and opportunity to all areas of the curriculum. Students are taught in an environment where they
receive equal respect and in which their individuality is valued. At the Academy we believe that
all students have learning differences rather than learning difficulties and it is our policy to
identify and assess these differences and ensure that learning is supported and differentiated to
ensure outstanding progress is made by all students.
To ensure that all teachers have the knowledge, skills and understanding to support students
with learning differences in the short and long term as required.
For the Academy to operate as a SEN/D friendly learning environment making provision for
mild and specific learning difficulties through using a multi-sensory practice and pedagogy.
For there to be focus on creating additional support in the mainstream classroom, through
partnership teaching and support for learning.
Ensure that students identified as having Special Educational Needs are promptly and
accurately assessed and their needs addressed appropriately.
To target resources effectively using effective monitoring, evaluation and review.
To monitor and evaluate progress of students with SEN/D and the impact of intervention
To draw up Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and negotiate/co-ordinate realistic targets for
statemented students that contain clear targets, advice and guidance to enable statemented
students to make excellent progress.
To draw up Student Information Sheets (SISs) for targeted students at School Action plus /
Action to give advice and guidance to teachers on planning and differentiating lessons so
these students can make excellent progress.
To draw up Pastoral Support Programmes (PSPs) for students at risk of permanent
exclusion/disaffection to provide them with the support, challenge and structure to reintegrate
them back into a culture of focused learning where they can make progress.
To ensure regular consultation and partnerships with parents and outside agencies to
develop opportunities for working in partnership.
3.1 For students
To be fully involved in their learning at all stages, by participating in the setting of targets for
improvement, and engaging positively with the systems in place for self evaluation and review.
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For Parents and Carers
To become actively involved in working with the Academy to support their child's academic and
social progress, through consistent and regular communication and full involvement in the
systems in place for self evaluation and review.
For Teachers
To plan teaching effectively, allowing for the diverse learning needs of each group. To enable
access to the National Curriculum at a level that challenges all students to reach their full
To ensure that Students IEPs/SISs/PSPs are used as part of the lesson planning process
To contribute to IEP/PSP reviews as requested.
To work in collaboration with the SEN department to develop resources and ensure effective
use of support, including partnership teaching.
Identifying and reporting any concerns regarding SEN/D, as soon as possible through the
relevant referral systems and reviews.
Seeking advice and support from the Learning Support Services Coordinator, appropriate
Coordinators, external experts and colleagues to help match their classroom practice to the
specific needs of the students.
Planning with Learning Support Services team to ensure quality provision for students with
Keeping up to date with SEN/D information that is within the Academy E-Portal system and
through regular updates from the Learning Support Services Coordinator.
For Coordinators / Middle leaders
To ensure fully differentiated quality schemes of work and resources are in place to support
lesson planning and delivery at all key stages.
To ensure that Literacy and Numeracy policies are embedded in subject areas working
practices in order to support all students working below expected levels in these core areas
To monitor, evaluate and review the quality of teaching and learning across the subject area,
with regard to students with SEN/D.
To monitor the academic progress of students with SEN/D across the curriculum ensuring
that the identified strategies on IEPs/SISs/PSPs are in place.
To make referrals to the Assistant Principal and Learning Support Services Coordinator
where there is any concern identified using the relevant referral systems.
For the Learning Support Services Coordinator
To lead the Learning Support Services meeting establishing a weekly meeting cycle that
ensures support is targeted efficiently and effectively.
To review and investigate the referrals for the LSS panel and from the ALERT system, where
needed holding relevant meetings with associated parties.
To attend regular meetings with middle leaders and ALG to review, discuss and promote the
needs of learners with AEN.
To maintain and update the Academy’s AEN profile.
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To work with subject areas to develop resources and/or deliver INSET to support student
To establish systems that ensure statutory requirements are met for SEN.
To deploy staff and resources according to the needs of the students.
To write a termly report to the Governing body on progress.
To agree a programme of professional development with the Academy Leadership Groupthat
will ensure all staff have the knowledge skills and understanding to support those students
with SEN.
To manage the PSP programme, planning for appropriate support, tracking students
progress towards targets and coordinating PSP meetings to review progress.
To manage the Learning Support Services area including the involvement of interventions
both from inside and outside of the Academy.
To manage the Learning Support Services team and ensure regular review and development
of each member and role within the team.
For the Academy Leadership Group
To ensure statutory requirements are met by the subject areas within each faculty;
To co-ordinate referrals to the Learning Support Services Coordinator through the LSS panel
referral and ALERT referral, , using the agreed systems.
To establish a program of professional development to raise staff awareness and their
capacity to make improvements to planning, teaching and learning at all levels so that the
Academy will ensure a quality education for students of all abilities.
For the Governors
 To appoint a nominated person for SEN/D
 To review and agree the SEN/D policy annually.
The Harris Academy South Norwood SEN policy is written with regard to:
The Education Act 1996
Annex 3 of The Harris Academy South Norwood Funding Agreement March 2004
The revised Code of Practice 2001
DfES Formal Guidance 6/94
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill 2001
The Children and Families Bill 2011
The Equality Act 2010
The SEND green paper: Support and aspiration: a new approach to special educational
needs and disability - progress and next steps 2012
Indicative draft: The (0-25) special educational need Code of Practice 2013
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A child is considered to have SEN/D if they have a learning difference that requires special
educational provision to be made for them. A child’s learning difference may be recognised if
have a significant greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the
same age or
have a disability which prevents or hinders the child from making use of
educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age in
schools within the area of the local education authority.
Students with SEN/D whether statemented or not include:
Students with general learning difficulties whose progress has fallen behind that of their
Students with specific learning difficulties who have difficulty acquiring specific literacy
and numeracy skills, in relation to their cognitive ability
Students who are highly able and need special provision within the curriculum to develop
at their own pace
Students with emotional and behavioural difficulties who are hindered in their progress,
academically and socially, due to these difficulties
Students with physical or sensory impairment.
Students with Speech and Language or other communication needs.
Students on the Autistic Spectrum.
Students with visual, hearing or other sensory impairments.
Students with English as an additional language are not regarded as SEN, solely because the
language or different form of language of their home is different from the language in which they
will be taught. The Learning Support Services Coordinator will initially organise the assessment
of these students and will plan for their support in line with the EAL Policy. It is important to
recognise that there may be an overlap in EAL and SEN needs and students will need careful
assessment. This is jointly tracked and monitored under students with Additional Educational
Needs (AEN)
“Children must not be regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because the language or
form of language of their home is different from the language in which they will be taught”
The person with overall responsibility for special educational needs at Harris Academy South
Norwood will be the Principal. There will be a member of the governing body with responsibility
for SEN/D. Responsibility for the day-to-day co-ordination of SEN/D is delegated to the Learning
Support Services Coordinator, Mr G Smith, who is line-managed by Ms G Landman, Vice
Principal. .
The Learning Support Services Department will consist of a team of staff both teaching and
non-teaching, this will include Higher Learning Support Assistants, , Learning Support
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Assistants, Pastoral Support Assistants, Learning Mentors, Counsellors, a Learning Support
Unit Manager and a Targeted Groups progress Manager. The Learning Support Services
Coordinator will also work with external agencies and services to support students in the
All staff in the Academy will have due regard to the aim of being an Additional Educational
Needs friendly and inclusive school and will ensure their classrooms and methods for teaching
and learning reflect this on a day to day basis through the focus on the development of MultiSensory learning environments and on quality first teaching.
Harris Academy South Norwood is a co-educational 11-19 school and has an open enrolment
policy, wheelchair access is good. The Academy will ensure that students with SEN/D are
admitted on an equal basis with others in accordance with its Admissions Policy.
Where an LA proposes to name the Academy in a Statement of Special Educational Needs
made in accordance with section 324 of the education act 1996, the Academy shall consent to
being named, except where admitting the child would be incompatible with the provision of
efficient education for other children.
In deciding whether a child’s inclusion would be incompatible with the efficient education of other
children the Academy shall have regard to the relevant guidance issued by the Secretary of
State to maintained schools. In the event of any disagreement between the Academy and the
LA, the Academy may ask the Secretary of State to determine whether the Academy should be
named. The Secretary of State’s determination shall be final.
Members of the Learning Support Services team will visit the primary schools during the summer
term to meet the primary SENCOs and students with SEN/D. Whenever possible the Learning
Support Services Coordinator attends the Year 6 Annual Reviews of statemented pupils who
intend transferring to Harris Academy South Norwood, when this is not possible another team
member attends. All papers including KS2 results are transferred with the student. At the end of
June/beginning of July the Admissions Officer coordinates the data received from the transfer
forms, from the Learning Support Services team visits. This information is made available to all
staff so that forward planning can take place.
The Learning Support Services team sends out welcoming letters and requests for information
for prospective parents of students identified as having SEN/Ds. Where appropriate the
Learning Support Services Coordinator will meet with the parent and students to plan for support
before transfer to the Academy. Detailed information regarding each student’s SEN/D is then
made available to all staff via the E-Portal system and updates.
All students with SEN/D have access to resources within the Learning Support Services
Department. Resources belonging to the department are allocated according to need and where
possible shared between students.
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The Learning Support Services Coordinator will proactively communicate with external agencies
related to SEN/D and ensure relevant resources and facilities are accessed in line with student’s
needs and differences.
Pupils who are thought to have an additional educational need or barrier are identified and
assessed as early and thoroughly as is possible and necessary. Referral can come from a
multitude of sources: 
subject teachers request;
student self request;
parental request;
management request;
following information from previous school (eg primary school), including progress made
within the National Literacy and Numeracy Frameworks;
following evaluation of ability data.
following diagnostic tests;
following individual interviews;
following a member of the Learning Support Services team tracking and observing
individual students in lessons.
All Year 7 and 12 students at Harris Academy South Norwood will be allocated to mixed ability
Tutor groups. During the first two weeks of September. Learning Support Services staff spend
time observing the Year 7 classes. SEN/D Observation and Assessment Records are completed
by the staff. A range of assessment procedures are used, including the use of diagnostic testing,
and a Year 7 Special Educational Needs Survey involving all teachers of Year 7, and, if
necessary, advice will be sought from the Educational Psychologist.
The students and parents own opinions are valued and sought at every opportunity through
open evenings, and regular contact with the Learning Support Services team.
Provision for Students with SEN
Provision is provided according to need and includes:
Independent Education Plans outlining the student’s needs, suggested strategies for the
teacher, student and parents to overcome any difficulties, and setting appropriate targets.
Reviews of progress made towards meeting the targets set.
In-class support from a Learning Support Assistant or partnership teaching with a support
Drawing up of differentiated lesson plans and creating resources to support access.
Withdrawal for small group, or individual work, with a Learning Support Assistant.
Pre and Post school clubs to help with homework, handwriting, spelling and reading.
Pre- and post-school and lunchtime reading and enrichment sessions.
Accessibility to members of the Learning Support Services team for students
experiencing emotional/behavioural difficulties.
Outreach support. (see Liaison with Outside Agencies section).
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Students are placed on the SEN database according to the Code of Practice. Having regard to
the Code of Practice, Harris Academy South Norwood endeavours to match the provision for
students with the nature of their needs and to carefully, regularly record the students SEN, the
action taken and the outcomes.
At the level of School Action:
The Learning Support Services Coordinator considers the nature of the concern, collects
information, involves parents and seeks additional advice from outside agencies if required.
Strategies for inclusion and a provision map will be drawn up – alerting staff to the nature of the
difficulty and describing what is additional to, or different from the school’s curriculum plan.
Where it is agreed that a student or a group of students require additional in-class support an
agreement is drawn up between the LSA and the subject teacher. The LSA completes a
LSA/teacher agreement for each lesson. The information from the record forms is used in the
evaluation of students’ progress at reviews.
Catch-up programmes are put in place for those students who have not achieved Level 4 in
English and Maths on transfer through booster summer school and enrichment lessons within
Maths and English specialist teachers.
Support such as one off advice or an initial consultation with an Educational Psychologist, or
other external professional, may take place at this level.
At the level of School Action Plus:
The level of intervention is greater – outside agencies may be involved in working directly with
the student. Students are allocated additional intervention. This could include:
Literacy/Numeracy group
Pastoral Support Programme
Speech and Language Therapy
Support from hearing/visual impaired service
Dual registration procedure with PRU
Alternative curriculum provision
Assessment by Educational Psychologist
Referral to CAMHS
Referral to Connexions PA
Referral to Moving On provision for Yr 11 students
Mentor Support in Class
1-1 Mentoring
Learning Support Unit Intervention (Personal Development workshops)
Some students have Student Information Sheets and all mentored students have individual
action plans with clear SMART targets. If, after this level of intervention, concern for the
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student’s progress continues, the SSS Manager, after discussion with the student, the parents
and all professionals involved, may ask the Principal to refer to the LEA for Statutory
Assessment of the student’s needs.
Students are always consulted about the targets set for them on their IEP/SIS/PSPs and about
the progress they feel they have made in working towards their targets. Harris Academy South
Norwood recognises that the student has important and relevant information to offer and that if
the student is consulted then his/her self-esteem and confidence often benefit. Active and
positive participation in their educational development is encouraged.
At Annual Reviews and for referrals for Statutory Assessments the students comments/opinions
are noted and forwarded, within the reports, to the LEA. The Learning Support Services team
Ensuring an open and positive ethos for linking with students from all members of the
Learning Support Services team.
Regular Online surveys for students and parents about support.
Regular meetings with groups of students to develop support and resources used within
the Academy.
A visible profile of the Learning Support Services Department within the Academy
The LA offers parents of statemented students a SEN case worker as an independent advisor.
Harris Academy South Norwood actively seeks and responds to feedback from parents. The
Learning Support Services Coordinator addresses parents/families at the Open Evening for the
new Intake – early in July. Parents of all Year 6 students, who are known to have SEN/D, are
contacted by the Learning Support Services team, following this meeting. The Learning Support
Services team invite all parents of students with SEN/D to meet individually with members of the
team at the Year 7 Parents Evening, during the Autumn Term. We always contact parents prior
to the involvement of an outside agency and parents are invited to regular review meetings with
the Learning Support Services Coordinator and the external professional involved.
Parents are welcome to phone the Learning Support Services Coordinator with queries at any
time but it is best to make an appointment if the query is involved or requires specific
The Learning Support Services Coordinator uses a variety of ways to communicate with parents
to develop contact and partnership. These include:
Ensuring an open and positive ethos for linking with parents from all members of the
Learning Support Services team.
Regular Online surveys for students and parents about support.
Specialised SEN/D parent forum meeting on a regular basis
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Regular meetings with students from all levels of SEN/D need throughout the Academic
The Learning Support Services Coordinator will attend all parent events including open
The Learning Support Services team will run drop-in advice sessions within Academic
planning days and events.
A visible profile of the Learning Support Services Department within the Academy
Harris Academy South Norwood is committed to a broad and balanced curriculum for all. It is
the intention of the school that students with SEN/D be integrated for the majority of the time in
the curriculum that is provided for the Year Group. In order to achieve this, students may receive
support from members of the Learning Support Services team and from support staff from
external establishments. Where it is felt that intensive support is required, students may be
withdrawn to work in small group situations for a small proportion of their timetable within the
Learning Support Unit.
All students with SEN/D are given the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of school life.
This includes the Learning Support Services team working with students to empower them to be
involved in aspects and where needed develop opportunities for them to do so.
If any parent is concerned about the provision for SEN/D in the school they should contact the
Learning Support Services Coordinator in the first instance. The Learning Support Services
Coordinator will deal with the matter or refer it to the appropriate person. Should the parent not
be happy with the outcome, the complaint should be put in writing and addressed to the
Principal. The Learning Support Services Coordinator will keep a record of all complaints. All
complaints will be dealt with by the Academy Leadership Group as quickly as possible.
All sections of the SEN/D policy are regularly evaluated by the Learning Support Services
Coordinator . The Learning Support Services Coordinator incorporates changes in legislation
and LEA recommendations into the policy, as and when they occur. This will involve
development of the policy to support the restructuring of SEN/D support and procedures in line
with the proposed changes in September 2014 (see appendix 1).
All members of the Learning Support Services team are encouraged to attend courses and use
PPA time to complete guided CPD to keep abreast of current developments.
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The Learning Support Services Coordinator usually facilitates whole school SEN INSET and the
internal training and programmes for the department This may include the use of external
agencies and services.
Referral to facilities, teachers and services outside school will take place, except in exceptional
circumstances, at the School Action Plus stage of the graduated response to a student’s SEN/D.
The Learning Support Services Coordinator or a member of the Learning Support Services team
makes any referral to these agencies after full consultation with the student and parents. .
Harris Academy South Norwood will access support for students from LA off-site units:
The Academy independently makes uses of Educational Psychologist and CAMHS referrals as
As well as excellent links with local primary schools the Learning Support Services Coordinator
links with special schools within the area. Harris Academy South Norwood is always happy to
work with colleagues from alternative provisions on integration programmes and in outreach
From Year 7 onwards the Learning Support Services Coordinator works with the Learning
Support Services team, external agencies, and cross Federation staff to support students on
the SEN/D profile within various transitional stages and in their future choices of KS4 options,
career development, and Post-16 education/training.
Students with SEN/D transferring from Harris Academy South Norwood to another secondary
school follow the procedures normally followed at this time. Any documentation from the
Learning Support Services Department is forwarded to the new school as soon as the new
school is known and the transfer confirmed. Students with SEN/D transferring from another
secondary school to Harris Academy South Norwood will also follow the normal procedures at
this time. The Learning Support Services is informed and consulted about any special
arrangements that may need to be made.
Occasionally it is felt desirable for a Harris Academy South Norwood student to have a part-time
placement in alternative provision. Arrangements for such a ‘link’ placement are made after full
consultation with all the persons involved in the maintenance of the student’s statement.
Policy Created by G Smith, June 2013
Reviewed by S Hainey June 2013
Approved by Governors (June 2013)
Next Review June 2014 by G Smith
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Appendix 1
The Learning Support Services Coordinator will ensure regular review and assessment in order
to prepare the Academy for the new changes in 2014. This will include reflection and
development within the key areas from the draft legislation and SEN/D Code of Practice.
The Learning Support Services Coordinator and the department will begin to develop and
restructure the AEN system from September 2014 to allow for a smooth transition for all
members of the Academy community. The voices and perspectives of all parties involved within
AEN will be listened to and considered with regard to changes and the future.
SEN statements and learning difficulties assessments will be replaced by a single
assessment process – the Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
The removal of School Action / Action + to be replaced with one SEN/D category
provisionally called ‘Additional SEN Support’..
An EHCP sets out:
o The child’s or young person’s special educational needs
o The outcomes sought for him or her
o The special educational provision required
Any health and social care provision required. Throughout the process of assessment and
support there is a greater emphasis on the collaboration of education, health and social
care partners.
There is a clear difference between students who need support to catch up and those
with identified complex and long term needs.
Closer liaison and co-operation with parents and carers throughout the process of
identification of SEN, assessment and provision.
Emphasis on the person centred approach to planning, starting with the individual rather
than the service.
 A rigorous assessment of SEN should be carried out to decide if Additional SEN support
is needed.
 Additional SEN support should focus on outcomes, and review of progress should be held
at least once a term
 Collaborating with curriculum coordinators so that the learning for all students is given
equal priority.
 Liaising with the CLA coordinator where a looked after student has SEN/D.
 Being a key point of contact for external agencies and liaising with potential next
providers of education.
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