THE PRESIDENTS #1: George Washington Served: 1789-1797, Federalist Period Achievements: Held country together. Ended multiple revolutions. Rank: 1st/42 V.P.: John Adams Nicknames: The American Cincinnatus The American Fabius The Father of His Country Background Info on Washington 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Gilbert Stuart Portrait of George Washington in 1795, 4 years before his death. Born: Feb. 22, 1732 in Virginia Died: Dec. 14, 1799 (aged 67) in Virginia Religion: Church of England 6 feet, 2inches tall and weighed 200 pounds At the time of his inauguration, George Washington had only one tooth. All his teeth were pulled by the time he was the President. At many times he wore dentures. His inauguration speech was 183 words long. Due to his false teeth he took 90 minutes to read it. #2: John Adams (Fed) Served: 1797-1801, Federalist Period Achievements: Signer of Declaration of Independence. Oversaw construction of White House Rank: 7th / 42 V.P.: Thomas Jefferson Nickname: The Colossus of Debate The Duke of Braintree King John the Second Old Sink or Swim His Rotundity Background Info on Adams 1. 2. 3. 4. Portrait of John Adams by Gilbert Stuart in 1826. 5. This would be John Adam's final portrait. He was reluctant to do the painting but did so at the urge of John Quincy Adams. He said he enjoyed the conversation that artist Gilbert Stuart provided him Born: Oct. 30, 1735 in Quincy, Massachusetts Died: July 4, 1826 (aged 90) in Quincy Religion: Unitarian Great-great-grandson of John and Priscilla Alden, pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620 U.S. capital moved from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C. #3: Thomas Jefferson (DR) Served: 1801-1809, The Age of Jefferson Achievements: Author of Declaration of Independence. Louisiana Purchase. Lewis and Clark Expedition. Rank: 3rd / 42 V.P.: Aaron Burr (1801–1805), George Clinton (1805–1809) Nicknames: The Apostle of Democracy The Man of the People Mad Tom The Negro President The Sage of Monticello Background Info on Jefferson 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Gilbert Stuart’s 1821 portrait of Thomas Jefferson Born: April 13,1743 in Shadwell, Virginia Died: July 4, 1826 (aged 83) in Charlottesville, Virginia Religion: Deist Died on 50th anniversary of D.o.I., July 4, 1826 the same day as John Adams Designed his own tombstone and wrote his own epitaph, omitting the fact that he was President of the United States More on Jefferson Secret affair with his slave, Sally Hemings Credited with introducing vanilla ice cream and macaroni and cheese to US diet Tasked Lewis and Clark with finding Wholly Mammoth in the west Petrified of public speaking, gave only two speeches as president #4: James Madison (DR) Served: 1809-1817 Achievements: “Father of Constitution”, War of 1812. Rank: 8th / 42 V.P.: George Clinton Elbridge Gerry Nicknames: Little Jemmy His Little Majesty: At only 5' 4", the was the shortest president ever. Background Info on Madison 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Born: March 16, 1751 Port Conway, Virginia Died: June 28, 1836 (aged 85) Montpelier, Virginia Religion: “unknown” First president to had prior service as a congressman. First president to wear trousers rather than knee breeches. First graduate student of Princeton #5: James Monroe (DR) Served: 1817-1825, Era of Good Feelings Achievements: Annexed Florida, Signed Missouri Compromise, Created Monroe Doctrine. Rank: 21st / 42 V.P.: Daniel D. Tompkins Nickname: The Era of Good Feelings President Background Info on Monroe 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Born: April 28, 1758 Westmoreland County, VA Died: July 4, 1831 (aged 73) New York, NY Religion: Episcopal First president to ride on a steamboat. First U.S. Senator to become president. First inaugural to be held outdoors. Capital of Liberia named after him (Monrovia) #6: John Q. Adams (DR) Served: 1825-1829, Era of Good Feelings Achievements: 18 year Member of Congress, Nicnamed “Old Eloquent”, Defended Amistad rebels Rank: 14th / 42 V.P.: John C. Calhoun Nicknames: Old Man Eloquent The Abolitionist Background Info on J.Q. Adams 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Born: July 11, 1767 Quincy, Massachusetts Died: February 23, 1848 (aged 80) Washington, D.C. Religion: Unitarianism Adams swam nude in the Potomac River nearly every day. First elected president not to receive either the most electoral college votes or popular votes. Only president elected to the House after his presidency. He named one of his sons George Washington. approved an expedition to the interior of the Earth where, he hoped, the surface dwellers could initiate trade with the mole people #7: Andrew Jackson (Dem) Served: 1829-1837, The Age of Jackson Achievements: “Old Hickory”, Founder of Democratic Party, Extend power of Federal Branch. Indian Removal Act Rank: 12th / 42 VP: Martin Van Buren Nicknames: The Hero of New Orleans King Andrew Old Hickory Sharp Knife (Given to him by the Creek Indians whom he fought in 1814 ) Background Info on Jackson 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Born: March 15, 1767 Waxhaws Area Died: June 8, 1845 (aged 78) Nashville, Tennessee Religion: Presbyterian No formal education. Taught parrot to curse, which had to be removed from Jackson's funeral because it wouldn't stop swearing. Only president to have been a prisoner of war. He was the first president to have been born in a log cabin. First president to ride a railroad train. Wounded in a duel at the age of 39, Jackson carried the bullet, lodged near his heart, to his grave. #8 Martin Van Buren (Dem) Served: 1837-1841, Westward Expansion Achievements: Helped form first “political machine”, Ran for office 3 times. Rank: 38th / 42 V.P.: Richard M. Johnson Nicknames: The American Talleyrand The Careful Dutchman (his first language was Dutch) The Great Manager The Little Magician The Red Fox of Kinderhook Background Info Van Buren 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Born: December 5, 1782 Kinderhook, New York Died: July 24, 1862 (aged 79) Kinderhook, New York Religion: Dutch Reformed First president born in the United States He took his four years salary, $100,000, in a lump sum at the end of his term. He made three unsuccessful bids for reelection. #9 William H. Harrison (Whig) Served: 1841, Westward Expansion (Manifest Destiny) Achievements: President for one month!, First president to die in office. Rank: 39th / 42 V.P.: John Tyler Nicknames: General Mum Old Tippecanoe: (used in campaign song Tippecanoe and Tyler Too during 1840 election.) Washington of the West Background Info on Harrison 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Born: February 9, 1773 Charles City County, Virginia Died: April 4, 1841 (aged 68) Washington, D.C. Religion: Episcopal Harrison gave the longest inaugural address - one hour 45 minutes. First president to die in office. Served for 30 days. #10 John Tyler (Whig) Served: 1841-1845, Westward Expansion Achievements: Served without a Party. First VP to take office. Severs ties with Whigs, Set up trade relations with China. Rank: 42nd / 42 V.P.: None Nickname: His Accidency Background Info on Tyler 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Born: March 29, 1790 Charles City County, Virginia Died: January 18, 1862 (aged 71) Richmond, Virginia Religion: Episcopal Whig party disowned him after he vetoed banking bills supported by the Whigs. In January 1843, the Whigs introduced impeachment resolutions in the House, but the measures were defeated. He was a grand-uncle of Harry S Truman. Aspired to be a concert violinist. #11: James Polk (Dem) Served: 1845-1849, War of the West Achievements: War with Mexico. Gained California and Southwest. Settled Canadian border Rank: 36th / 42 V.P: George M. Dallas Nicknames: Napoleon of the Stump Polk the Plodder Young Hickory Polk the Purposeful Background Info on Polk 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Born: November 2, 1795 Pineville, North Carolina Died: June 15, 1849 (aged 53) Nashville, Tennessee Religion: Methodist Before the advent of anesthetics and antiseptic practices, Polk survived a gallstone operation at age 17. Greatly expanded the western U.S. in 1848 through a treaty with Mexico ending a two year war Voluntarily served only one term #12: Zachary Taylor (Whig) Served: 1849-1850, Westward Expansion Achievements: “Old Rough and Ready”, Never voted until own election, Died 16 months after election. Rank: 37th / 42 V.P.: Millard Fillmore Nickname: Old Rough and Ready Background Info on Taylor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Born: November 24, 1784 Barboursville, Virginia Died: July 9, 1850 (aged 65) Washington, D.C. Religion: Episcopal Had never voted or belonged to a political party nor took any interest in politics until he ran for president at age 62. He pastured his old Army horse, Whitey, on the White House lawn and visitors would take horse hairs as souvenirs. #13 Millard Fillmore (Whig) Served: 1850-1853, Antebellum Achievements: Opened trade with Japan. Great Compromise of 1850. Last Whig President Quote: "An honorable defeat is better than a dishonorable victory." Rank: 41st / 42 Nickname: The American Louis Philippe Background Info on Fillmore 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Born: January 7, 1800 Summerhill, New York Died: March 8, 1874 (aged 74) Buffalo, NY Religion: Unitarian No formal education. Fillmore did not meet Pres. Taylor until after they were elected. He installed the first bathtub and kitchen stove in the White House. Millard Fillmore's first wife Abigail was actually his teacher while he was a 19-year-old student at the New Hope Academy #14 Franklin Pierce (D) Served: 1853-1857, Antebellum Achievements: Gadsden Purchase. Passed KansasNebraska Act Quote: "You have summoned me in my weakness. You must sustain me by your strength." Rank: 40th / 42 Nickname: The Fainting General Young Hickory of the Granite Hills Handsome Frank Background Info on Pierce 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Born: November 23, 1804 Hillsborough, New Hampshire Died: October 8, 1869 (aged 64) Concord, New Hampshire Religion: Episcopal Because of religious considerations Pierce affirmed rather than swore the Presidential Oath of Office. He gave his inaugural address from memory, without the aid of notes. He installed the first central heating system in the White House. #15 James Buchanan (D) Served: 1857-1861, Antebellum Achievements: 40 yr Congressman, Dems split into North and South, considered one of worse presidents Quote:” The test of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there.” Rank: 35th / 42 Nickname: Ten-Cent Jimmie (claimed during the 1856 election campaign that ten cents a day was enough for a working man to live on) Background Info on Buchanan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Born: April 23, 1791 Mercersburg, Pennsylvania Died: June 1, 1868 (aged 77) Lancaster, Pennsylvania Religion: Presbyterian He was never married, so the duties of White House hostess were performed by his niece, Harriet Lane. One of his eyes was nearsighted and the other farsighted. As a result he always cocked his head to the left. Buchanan tired of being president and refused to run for reelection. #16 Abraham Lincoln Served: 1861-1865, American Civil War Achievements: Endured Civil War. Emancipation Proclamation. Quote: “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Rank: 2nd / 42 Nicknames: The Ancient One The Great Emancipator Honest Abe The Rail-Splitter Uncle Abe Background Info on Lincoln 1. 2. Born: February 12, 1809 Hardin County, Kentucky Died: April 15, 1865 (aged 56) Washington, D.C. 3. Religion: Never committed to one 4. No formal education. 5. The first president to die by assassination. 6. At 6 feet 4 inches he was the tallest president. 7. 8. 9. 10. Lincoln's wife, Mary Todd, had a brother, half-brothers and brothers-in-law who fought in the Confederate Army. He was the first president to wear a beard. His son Robert Todd Lincoln, was in Washington, D.C. when Lincoln was killed, was also on the scene when President Garfield was shot in 1881, and President McKinley was assassinated in 1901 When Abe Lincoln moved to New Salem, Illinois in 1831, he ran into a local bully named Jack Armstrong. Armstrong challenged Lincoln to a wrestling match outside of Denton Offutt's store, where Lincoln was a clerk, and townspeople gathered to watch and wager on it. Lincoln won. # 17: Andrew Johnson (Dem) Served: 1865-1869, Reconstruction Achievements: Reconstruction Era. Impeached. Quote: “If I am shot at, I want no man to be in the way of the bullet.” Rank: 24th / 42 Nickname: The Tennessee Tailor Background Info on Johnson 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Born: December 29, 1808 Raleigh, North Carolina Died: July 31, 1875 (aged 66) Elizabethton, Tennessee Religion: Christian: No denomination Johnson was married at a younger age than any other president. He was 18 on May 5, 1827 and Eliza McCardle was 16. He is the only president to serve in the Senate after his presidency. He was host to the first Queen to first the White house. Queen Emma of Hawaii. He was buried beneath a willow tree he planted himself with a shoot taken from a tree at Napoleon's tomb #18 (R)Ulysses S. Grant Served: 1869-1877, Reconstruction Achievements: War Hero. Quote: “Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church, and the private school, supported entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and state forever separate.” Rank: 15th / 42 Nicknames: Sam Unconditional Surrender Grant Background Info on Grant 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Born: April 27, 1822 Point Pleasant, Ohio Died: July 23, 1885 (aged 63) Mount McGregor, New York Religion: Methodist Grant could not stomach the sight of animal blood. Rare steak nauseated him. While president, he was arrested for driving his horse too fast and was fined $ 20. Grant said he knew only two songs. "One was Yankee Doodle and the other wasn't." He smoked 20 cigars a day, which probably caused the throat cancer that resulted in his death. #19 (R)Rutherford B. Hayes Served: 1877-1881, Gilded Age Achievements: Ended Reconstruction. Quote: “One of the tests of the civilization of people is the treatment of its criminals.” Rank: 31st / 42 Nicknames: Granny Hayes Queen Victoria in Riding Breeches President De Facto, His Fraudulency, Rutherfraud Hayes, Boss Thief, The Great Usurper Background Info on Hayes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Born: October 4, 1822 Delaware, Ohio Died: January 17, 1893 (aged 70) Fremont, Ohio Religion: Christian, no denomination In 1880 Hayes arrived in San Francisco to become the first president to visit the West Coast. Mrs. Hayes, Lucy Ware Webb, was known as "Lemonade Lucy" because she refused to serve alcohol in the White House. The first telephone was installed in the White House by Alexander Graham Bell himself. The first Easter egg roll on the White House lawn was conducted by Hayes and his wife. He kept his campaign pledge and refused to run for a second term #20 (R)James Garfield Served: 1881, Gilded Age Achievements: Assassinated in office Quote: “The President is the last person in the world to know what the people really want and think.” Rank: 26th / 42 Nickname: Boatman Jim Background Info on Garfield 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Born: November 19, 1831 Moreland Hills, Ohio Died: September 19, 1881 (aged 49) Elberon (Long Branch), New Jersey Religion: Church of Christ Only 131 days after taking office, on July 12, 1881, while entering a Washington, D.C. railroad station, he was shot by Charles J. Guiteau Garfield was the first left-handed president. He was the last of seven presidents born in a log cabin. After Garfield's shooting, repeated probing for the bullet with non-sterile instruments resulted in blood poisoning which eventually killed him on September 19, 1881. #21 (R)Chester A. Arthur Served: 1881-1885, Gilded Age Achievements: Modernized the Navy Quote: “Men may die, but the fabric of our free institutions remains unshaken.” Rank: 25th / 42 Nicknames: Gentleman Boss Prince Arthur The Dude President (For his fancy living) Walrus Background Info on Arthur 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Born: October 5, 1829 Fairfield, Vermont Died: November 18, 1886 (aged 57) New York, NY Arthur enjoyed walking at night and seldom went to bed before 2 A.M. He had 24 wagon loads of old furniture and junk removed from the White House before moving in. A man-about-town, he entertained lavishly and often, enjoyed going to nightclubs. Arthur told a temperance group that called on him at the White House, "I may be President of the United States, but my private life is my own damn business." Arthur destroyed all of his personal papers before his death. #22 & 24: (D)Grover Cleveland Served: 1885-1889 & 1893-1897, Gilded Age Achievements: Reformed Federal Government. Quote: “The lesson should be constantly enforced that though the people support the Government, Government should not support the people.” Rank: 29th / 42 Nickname: The Beast of Buffalo The Hangman of Buffalo His Obstinacy The Elephantine Economist Uncle Jumbo Background Info on Cleveland 1. 2. Born: March 18, 1837 Caldwell, New Jersey Died: June 24, 1908 (aged 71) Princeton, New Jersey 3. Religion: Presbyterian 4. Dedicated the Statue of Liberty on October 28, 1886. 5. Cleveland is the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms. 6. 7. 8. 9. While Sheriff of Erie County, New York, Cleveland was the public executioner and personally hanged two murderers. He vetoed 414 bill in his first term, more that double the 204 vetoes cast by all previous presidents. The only president's child born in the White House, was Cleveland's daughter, Esther When Grover Cleveland's law partner Oscar Folsom died, Cleveland became the girl's legal guardian. Frances Folsom was 11 years old at the time. Oddly enough, ten years later, they got married at the White House. She remains the youngest First Lady in the history of the United States, having been just 21 when they married. # 23 (R) Benjamin Harrison Served: 1889-1893, Gilded Age Achievements: Strong Foreign Policy. Enlarged Navy. Quote: “We Americans have no commission from God to police the world.” Rank: 33 / 42 Nicknames: The Front Porch Campaigner The Human Iceberg Kid Gloves Harrison (He was prone to skin infection and often wore kid gloves to protect his hands) Background Info on Harrison 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Born: August 20, 1833 North Bend, Ohio Died: March 13, 1901 (aged 67) Indianapolis, Indiana Religion: Presbyterian He was the second president whose wife died while he was in office. When the Harrisons moved into the White House, it was in such a dilapidated state that plans were made to build a new mansion elsewhere in Washington. His last daughter, Elizabeth, was younger than his four grandchildren. Credited with installing electricity into the White House. Him and his wife refused to use light switches, fearing death from electrocution #25 (R)William McKinley Served: 1897-1901, Imperialism Achievements: Spanish American War. Acquired Guam, Philippines, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Quote: “The free man cannot be long an ignorant man.” Rank: 27th / 42 Nicknames: The Major The Napoleon of Protection The Advance Agent of Prosperity The Idol of Ohio Background Info on McKinley 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Born: January 29, 1843 Niles, Ohio Died: September 14, 1901 (aged 58) Buffalo, New York Religion: Methodist He was the first president to use the telephone while campaigning He is thought to hold the record for presidential handshaking - 2,500 per hour. #26 (R) Theodore Roosevelt Served: 1901-1909, Progressivism Achievements: Fought Monopolies. Pushed Panama Canal. Established National Parks and Forests. Quote: “The government is us; we are the government, you and I.” Rank: 4th / 42 Nicknames: The Cyclone Assemblyman The Hero of San Juan Hill The Lion Old Four Eyes Theodore the Meddler The Trust Buster Background Info on Roosevelt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Born: October 27, 1858 New York, New York Died: January 6, 1919 (aged 60) Oyster Bay, New York Religion: Dutch Reformed He lost the sight in one eye while boxing in the White House. He had a photographic memory. He could read a page in the time it took anyone else to read a sentence. He was the first president to travel outside the U.S. - Panama. #27 (R) William H. Taft Served: 1909 – 1913, Progressivism Achievements: Fought Trusts. Conservationist. Quote: “Politics makes me sick.” Rank: 18th / 42 Nicknames: Big Chief Old Bill Big Lub Background Info on Taft 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Born: September 15, 1857 Cincinnati, Ohio Died: March 8, 1930 (aged 72) Washington, D.C. Religion: Unitarian Taft is the only person to serve as both President and Chief Justice (1921-1930) of the U.S. He inaugurated the custom of the president throwing out the first ball to start the baseball season. The Taft's owned the last presidential cow and the first White House automobile. #28 (D) Woodrow Wilson Served: 1913 – 1921, Progressivism Achievements: Reformed Banking Laws. World War I. League of Nations. Quote: “A conservative is someone who makes no changes and consults his grandmother when in doubt.” “I would rather belong to a poor nation that was free than to a rich nation that had ceased to be in love with liberty.” Rank: 19th / 42 Nicknames: The Phrase-Maker The Schoolmaster in Politics Background Info on Wilson 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Born: December 28, 1856 Staunton, Virginia Died: February 3, 1924 (aged 67) Washington, D.C. Religion: Presbyterian Wilson is the only president to earn a Ph.D. degree. His second wife, Edith, was a great-granddaughter of Pocahontas, seven times removed. An avid golfer, Wilson used black golf balls when playing in the snow. #29 (R) Warren Harding Served: 1921-1923 The Roaring 20’s Achievements: Allowed friends control country Quote: “I don't know much about Americanism, but it's a damn good word with which to carry an election.” Rank: 34th / 42 Nickname: Wobbly Warren Background Info on Harding 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Born: November 2, 1865 near Blooming Grove, Ohio Died: August 2, 1923 (aged 57) San Francisco, California Religion: Baptist He was the first newspaper publisher to be elected president. Both of Harding's parents were doctors. He was the first president to own a radio. While president, Harding played golf, poker twice a week, followed baseball and boxing, and sneaked off to burlesque shows Harding really like to gamble, although it seems he wasn't very good at it. In one poker game, he bet the White House china collection and lost it all in one hand. #30 (R) Calvin Coolidge Served: 1923-1929 Achievements: Limited government involvement in business Quote: “Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong” Rank: 30th / 42 Nicknames: Cautious Cal Cool Cal Silent Cal The Sphinx of the Potomac Background Info on Coolidge 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Born: July 4, 1872 Plymouth, Vermont Died January 5, 1933 (aged 60) Northampton, Massachusetts Religion: Congregational church While governor of Massachusetts, Coolidge was once punched in the eye by the mayor of Boston. He was the only president sworn into office by his father, a justice of the peace and notary public. Coolidge averaged nine hours of sleep a night and took afternoon naps of two to four hours. His wife recounted that a young woman sitting next to Coolidge at a dinner party confided to him she had bet she could get at least three words of conversation from him. Without looking at her he quietly retorted, "You lose." #31 (R) Herbert Hoover Served: 1929-1933 Events: Stock Market Crash Quote: “Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt.” Rank: Average Nicknames: The Great Engineer The Great Humanitarian The Chief Background Info on Hoover 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Born: August 10, 1874 West Branch, Iowa Died: October 20, 1964 (aged 90) New York, NY Religion: Quaker Herbert Hoover and Thomas Edison were named the two greatest engineers in U. S. History. During their first three years in the White House, the Hoovers dined alone only three times, each time on their wedding anniversary. Hoover was the first president to donate his salary to charity. Hoover moved his family to China before becoming President, and he and his wife learned to speak Mandarin Chinese fluently. They would speak the language around the White House to prevent others from understanding them. #32 (D) Franklin Delano Roosevelt Served: 1933-1945 Achievements: 4 straight terms, New Deal, Lead WW II Quote: “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself” VP: John N. Garner (1933–41) Henry A. Wallace (1941–45) Harry S. Truman (1945) Nicknames: FDR That Man in the White House The New Dealer Background Info on Roosevelt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Born: January 30, 1882, Hyde Park, NY Died: April 12, 1945, Warm Springs, GA Only President to serve four terms 5th cousin of TR, who was his wife’s Uncle First President to speak on television Avid stamp collector First female cabinet member (Sec. of Labor Francis Perkins) #33 (Dem) Harry S. Truman Served: 1945-1953 Vice-President: Alben Barkley Accomplishments: Truman Doctrine. Worked for social welfare and civil rights Quote: “A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties.” Nicknames: Give 'Em Hell Harry High-Tax Harry Mister Missouri Background Info on Truman 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Born: May 8, 1884 in Lamar, Missouri Died: December 26, 1972 (aged 88) Kansas City, Missouri Only served three months as VP The “S” does not stand for anything Before becoming the President, Truman owned a haberdashery business (a men's outfitter), which went bankrupt in 1921. Poor eyesight prevented him from participating in sports An avid reader, he claimed he had read every book in the Independence Public Library. He was a fine pianist #34 (R) Dwight Eisenhower Served: 1953-1961 Vice-President: Richard Nixon Accomplishments: Enforced School integration Quote: “Don't join the book burners. Do not think you are going to conceal thoughts by concealing evidence that they ever existed.” Nicknames: Ike The Kansas Cyclone Background Info on Eisenhower 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Born: October 14, 1890 Denison, Texas Died: March 28, 1969 (aged 78) Walter Reed General Hospital Washington, D.C. Supreme allied Commander of World War II Dwight referred to himself as “deeply religious” but not affiliated with any “sect or organization” Eisenhower loved golf. He played more than 100 rounds of golf each year, was a member of Augusta National, and had a putting green installed on the White House lawn. #35 (D) John F. Kennedy Served: 1961-1963 Vice-President: Lyndon Johnson Accomplishments: Peace Corps, Cuban Missile Crisis Quote: “Ask not what your country can to for you, ask what you can do for your country” Nicknames: Jack JFK The King of Camelot Background Info on Kennedy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Born: May 29, 1917, Brookline, MA Assassinated: November 22, 1963, Dallas, TX He was a huge James Bond fan. Kennedy received last rites three times before his presidency. He won a Pulitzer Prize for his first book, “Why England Slept” There were rumors that he considered dropping Lyndon Johnson from the 1964 ticket. JFK was the first president to dance with black women at an inaugural ball. Kennedy bought up 1,200 high-grade Cuban cigars the day before he was to order a ban on Cuban imports. #36 (D) Lyndon B. Johnson Served: 1963-1969 Vice-President: Hubert Humphrey Accomplishments: The Great Society Quote: “A man without a vote is man without protection.” Nicknames: Landslide Lyndon Light-Bulb Lyndon LBJ Background Info on Johnson 1. Born: August 27, 1908, Stonewall, TX 2. Died: January 22, 1973, Stonewall, TX 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. President Johnson was famous among White House staffers for having no shame about asking people to follow him into the bathroom to continue conversations as he relieved himself. LBJ was the youngest senate majority leader. Johnson had loved the soda Fresca he had a fountain installed in the Oval Office LBJ died one mile from the house he was born in. He and his wife were married with a $2.50 wedding ring bought at Sears #37 (R) Richard Nixon V.P.: Spiro Agnew Served: 1969-1974 Achievements: Opened relations with China, Watergate, Ended Vietnam Quote: “I am not a Crook” Nicknames: Gloomy Gus Iron Butt The Mad Monk Tricky Dick Background Info on Nixon 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Born: January 9, 1913 Yorba Linda, CA Died: April 22, 1994 (aged 81) New York City, NY Nixon was an avid bowler Only President to resign while in office Nixon believed his brother to be involved in shady business dealings and sent the Secret Service to spy on him He used his WWII poker winnings to fund his first congressional campaign #38 (R) Gerald Ford V.P.: Nelson Rockefeller Served: 1974-1977 Accomplishments: Improved relations with China. Never truly elected to office Quote: “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.” Nicknames: Jerry Mr. Nice Guy Background Info on Ford 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Born: July 14, 1913, Omaha, NE Died: December 26, 2006, Rancho Mirage, CA Ford and his wife were at one time paid models Only person to serve as president and vice president of the United States who was never elected to either office On November 13, 2006, he became the longest living U.S. president, at 93 years and 121 days, passing Ronald Reagan's record. First Eagle Scout to be president #39 (D) Jimmy Carter V.P.: Walter Mondale Served: 1977-1981 Accomplishments: Organized peace between Israel and Egypt. Sought to improve human rights worldwide. Quote: “America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense human rights invented America.” Nicknames: Jimmy President Malaise Background Info on Carter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Born: October 1, 1924- (age 90), Plains, GA Carter took over and ran his family's peanut farm First President born in a hospital Navy Nuclear Engineer Champion of human rights, especially in regard to the governments of South Korea, Iran, Argentina, South Africa, and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). Received the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize for his work "to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development" through The Carter Center. #40 (R) Ronald Reagan V.P.: George H. Bush Served: 1981-1989 Accomplishments: Arms-limitation with USSR. Built US military up. Lowered Taxes and inflation. US debt massively increased during his administration. End of Iran hostage situation. Iran Contra Quote: “Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.” Nicknames: Dutch The Great Communicator The Gipper The Teflon President Background Info on Reagan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Born: February 6, 1911, Tampico, IL Died: June 5, 2004, Bel-Air, Los Angeles, CA Appointed the first female Supreme Court Justice - Sandra Day O'Connor Nicknamed "The Gipper" due to his famous role as George Gipp in the film "Knute Rockne-All American." Liked to feed the squirrels outside the Oval Office. Loved jelly beans. #41George H. W. Bush V.P.: Dan Quayle Served: 1989-1993 Achievements: Persian Gulf War. Quote: “We don't want an America that is closed to the world. What we want is a world that is open to America.” Nicknames: Bush the Elder Papa Bush Poppy Background Info on Bush Sr. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Born: June 12, 1924 (age 90), Milton, MA During World War II, he flew 58 combat missions for the Navy. He is the second president to be the father of another U.S. president. (John Adams was the first.) Former Director of the CIA In high school, Bush was the captain of both the varsity baseball and soccer teams, and he played as a forward on the school's basketball team. #42 (D) William Clinton V.P.: Al Gore Served: 1992-2000 Achievements: Economic Boom, Admin plagued with scandals Quote: “We cannot build our own future without helping others to build theirs.” Nicknames: Bubba The Comeback Kid The First Black President Slick Willie Teflon Bill Background Info on Clinton 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Born: August 19, 1946 (age 68), Hope, AR In 1996, President Clinton became the first Democrat to be elected to a second term since Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1936 Clinton is the only president who was a Rhodes Scholar Clinton was just 16 years old when he shook hands with President John F. Kennedy in 1963 Clinton has won 2 Grammys for Best Spoken Word Album in 2002 and 2005 #43 George W. Bush Served: 2000-2008 Achievements: Tax cuts, War on Terror, First of the stimulus spending Quote: “I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon” Nicknames: Bush Jr. Dubya The Decider Background Info on W Bush 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Born: July 6, 1946 (age 68), New Haven, CT As a high school student, in addition to playing baseball, George W. Bush was the school's head cheerleader George W. Bush had both the lowest and highest approval ratings in United States history. After the September 11, 2001 attacks, his rating was at 90 percent. His approval rating was at 25 percent in 2008 While at Yale, George was arrested for stealing a Christmas wreath from a hotel President Bush owned the Texas Rangers from 1989 to 1994 #44 Barrack Obama Served: 2008Accomplishments: First African American president. Health Care Reform. Death of bin Laden Quote: “Yes we can” “If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists - to protect them and to promote their common welfare - all else is lost.” Nicknames: Barry No Drama Obama Background Info on Obama 1. 2. 3. 4. Born: August 4, 1961 (age 53), Honolulu, HI He collects Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics Obama spent some time in Indonesia when he was young. Aside from feasting on local delicacies like dog meat, snake meat and roasted grasshopper, he even housed a pet ape named Tata. Won a Grammy in 2006 for the audio version of his memoir