Graduate School Recruitment and Degree Awards 2015 IUPUI Graduate Office Degree Award Steps in Student Engagement & Success IUPUI Schools IU/Purdue Grad. Schools IUPUI Registrar/Bursar Progression/ Retention Admissions Recruitment Partners: IUPUI Schools IUPUI Administration IU Graduate School IUPUI Student Organizations IUPUI Schools IU/Purdue Grad. Schools IUPUI Registrar/Bursar IUPUI OIA IUPUI Prior Misconduct Rev. IUPUI Schools IUPUI Dean of Students IUPUI Student Organizations IU/Purdue Grad. Schools Graduate Office Outreach and Assistance with Recruitment - Graduate Recruitment Committee Provides school staff training, updates on trends and marketing tools Individual consults available to target specific populations or regions Annual workshop with national recruitment experts for grad/professional students Hosting 2016 Conference for Administrators and Professionals in Graduate Student Services (APGSS) at IUPUI - Travel to National Meetings to Recruit for Campus Focus on meetings which attract diverse faculty and students (including MSIs and HBCUs) - Travel to Regional Colleges and Graduate Fairs - Graduate Office Website Metrics and Refinement - Tap Current Students as Emissaries for Recruitment - Recruitment Fellowships and Financial Aid IUPUI Graduate Office Recruitment Results from 9/10/2015 and 10/2/2015 Event Wittenberg Date 9/10/2015 # of students 10 DePauw 9/17/2015 6 Hanover 9/22/2015 20 Northern Illinois 9/29/2015 50 U of Evansville 9/30/2015 9 Ball State 10/2/2015 10 Grad Expo 9/24/2015 276 GU2IUPUI 10/7/2015 17 All Events 407 Programs of Interest* Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, English, Engineering, Health Admin, Visual Arts, OT, Psychology, Public Health, Social Work, Sociology Biology, Education, Human Resources Certificate, LIS, Physics, Political Science Anthropology, Biology, Education, English, Public Health, Nursing (2), Nutrition, Fine Arts, Museum Studies, PT, OT, Physician's Assistant (6), Psychology, Sociology Anatomy, Anthropology, Chemistry (2), Computer Science, Engineering (4), Statistics, OT (2), PT (7), Molecular Genetics, Nutrition, Nursing, Physics, Psychology, Public Health (3), Social Work, Sociology, SPEA, Technology Biology, Communications, Economics, Education (3), Psychology (7), PT, Public Health, Sociology Neuroscience, Biology, Communications, Education, Geology, Informatics (2), Journalism, LIS, MBA, Pharmacology, Physician Asst., Social Work Attendees indicated interest in 66 different departments and degree programs Attendees indicated interest in at least 10 different departments and degree programs *Note: Some students expressed an interest in more than one program Diversity Recruitment Funds President’s Diversity Recruitment Funds (IU) - Student recruitment and dissertation fellowships - Student travel and career development funds - Faculty exchange and travel to recruit and promote IU/IUPUI Herbert Fellowships -Student recruitment fellowships (IU) Other Resources (campus) - Supplemental funds to programs to meet diversity goals for accreditation - Supplemental funds for student programming to enhance diversity President's Diversity Funds (IU supported) 2014-2015 1 Recruitment Fellowship 1/2 Dissertation Fellowship Total $ $50,000 plus health ins. & travel $25,000 plus health ins. & travel 2015-2016 Total $ 2 Recruitment Fellowships 3 Dissertation Fellowships $100,000 plus health ins. & travel $75,000 plus health ins. & travel Current Barriers to Graduate and Professional Student Recruitment and Admission - Financial Aid Fellowships – do we provide a sufficient number of fellowships and are our stipends competitive? No dedicated funds to improve student diversity for Purdue degree programs Information on financial aid – GradGrants & renewed collaboration with Financial Aid Office Can we identify more opportunities for Assistantships – teaching, graduate and residential? - Faculty Loss of a faculty expert can compromise recruitment/admission for a graduate/professional program Some faculty remain unclear on program priorities related to graduate students Insufficient faculty to mentor students in some schools - Staff - Graduate program staff often juggle a variety of jobs, but may fail to recognize the importance of their role as ambassadors and in providing student support/guidance Lack of familiarity with program priorities and assets - Competition on campus for similar student populations – need to review areas of focus/overlap - Space for new students and common space for interdisciplinary collaborations - Distance education – institutional delays have hampered approval of new on-line degree programs Admissions Admissions processes provided to all IUPUI professional and graduate programs (IU & Purdue) Professional Programs Individualized work flow processes and Graduate Apps to ensure program accreditation Provide staff training and eDoc design Assist with oversight and fee structure design Assist coordinating admissions with OIA Graduate Programs Administer admissions for all IU University Graduate School Degree Programs eDocs, staff training, fee structure, transcript validation, accreditation, residency Work with OIA to review applications from international students Administer admissions of MS students and some PhD students for Purdue University Staff training, validation of diplomas and institutions, residency Work with OIA to review applications from international students Transfer IUPUI application forms to PUWL admissions program Coordinate admissions data to Purdue for assignment of student ID Access to PUWL eDocs for student progression and degree awards (coming soon) New 2015 Enrollment Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Point-In-Cycle Enrollment Data 1 Year % Change 2 Year % Change Fall 2013 4,720 Fall 2014 4,491 Fall 2015 4,852 8.0 % 2.8 % Sophomore 4,386 4,834 4,568 -5.5 % 4.1 % Junior 4,118 4,080 4,263 4.5 % 3.5 % Senior 6,803 6,762 6,020 -11.0 % -11.5 % High School (UG-ND) 144 132 133 0.8 % -7.6 % Non Degree 610 534 524 -1.9 % -14.1 % 4,898 4,946 4,920 -0.5 % 0.4 % 334 327 291 -11.0 % -12.9 % 2,789 2,839 2,859 0.7 % 2.5 % 28,802 28,945 28,430 -1.8 % -1.3 % Freshman Graduate Graduate Non Degree Professional Total New Student Data for Applications, Admissions, and Enrollment Fall 2013-2015 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Applied Admitted %adm Enrolled Applied Admitted %adm Enrolled Applied Admitted %adm Beginner 11,253 External Transfers 3,435 Non Degree/ Other 934 Intercampus Transfers 763 Returning Students 952 Masters 3,341 Professional 1,590 Doctorate 664 Graduate NonDegree 358 Total 23,290 Enrolled 7,819 3,415 11,941 8,376 3,507 12,851 8,824 3,572 2,241 1,462 3,549 2,405 1,431 3,000 1,957 1,210 792 486 804 677 410 786 653 432 612 300 726 555 299 608 458 219 438 945 741 421 847 667 370 1,169 3,279 37.2% 1,745 53.2% 1,221 3,285 754 1,798 53.8% 35% 38.3% 609 1,668 903 54.1% 111 683 187 27.4% 175 8,165 353 23,948 831 52.3% 185 27.9% 304 15,336 16.7% 292 15,881 37.2% 19.9% 1,785 54.3% 620 1,840 916 49.8% 136 641 144 22.5% 199 318 8,244 24,176 249 15,653 37.7% 1,238 33.7% 619 15% 96 176 7,932 National New Student Data for Applications, Admissions, and Enrollment 2014 National New Student Data for Enrollment 2004-2014 Student Enrollment All PGraduate and Professional Programs at IUPUI l a nFall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 8,412 8,483 8,589 8,802 - Degree Campus School Level Indianapolis Only Fairbanks Sch of Public Health Herron School of Art and Design Kelley School of Business Library & Information Science Lilly Fam Sch of Philanthropy Public & Environmental Affairs Purdue School of Engr & Tech Purdue School of Science R. H. McKinney School of Law Sch of Health & Rehab Sciences Sch of Informatics & Computing School of Continuing Studies School of Dentistry School of Education School of Journalism School of Liberal Arts School of Medicine School of Nursing School of Phy Ed & Tour Mgt School of Social Work University Graduate School Total Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 8,192 8,251 8,235 - Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 8,119 8,018 8,109 8,069 2 310 302 324 9 13 20 37 49 46 43 60 62 66 62 1,161 326 380 1,197 319 379 1,269 338 402 1,495 326 478 605 330 434 570 313 369 492 246 379 469 176 374 505 93 379 537 111 375 522 122 329 165 180 192 203 243 247 281 333 352 383 406 321 982 373 1,018 374 1,011 377 994 449 991 475 973 471 1,084 506 979 506 980 497 926 457 915 172 194 206 211 217 227 235 244 278 321 324 124 124 132 133 157 176 204 262 410 429 480 76 535 817 267 1,527 479 21 566 530 8,412 96 512 735 339 1,534 473 21 588 415 8,483 58 522 634 357 1,554 501 29 595 428 8,589 50 529 601 10 341 1,609 467 26 548 408 8,802 74 561 647 27 335 1,687 473 27 545 393 8,192 64 546 554 67 340 1,856 479 27 549 425 8,251 85 534 539 68 386 1,884 458 28 556 303 8,235 96 529 419 51 358 1,935 477 26 568 296 8,119 556 373 39 265 1,663 470 26 582 211 8,018 572 373 303 1,704 456 28 578 202 8,109 571 381 289 1,724 388 31 610 177 8,069 Includes certificates, graduate non-degree, masters and doctoral programs * * * ** * * * * * ** ** ** * Student Enrollment Masters Programs at IUPUI Degree Campus School Level Plan Indianapolis Only Fairbanks Sch of Public Health Herron School of Art and Desig Kelley School of Business Library & Information Science Lilly Fam Sch of Philanthropy Public & Environmental Affairs Purdue School of Engr & Tech Purdue School of Science R. H. McKinney School of Law Sch of Health & Rehab Sciences Sch of Informatics & Computing School of Continuing Studies School of Dentistry School of Education School of Journalism School of Liberal Arts School of Medicine School of Nursing School of Phy Ed & Tour Mgt School of Social Work University Graduate School Fall Fall Fall 2005 2006 2007 4,133 4,438 4,548 9 13 20 1,042 1,081 1,171 292 290 316 258 247 260 163 173 184 250 265 276 61 71 45 65 86 94 120 110 112 67 71 58 115 104 110 464 476 417 217 293 314 211 198 203 292 410 412 15 16 25 531 559 563 1 - Fall Fall Fall 2008 2009 2010 4,761 4,085 4,080 37 49 46 1,430 587 536 299 315 299 318 303 224 196 236 235 271 316 331 37 33 41 96 97 97 94 110 125 50 74 64 112 109 107 418 461 410 10 27 67 297 283 283 213 228 337 386 376 381 21 22 25 514 508 520 - Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 4,062 3,901 3,865 3,894 3,876 - 262 250 252 43 60 62 63 60 490 465 505 537 520 235 169 52 62 63 224 221 226 234 206 264 320 330 357 373 315 324 311 274 249 109 35 85 33 39 98 102 144 185 177 128 150 319 345 398 83 96 103 101 95 94 94 402 328 244 257 235 68 51 39 314 282 222 246 237 346 360 103 120 122 333 326 336 313 277 27 26 25 28 31 517 524 543 541 581 - * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * Student Enrollment Doctoral Programs at IUPUI C a m p u Degree sSchool Level Plan Indianapolis Only Fairbanks Sch of Public Health Lilly Fam Sch of Philanthropy Public & Environmental Affairs Purdue School of Engr & Tech Purdue School of Science R. H. McKinney School of Law Sch of Health & Rehab Sciences Sch of Informatics & Computing School of Dentistry School of Education School of Liberal Arts School of Medicine School of Nursing School of Social Work Total Fall 2005 373 2 2 71 4 4 10 14 13 185 43 28 373 Fall 2006 451 1 4 108 2 14 6 29 20 185 57 26 451 Fall 2007 455 6 98 6 19 8 28 19 191 55 26 455 Fall 2008 502 6 105 8 5 36 7 37 25 192 55 26 502 Fall 2009 564 6 132 8 9 43 11 32 31 216 51 26 564 Fall 2010 606 12 141 8 14 49 11 42 37 222 45 26 606 Fall 2011 643 17 155 6 18 46 11 38 38 243 38 35 643 Fall 2012 697 1 13 179 12 22 54 14 37 42 242 41 40 697 Fall 2013 766 26 37 22 194 14 22 54 13 67 11 221 50 37 766 Fall 2014 793 29 34 23 221 24 24 53 15 63 21 203 50 35 793 Fall 2015 800 56 32 32 205 33 24 51 13 76 23 187 42 28 800 * * ** * * * * * Student Enrollment Professional Degree Programs at IUPUI Degree Campus School Level Plan Indianapolis Only Fall 2005 2,625 Fall Fall 2006 2007 2,651 2,657 R. H. McKinney School of Law 982 1,018 1,011 School of Dentistry 524 School of Medicine 1,119 505 513 1,128 1,133 Fall Fall Fall 2008 2009 2010 2,687 2,758 2,767 Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2,874 2,798 2,850 2,854 2,877 994 991 973 1,084 979 980 926 915 520 548 533 521 512 542 557 558 1,173 1,219 1,261 1,269 1,307 1,328 1,371 1,404 * Student Enrollment Certificate Programs at IUPUI Degree Campus School Level Plan Indianapolis Only Fairbanks Sch of Public Health Lilly Fam Sch of Philanthropy Public & Environmental Affairs Purdue School of Engr & Tech Purdue School of Science Sch of Health & Rehab Sciences Sch of Informatics & Computing School of Dentistry School of Liberal Arts School of Medicine School of Nursing University Graduate School Fall 2005 171 119 3 37 12 - Fall Fall 2006 2007 178 199 127 141 2 1 2 26 24 23 26 6 - Fall Fall Fall 2008 2009 2010 211 174 214 158 126 145 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 7 3 4 2 19 21 20 27 20 36 2 1 3 - Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 260 290 263 257 242 1 22 23 16 4 15 27 155 152 153 141 123 3 1 1 3 1 2 3 10 8 30 58 29 19 23 10 12 12 34 34 32 36 29 26 26 11 10 11 4 8 3 2 1 2 - Graduate and Professional Degrees Awarded at IUPUI 2005-2014 Plan Doctoral Practice FY 2005 – FY 2006 - FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 06 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 606 651 644 598 703 698 736 707 711 741 Doctoral Research 63 68 76 89 48 57 35 48 61 69 Grad Certificate/Diploma 68 90 104 123 84 175 200 180 171 188 Master 1,475 1,661 1,783 1,740 1,662 1,656 1,740 1,503 1,617 1,471 Total Degrees Conferred* 2,164 2,502 2,460 2,427 2,413 2,411 2,511 2,258 2,389 2,281 * Excludes certificates Time to Degree Graduate Programs at IUPUI Doctoral Program Dental Science PHD Health and Rehab Science PHD Graduate School-Liberal Arts Graduate School-Medicine Anatomy & Cell Biology Ph.D. Biochem & Molecular Bio PHD Bioml Imaging & Biophysics PHD Cellular& Integ Physiology PHD Med & Molecular Genetics PHD Medical Neuroscience PHD Microbiol & Immunology PHD Pharmacology PHD Toxicology PHD Nursing Science Ph.D Philanthropic Studies Ph.D Graduate School-Public Health Epidemiology PHD Health Policy & Management PHD Graduate School-Science Biostatistics PHD Graduate School-Social Work Social Work PHD Purdue Graduate School Clinical Psychology PHD Clinical Rehab Psych PHD Average YTD all programs YTD 4.5 4.4 6.7 5.0 4.1 5.4 5.8 4.1 5.0 5.2 4.9 5.1 4.9 5.8 7.2 3.8 4.1 3.0 4.8 4.8 7.8 7.8 4.8 5.0 4.4 5.3 Time to degree data for MS/MA students is much more variable. The average time to degree for these students ranged from 1.5-6.4 years dependent on the program. We analyzed data from 153 different masters programs at IUPUI. Data for doctoral and masters students was evaluated between Fall 2010- Fall 2014. Data for IUPUI Purdue doctoral degrees was not available for this analysis. However, data for Purdue masters programs was accessed. Profile of Graduate Students at IUPUI 2005-2015 Residency Status Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Count 1,353 1,433 1,406 1,663 894 955 994 1,184 1,198 1,288 1,474 % of Total 23.4% 24.6% 23.7% 27.2% 16.5% 17.4% 18.5% 22.3% 23.2% 24.5% 28.4% Count 4,434 4,399 4,526 4,452 4,540 4,529 4,367 4,137 3,970 3,967 3,718 % of Total 76.6% 75.4% 76.3% 72.8% 83.5% 82.6% 81.5% 77.7% 76.8% 75.5% 71.6% 5,787 5,832 5,932 6,115 5,434 5,484 5,361 5,321 5,168 5,255 5,192 Fall 2005 2,286 39.5% Fall 2006 2,315 39.7% Fall 2007 2,331 39.3% Fall 2008 2,547 41.7% Fall 2009 1,921 35.4% Fall 2010 2,004 36.5% Fall 2011 1,998 37.3% Fall 2012 1,929 36.3% Fall 2013 1,947 37.7% Fall 2014 2,093 39.8% Fall 2015 2,060 39.7% 3,501 60.5% 3,517 60.3% 3,601 60.7% 3,568 58.3% 3,513 64.6% 3,480 63.5% 3,363 62.7% 3,392 63.7% 3,221 62.3% 3,162 60.2% 3,132 60.3% Residency Nonresident Student Resident Student Total Gender Sex Male Female Count % of Total Count % of Total National Data on Residency Status for Graduate Students 2014 Profile of Graduate Students at IUPUI 2005-2015 Race & Ethnicity Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Ethnicity American Indian/Alaska Native Count % of Total Count Asian % of Total Count Black/African American % of Total Count Hispanic/Latino % of Total Count International % of Total Count Native Hawaiian/Pacific % of Total Island 21 0.4% 199 3.4% 388 6.7% 110 1.9% 424 7.3% 0.0% 23 0.4% 225 3.9% 379 6.5% 100 1.7% 455 7.8% 1 0.0% 17 0.3% 266 4.5% 413 7.0% 112 1.9% 527 8.9% 2 0.0% 19 0.3% 275 4.5% 378 6.2% 126 2.1% 608 9.9% 0.0% 14 0.3% 200 3.7% 398 7.3% 102 1.9% 549 10.1% 0.0% 11 0.2% 208 3.8% 380 6.9% 138 2.5% 585 10.7% 3 0.1% 13 0.2% 212 4.0% 378 7.1% 139 2.6% 617 11.5% 5 0.1% 9 0.2% 218 4.1% 397 7.5% 126 2.4% 786 14.8% 3 0.1% 4 0.1% 222 4.3% 399 7.7% 145 2.8% 862 16.7% 3 0.1% 2 0.0% 225 4.3% 410 7.8% 145 2.8% 895 17.0% 2 0.0% 5 0.1% 224 4.3% 434 8.4% 163 3.1% 988 19.0% 1 0.0% Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total 340 5.9% 0.0% 4,305 74.4% 385 6.6% 0.0% 4,264 73.1% 397 6.7% 0.0% 4,198 70.8% 480 7.8% 0.0% 4,229 69.2% 339 6.2% 0.0% 3,832 70.5% 142 2.6% 42 0.8% 3,975 72.5% 63 1.2% 86 1.6% 3,848 71.8% 47 0.9% 96 1.8% 3,639 68.4% 34 0.7% 88 1.7% 3,411 66.0% 38 0.7% 86 1.6% 3,452 65.7% 33 0.6% 88 1.7% 3,256 62.7% Other / Unknown Two or More Races White National Data on Diversity for First-time Graduate Students Profile of Graduate Students at IUPUI 2005-2015 Age Distribution Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Age Group 17 and under 18 - 19 20 - 21 22 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 64 65 and over Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total 0.0% 0.0% 38 0.7% 972 16.8% 1,829 31.6% 1,018 17.6% 649 11.2% 854 14.8% 420 7.3% 7 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 41 0.7% 987 16.9% 1,861 31.9% 1,050 18.0% 662 11.4% 841 14.4% 385 6.6% 5 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 26 0.4% 1,056 17.8% 1,919 32.3% 1,025 17.3% 663 11.2% 809 13.6% 427 7.2% 7 0.1% 0.0% 4 0.1% 32 0.5% 1,068 17.5% 1,935 31.6% 1,086 17.8% 745 12.2% 821 13.4% 417 6.8% 7 0.1% 0.0% 1 0.0% 46 0.8% 1,097 20.2% 1,752 32.2% 900 16.6% 552 10.2% 694 12.8% 383 7.0% 9 0.2% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 37 0.7% 1,139 20.8% 1,796 32.7% 894 16.3% 576 10.5% 680 12.4% 356 6.5% 4 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 45 0.8% 1,098 20.5% 1,801 33.6% 894 16.7% 499 9.3% 663 12.4% 355 6.6% 6 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 55 1.0% 1,164 21.9% 1,748 32.9% 890 16.7% 476 8.9% 633 11.9% 350 6.6% 5 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 24 0.5% 1,230 23.8% 1,632 31.6% 894 17.3% 473 9.2% 588 11.4% 319 6.2% 8 0.2% 0.0% 1 0.0% 55 1.0% 1,229 23.4% 1,693 32.2% 873 16.6% 465 8.8% 610 11.6% 316 6.0% 13 0.2% 0.0% 2 0.0% 63 1.2% 1,268 24.4% 1,628 31.4% 872 16.8% 490 9.4% 592 11.4% 264 5.1% 13 0.3%