
Robert McKennett, CRNA, MA, MSN, NEA-BC
Compare and contrast theories of leadership
Describe transformational theory’s impact on the
Magnet© journey
List the four key elements of Transformational
Describe the effects of transformational leadership
on nursing practice
Leadership Style
 the
manner and approach of providing direction,
motivating people and achieving objectives.
 We are all leaders
 Can be a learned behavior
 Not a major part of nursing curriculum
Northouse (2007)
Magnet© Model
McClure & Hinshaw (2010)
Magnet© Model Components
Transformational Leadership
 Strategic
 Advocacy and Influence
 Visibility, Accessibility, and Communication
Structural Empowerment
Exemplary Professional Practice
New Knowledge, Innovations, and Improvements
Empirical Outcomes
Sullivan (2009)
Strategic Planning
Develop strategic goals
Advocate for resources to support the strategic
Improves nursing effectiveness and efficiency
Advocacy and Influence
Influence system wide changes
Guide periods of transition during planned and
unplanned changes
Supports leadership development and succession
Visibility, Accessibility & Communication
Leaders are visible to direct care nurses
Nurses have access to leaders
Leaders use input from nurses to improve the work
Changes are based on this input
Magnet Hospital Research
 Magnet Hospital Characteristics:
 Autonomy
 Control over practice environment
 Nurse/physician collaboration
 (Aiken, Sochalski, & Lake, 1997)
 Magnet Hospital characteristics related to:
 Low burnout
 Higher job satisfaction
 Lower mortality
 High patient satisfaction
 (Aiken et al., 1994, 1997, 2000; Rafferty, et al., 2001)
Magnet Hospital Research
Magnet© Hospital
 Excellent
patient outcomes
 Low staff nurse turnover rate
 Nursing involvement in patient care decision-making
 Flat organizational structure
 Broom (2007)
Transformational Leadership
The Magnet© journey begins with TL
“ a strong sense of advocacy, influence, and support
on behalf of all staff and patients”
“Manager who consults with staff and provides
positive feedback is instrumental in increasing job
Sullivan (2009); Duffield (2010); Schwartz (2011)
Transformational Leadership
the process whereby an individual engages with
others and creates a connection that raises the level
of motivation and morality in both the leader and
the follower.
 Encourage
people to collaborate
 Build group ownership of the decision process
 On-going; visionary; appeals to higher values
Burns (2003)
Transformational Leadership
Belief that transformational leaders are
facilitators of change and move the process
through the organization
Create a sense of possibility and vision for the
future of the organization
Have a desire for common goals, not “me” but
TL Characteristics
Commit people to action
Covert followers into leaders
Convert leaders into change agents, innovators
Believe in people
Value driven
Lifelong learners
Must deal with complexity
TL Vision
Must make sense to staff
Excite, motivate and generate commitment
Emphasize what may be
Clarify what should be
TL Elements
Personal Responsibility
Bass’ Approach
Motivates followers to do more than expected by:
Raising followers’ level of consciousness about the
importance and value of goals.
 Getting followers to transcend their own self-interest for the
good of the team or organization.
 Moving followers to address higher level needs.
Bass : Continuum
Transformational Leadership
Bass and Avolio approach:
 Idealized Influence
 Inspirational Motivation
 Intellectual Stimulation
 Individualized Consideration
Bass and Avolio (1994)
Transactional Leadership
Based on the concept of exchange between leader
and group members
 Leader
provides resources and rewards in exchange for
motivation, productivity, effective goal, or task
Transactional Leadership
Contingent reward – Leaders try to obtain agreement on what
needs to be done and what the payoffs will be for the people
doing it.
Management-by-exception – Leaders use corrective criticism,
negative feedback, and negative reinforcement.
Active: Micromanagement.
Passive: Problem-based intervention.
Issues with Transactional
Low expectations
Minimal accomplishments
Low levels of satisfaction
Focus is on short-term, immediate outcomes only
The absence of leadership: abdicate responsibility,
delay decision, give no feedback, make no efforts
to satisfy followers’ needs.
Leadership Style Survey
Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire
45 items using a 5 point Likert scale
“Not at all” to “Frequently if not always”
Leader survey reflects rater survey – same
questions – “The person I am rating:”
Bass & Avolio (2004)
Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire
Idealized Influence
Inspirational Motivation
Intellectual Stimulation
Individualized Consideration
Contingent Reward
Management by Exception
Laissez- faire
Idealized Influence
Talks about values and beliefs
Instills pride…..
Specifies importance…..
Goes beyond self-interest…..
Acts….builds respect….
Considers consequences…….
Displays confidence…..
Inspirational Motivation
compelling vision…..
confidence in achievement……
Intellectual Stimulation
Re-examines assumptions……
Seeks differing perspectives…..
look at problems from angles….
Suggests new ways……….
Individualized Consideration
Speeds time…….
Treats as an individual……
Considers me differently…..
Helps me …………..
Contingent Reward
assistance in exchange…..
who is responsible…….
clear expectation…….
Expresses satisfaction…..
Management by Exception
Fails to interfere…..
Focuses on mistakes…..
Waits….things to go wrong
firm believer
chronic before taking action
attention to failures…….
tracks all mistakes
attention to failures
Laissez-faire Leadership
Avoids getting involved
absent when needed
Avoids decisions
Delays responding
Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire
Idealized Influence
Inspirational Motivation
Intellectual Stimulation
Individualized Consideration
-----------------------------------------------------Contingent Reward
Management by Exception
Laissez- faire
So What?
What organizational characteristics impact power
and opportunity?
Are their education methods for both staff and
managers to better understand and use
Transformational behaviors?
Improve the Magnet© journey?
Future nursing needs will require greater retention
Greater staff nurse satisfaction – greater patient
satisfaction Kangas (1999); Aikens (2012)
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