GEB 2011 Intro to Business – U01 Fall 2015 RM: SIPA-125 Days: M: 2pm – 4.45pm Dates: August 24, 2015 – December 12, 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION PROFESSOR INFORMATION Instructor: Prof. Donald Roomes Phone: (305) 348-1074 Office: MANGO Room 418 (MMC) Fax: (305) 348-6146 Office Hours: By appointment; Wednesday: 3-4:30PM; E-mail: Blackboard mail is the acceptable mode of communication. My FIU email is for emergencies only. COURSE DESCRIPTION Is a career in business a good option for you? What expectations should you have of such a career? Are there specific skills, attitudes and behaviors necessary as you prepare for success in this field? These are just some of the questions that will be addressed in this course. Students will be provided with a broad overview of the dynamic world of business. The intent is to expose you to how the various functions of business – marketing, management and human resources, information systems and operations, finance and accounting work in concert to enable business owners, management, employees and customers reach their objectives. This course will also illustrate the behaviors expected as a student (professionally, academically and ethically) as well as the expectations for success in a career choice in this field. You will be exposed to related knowledge such as social responsibility and civic learning, global business operations, and the challenges for business operating within the constraints of the political, legal, economic, social and natural environments. It is the hope that you will both enjoy this introductory course to business, as well as bring the right attitude and application necessary to make this a successful learning adventure for you. COURSE LEVEL STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES After completing this course students will be able to: 1. Identify and understand the different functions of business, and how they integrate in the business world. 2. Recognize how individual ethics, professionalism and integrity are associated with success as a student of business, and how these affect financial and corporate social responsibility in the business world. 3. Describe various challenges facing business economically, environmentally and globally. 4. Classify different career options and clarify how individual actions, skills and attitudes can impact these options. 5. Evaluate whether a career as an entrepreneur, small business owner or leader in a non-profit organization meets your needs. 6. Explain how various memberships in student and professional organizations can assist with developing personal skills, corporate business citizenship, and in building a successful business career. MAJOR & CURRICULUM STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES TARGETED This course crosses all business majors and thus no specific major objectives will be stated. However the following objectives are targeted. As a result of taking this course students will be able to increase their skills in: Written communication ability (class project) Use of Information Technology (online assessments) Critical Thinking (online assessments; in class assessment) Global awareness (online assessments) Ethical reasoning, (online assessments): and Analytical skills (Resume Project; online assessments) TEXTBOOK Business Essentials (Loose leaf) Package, 10/E Prentice Hall 2015. Ebert & Griffin; ISBN- 978-0-1-3345531-1 TEACHING METHODOLOGY The lecture format will be the main teaching methodology. Lectures will be augmented various enhancing activities. For example, Guest Speakers will be used to address relevant topics throughout the course. Students are encouraged to be present at all these sessions as in most cases a brief online quiz will follow these sessions. MyBizLAB exercises will be required from your online courses. You will need to self-enroll into the MyBizLAB course following the link posted on blackboard. There will be no make-ups on these quizzes). UNDERGRADUATE COURSE PREREQUISITES For more information about pre-requisites, click here COMMUNICATING WITH THE INSTRUCTOR Communication with me can be in person before or after class; or during my posted office hours, and by appointment. You can also communicate by email (within Blackboard is the preferred mode for better class management). However since this is a very large class you should expect that I will require up to 72 hours to respond. If you need a faster turnaround time please contact the department directly at 305 348-2791. Thanks for your cooperation. DISABILITY NOTICE If you have a disability and need assistance, please contact the Disability Resource Center (University Park: GC190; 305-348-3532) (North Campus: WUC139, 305-919-5345). Upon contact, the Disability Resource Center will review your request and contact your professors or other personnel to make arrangements for appropriate modification and/or assistance. EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES This course will utilize multiple learning activities. These will include interactive lectures, assessment checks, case discussions, class and chapter quizzes and a brief individual project. All chapter quizzes will be online and taken through Blackboard. Feedback will be immediate so that students will be able to track their progress throughout. The FINAL Exam will be also given online during final exam week. Please check the FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE to confirm. RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS The University's policy on religious holidays as stated in the University Catalog and Student Handbook will be followed in this class. Any student may request to be excused from class to observe a religious holy day of his or her faith. ASSURANCE OF LEARNING The College of Business cares about the quality of your education. More on the College's commitment to Assurance of Learning can be found at the following link: RULES, POLICIES, AND ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT Assignments from the text and other resources are listed below for each class session. Students are expected to pace their learning according to the posted course assignments. It is expected that interactive learning and teaching will enrich the learning experience of all students, and that each student will work in partnership with the professor to create a positive learning experience for all. Student engagement is a necessary condition for an effective learning experience, and includes contributions to debate and discussion (if any), positive interactive learning with others, and an enthusiastic attitude towards inquiry. Everyone is expected to be a positive contributor to the class learning community, and students are expected to share the responsibility of teaching each other. ATTENDANCE AT ALL LECTURES IS MANDATORY FOR SUCCESS. As noted earlier many of the quest lectures will be followed with an online quiz due in blackboard no within twenty four hours following the lecture. Statement of Understanding between Professor and Student Every student must respect the right of all to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students must adhere to a standard of academic conduct, demonstrating respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. As a student in the College of Business taking this class: I will not represent someone else's work as my own I will not cheat, nor will I aid in another's cheating I will be honest in my academic endeavors I understand that if I am found responsible for academic misconduct, I will be subject to the academic misconduct procedures and sanctions as outlined in the Student Handbook Failure to adhere to the guidelines stated above may result in one of the following: Expulsion: Permanent separation of the student from the University, preventing readmission to the institution. This sanction shall be recorded on the student's transcript. Suspension: Temporary separation of the student from the University for a specific period of time. By taking this course I promise to adhere to FIU's Student Code of Academic Integrity. For details on the policy and procedure click here. NOTE: Intensive Auditing of the course will be conducted to prevent academic misconduct. GRADING POLICY Letter Grade A AB+ Range 95 – 100 90 – 94 86 – 89 B BC+ C CD F 83 – 85 80 – 82 75 - 79 70 – 74 60 – 69 50 – 59 < 50 ASSIGNMENT WEIGHTS ` Chapter Quizzes Guest Lecture/class quizzes (quizzes/exercises) Project Final Exam Attendance/MYBIZLAB TOTAL Weighting 45% 15% 10% 15% 15% 100% STUDENT PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS Students will: Be prompt and attend all classes Work on chapter quizzes online Work on Final exam - online Contact me in advance if a quiz or exam is to be missed on unavoidable work, medical circumstances or other emergencies (full documentation will be required) Work diligently on all assignments Read syllabus carefully Observe all other performance related expectations in the prior section. COURSE CALENDAR THIS IS A TENTATIVE SCHEDULE. IF CHANGES ARE NECESSARY THEY WILL BE COMMUNICATED WITH ADVANCE NOTICE. NOTE: ALL CHAPTER QUIZZES ARE DUE ON THE FRIDAY FOLLOWING CLASS AT 11.59PM. THE FIRST TWO CHAPTER QUIZZES ARE DUE ON FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 4, 2015. MAKE SURE YOU OBTAIN YOUR BOOKS BY THEN AS THERE WILL BE NO EXTENSIONS!! WEEKLY SCHEDULE DATE TASKS TO BE COMPLETED BEFORE THE CLASS SESSION Intro Review the How to Get Started information located in the Course Content on Blackboard Week 1 Topic: Introduction to the course; US Business Environment 8-24 Reading: Module 1: Chapter 1/2 Complete practice quiz online (for practice only, not used in grade calculation). GUEST Lectures: Using FIU Library Resources – Librarian - Guest lecture Quiz1 – Due: Wed 8/26/15 at 11.59pm. Supports Learning Objectives: 1&2. Topic: Chapters 2 Continued: Understanding Business Ethics Week 2 8-31 READINGS: PREPARE CHAPTERS 2. Quiz: Chapters 1 & 2 – Due: 9/4/15 Guest Speakers: Student Relations and Organizations. – Various student leaders and organizations, Guest Speaker Quiz Due: 9/02/15 at 11.59pm ENACTUS MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Supports Learning Objectives: 2, & 3. Topic: LABOR DAY! NO Monday classes!! Entrepreneurship/Business ownership Week 3 9-07 Readings: Module 1: Chapter 3. Quiz: Chapters 3 – Online: Due Friday (9/11/15) at 11:59pm Supports Learning Objectives:3 Topic: Global Context of Business; Student Organizations and professional Development opportunities. Week 4 9-14 Reading: Module 1: Chapter 4 Quiz: Chapters 4 – Online: Due Friday (9/18/15) at 11:59pm Guest Speaker: Entrepreneur Supports Learning Objectives:3 Topic: Business Management. IB Honors Society Week 5 9-21 Readings: Module 2: Chapter 5) Quiz: Chapter 5 – Online Due Friday (9/25/15) at 11.59pm MYBIZLAB Video Quiz CH 5 – Due: 9/25/15 Guest Lecture: – IB Honor Society. Online Quiz if available due 9/23 at 11.59PM. Supports Learning Objective: 6 Topic: Organizing the Business Reading: Module 2: Chapter 6; Quiz: Chapter 6 – Online Due Friday (10/02/15) at 11.59pm Week 6 9-28 Guest Speakers: Preparing for a career in Business - CBA Career Service and Business advisors. Guest Speaker Quiz: Due: 09/30/15 by 11.59PM Supports Learning Objective: 1, 3 & 4. Topic: Operations Management and Quality Reading: Module 2: Chapter 7; Quiz: Chapter 7 – Online Due Friday (10/09/15) at 11.59pm Week 7 10-05 Guest Speaker: TQL – Jazmin Hunter MYBIZLAB CH 7 Video Due: 10/09/15 by 11.59 PM Supports Learning Objectives: 1,& 3. Topic: Employee Behavior & Motivation; Leadership & Decision Making Week 8 10-12 Readings: Module 3: Chapter 8 & 9; Quiz: Chapter 9 – Online Due Friday (10/16/15) at 11.59pm No Chapter 8 Quiz Guest Speaker: TBA Supports Learning Objectives: 1 & 4. Topic: Human Resources Management & Labor Relations Readings: Module 3: Chapter 10; Quiz: Chapter 10 – Online Due Friday (10/23/15) at 11.59pm Week 9 Guest Speaker: Nutrition and the Workforce? 10-19 MYBIZLAB CH 10 Video Due: 10/23/15 by 11.59 PM Supports Learning objectives: 1 & 4. Week 10 10-26 Topic: Principles of Marketing Readings: Module 4: Chapters 11 and 12; Quizzes: Chapter 11, 12 – Online Due Friday (10/30/15) at 11.59pm Guest Lecture Quiz: Due 10/28/15 at 11:59PM. Guest Speaker: Prof. Tim Birrittella, Managing Customer Service & Product Distribution, Marketing Dept., CBA, FIU. Supports Learning Objectives: 1 & 3. Topic: Distribution & Product Promotion Week 11 11-02 Readings: Module 4: Chapter 13; Quiz: Chapter 13 – Online Due Friday, 11/06/15 at 11.59pm MYBIZLAB CH 13 Video Due: 11/06/15 by 11.59 PM Guest Speaker: TBA? Supports Learning Objectives: 1 Topic: Information Systems/Technology Readings: Module 5: Chapter 14 Week 12 11-09 Guest Speaker: Department of Decision Sciences, CBA. Class Quiz No Chapter 14 Quiz. Final Project Due:– Sunday 11/15/15 by 11.59: See instructions on blackboard Supports Learning Objectives: 1 Topic: Accountants and accounting information Week 13 11-16 Readings: Module 5: Chapter 15; No Chapter Quiz: Prepare for final Guest Lecture Quiz – Due 11/18/15 at 11.59pm (or as announced in class) Guest Speaker: Accounting Department, CBA – TBA? MYBIZLAB CH 15 Video quiz Due: 11/20/15 by 11.59 PM Supports Learning Objectives: 1 & 2. Topic: Money and Banking Week 14 11-23 Readings: Module 6: Chapter 16 No Chapter 16 quiz – (Happy Thanksgiving everyone)!! Supports Learning Objectives: 1 & 2. Topic: Managing Finances (Final week of classes) Readings: Module 6: Chapter 17, Week 15 11-30 Guest Speaker: A Career in Finance - TBA Guest Speaker quiz – Due 12/02/15 by 11.59PM (or as announced) MYBIZLAB CH 17 Video Quiz Due: 12/04/15 by 11.59 PM Supports Learning Objectives: 1 & 6. Topic: Complete final exam on: chapters 15, 16, 17. WEEK 16 12-07 FINAL EXAM AVAILABLE 12/07/15 AND CLOSES 12/09/15 AT 11.59PM. NO EXTENSIONS!! ABSOLUTELY NO MAKEUPS!!! TAKE THE FINAL. GOOD LUCK AND A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON! SUPPORTS LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1, 2 AND 3.