Tropical Rain Forest

Tropical Rain Forest
By: Jada Gray, Cassie Mattingly,
Austin Beck, and Sierra Lake.
Table of contents.
Slide 1- weather facts.
Slide 2- animal facts.
Slide 3 & 4- plant facts.
Slide 5- rainforest soil.
Slide 6 & 7- layers of the rainforest.
Slide 8- poison dart frog.
Slide 9- types of rainforest.
Slide 10- anaconda
Slide 11- geography.
Slide 12 – 20 questions.
Weather facts!
•Total Rainfall: 1500 mm or 59.06 inches
•No dry season. Rain falls every day.
-During the day: 86-95 degrees
-At night: 68-73 degrees Fahrenheit
Populated with…
1. Insects- butterflies and beetles.
2. Arachnids- spiders and ticks.
3. Worms.
4. Reptiles such as snakes and lizards.
5. Amphibians- frogs and toad.
6. Birds- parrots and toucans
7. Mammals- sloths and jaguars
Plants that we know, that came
from the rainforest..
• Avocados
• Bananas
• Coffee
• Lemons
Plants we don’t have in
• Air plants.
-Since the food at ground level was
being fought for, the air plants
grow on canopy trees. They don’t
need soil to grow.
• Liana
-A vine that twines the tall trees
and reaches top height. There, it
receives sunlight and protection.
Soil system
• The rainforest has a shallow
root system. This is because
the nutrients are accumulated
on the forest floor and
immediately below the soil
Layers of the rainforest.
1. Emergents- giant trees that are taller
than canopy trees. (birds and insects
live there)
2. Canopy- upper parts of trees. (homes
for mammals, reptiles, and birds)
3. Under canopy- dark, cool environment
under the leaves but over the ground.
Layers (cont..)
4. Forest floorteeming with
animal life,
especially insects.
The largest
animals in the
rainforest live
Poison dart frog.
- Can be yellow, gold, copper,
red, green, blue, or black.
- Carry their eggs and tadpoles
on their backs.
- They’re about 2 inches long.
- They have enough venom to
kill 10 men.
- Some people use their venom
for hunting.
Types of rainforests
1. Monsoon
2. Equatorial
3. Subtropical
• -They can be up to 40 feet long.
• They are in the boa family.
• They are the largest predator.
• They’re nocturnal.
• The can have up to 100 babies at a time. 2030 babies can be up to two feet in length.
Interesting facts
• Tropical rainforests are located around the
equator where temperatures stay near 80
degrees year round.
•The largest
rainforests are
located in South
America, Africa,
and east Asia.
Geography facts
• Covers less than 6% of earth's
• It produces 40% of earth’s oxygen.
• 100-300 species live in 2 ½ acres.
• 70% of the plants are trees.
• About ¼ of all medicines we use,
come from rainforest plants.
Zoology question 2
• What percent of the world’s species can be
found in the rainforest.
50 %
Zoology question 2
• What do monkeys eat ?
Bananas, fruits, vegetables, leaves, and flowers.
Plant question 1
• What plant can grow in
canopy trees without soil?
Air plant
Plant question 2
• Do the plants have a shallow or a deep root
system ?
Weather question 1
• Is there a dry season in the rainforest?
Weather question 2
• What is the daily temperature ?
86-95 degrees
Geography question 1
• What are the three types of rainforests?
Monsoon, equatorial, and subtropical.
Geography question 2
2. What % of oxygen do we get from
the rainforest?
a. 20%
b. 40%
c. 60%
d. 80%