The Big Rain Forest Debate Web Quest Introduction • The destruction of the rainforest is an ongoing debate that has been going on for years. There are many points of view as to whether the rainforest should continue to be cut down in such large numbers. All people on earth are directly affected by any decisions made. One of the best ways to understand complex environmental issues is to take an in-depth look at all sides and points of view of the problem. • In this web quest, you will be asked to take on the role of an individual who is directly affected by the destruction of the tropical rainforests of South America. You will be asked to gather information that will support your point of view and that of your opponents. You will prepare an argument to bring to a debate. The Process 1. Test your knowledge on the importance of the rainforest by taking the rainforest quiz. Click below…… 2. Read the point of view of the four individuals that are directly affected by the destruction of the rainforest. 3. You will be assigned to one person. You will then team up with other students who share your person after completing your own reading and research. 4. Use the resources (under the person you are assigned) to gather as much information as you can to support the point of view of the person you are representing in the debate. The Rain Forest articles on the Documents/Power Points link of my webpage are an excellent resource. The Process Continued…… 5. Also use the resources (under the other people you were not assigned) to gather as much information as you can to create rebuttals (aka comebacks) to further support the point of view of the person you are representing in the debate. The Rain Forest articles on the Documents/Power Points link of my webpage are an excellent resource. 6. You will need to read, highlight, and post notes on a minimum of 4 articles to obtain support and rebuttals for the debate. 7. Use student's notetaking worksheet to help you prepare for the debate. 8. You will be evaluated on the information that you retrieve from your resources and oral presentation techniques. You can view a copy of the rubric for a more detailed explanation. (Click on rubric ) Points of View • • • • Bob- A representative for Corporate America. He states: "The global population has more than tripled this century, and will continue to grow for the next 50 years, particularly in developing countries. world population is expected to reach ten billion by 2040.Because the number of people living on the planet increases each year, the number of forest products needed also increases, forcing tropical forest to be cut down." Sue- A scientist that is assigned to the tropical rainforest in South America She states: "The rainforests are the 'lungs of the planet' but these vital organs are everywhere under attack by human greed. The Earth is sick, and the patients days are few. There is little time left to save the rainforest ecosystem and the people who live within it. Corporate greed will consume the last remaining rainforests in less than 40 years. Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's surface; now they cover a mere 6%." Jose- An indigenous rainforest person He states: "I can hardly hear the howler monkeys scream and the sound of the singing birds anymore. The hum of the giant bulldozers and logging trucks are the only sounds I can hear. The rainforest is my home. I use the land without doing harm to the plants and animals that also call the rainforest their home. As a wise Indigenous man once said, The earth is our historian, our educator, the provider of food, medicine, clothing and protection. If you destroy the Rainforest, you destroy my people." Carlos- An indigenous rainforest worker employed by an oil company He states: " I have recently been employed by an oil company. The company has trained me to use a bulldozer to create a road. I am so happy to be making money to help support my wife and five children. The oil company has begun to supply medical and dental care, educational materials, school rooms and health clinics to my village. How could this be bad for my family and my people?" Resources The Corporation • • • • A report of the levels of contamination in rain forests The Scientist • • • • • • Quick facts that include the benefits of the rainforest the consequences of destroying the rainforests. Importances of the Rainforests Rain Forest Action Network Resources Continued…. The Indigenous Person • • Detailed descriptions of people of the rainforests. The Worker • • Debate Tips • Use the following sites to help you prepare for the debate and persuasive writing: • Researching and Preparing for a Debate.pptx • Students can use this online interactive tool to map out an argument for their persuasive essay • uasive_strategies.pps This handy PowerPoint presentation helps students master the definition of each strategy used in persuasive writing Evaluation • You will be evaluated your research and supporting details, your persuasiveness, and your teamwork