Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ The ILA-System in Upper Austria ILAs in the assisted area for vocational training in Upper Austria Linz – Cultural Capital 2009 Fritz Bauer Chamber of Labour of Upper Austria CEDEFOP-SEMINAR ON INDIVIDUAL LEASRNING ACCOUNTS. Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ An incentive for financing continuing vocational education and training Thessaloniki, 31 January 2008 Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Key data of Upper Austria GEOGRAFICAL DATA 1.4 million inhabitants >> 17 % of the Austrian population 11,981 >> 14.3 % of national territory ECONOMY/ LABOUR MARKET / EMPLOYMENT 68,626 commercial companies, including some 1,000 foreign companies…. 576,203 Employees -> employment rate 72 % Lowest unemployment rate in Austria since 2000 >> constantly below 5 % >> actual unemployement rate (12/2007) 4,7 % 32,6 € bn gross domestic product (2003) Growth rates significantly above national level Leading industrial region in Austria Export 17 billion € per year >> 26 % of total Austrian exports QUALITY of LIFE Outstanding quality of life, high environmental standards Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Assisted (regional) areas for vocational training in Upper Austria • Supporting Individual Learners • • UA Training Account (UA TRAc), AK-Trainingbonus (AK-TRBo), AKMemberdiscount for Training (AK-MeDi) Supporting business •Supporting Individual Learners • Wirtschaftsimpulsprogramm, Technologieförderprogramme, Weiterbildungsverbünde, •UAbrachenbezogene Training Account (UA TRAc –> oö Bildungskonto) Firmenausbildungsverbund, Stiftungen • Taxation supports •AK-Trainingbonus • • • AK-Bildungsbonus) Absetzbetrag, Prämie, Bildungssparen •AK-Memberdiscount for Training (AK-MeDi –> Trainings via Labor Market Service AK-Leistungskartenrabatt) • • (AK-TRBo –> TEP – Territorialer Beschäftigungspakt Information & Advise on learning & supporting opportunities • AK-Database for Learners Support • Special projects & Research & Development on vocational training Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Development of the UA TRAc 1992 negotiations between the Chamber of Labor an the Regional Goverment of UA >> Programm started 1994 Goal > to give individual learners financial support by 50 % of their personal costs of vocational training up to a defined maximum ammount in a 4 years period Primary targetgroup skilled (and unskilled) workforce („Fachkräfte“ - upper secondary & tertiary educated excluded ) Lively development of the scheme Quality assurance by introducing a mandatory „UA Quality Seal“ for training institutions Since 1999 supporting special targetgroups (eg. Women returners to work, 40+ ..) and innovative projects 2004 extended for Workforce with Upper Secondary Education 2005 extension of support rate for 40+ and unskilled to 80 % Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Actual Scheme of the Upper Austrian Training Account (UA TRAc = oö Bildungskonto) – Status 2008 (+ 2009) Tools Rate of Payment Max. Accountbalance General TRAc 50% 830,-- € 80% 1.250,-- € 50% 80% 1.660,-- € 2.090,-- € 75% 1.250,-- € < 2.910.-> * for 40+ & Unskilled Special TRAc for 40+ & Unskilled Exceptional TRAc Charakteristik (for a Periode of 5 Years) (880.-)+ (1.770.-)+ (2.210.-)+ Certificate oriented vocational training (z.B. BRP) (3.100.-)+ Special Projects e.g. for women returners to work; for special targetgroups Innovativ TRAc Yeaarly defined special scheme * Yy % Vocational training or training to start higher vocational qualification Xxxx € Yearly pot of approx. 730.000,-- € Innovative programms for spec. groups of learners (2007: cultural workers) Value of a joint account for women returners to work under 40; Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Key Data for the UA-TRAc Joint use of all 4 different tools ist possible ! Training is (pre-)paid by the trainee Reimbursement after succefully finishing Goverment files personal accounts for the learners Average payment to trainee 2007 >> € 468.2007 >> 23.000 Applications = + 12 % Budget 2007 >>> € 9,05 Mio. = + 7 % Accounts will rise 2007-09 >> + 21% Payment to trainees 1994-2007 >> € 64, 7 Mio Induced turnover in vocational training by UA TRAc since 1994 approx. 170 Mio € Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Budget for UA TRAc in 1000 € 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ The Chamber of Labors Support of Vocational Training AK-Training-Bonus (AK-TRBo - AK-Bildungsbonus) • • • • • • • For members only 100 € / Year - max. 40% For AK-Plus-Program only: Selected Courses in IKT, PD, Language, vocational basics At selected educational institutions (BFI, VHS, Wifi) Special activities for targetgroups like migrantworkers.. Budget 2007>> 750.000 € User 2007 >> 11.000 Members AK-Memberdiscount for Training (AK-MeDi –AKLeistungskartenrabatt) • • • • • • For members only 10 % of discount but a limit of 75.- € for one course Unlimited nummer of vocational and nonvocational courses/y At the ak-owned educational institutions BFI, VHS-OÖ, VHS Linz Budget 2007 > 560.000.- € Users 2007 > 35.000 Members Combined Effects of UA TRAc, AK-TRBo and AK-MeDi Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Example for combined effects of UA TRAc, AK-TRBo and AK-MeDi Assumption 1: Female worker, below 40, skilled Price (course out of AK-Plus-Program) - 10% AK-MeDi = „AK-Price“ - AK-TRBo - 50% UA TRAc from AK-Preis #) Personal price after support € 299,00 - € 29,90 € 269,10 - € 100,00 - € 134,50 € 34,55 Alternative Assumption 2: unskilled OR 40+ - 80 % UA TRAc from AK-Preis *) Personal price after support € 169,10 *) € 0,00 #) 793,50 left on the personal General UA TRAc for following trainings; *) Maximum Support up to Zero !! 1. 081 left on the personal General UA TRAc for following trainings; Special TRAc in both cases still available for eligible trainings. Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Benchmarks for State-ILAs in Austria 2006 Budget in 1000 € Nr. Users Upper Austria Lower Austria Vienna Styria Burgenland Carinthia Salzburg Tyrol Vorarlberg AUSTRIA 8.860 2.000 3.330 1.330 670 1.320 900 20.173 5.030 6.819 750 19.160 460 35.449 1.001 1.966 Employees 553.251 492.259 780.754 451.860 66.460 193.169 218.209 278.151 131.822 3.165.935 User-Rate Budget/Empl. Average Payment 3,6% 1,0% 0,9% 1,5% 1,0% 0,3% 1,1% 16,0 € 4,1 € 4,3 € 2,9 € 10,1 € 6,8 € 4,1 € 439 € 398 € 488 € 5,7 € 6,1 € 1.630 € 540 € Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ 669 € 671 € Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Some Effects of co-financing vocational training in UA 155.000 Employees/Y are in UA active in voc. training courses 1/7 of them uses the UA TRAc ½ of them (10.000) uses additional the AK-TRBo That creates increased support of selected training content and targetgroups through combined effects Additional 25-30.000 are mere users of the AK-MeDi All in all >> approx. 1/3 of the active employees use some kind of individual financial support from the state UA or the chamber of labor for their vocational trainings This is employee decided training and additional to business based training and training offered by the labor market service Statements in recent Research Works *) Involvement in training in UA is 5 % higher than in the rest of Austria (training-rate) *) Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Labor Market Policy in UA, September 2006, S 121f Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Compared Training Rates UA - AUSTRIA Österreich Oberösterreich 25 % 31 % (voc 18+ priv 7) (voc 22 + priv 9) 25 % 30 % 25-44 Jahre 45-64 Jahre 27 % 20 % 32 % 25 % Frauen Männer 25 % 24 % 30 % 29 % General Training Rates Wohnbev. 25-64 Jährige Vocational Training Rates Work Force - MZ 05 ALL TR Rates AK-Members 03 TR Rates Employees MZ 03 TR-Rates Young AK-Members 04 TR-Rates Young Work Force 03 Differenz voc + 4 % priv K. + 2 % +5% +5% +5% 39 % 40 % 42 % 30 % Quelle: WIFO (Fritz, Huber, Huemer), Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Oberösterreich, September 2006, S 104ff; mit bezug auf Mikrozensus 2005; bzw. IBE 2005 – WB-Beteiligung im letzten Jahr, vgl. Mikrozensus 2003 Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Training Rates of Young Employees (31-35) by Income (Y) and Time of Last Training (1) last Year -> x = 42 % (3) last 10 Years - > x =79 % -1 100 -2 -3 88,5 68,1 68 52 50,7 46,8 40 30,4 20 0 -4 82,8 77,4 80 60 (2) last 3 Years -> x =63 % (4) Never –> x = 17 % 12,7 8,8 top Y 27,6 middle Y low Y Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Distribution of Gross Income Groups of Employees by Gender and White or Blue Color in Austria 2004 Q: STATISTIK AUSTRIA, Lohnsteuerstatistik 2006. Erstellt am 06.11.2007. 180.000 blueC female whiteC female blue C male whiteC male 160.000 140.000 120.000 100.000 80.000 60.000 40.000 20.000 0 0 bis 2 bis 4 bis 6 bis 8 bis 10 bis 12 bis 15 bis 18 bis 20 bis 25 bis 30 bis 35 bis 40 bis 50 bis 70 bis unter 2 unter 4 unter 6 unter 8 unter unter unter unter unter unter unter unter unter unter unter unter 10 12 15 18 20 25 30 35 40 50 70 100 Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ 100 bis unter 150 150 bis unter 200 200 und mehr Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Distribution of Gross Income Groups of Employees in Austria 2004 Q: STATISTIK AUSTRIA, Lohnsteuerstatistik 2006. Erstellt am 06.11.2007 . 16,0% tax deduction for training expenses 14,0% Employees Blue White 12,0% 10,0% 8,0% 6,0% 4,0% 2,0% 0,0% 0 bis 2 bis 4 bis 6 bis 8 bis unter 2 unter 4 unter 6 unter 8 unter 10 35,2% 44,6% 0% 10 bis 12 bis 15 bis 18 bis unter unter unter unter 12 15 18 20 29,0% 20 bis 25 bis 30 bis 35 bis 40 bis unter unter unter unter unter 25 30 35 40 50 40,9% 47,2% 37,4% 38,3 % 20% 50 bis 70 bis 100 bis 150 bis 200 unter unter unter unter und 70 100 150 200 mehr 8% 26% 4% 0% 7% Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ 43,6 % 50 % Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Some empirical effects of co-financing training expenses of employees in UA Evaluation of UA TRAc > 1/200 – 8/2003 • • • typical social-structure of users Restricted access in some districts Top content: IT, technic, language, BRP Evaluation of AK-TRBo – certain dimensions in real time • Significant older and more female workers • Differences in regional access Different surveys & national or regional data-mining • • • • • Participation rate in UA 5 % higher Signifcant longer trainings in UA No sign. difference in 4-week-indicator (EU) Women participate less in bussiness based trainings ............ Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Some empirical effects .... - 2 Joint Evaluation of AK-TRBo & AK-MeDi > 2005 & 2006 Still in progress >> n: 553.451 !! First results > • 6,9 % of members received payments; 11,5 % participated in training Strong evidence for >> more female workers (10,6 %) -.143***, more younger than older w (25-34-years old: 8,2 %; -021***, more white c.w. (8,3 %), small enterprises (7,2 %), some districts less migrant worker (3,3 %), male workers (3,8 %), blue c.w. (4,9 %), 50-54 years old (5,5 %), some districts... Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ User of ILAs by Gender uaTRA & AK-TrBo & AK-Members im Vergleich ua-TRAc 06 AK-TRBo 2007 80% AK-Members 72% 70% 60% AK-TRBo+AK-MeDi 55% 61,8% 54% 46% 50% 45% 34,3% 28% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Frauen Männer Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Distribution of Age-Groups 2003 working Force UA TRAc AK-TRBo 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 - 24 years 25-34 years 35-45 years 45+ years Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ Some Conclusions and Questions ?? Bring it all together to one picture – see how the training & life long learning system could work more effective by ILAs There is a need for compensation in life long learning and training – what can ILA cover ? Why do ILAs/co-financing work better with females ? Knowledge-based sensible steering of co-financing programs is important – but who holds the steering wheel ? How much training-unites can the disposable income of an employee buy ? With or without ILA ? What is the ROI and for whom ? Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ Co-Finanzierung berufsbezogener WB in OÖ See You in Linz 2009 Thank You Cultural Capital 2009 Dr. Fritz Bauer, AKOÖ