Change Agents

December 9, 2015
 Introduction of Team
 Purpose & Scope
 Change Agents (Individuals, Universities / HS, Parishes)
 One In Love Holy Family LGBT Ministry
 Resources (Films, Books, Blogs, etc.)
 Path Forward
Team Members
 Team Leaders
 Chris Evon
 Pat Lynch
 Team
 Mary Beth Benedict
 Dodie Carney
 Jean Golda
 Mary Johannesen-Schmidt
 Diane Kelly
 Mary Kwasny
 Mike Lunda
Purpose & Scope
 Purpose
Develop relationships with individuals working to change
position of Church with respect to LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender) individuals
 Research books, films, articles, blogs, etc, related to LGBT issues
 Utilize information to empower change agents both within Holy
Family community and greater Catholic Church
Purpose & Scope
 Scope
 Identify, contact and network with individuals working as
change agents regarding LGBT issues within Catholic Church
 Research print and electronic media regarding LGBT issues
 Summarize & document findings
 Lead the development of Holy Family One In Love Ministry
focused on LGBT
 Lead the development of inter-parish parent group
Change Agents Researched
 Name & Title / Organization
 What are they doing to effect change?
 What parameters are they working within?
 What successes have they achieved to date?
 What roadblocks have they encountered?
 Future plans to utilize this individual / university / parish
Archbishop Blase Cupich,
Archdiocese of Chicago
 What he has done to effect change:
 Strong advocate for justice
 Parameters he works within:
 Works within the current teachings of the Catholic
 Successes he has achieved:
 Alternate to Synod on Family in Rome next fall
 Future plans to utilize:
 Parent Group meetings
People we’ve come to know or
need to get to know
 His Holiness, Pope Francis
 Archbishop Blase J. Cupich
 Sr. Jeannine Grimmick, S. L.: Co-founder of New Ways Ministry – advocate for LGBTQ
 Frank De Bernardo: Executive Director of New Ways Ministry
 Fr. James Halstead: Department of Religious Education Chair at DePaul University
 Cristina Traina: Professor of Religion, Chair Dept of Religion, Northwestern University
 Dr. Susan Ross: Professor and Chair of Theology Department, Loyola University, Chicago
 Sr. Margaret Farley, R.S.M : Ethicist and retired professor of ethics at Yale Divinity School
 Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap: Archdiocese of Boston, Ma
 Lisa Fullam : Assoc Prof of Moral Theology, Santa Clara Jesuit School of Theology at Berkley
Stephen Pope: Professor, Theology Department, Boston University
Charlene Strong : Washington State Human Rights Commission
Patricia Beattie Jung: former Associate Professor of Theology at Loyola Univ in Chicago.
Bishop Thomas Gumbleton: Retired, Detroit, Michigan
Fr. James Martin, S.J.: blog, twitter, facebook
What should a gay Catholic do? November 13, 2009 – America Magazine Stunning change –
Carl Siciliano: Executive director and founder of the Ali Forney Center, New York
Frank DeBernardo, Executive
Director, New Ways Ministry
 What he has done to effect change:
 Resourcing and educating on homosexuality in relation to the
Catholic Church
 Parameters he works within:
 Advocacy for homosexual individuals
 Successes he has achieved:
 National and international speaker
 Author
 Roadblocks he has encountered:
 Not allowed to speak in some Catholic Churches
 Future plans to utilize:
 Continued use of wisdom and resources
Fr. James Halstead, Past Chair & Associate
Professor, Religious Studies, DePaul University
 What he has done to effect change:
 Strong support for DePaul’s minor studies program
 Parameters he works within:
 Believes in debating the great moral issues within Catholic
 Successes he has achieved:
 National and international speaker
 Noted expert on Contemporary Catholicism and Catholic
 Future plans to utilize:
 Further conversation to seek wisdom and resources
Cristina Traina, Ph.D., Professor of Religion
Northwestern University and Parishioner,
St. Nicholas, Evanston
 Suggestions to effect change:
 Sponsor facilitated conversations (by outsiders) for full
parish dialogue, some speakers may need to be off campus
 Invite LGBT parishioners to share invisible ways they are not
feeling welcome at Holy Family
 Use family and community as guiding metaphors for moving
 Examine what Bishop Cupich and Synod bring as new voices
& perspectives
 Parameters for us to consider:
 Diversity among HF parishioner views
 Someone communicating with Archdiocese regarding HF
 Roadblocks: Parish / Archdiocese policy
 Future plans: Dr. Traina can be used as a resource/consultant
and is willing to come and share her scholarly expertise, however,
she feels we (Parish) are not ready yet
Barbara Marian, Member of Streetside Justice
Former lector, Catholic Church (Woodstock)
 Contact: Barbara Marian
 Actions to effect change:
 Continues to give what is right and just a face and a voice
 As a member of Streetside Justice, Barbara coordinated street-corner rallies
and vigils, protests at IL State Senate and Representative offices around the
state in support of marriage equality.
 Crusades for equality within Catholic Church
 As a lector in Catholic Church, (Woodstock parish, 1994) Barbara followed
the lead of Vatican II in using inclusive language subscribed to by the
International Commission on English in the Liturgy
 Parameters: Willing to push limits / protest to gain attention to effect
change at both State and Church levels
Barbara Marian, Member of Streetside Justice
Former lector, Catholic Church (Woodstock)
 Successes:
 IL Same-Sex Marriage Law
 Roadblocks:
 Conservative opinions in community
 Newly-installed Bishop of Rockford demanded cease and desist on using
inclusive language at mass. . .also, the real bread this parish baked for
Eucharist. Bishop threatened to close parish if they didn't follow his
direction. As a response, parishioners stood and turned backs to alter during
 Future Relationship: : Possible contact for our LGBTQ support group and
any work being done in a larger sense.
Professor of Theology and a Faculty Scholar
Dr. Susan Ross Phone: 773.508.2364
 Referred by: Dr. Ross was referred by both Frank DeBernardo
from New Ways Ministry, Mary Jo Hoag from St. Nick’s,
Evanston and Cristie Trenia, Northwestern. They all spoke of her
writings on arguments for the morality and theology of
sacramental same-sex marriage within the Catholic Church
 Future Relationship: Intend to keep trying to have a
conversation with her.
 Contact:
DePaul University, Chicago
DePaul University, Chicago
 What they have done to effect change:
 First Catholic school in U.S. to offer LGBTQ Studies minor
 LGBTQ Student Services
 Parameters they are working within:
 Work within the social justice traditions of the Catholic Church
 This is very much in line with DePaul’s mission and culture of social
justice and serving the oppressed
 Successes they have achieved to date:
 Courses that had been offered as early as the 1990’s
 These served as the framework for the minor studies
 Roadblocks they have encountered:
 Some criticism from inside the church and others that they are not as
“catholic” as they should be
 Future plans to utilize this resource
 Consultation with Fr. James Halstead to seek his wisdom and direction
Notre Dame University,
South Bend, Indiana
Someday after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity,
we shall harness for God the energies of LOVE,
and then, for the second time in the history of the world,
humankind will have discovered FIRE –
Pierre Teihard de Chardin, S.J.
Notre Dame University,
South Bend, Indiana
 What they have done to effect change:
 Fall 2014: Gay in Christ: Dimensions in Fidelity Conference
Sponsored by the Gender Relations Center.
 Beloved Friends and Allies
 Parameters they are working within:
 Work within teachings of the Catholic Church
 Successes they have had:
 Recently made changed its policies to offer benefits to all
legally married spouses of employees.
 Future plans to utilize this resource
 Develop contact for future resources
St. Xavier University, Chicago
Contact: Jose Vasquez
Assistant Director of Student Involvement and Multicultural
 Actions to effect change:
 Safe Zone training for faculty and staff at Saint Xavier
 Training faculty and staff in how to respectfully speak
with and help guide members of the LGBTQ
 Faculty and staff can post a Safe Zone sticker on office
door as a sign of LGBTQ support.
 Ally training for students and faculty
 Teaches respectful communication and how to handle
student abuse of LGBTQ community.
St. Xavier University,
Chicago Part 2
 Parameters:
 Part of St. Xavier’s Diversity Week
 Success:
 Plan to expand training to community
 Future Relationship:
 Possible connection for support group
Public High Schools with
Gay/Straight Alliance Clubs
Barrington High School
Batavia High School
Conant High School
Crystal Lake High School
Elgin High School
Fremd High School
Hersey High School
Lake Zurich High School
Palatine High School
Prospect High School
Schaumburg High School
Stevenson High School
Streamwood High School
 Catholic High Schools in area do not have Gay/Straight Alliance
but do have Diversity and Social Justice Clubs that can include
LGBTQ as part.
St. Nicholas Gay and Lesbian & Family and
Friends Ministry
Mary Jo Hoag -
 Mission to effect change: The St. Nicholas Gay & Lesbian Ministry
gathers in the community to explore spirituality and social issues
of the day as they relate to the personal faith journey. The group
includes friends and family of gay and lesbian people, as well as
folks who are questioning, and people of all ages. They gather with
family and friends for prayer and support, and to witness to the
Good News of inclusion. They engage their community through
education and outreach, and strive to live Catholic ideals with
dignity, respect, and justice.
 Contact:
They work within the parameters of church
teachings. The parish promotes all events from the pulpit
and encourages and promotes a welcoming atmosphere for
the LGBT community and their families.
 Parameters:
St. Nicholas Gay and Lesbian & Family and
Friends Ministry
 Successes:
 They have been in existence for over 11 years.
 They have brought in nationally known speakers to
educate and enlighten the parish community.
 All events and activities are announced from the pulpit
and in the bulletin.
 People are blessed in the community as they attend
national conferences.
 They have developed a website within the parish website
that includes resources some of which are not fully
sanctioned by the church.
St. Nicholas Gay and Lesbian & Family and
Friends Ministry
 Roadblocks: They were unable to have certain speakers come to
St. Nick’s. They found other locations to host these events.
Cardinal George was not an ally. In January 2013, he made a
number of public statements regarding a proposed law in the
Illinois legislature concerning marriage equality. The St. Nicholas
Gay and Lesbian & Family and Friends Ministry joined with the
Peace & Justice Ministry to invite the Cardinal to a conversation on
some of the many questions involved. He did not meet with them.
 Future Relationship: Mary Jo is very interested in continuing
with this relationship and in being a resource when needed. She
strongly encourages us to attend a meeting in the future.
LGBT, Friends and Families Outreach
 Contact: Maureen Schuneman - Listening Parent Program (Peer
companionship). 312.933.6368
 Mission to effect change: The LGBT outreach program was
started to allow a place, inside the church, where the LGBT people
of faith, as well as their friends and families could share
experiences and explore their spirituality. They hold educational
events, social activities and are actively involved in serving others.
 Parameters: They work within the parameters of church
teachings and the guidance of the pastor. The pastor promotes all
events from the pulpit and encourages and promotes a welcoming
atmosphere for the LGBT community and their families
LGBT, Friends and Families Outreach
 Successes:
 The parish funds programs up to $5,000 per year.
 All events and activities are announced from the pulpit and in
the bulletin.
Church Liturgist includes prayers of the people concerning
LGBT when it ties in with the liturgy.
The goal of the parish is to the ‘light’ for anyone in the pews
struggling with these issues.
They have become educated on the doctrines and policies of
the Catholic Church concerning homosexuality.
They have become connected to other organizations and
ministries working with the issues of the LGBT community.
LGBT, Friends and Families Outreach
 Roadblocks: They were unable to have certain speakers
come to OSP’s. They found other locations to host these
events. Cardinal George was not an ally. But they did what
they could to work within these parameters.
 Future Relationship: Maureen is very interested in
continuing with this relationship and in being a resource
when needed. She would like HF and OSP’s to work together
at some point.
LEAD (LGBT, Educating, Affirming, Diversity)
 Contact: Father Joe Muth (pastor) 410-433-2300
 Mission to effect change: To affirm the LGBT members of the
parish family and broader community. To be the welcoming
hand of Jesus extended to LGBT parishioners, their families
and friends. To provide education and clarification on
materials dealing with the LGBT community. To be a
community of faith and spirit that works towards openness
and understanding. LEAD strives to offer justice, healing,
and wholeness of life for all God’s people.
 Parameters: They work within the parameters of church teachings
with the guidance and full participation of the pastor and the support of
the Archbishop Lori. The pastor is actively involved in developing and
supporting programs. The majority of the parish is supportive
LEAD (LGBT, Educating, Affirming, Diversity)
 Successes:
 Created a strong and active ministry supported by the
pastor and parish council.
Developed a relationship with the Archbishop Lori.
Hosted an event with the Archbishop in attendance to
share life stories.
Formed committees to work on Education,
Network/Outreach, and Marriage Equality.
Outreach to other parishes and denominations in the
Developed resources and education for the parish.
Attended the gay pride parade. The first year 10
different churches and 100 people attended. Second
year they doubled those numbers
LEAD (LGBT, Educating, Affirming, Diversity)
 Roadblocks: Some parishioners see the gay lifestyle as
immoral. He challenged them openly and respectfully on the
issues. Ministry took small steps at the beginning. He
advised us to be patient.
 Future Relationship: Father Joe is enthusiastic and very
interested in continuing to help us in any way he can.
Ann Castiglione 262-502-0437, email:
 Mission to effect change: Gay and Straight in Christ welcomes,
supports and affirms LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender)
persons, their families and friends and those who wish to stand
in solidarity with them in Christ. This ministry works to help
the LGBT community find and take its rightful place within the
Catholic community.
 Contact:
 Parameters: They work within the parameters of church teachings. The
parish promotes all events from the pulpit and encourages and promotes a
welcoming atmosphere for the LGBT community and their families
They have been in existence for over 10 years.
Have seeded ministries in several parishes.
All events and activities are announced from the pulpit and
in the bulletin.
Monthly intentions are included in the Prayer of the Faithful.
They have developed an informational brochure that is
openly displayed in the narthex of the parish.
They have included stories and informational quotes in the
monthly Parish Newsletter.
They have had strong support from their pastors and parish
 Roadblocks: : Though they have invited the Bishop to meet
with them they have not had success in doing this.
 Future Relationship: Ann is very interested in continuing
with this relationship and in being a resource when needed.
Common Threads
 Individuals
 Dialogue & Education
 Development of Allies
 Catholic Universities & Public High Schools
 Support & Education
 Parishes
 Justice Based
 Formed Ministries
 Roadblocks
 Struggle to work within the interpretation of Church Teachings
 General Diversity issues
 LGBT community
 Influential leaders
 Clergy, politicians,
 Business people.
 Athletes
 Friends
 Families
 Youth
 Time
Film Clip
 For the Bible Tells Me So – A film directed by Daniel
Holy Family LGBT Ministry
 Brief History
Holy Family as a Leader
 Mission
 Educate, Advocate (in support of LGBT individuals and
their family and friends), Ally and Serve.
 To gather together to discuss issues surrounding
sexuality and our faith.
 To gather in prayer as we walk through our spiritual
journey towards a deeper relationship with God.
 To reach out to surrounding parishes and churches to
join us and to assist them in creating a similar ministry.
Holy Family LGBT Ministry
 Events
 Group sharing of stories to each other
 Reach out to Archbishop Cupich to share stories and
1st meeting, December, 13th, 9am - noon. A small group
to introduce the ministry, and share stories. We would
like to have a few representatives from other churches in
the area. A larger meeting will be planned in January. If
you are interested in finding out more about the ministry,
please fill out this form. (Need form).
Service events
 Films:
 For the Bible Tells Me So – A film directed by Daniel
In Good Conscience: Sr. Jeannine Gramick’s Journey of
Faith a film by Barbara Rick Trembling
The Gay Debate: The Bible and Homosexuality Matthew
Vines, You Tube
For My Wife: an award winning film by Charlene Strong
Trembling before G_d a film by Sandi Simcha Dubowski
Fish Out of Water directed by Ky Dickens
 Films:
 Prayers for Bobby
A Once Upon A Time Films production in
association with Permut Presentations and Sladek Taaffe
Productions for Lifetime Television Network
Wrestling with God Rabbi Steben Greenberg
A Jihad for Love John Grierson
Anyone and Everyone (Mormon, Catholic and Hindu parents of
gay children share their thoughts) Susan Polis Schultz
Love Free or Die Mackey Alston
The Gay Debate: the Bible and Homosexuality
 Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality: New Paths to Understanding
Louis J Cameli - Ave Maria Press
Church of Mercy – Pope Francis
Confronting Sex and Power in the Catholic Church-Bishop Geoffrey
Robinson (Retired, Australia)
Building Bridges- Gay and Lesbian Reality and the Catholic Church
Robert Nugent and Jeanine Gramick (New Ways Ministry)
Faith Beyond Resentment: Fragments Catholic and Gay -James Allison
Sexual Diversity and Catholicism: Toward the Development of Moral
Theology -Patricia Beattie Jung
Spiritual Direction and the Gay Person James Empereur, S. J.
Just Love Margaret Farley
Sexual Fluidity – Lisa Diamond
What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality Daniel A. Helminiak
Homosexuality and Christian Faith (Collection of Essays by various
authors) Edited by Walter Wink
 Jesus, the Bible and Homosexuality Jack Rogers God and the Gay
Christian Matthew Vines
The Bible’s Yes to Same-Sex Marriage: An Evangelical’s Change of
Heart Mark Achtemeier
What the Bible Says and Doesn’t say about Homosexuality Rev.
Dr. Mel White Pamphlet
Stranger at the Gate Mel White
God Believes in Love
Bishop Gene Robinson (Episcopal
Church’s first gay Bishop)
Living in Sin: A Bishop Rethinks Human Sexuality John Shelby
Spong (Episcopal)
Homosexuality – A Positive Catholic Perspective – Questions and
Answers about Gay/Lesbian Life (pamphlet) – Robert Nugent and
Jeanine Gramick (New Ways Ministry)
 Marriage Equality: A Positive Catholic Approach
(pamphlet) Frank
DeBernardo New Ways Ministry
The Last Heresy: The Gospel of Gay Persecution Robert Klinkert
The Preacher’s Son Marc Adams
Since My Last Confession: A Gay Catholic Memoir Scott Pomfret
The Children are Free: Re-examining the Biblical Evidence on Samesex Relationships John Tyler Connoley
Adam’s Gift Jimmy Creech
Fortunate Families: Catholic Families with Lesbian Daughters and
Gay Sons Mary Elizabeth Lopato with Casey Lopato
 Blogs:
Bondings 2.0
Path Forward
 Continued Networking with New & Identified Change
 Continue to document films, books, etc
 One in Love Holy Family LGBT Ministry
 Work to Establish Parent Group for ongoing dialogue
Fish Out of Water Film