Part-Time Job Description

37 Glymont Road, Indian Head, MD 20640 · Office (301) 753-9350 · Fax (301) 754-5400 ·
Esther Williams, Principal
Description: Part Time Positions
Part Time Job Purpose: to assist the academy in curriculum instruction in specific specialty subject areas
and classroom management. This is a professional educational position, not baby-sitting. This position
includes art, music, technology, drama, physical education, technology, foreign language, lunch/recess
monitors, office help, before and after care assistants, etc. Multiple positions may be combined to
create a Full-Time status as the Academy sees fit.
Part Time Educator Qualifications: Affirmed Born Again Christian who knows the Lord Jesus Christ as
Savior. He/She shall be a member, faithfully attend and financially support a local church, one whose
fundamental beliefs are in agreement with the Statement of Faith of this Academy. He/She must
conduct his/her personal life in an exemplary manner and be above reproach in the Christian and nonChristian community.
Part Time Educator Education/Certification Requirements:
HS Diploma or higher
Part Time Educator Experience Requirements: At least one year formal or informal teaching experience
or equivalent instruction or approved internship.
Part Time Educator Job Duties:
 Depending on the position, part time educators will perform classroom duties as the lead teacher in
their subject field, including classroom management, planning, instruction, and grading
 Prepare bulletin boards, presentations, etc. as needed for classroom enhancement
 Perform additional duties that supports Academy
Part Time Educator Supplemental Functions:
 Do supervisory duties as assigned (I.e. lunch, recess, bus, before and after school)
 Assist in maintaining proper classroom management/discipline
 Recognize the need for good public relations, representing the school in a favorable and
professional manner to the school’s constituency and the general public
 Develop and maintain rapport with students, parents, and staff by treating others with friendliness,
dignity, and consideration
 Observe the Matthew 18 principle (Matt. 18:15-17) in conflict resolution. Avoid a negative, critical
spirit. Take problems to appropriate administrator as necessary
 Attend and participate in scheduled devotional and in-service meetings
 Supervise extracurricular activities, organizations, and outings as assigned
 Support the broader program of the school by attending extra-curricular activities when possible
 Perform any other duties that may be assigned by the administration
Skills/Qualifications: knowledge of subjects assigned; general knowledge of curriculum and instruction
format; proficiency in classroom management, discipline, organization, and routines; ability to
communicate positively with parents through written and verbal conferences