(301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK REVISED 08/01/2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome Vision Statement Potomac Heights Christian Academy Purpose Educational Philosophy Statement of Faith Educational Objectives Admission Tuition & Fees Before & After Care General information Transportation Dress Code Attendance Policy Communication Parent Involvement Academics Student Code of Conduct Pre- & Kindergarten Section Return to Table of Contents 2 3 4 7 7 8 11 15 17 18 22 23 26 29 32 34 41 49 1 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WELCOME We are delighted to have your student enrolled in our school. It is our firm belief that all students who come here do so because it is part of God’s plan for their lives. We recognize our responsibility to you and to God for the training and education we provide for your student. We want to work closely with you. If you have a question or concern at any time, please contact the school by e-mail, phone, or note. Potomac Heights Christian Academy [henceforth, PHCA] has been a ministry of Potomac Heights Baptist Church [henceforth, PHBC] since its inception in 1973. Together PHCA and PHBC have a goal of making disciples of all the nations [Matthew 28:16–20]. We encourage each PHCA family and employee to be actively involved in a local Biblebelieving and Bible-preaching church family. If you and your family do not have such a church family, we want to cordially invite you to be a part of the PHBC family. You may contact the PHBC office for further details (301-743-5444 or visit online at www.phbc.com). The following pages make clear the philosophical foundation for this school and the various rules and regulations that make it function smoothly. Please read this handbook carefully, and keep it where you can refer to it. Please be aware that we as a school reserve the right to change our policies at any time should such a change be warranted. We will inform you of any such change that affects your family. In addition, we reserve the right to make an exception to a stated policy for certain circumstances. But in making the exception to a policy, we as a school in no way waive our right to enforce that policy in the future. Return to Table of Contents 2 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VISION STATEMENT A message from your Principal: It is an honor to be appointed as the Principal/Administrator of PHCA. I wanted to share with you my vision for this school and the steps we will take to bring it to fruition. The vision for PHCA is to have a school that produces strong Christian young men and women equipped with a solid relationship with Jesus Christ, who are grounded in a firm foundation in biblical principles, who can defend their faith and live a life that brings glory to God. PHCA is a ministry that will bring children to know the Lord and develop a relationship with Him, to have a passion to study His Word, and to lead a life that brings glory to Him. By establishing this priority, students will automatically thrive in their academics. To know the Lord, and seek to glorify Him, students will be intrinsically motivated to perform with excellence in every aspect of their education. As a Christian academy, this should be a school that produces well-behaved students, an orderly environment, where Christ-like attitudes and actions are clearly demonstrated from students and staff on a daily basis, and where students, parents, and staff feel the permeating love of God. The steps that will be taken to ensure this vision will include: The hiring and retention of Christian teachers and staff, who are active in pursuing a relationship with Christ, involved with ministries within their church, and are actively pursuing continued educational growth. The implementation of a solid Bible curriculum that integrates into every subject throughout the academic day. The implementation of a proven academic curriculum that is rigorous and reflects current trends in education, which will prepare our students to be competitive and ready for assimilation into future schools. Enforcing of the policies described in this handbook with consistency and fairness. I look honored and look forward to serving your families through this academy. Sincerely, Esther Williams Esther Williams, Principal Return to Table of Contents 3 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ POTOMAC HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY PURPOSE PURPOSE 1: TO ASSIST PARENTS IN EDUCATING THEIR CHILDREN Ephesians 6:4 And you, fathers....bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Psalm 78:5b-7. That they should make (God’s statutes) known to their children that the generations to come might know them, the children who would be born, that they might arise and declare them to their children that they may set their hope in God, and not forget the words of God, but keep His commandments; The school program reinforces the teaching and values of the Christian home as parents seek to fulfill their biblical responsibilities for the education of their children. PURPOSE 2: TO REACH ALL FAMILIES IN THE COMMUNITY Acts 1:8b and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. God loves every person regardless of background, race, or culture. The school is open to all parents who desire to provide this educational opportunity for their children. PURPOSE 3: TO TRAIN CHILDREN IN THE WORD OF GOD II Timothy 3:15 ...and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. Psalm 119:11 Your word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against Thee. Beginning in pre-kindergarten when children learn Bible stories through the middle school years when the emphasis is on applying biblical principles to life situations, children study God’s Word. All children memorize scripture passages appropriate to their age and understanding. PURPOSE 4: TO PREPARE CHILDREN FOR ETERNAL LIFE Mark 10:14b Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him should not perish but have eternal life. Return to Table of Contents 4 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Through verbal expressions and through the lives of staff members, the school seeks to tell and show God’s great love to each child. The meaning of Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection is explained so that children will have the understanding they need to accept God’s gift of eternal life when they reach spiritual accountability. PURPOSE 5: TO INTEGRATE GOD’S WORD INTO HUMAN KNOWLEDGE IN ALL AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM Proverbs 9:10a The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs 2:6 For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 3:13 Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding. We seek to educate children to be wise by illuminating all areas of the curriculum with the light of God’s word. PURPOSE 6: TO HELP CHILDREN DEVELOP A GODLY LIFE-STYLE IN AN UNGODLY, ANTI-CHRISTIAN SOCIETY Romans 12:2a And to not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Eccl.12:13 Let us hear at the conclusion of the whole matter; fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. As children mature in their understanding, they are taught to view the world through a “biblical grid” that they might make decisions in every area of their lives based on scriptural principles. PURPOSE 7: TO PROVIDE CHILDREN A SOLID FOUNDATION FOR THEIR FURTHER EDUCATION. II Timothy 1:9 (God) has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began. God has a purpose for each life He has created. A solid academic foundation, illuminated with God’s truth, combined with opportunities to develop God-given talents, allows children to acquire the knowledge and skills they need as they go on to further education to follow God’s calling for their lives. Return to Table of Contents 5 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY PHCA has set forth educational objectives which will promote and provide for the building of sound Christian character in all ages. Recognizing that man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, it is without apology that we make our foremost objective that of spiritually preparing minds and bodies to know God personally and become all that He expects and desires His children to be in all facets of life. The curriculum that we use encourages students to think clearly, logically, and independently. A major priority of PHCA is that students are taught the importance leading a life that glorifies God through selfdiscipline and self-control. Both of these tenets are to be sought after and practiced daily. STATEMENT OF FAITH Since PHCA is a ministry of PHBC, PHCA operates under the same statement of faith as PHBC. This statement of faith is the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. The entire statement can be found at http://www.sbc.net/bfm/default.asp. If you would like a copy but are unable to access it via the internet, please contact the PHCA office and we will gladly provide you with a written copy. Return to Table of Contents 6 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES The faculty of PHCA, fully trusting in the power of God, has set themselves to the task of teaching children and young adults that life must have a proper relationship with Almighty God. This teaching is concerned not only with the counsels of God revealed in His word, but also in the counsels of God revealed in His world. We desire to teach that all truth is God’s truth, and Jesus Christ is central in all truth; again not simply in the Word, but also in history, in geography, in music, and in all of creation. From the educational philosophy of PHCA stems certain educational objectives: FOR THE SPIRITUAL AND MORAL GROWTH OF THE STUDENTS, PHCA seeks: To lead the students into a personal, saving relationship with Christ as Savior and Lord; To develop a desire to know and to do the will of God; To teach the students consistent daily Christian living and service, equipping and encouraging them to be a positive witness for Christ; To develop a Biblical sense of right and wrong and teach the students how to overcome sin by faith and trust in Christ; To foster self-discipline in the students based upon respect for and reverence toward God and all authority; and To build in the students a God-consciousness that helps them develop a consistent Christian worldview by integrating all subjects with the Bible. FOR THE STUDENTS’ PERSONAL AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, PHCA aims: To develop a balanced personality based on proper understanding and acceptance of himself/herself as God made him/her and on the full development of his/her capabilities in Christ; To foster wholesome personal relationships through development of social skills based on the Christian concept of love; To prepare the students for wholesome and Christian use of leisure time; Return to Table of Contents 7 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To show a realistic and Biblical view of life and work and provide skills for future endeavors in college and in a chosen occupation; To develop the proper attitudes, understanding, and skill needed to establish God-honoring homes; To promote fitness, maintenance, and skillful use of the body as the temple of God; and To impart the Biblical attitude toward material things and promote the wise use of them for God’s glory. ACADEMICALLY, PHCA endeavors: To teach and encourage the formation of good study habits; To promote high academic standards and help the students gain a thorough comprehension and command of the fundamental processes used in written and oral communication with others; To teach the students how to do research and use a scientific method that includes the knowledge of God as the foundation of reason; To teach students how to apply a range of techniques effectively to solve problems. To develop creative and critical thinking skills and the proper use of Biblical criteria for evaluation; To promote good citizenship through developing an understanding and appreciation of our Christian and American heritage of freedom and human dignity; and To impart knowledge of the world and current affairs in all fields and relate them to God’s plan for mankind. WORKING WITH THE HOMES FROM WHICH THE STUDENTS COME, PHCA desires: To cooperate closely with the parents in every phase of the students’ development, especially as it relates to the PHCA program; and To aid families in making their homes God-centered. Return to Table of Contents 8 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADMISSIONS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Being a student of PHCA is a privilege, not a right. Only those who meet the set qualifications of PHCA and whom we can assist in growing in Christ will be considered for admission at PHCA. All prospective K3 students must be 3 years old by September 1; K4 students must be four years old by September 1; K5 students must be five years old by September 1. The Board of Directors and the Administrator may refuse to admit a student with severe disciplinary, psychological problems, or learning deficiencies. SPACE AVAILABILITY ALL prospective students are placed on a waiting list until the following application process is completed: (1) Grade Level Testing (ASCI standards/A Beka Entrance Exams) All prospective students will be tested for admission to the requested grade level by the administration. Successful completion of this test, with a passing grade, will allow the application process to proceed. Parents/Guardians will be notified of the test results upon their review. (2) Space Availability The goal for each class grade is to maintain a teacher-student ratio that is suitable for each grade level and classroom size. These ratios are maintained in order to enhance classroom participation and performance. Should a classroom become “full,” prospective students will be placed on a waiting list pending an opening in an already established class or the addition of a new class. (3) Records All application forms and their accompanying signatures and signatures of a Notary Public must be turned in to the PHCA office. Copies of immunization records are mandatory. Until all necessary forms are completed, a child will not be admitted to PHCA. The non-refundable registration fee is due when the student applies to attend PHCA. (4) Behavior/Conduct Each transfer student must provide contact information from their previous school (name, address, phone number, etc.) so that the administration can request information (by phone or letter) to Return to Table of Contents 9 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ascertain if the student’s prior conduct is appropriate for PHCA. Students who have been expelled from another school may not be accepted at PHCA. Upon satisfactory completion of this process, the PHCA administration will meet with the parents and student(s) to review the Parent/Student Handbook and welcome the family as a part of PHCA (if they did not participate in the Parent Orientation Night offered before the beginning of each school year). All students must perform satisfactorily in academics and exhibit exemplary behavior during the first 30 school days (probationary period). At the end of the probationary period, the student’s status will be reviewed. Any problems in either of these areas will be reported to the Administrator’s office for further action. RE-ENROLLMENT: The re-enrollment process will begin on March 1 and conclude on April 30. The only way you can adequately be assured a place for your child for the following year is to register during the re-enrollment period. Students’ applications will be acted on in order of the date received, registration fee paid, results of testing, and interview (if necessary). Students of PHCA families have priority over students of prospective PHCA families on the waiting list. The enrollment form accompanied with the appropriate non-refundable registration fee must be returned within the re-enrollment time period. Upon receipt of the re-enrollment forms and registration fee, the student is then placed on the class list. If there is an outstanding balance due, re-enrollment registration fees are applied toward the outstanding balance, and that student’s place will be given to another prospective student. When teachers and staff at PHCA apply for admission of their own children, they will be considered PHCA family so as to have the same priority accorded to other PHCA families. TRANSFERS/WITHDRAWALS: Return to Table of Contents 10 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parents wishing to transfer their child from PHCA must notify the Administrator in writing at least four weeks before the child is withdrawn. Four weeks tuition is expected to be paid if this notice is not given. This does not apply to military families who receive transfer orders. For all students withdrawing during the course of the school year, a pro-rated portion of the year’s tuition will be charged for those paying in full or in two payments. Tuition refunds will be mailed to the student’s home address within 30 days of the withdrawal date. If money is owed to PHCA, records, report cards, books, and supplies will be withheld until the outstanding debt has been paid. When a student is withdrawn from PHCA, the teacher sends all books and student supplies to the office for dissemination to the student. Student supplies consist of the pencil box/case and its contents at the time of withdrawal. The classroom teacher and PHCA Secretary will be responsible for completing the student’s records and attendance. Student records are forwarded to the receiving school per written request only. CUMULATIVE FOLDERS: Cumulative Folders for each student are set up by the PHCA Secretary and are updated by the teacher. These folders remain in the PHCA office’s locked file cabinets. All information in the folders is treated as confidential. Folders may be shown to parents in the presence of a PHCA representative (parents have a right to request a copy of any school records pertaining to their child). Folders are updated at the end of each school year by the classroom teacher and checked by a staff member. If a student leaves during the school year, the classroom teacher and the PHCA Secretary update the folders at that time. Return to Table of Contents 11 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TUITION AND FEES Tuition: Unless full payment is made at the beginning of the school year or half payment is made at the beginning of each semester, all tuition fees are paid via FACTS Tuition Management Services. Any questions or requests are to be placed with the PHCA FACTS Representative. All payments are to be received at FACTS by the 30th of the month (last day of February) or a $25.00 late charge will be assessed by FACTS. Tuition payments are to be sent directly to FACTS. Do not bring/send them to the PHCA office. Delinquent Tuition: All tuition payments must be current prior to the start of each semester, before a student may register for the next school year. Families with tuition more than thirty (30) days past due will be contacted by the school administration and/or a member of the Academy Board, and families with tuition more than sixty (60) days past due will be unable to continue at PHCA until their account is current. Current means paid up to date or that your family has made payment arrangements which are acceptable to the PHCA Academy Board. Families with delinquent tuition at the end of the school year will be required to pay the following year’s tuition in full before being re-admitted. PHCA reserves the right to take legal action to collect delinquent tuition and fees. Parents/Guardians will be responsible for all costs of collection, including court expenses and reasonable attorney’s fees. Tuition at PHCA is an annual charge. Credit is not given for days absent, holidays, or vacations. Fees: Registration is due upon registering a child, book and student fees are due by July 1st, unless full tuition and fees are paid to FACTS. A bank charge of $25.00 will be accessed for any returned checks. After the second occurrence, only cash or money order will be accepted. STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ATTEND PHCA UNTIL THESE FEES ARE PAID. Return to Table of Contents 12 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TUITION SCHEDULE Registration Fee is due at the time of enrollment New Student: $100.00 Returning Student by April 24th $50.00 Returning Student after April 24th $100.00 Fees $300.00 per student, due no later than July 1 Fee covers yearbook, classroom consumable materials, technology, fine arts, P.E. uniforms, school wide field trip, lab fees and yearly testing. Book Fees - Due no later than July 1st K3-K5 1st- 5th Grade 6th-8th Grade $225.00 per student $250.00 per student $290.00 per student Tuition Student tuition is required to be paid through a ten month FACTS Tuition payment plan or may be paid in full on or before August 15, 2012. 25% multiple child discount for the second and each additional child. 20% discount per child for PHBC church members. Number of Students Tuition Fees 1st Child $5995.00 Each additional child with 25% Discount $4496.25 2 Children 3 Children Tuition with 20% Church Discount $10,491.25 $14,987.50 $4796.00 Return to Table of Contents 13 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BEFORE & AFTER CARE PROGRAM: All students from K3 through 8th grade have supervision available for before and after school hours. Time runs from 6:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The supervision fee is a weekly charge and is due each Monday. To enroll or withdraw your child from the Before & After Care Program, contact the Before & After Care Director at 301-753-9350. All students enrolled in this program must have an immunization record and completed health forms in the PHCA office prior to admission. The established PHCA uniform policy applies to the students in the Before & After Care Program. Homework may be accomplished during the evening hours; however, the Before & After Care staff is not responsible for assuring the completion of the homework during this time. When reserving a slot for your child, you are committing to a weekly payment. Families with more than one child in this program are entitled to a discount of $5.00 per week, per family. You will not be charged when PHCA is closed for Christmas and Easter breaks. Due to Maryland State regulations, our facility is only allowed to have a certain number of children in the program. The Before & After Care Program fees are a flat weekly rate regardless of how many days are used. NO credit will be issued for unused days. Payment is due on Monday for that week. If payment is not received by Wednesday, a $10.00 late fee will be assessed. If payment has not been received by Friday of that week, your child’s slot will go to the first available person on the waiting list. A bank charge of $25.00 will be accessed for any returned checks. After the second occurrence, only cash or money order will be accepted. If children are not picked up by the end of the program time a late fee, not to exceed $30.00 a day per child, will be added to your weekly bill. Discipline and respect are of the utmost importance. Any individual found to be conducting himself/herself outside the guidelines of PHCA will be subject to removal and permanent expulsion from the Before & After Care Program. All teachers, staff, and students are to be treated with the highest respect at all times. Return to Table of Contents 14 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION CHAPEL: Chapel is held each Monday morning at 9:00am to provide a place of “worship and spiritual growth” for all students, faculty, and staff. Students are to file in and out of the Chapel in a quiet and reverent manner. Parents are welcomed to attend these chapel services. LUNCH Students have an option to bring lunch to school or pay for a school lunch. The cost of student lunch is $3.00 per day and is prepaid bi-weekly. Menus are sent home every two weeks and a monthly menu is available online at www.phca.us. If your child brings his/her lunch from home make sure it is in a lunch box or bag. Please do not send an item requiring adult supervision, as the teacher must be free to monitor all of their class during lunch time. Milk or juice may be purchased for $.40 or you may send a noncarbonated, low-sugar beverage from home. MEDICATIONS: ALL medications, prescription and non-prescription, are to be administered by the Administration Staff upon approval of parents/guardians. EVERY parent MUST fill out the information on the back of the EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARD. This will allow the student to be given Tylenol. Parents must bring all other instructions and the medication to the PHCA Secretary. SICKNESS If your child has any of the following, please do not send him or her to school. Communicable disease Diarrhea Earache Fever Head lice Inflamed eye Upset stomach Vomiting Severe headache Skin infection or rash Sore throat Swollen glands Thick nasal discharge Persistent cough If there is any doubt about whether to send your child to school, it is probably best to keep him or her at home. This not only benefits your child but other children and staff in the school. While at school, if a Return to Table of Contents 15 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ combination of two of any of the following conditions exist in a student, parents will be called and must be picked up immediately. • • • diarrhea vomiting of food content or phlegm temperature 100 degree or higher While at school, in the event of a serious illness, including a body temperature of 100 degrees or more, the parent(s) of the student will be contacted (or, if the parent(s) cannot be reached, the other persons listed on the Emergency Medical Card will be contacted), and the CHILD MUST BE PICKED UP IMMEDIATELY. If parents refuse to pick up their children immediately, are unable, or if, after contacting everyone on the Emergency Medical Card, no one can be found to immediately pick up an ill child, we will call 911 and request that an ambulance transport the child to a hospital or medical facility. ***THERE IS A 24-HOUR WAITING PERIOD (AFTER THE LAST INCIDENT) BEFORE AN ILL CHILD MAY RETURN TO SCHOOL FOR ANY FEVER, VOMITING OR BOWEL SICKNESS*** If a student complains of an illness, the teacher will send them to the office. The PHCA Secretary will then assess the student’s illness and contact the parent either by phone (if in need of immediate attention) or written report. ACCIDENTS, AND INCIDENT REPORTS: ***PARENTS: PLEASE ENSURE THAT THE PERSONS YOU LIST FOR EMERGENCY CONTACTS ON THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARD ARE PERSONS YOU WANT TO PICK UP YOUR CHILD(REN) IF YOU ARE UNABLE. Any accident (student or staff) will be reported to the office immediately. The PHCA Secretary will assess the seriousness of the situation and determine whether the student or staff member can be treated in the office or if emergency help should be summoned. When the immediate situation has been resolved, the staff member involved will report to the PHCA office at the earliest possible time to complete an “Accident Report.” This report will be filled out by the staff member within 24-hours of the incident and submitted to the PHCA Secretary who will communicate serious health problems to the PHCA Administrator. Parents will receive a copy of this report within 48-hours of the incident. Return to Table of Contents 16 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the case of head lice, the PHCA office, after consultation with the Administrator, will prepare a letter to be sent home with each student notifying parents of the situation. When a student returns after treatment for head lice, the classroom teacher is responsible for sending them immediately to the office. CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT: It is the responsibility of every employee of PHCA to report each instance of known or suspected child abuse/neglect to the proper authority. If a questionable situation concerning a student’s well-being is detected in school, it will be reported to the PHCA Administrator or the designee in his/her absence. The Administrator will examine the reported case in order to determine whether the case would be an appropriate referral to a community agency. The Administrator will also inform the Senior Pastor of PHBC of this situation. RECESS: Recess is held outdoors, unless the temperature drops below 34 degrees or there is inclement weather. In event of inclement weather, recess will be held in the multipurpose room or in the classroom. SCHOOL PICTURES: Students will have their picture taken at designated times during the school year. Details and procedures will be sent home prior to the pictures being taken. TELEPHONE USE: Office telephones are available for student use in the event of the cancellation of a PHCA event and to make calls to or return calls from parents. We will not allow students to use or turn on cellular phones or pagers while they are under the supervision of PHCA personnel. VALUABLES: PHCA will not be responsible for any valuables brought in by your child. We strongly recommend that students not bring valuables to school. Purses should not be left unattended. Return to Table of Contents 17 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TRANSPORTATION: Bus Riders: PHCA students are transported on Charles County school buses. Bus schedules are published in the county newspapers before school starts each year. You will want to check the schedule for the time of pick up and location of the bus stop nearest your home. Be sure the schedule states that PHCA students ride the bus. School buses run regular routes and adhere closely to the established times of pick up. Children should be ready well ahead of the pick up time. MISBEHAVIOR ON THE SCHOOL BUS IS CONSIDERED VERY SERIOUS AND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. ONE CHILD’S IMPROPER CONDUCT COULD ENDANGER THE ENTIRE BUS LOAD OF CHILDREN. Should the bus driver write up a student for misbehavior, the parent will be notified by letter with a copy of the “Pupil Behavior Report” provided by the bus driver. Second offenses may cause the student to be suspended from riding the bus for a specific period of time. If this happens, the student will have to be transported to and from PHCA by car. If a third offense occurs, the student will not be allowed to ride the school bus for the remainder of the school year. Car Riders: Car riders are to be dropped off and picked up at the designated parking lots as stated in the “Welcome Packet”. Please allow the designated staff members to assist your child getting out of and into your car. If your child will be leaving PHCA by any other means of transportation, a note MUST be sent to the teacher. In the case of an emergency, a phone call to the office will be acceptable. Without a note or phone call (emergencies only), your child will leave school by his/her regular mode of transportation. Word of mouth from the student to the teacher concerning a change in transportation is NOT acceptable. Return to Table of Contents 18 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DRESS CODE All students attending PHCA are required to wear school uniforms as follows: Girls: Shirt: Blue short- or long-sleeved pullover polo shirts or shirts with a collar. Shirts with tails are to be tucked in. Bottoms: khaki pants or capris khaki skirt khaki skort khaki shorts (April 1 – October 31st) All skirts, skorts, and shorts must be no shorter than the student’s fingertips when their arms are extended at their sides. Jumper: Solid navy or khaki Sweater: Solid navy or khaki cardigan (optional) Socks: Match bottom color of outfit, or white Shoes: Tennis shoes (mostly black or white or brown) On PE days any color sneakers are allowed Soft-soled black dress shoes (no high heels) Belt: Solid black belt must be worn with all types of bottoms unless there are no belt loops. Boys: Shirt: Blue short- or long-sleeved pullover polo shirts or shirts with a collar. All uniformed shirts will be tucked in while on school property. Bottoms: khaki pants khaki shorts (April 1 – October 31st) Shorts must be no shorter than the student’s fingertips when their arms are extended at their sides. Return to Table of Contents 19 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sweater: khaki cardigan (optional) Socks: Match bottom color of outfit, or white Shoes: Tennis shoes (mostly black or white or brown) On PE days any color sneakers are allowed Soft-soled black dress shoes (no high heels) Belt: Solid black belt must be worn with all types of bottoms unless there are no belt loops. For Both Girls and Boys: Hair: must be well-groomed, neat and tidy, and must not be a distraction to the learning environment for themselves or to others. Jewelry: Only moderate jewelry may be worn. Announced Dress Down Days (On Fridays): Shirt: PHCA T-shirt and/or PHCA sweatshirt Bottom: Solid navy jeans (no writing, no holes, no form-fitting or excessively baggy) or PHCA shorts Shoes: Tennis shoes (mostly black or white) PE Uniform: Shirt: PHCA T-shirt and/or PHCA sweatshirt Bottom: Black, blue, or gray sweatpants (November 1st - March 31st) PHCA shorts (April 1st - October 31st) Shoes: Tennis shoes ***If students come to school out of dress code, the student will be sent to the office. If, in the opinion of the Administrator, the violation is serious, the student must wait in the office until parents bring proper clothing. If, in the opinion of the Administrator, the violation is not serious, the student may return to class. In either case, a note will go home to the parents. After two (2) dress code violations during the year, the student must serve detention (Grades 1-8). Return to Table of Contents 20 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It is the teacher’s responsibility to notify the Administrator of students who do not comply with the dress code. FINAL AUTHORITY WITH RESPECT TO DRESS AND GROOMING WILL REST WITH THE ADMINISTRATOR. Return to Table of Contents 21 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTENDANCE POLICY In order for the student to gain the most from school, he/she must be regular in attendance. No student should arrive before 8:15 a.m. unless enrolled in Before Care. School officially begins at 8:35 a.m. All students, with the exception of late bus riders, will be marked LATE (tardy) after 8:35 a.m. Students arriving after 8:35 a.m. must go to the PHCA office where they will receive a “tardy slip.” The school day ends at 3:00 p.m. ***AFTER 3:10 P.M., PARENTS WILL BE CHARGED A LATE FEE NOT TO EXCEED $30.00 A DAY FOR EACH CHILD WHO REMAINS AT SCHOOL AND IS NOT ENROLLED WITH AFTER SCHOOL CARE (unless a teacher has requested that they stay after school, have detention, or the parent has notified the PHCA office of extenuating circumstances either by phone or in writing). TARDIES: Each teacher is to maintain a file on each student of the class. Every tardy is recorded on a daily basis. Three tardy slips = 1/2 day absent. After FIVE unexcused tardy notices, the teacher, in writing to the Administrator, provides the student’s name and the date for each unexcused tardy. The Administrator will inform the student’s parents, via letter, that the situation needs to be corrected. If the situation occurs again, a conference will be scheduled between parents and the Administrator. ABSENCES: It is considered a serious situation if a student is absent more than twenty (20) days within one school year. Absence abuse may result in a student repeating a grade. Absences are recorded on a daily basis. A notice will be sent to parents after ten (10) absences and again after fifteen (15) absences. After twenty (20) absences the student may be retained. After a total of FIVE days absence, excused or unexcused, the teacher, in writing to the Administrator, provides the student’s name and the date for each absence. The Administrator will send a letter to the parents. After a total of TEN days absence, excused or unexcused, the teacher, in writing to the Administrator, provides the student’s name and the date for each absence. The Administrator will request a conference between the parents and the Administrator. Return to Table of Contents 22 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If a student is going on an extended trip, the parent, in the form of a letter, must make a request for such an absence TO THE ADMINISTRATOR explaining the NEED for the absence. ANY absence of this type NOT PREVIOUSLY APPROVED, will be considered unexcused. If approval is granted, the student is still responsible for completing his/her missed assignments in the timeframe designated by the student’s teacher. Excused Absences/Tardies: Sickness, death in the immediate family, medical/dental appointments, or family emergencies are considered excused absences. A doctor’s certificate is required after three consecutive days of absence due to illness. The student must make up all missed assignments. He/she is granted as many school days as was missed to accomplish this task. Unexcused Absences/Tardies: Students will not be allowed to make up work missed on the day(s) of the unexcused absence and will receive a zero (0) for all quizzes/tests missed during that time. Teachers will notify the student’s parents of this action. EARLY DISMISSAL: Early dismissal time is 12:50 p.m. There will be no art, computer, music, and PE classes on early dismissal days. There is no recess on early dismissal days. Lunch times are adjusted on these days. Middle School students’ schedules do not change. SNOW DAYS AND DELAYED OPENINGS/CLOSINGS: Our schedule will be the same as the Charles County Public Schools. Delayed opening days are either one or two hours later than regular school openings. Each announcement will indicate the number of hours of delayed opening. School delayed openings/closings are announced on both radio and TV beginning at 6:00 a.m., or you may call the Charles County Board of Education at 301-932-6610. PICKING UP CHILDREN DURING SCHOOL HOURS AND VISITORS: All parents or authorized adults must go to the PHCA office to pick up their child during the day. Parents and guests are not allowed to go to the classrooms for any reason without first signing in and receiving a “Visitors Badge” at the PHCA office. Return to Table of Contents 23 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNICATION At PHCA, we encourage communications between parents and teachers. We view the process of educating your child as a joint effort. We will work together as a team, as co-laborers with God, in order for your child to experience success in school. Whenever problems arise during the school year, please contact the staff member involved. Many problems can be solved quickly with early contact between parents and staff. Other problems may take weeks and months of joint effort to overcome. We are here to minister to you and with you as you carry out your biblical mandate to bring up your student in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. SUMMER MAILING A very important mailing is sent to each school family in late July. This mailing includes information about carpools, announcements vital to the new school year, Visiting Days dates, and PTF information. SCHOOL CALENDAR The school calendar is available on the school’s website, www.PHCA.us. Any necessary changes to this yearly calendar as the year progresses will be announced through the BLUE Office communication folder and will be noted on the on-line calendar. COMMUNICATION FOLDERS Every week, students will be bringing home RED communication folders from their teacher to track their progress, and for the teacher to communicate directly with parents. A BLUE communication folder will be sent home which will be a correspondence from the office and will contain important information that affects students school-wide. These communication folders MUST be sent back to school with an initial to indicate parent’s receipt. E-MAIL, NOTES, AND TELEPHONE CALLS If you have access to e-mail, please make this your primary means of communicating with the school and teachers. The school’s general e-mail address is office@PHCA.us. In addition, each staff member has an individual e-mail address consisting of his/her first name@PHCA.us. For example, Anna Taylor’s e-mail is anna@PHCA.us. Please be aware that it may take two days for a teacher to respond to emails. Return to Table of Contents 24 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You may also send information to school by note. It is best to enclose it in an envelope with the name of the person to receive it written clearly on the outside. According to the responsibility level of your student and the importance of the note, you may wish to call the school office to check that it was received. Notes to the student’s teacher can be given to the teacher by the student. Whether it is an email or note, please consider the feelings of the teachers, and keep your communications respectful and cordial. Please refrain from contacting teachers at home UNLESS it is a matter of UTMOST URGENCY which CANNOT possibly wait until the next day to be handled. Through the use of these various communication methods, we hope to meet the needs of the student, the parents and the teachers as we strive to provide the best learning experience for your student. FAMILY POINT OF CONTACT Parents/Guardians are also expected to be in harmony with the philosophy and policies of PHCA. We appreciate your input; however, parents/guardians will not be allowed to micro-manage their child’s education or PHCA discipline procedures. Disrespect of our staff and procedures will NOT be tolerated. Your child may be dismissed for these infractions. Parents/Guardians promoting or encouraging religious practices other than what we endorse or proselytizing will NOT be tolerated. Your child may be dismissed for these infractions. Parental Custody/Non-Custody: A copy of the guidelines of a current legal custody document must be on file in the PHCA office. If so designated by the court agreement, the non-custodial parent has the right to review student records and be informed about the student’s progress. Under no circumstance, will the non-custodial parent be able to visit or pick up their child without a court order stipulating so. Any changes in custody arrangements are to be communicated to PHCA as soon as the order is valid. Copies of court documentation are to remain on file in the PHCA office. UPDATED INFORMATION We strive to stay in constant contact with our parents, with this in mind it is very important that we have all new contact information. If you have recently changed jobs, offices, cell phones, addresses or there is a change in your living situation it is very important that you notify the office immediately so you may be contacted if your child is injured or ill. All new information must be submitted in writing whether it be by Return to Table of Contents 25 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ fax, email or note from home. Upon receiving this information the office will send home a new emergency contact sheet for the office and your child’s teacher. Return to Table of Contents 26 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PARENT INVOLVEMENT The PTF is the support arm of PHCA and is made up primarily of parents. The officers of the PTF are voted on by the membership of the current school year’s PTF. The elected officers must be approved by the Board of Directors, Administrator, and Pastoral Staff. PHCA’s Parent Teacher Fellowship lends invaluable assistance and support to the school and its many activities. Parents are required to invest 24 hours of volunteer service to this organization in order to ensure their commitment to their children, our Academy, and its purposes. This requirement can be fulfilled by means of attending regular meetings, attending prayer walks, chaperoning field trips, or helping out with staffing fundraisers here at the school. We look forward to partnering with you to make the most of your child’s school experience and help us accomplish our desired ministry goal. ROOM PARENTS: Parents who want to volunteer as a Room Parent for their child’s class are to contact their child’s teacher. Room parents should be in contact with the classroom teacher well in advance of party dates. The Room Parent is provided a list of students in the class by the teacher with telephone numbers and dates of parties and special events. The responsibility of the Room Parent is to contact other class parents and arrange for providing items needed for parties and special events scheduled throughout the school year. Serving as a Room Parent does not include being the primary chaperone on class trips. Chaperones are selected on a “first note in” basis. This allows other parents an opportunity to take part in a field trip. FIELD TRIPS: Several times a year, your child’s class will participate in out-of-classroom education. These activities may have a nominal fee to help pay for transportation costs, labs, etc. These trips are scheduled to enhance the learning experience; therefore, we recommend your child’s participation. Field trip announcements and permission slips will be sent home prior to each field trip date. The permission slips MUST be signed and returned by the due date. If your child is NOT going on the field trip, they will be required to attend school where they will work on assigned class work. If they do not attend school, and do not have a valid excuse, the day will be counted as an “unexcused absence.” Poor classroom behavior may result in your child not being able to participate in the field trip experience. In such cases, your child’s attendance is required in school and appropriate class work will be assigned. Return to Table of Contents 27 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chaperones are selected by the teacher on a “first note in” basis. The teacher will notify those who are selected as chaperones as soon as possible. Chaperones are to follow the same dress code as the teachers for the trip and are not allowed to smoke or consume alcohol on PHCA grounds OR during the field trip. The teacher assigns the students that the chaperones are responsible for and provides each chaperone with the “Chaperone Responsibility Sheet.” Keep in mind that participation in scheduled field trips is a privilege, not a right, and any disruptive or misbehavior on field trips will be dealt with on an individual basis by the PHCA Administrator. The consequences for misbehavior can include, but is not limited to, detention, in-school suspension or even out-of-school suspension. The teacher is in charge of the field trip and will deal with all matters, including discipline. Return to Table of Contents 28 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACADEMICS CURRICULUM: PHCA uses the A Beka curriculum for K3 to 8th grades. The Bible curriculum is currently provided through A Beka, and Positive Action. Our math curriculum for 3rd through 8th grade is ACSI Purposeful design, science curriculum is Macmillan/McGraw Hill Science for 3rd through 8th grade. Every attempt will be made to provide a consistent program within grade levels. Students must have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of “C” and no failing grades in core subjects in order to serve on the Student Council or on any other PHCA group or team. Grades K2-K4: The curriculum includes Bible, phonics, reading, guided handwriting, numbers, poetry, Spanish, art, computer, music, PE, and classroom procedures. Reading is taught using the phonetic approach. Grades Kindergarten through Second: The curriculum includes Bible, phonics, reading, language, poetry, guided handwriting, spelling, mathematics, science, Spanish, art, computer, music, and PE. Math concepts are learned through drill and reading is taught using the phonetic approach. Spelling Pre-Tests are given one day prior to the announced test. Grades Third through Fifth: The curriculum includes Bible, reading, mathematics, language skills, poetry/literature, creative writing, spelling, science, history, health, geography, Spanish, art, computer, music, and PE. ALL subject tests are to be announced ONE WEEK in advance. Return to Table of Contents 29 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grades Sixth through Eighth: The curriculum includes Bible, language arts (which includes spelling, literature, grammar, and creative writing), science, health, history, geography, Spanish, art, computer, music, and PE. Spelling Pre-Tests are not given. Students are to be responsible at this level of education for writing down assignments and notices of upcoming tests. HOMEWORK: A RED COMMUNICATION FOLDER WILL BE SENT HOME EACH MONDAY. IT WILL CONTAIN GRADED WORK FROM THE WEEK BEFORE, AS WELL AS, A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AND OTHER COMMUNICATION. The responsibility for scholastic achievement is placed on the student. It is expected that all students bring work home, the amount of that work increasing with each grade level. Homework serves the following purposes: to reinforce what has been taught; to let the teacher know that he/she has successfully communicated the material to the students; to enable the student to ascertain that he/she has a good understanding of what was covered in class by doing homework independently; and to help the student become responsible by doing the work assigned and doing it on time. Homework should be viewed as an extension of instruction, designed to reinforce and permit practice of learning begun in the classroom. Homework assignments must be completed, turned in on time, and written properly. The only acceptable excuse for not completing homework is the student’s illness OR a written note from the parent stating why the homework was not completed. Failure to do homework can adversely affect a student’s grade. Homework should be kept to a minimum on Wednesdays. It is preferred that no homework be given on Wednesdays, if at all possible, to encourage students to participate in activities within Return to Table of Contents 30 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ their church. Tests may be given on Thursdays as long as they are announced earlier in the week. Grades Kindergarten to Second: A homework sheet will be written and sent home for review and signature. It is to be signed by the parent/guardian and returned with the work on the next day. The teacher will check the next day for assignment completion and signature and notify the parents/guardian of any incomplete assignments. Points will be deducted for incomplete/late assignments. Grades Third through Eighth: Students are responsible for writing down and keeping track of their homework assignments. Points will be deducted for incomplete/late assignments. Detention slips will also be issued. QUIZZES AND TEST PAPERS: ALL quizzes and test papers are graded and placed in the student envelope each Monday. ANY quizzes and test papers with grades of “D” or “F” will be sent home for the parent to sign. (Exception: Middle School does not send these papers home for signatures, but are placed in the Red Folder each Monday. THE SIGNED PAPERS ARE TO BE RETURNED WITHIN THREE SCHOOL DAYS.) Papers not returned within three days will be followed up by a phone call or note from the teacher to ensure that the parent has had the opportunity to see the paper. PROGRESS REPORTS: All Students: Progress Reports are sent home every 4th week of the grading period. They are used as a means of communicating to parents concerning the academic progress of their children half-way through the quarter. They also are used to alert the parents of any behavioral problems. ParentTeacher conferences should be scheduled to discuss low grade(s) and behavioral problems (if Return to Table of Contents 31 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ there are any). The teacher should be as explicit as possible in preparing these reports. The teacher should maintain copies of the student’s work and keep notes on the behavior problems to use during the conferences. Progress Reports are sent with the students and should be signed by the parent and returned to the school within THREE days. It is the teacher’s responsibility to keep track of students that have or have not returned these reports and notify the parents accordingly. REPORT CARDS: ALL REPORT CARDS MUST BE SIGNED AND RETURNED TO THE TEACHER WITHIN THREE DAYS. THERE WILL BE A $5.00 FEE FOR LOST REPORT CARDS. If parents have any outstanding PHCA fees, report cards will be withheld until accounts are paid up to date. The first three report cards will be sent home with the students. The fourth quarter report card will be mailed. Return to Table of Contents 32 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GRADING: Grades K2-K4: Grades are recorded during the first grading period. Social behavior is graded during the first grading period. Seatwork is averaged in with the phonics grade. There are no spelling tests. Most assignments in this age group involve completing activities at age appropriate levels. Therefore the grading scale is based on the following: O= completion of assignment above expectations S= Completion of assignment at expected levels N=Need of constant assistance Social behavior grades are denoted by using the following scale: O = Outstanding Grades K5 through Eighth: A = 93-100 B = 85-92 C = 74-84 D = 66-73 F = 65 & Below Grades K5 through 5th grade use letter grades on all subjects, except Specials. Specials (art, computer, music, and PE) will use: O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement Grades 6th through 8th use percentages and letter grades on all subjects. S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement Return to Table of Contents 33 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROMOTION/RETENTION: Whenever a student’s grades are a “D” or “F” in the core class subjects (Bible, math, language, spelling, reading, science, history) as recorded on the progress report, a conference is to be scheduled with the student, student’s parents, and the teacher. If the student is having minor difficulty (student is doing the work/homework, but having difficulty catching on to the process), outside tutoring will be suggested and “help classes” may be provided by the teacher. If a student in grades 4–8 fails two or more core curriculum courses for the entire school year, they will be retained until they successfully complete a summer school course offered through Charles County Public School System, or Prince George’s County Public School System, in those subject areas in order to be promoted to the next grade. Proof of their successful completion must be presented to the Administrator’s office, in writing, in order to facilitate the promotion. For grades K3 – 3rd, the promotion/retention process should be a collaborative effort between the teacher, parent, and administration. If a student in grades K3 – 3rd is in danger of retention (in the teacher’s judgment), the parent MUST be called in for a conference by the end of the third term. If retention is recommended, a conference will be scheduled with the teacher, parents, and administration. A decision will then be made as to the promotion or retention of the student. If the parents are in disagreement with PHCA personnel, the parents may be asked to put their concerns/wishes in a letter that will be filed in the student’s cumulative record. Return to Table of Contents 34 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HONOR ROLL: (In all grades starting with 1st) Bible, math, language, spelling, phonics, reading, history and science grades are used to determine whether a student can be placed on the honor rolls. High Honor Roll: All A’s (no D’s, F’s, or N’s in Specials) Honor Roll: All A’s and B’s (no D’s, F’s, or N’s in Specials) AWARDS At the end of each school year we have a special time when awards are given for academic achievements, special recognition, etc. We need to keep in mind that an award is a form of recognition for exemplary academic work. Attainments, extraordinary service, and special projects not necessarily required by PHCA and/or classroom teacher, may not necessarily be recognized at our Awards Assembly. NOT EVERYONE GETS AN AWARD AT THIS ASSEMBLY. STUDENT COUNCIL A representative structure for students, through which they can become involved in the affairs of PHCA, working in partnership with teachers and the Administrator. Each grade will have a representative and that student must maintain a grade of “C” of higher in all subjects to participate. SAT TESTING Students in grade K5 to 8th grade will be given the TerraNova Achievement Test with Bible Assessment in the spring of every school year. These tests are designed to measure academic and biblical knowledge against a national “norm”. Return to Table of Contents 35 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT STUDENT GUIDELINES It is our responsibility to provide a safe and orderly environment where children can learn academically, emotionally and spiritually. A well-disciplined classroom creates the best environment for learning. Since we are responsible as a school to God and to parents, these guidelines have been set to give order to the school and to the lives of the student. All students are expected to display Christ-like behavior in the following ways: Respect those in authority over you by being obedient and respectful. Show kindness and compassion to one another. Be sensitive to other people’s feelings in the things you say and do. Respect self and others, other people’s belongings, the school building and property. The school uniform must be worn neatly and appropriately in accordance with the Dress Code Policy. Remain quiet while instruction is being given. Give your best effort at your schoolwork by completing assignments and homework on time. Gum chewing is prohibited during school hours and school activities. Students are not permitted to have inappropriate conversations and make suggestive comments whether in person, with notes, or on the internet. CHURCH and SCHOOL BUILDING Students are to remain in the school area of the building. All other areas are off limits to students. Return to Table of Contents 36 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ At times, church members use the building during school hours. Students are to be courteous and respectful to all people they encounter in the hallways or on school grounds. Students must walk at all times inside the building. Students must enter the school building quietly and remain quiet in the hallways. Students must keep hands and feet off the walls. The phone in the hallway and kitchen are off limits. Radios, i-pods, mp3, cell phones, texting devices and video games are to be left at home. Playing cards are discouraged on school property. Toys are to be left at home unless requested by the teacher. During recess, permission must be obtained to re-enter the school building before the end of recess. CLASSROOM STANDARDS Desks are to be kept clean. Do not keep anything of value in desks. Students may leave the classroom only after receiving permission from the teacher. They are to go directly to their destination and return directly. Do not loiter in the hallways. Writing on or defacing desks or equipment will not be tolerated. Paper on the floor should be picked up and disposed of properly. Hats and coats are not to be worn in classrooms. LUNCH AREA STANDARDS While in the lunch area all students should: Talk in low voices and only to immediate neighbors. Not throw food, papers, or other objects. Return to Table of Contents 37 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Always clean up their lunch trash after eating. Sit at assigned tables until excused. Walk to the playground after being dismissed. PLAYGROUND STANDARDS For the safety of the students as well as his/her peers, all children on the playground will be expected to adhere to the following rules: Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Use equipment safely at all times. Use good sportsmanship and obey game rules. Do not bounce balls against buildings, in rooms, or in hallways. Return all equipment before lining up after recess. Be under control. No running in hallways. Watch for others when running on the playground. RESTROOM STANDARDS All students are expected to: Keep restrooms clean and quiet. Never play in the restrooms. Paper towels and toilet paper should be used sparingly and properly disposed. Bathrooms must be left clean. Leave playground equipment outside when entering restrooms. Put paper towels and other trash in trash cans. Go directly to and from the restrooms when dismissed from class. Respect other’s privacy. Return to Table of Contents 38 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wash hands. Return to Table of Contents 39 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT CONDUCT OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL Whenever on field trips or other school activities, students are expected to be on their best behavior as they represent our school and the Lord. The students are expected to dress according to the dress code unless otherwise instructed by the classroom teacher. Misbehavior, disrespect, or wandering off from the group are serious offenses and will be handled appropriately by the classroom teacher. Serious misbehavior will be reported to the administration for further action when the class/group returns to school. UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR Disrespect, disobedience or insubordination exhibited to teachers or staff Destroying or defacing school property including textbooks, (parents are expected to pay for repairs or replacement of property damaged by their children) Hurtful arguing and conflict (both verbal and physical aggression) Leaving the school grounds without permission Cheating Lying or incomplete truth Swearing or unclean language Chewing gum Horseplay in the school building or on field trips Handling other students’ property or taking personal property without permission Smoking and/or possession of tobacco Possession of any drug not prescribed for the student by a physician General disturbances such as talking out in class without permission, interrupting the class, writing notes, throwing objects indoors, or running or shouting in any building. Skipping any class, including electives, or detention. Return to Table of Contents 40 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Misuse of the school’s information technology, i.e. computers, internet access, as outlined in the Computer Use Policy Any other conduct which directly opposes the school’s Statement of Faith, Philosophy and Mission as determined by a teacher, a staff member and the administrator. STEPS to DISCIPLINE... Students will be disciplined in a spirit of love and concern, and will include counseling and prayer as appropriate. Discipline will be administered as personally and discretely as possible. Depending upon the severity of the disciplinary action, parents will be informed by a note and/or phone call. All teachers will take responsibility for discipline in their classrooms with the support of the administrator and in consultation with parents. If it is determined that a student is not responding to the teaching and discipline of the school staff, the following steps may be taken (depending on situation, order of discipline may vary): STEP 1: The teacher deals with the infraction in an appropriate manner. This might include a warning, time-out, removal of privileges, assigning of extra tasks, a detention, or other disciplinary actions worked out between the teacher and student. Parents will be notified depending upon the severity of the infraction. STEP 2: The student is sent to the school office. A conference with the administrator will occur. If the circumstances warrant, a detention will be given and the student discipline report will be recorded. Parents will be notified. STEP 3: When a student continues to be sent to the administrator, a conference with the parents, teacher, the student, and administrator will be scheduled. SUSPENSION OFFENSES… Note: Depending upon severity, some may be expulsion offenses. Fighting Extortion Return to Table of Contents 41 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Theft Cheating/Plagiarism Possession of weapons Use and abuse of tobacco, alcohol, or controlled substances at school or at school functions Destruction of school property Inappropriate expression of anger or defiance to a staff member Leaving school grounds without permission from a staff member Continual disrespect for authority A student will not be allowed to participate in any school sponsored extracurricular activities for the duration of the suspension. The student’s parents will be immediately informed in writing of the grounds of the suspension, the duration, and the type (In School or Out of School). A discipline report will be signed by the parent and the suspensions will take place the following day. Under no circumstances will corporal punishment be given to any student at PHCA. DETENTION POLICY FOR LATE WORK (Grades 4-8): Detentions for late work will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-3:30 p.m. in the teacher’s room (example: if the student receives a detention slip on Friday, they will serve the detention the following Tuesday). If a student receives a detention slip, he/she may avoid serving the detention by turning in both the late work and the detention slip, signed by the parent, by 8:45 a.m. the following school day. Points may be deducted from the assignment by the teacher because the assignment was late. Teachers are not obligated to remind students. If the late work and the signed detention slip are not turned in by 8:45 a.m. on the next school day to the teacher who issued the detention slip, the student must serve detention. The parents will be called and the student will serve the detention. Return to Table of Contents 42 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When a student serves detention for late work, they must first finish the work that was late, then they must work on other class work or read a book. No talking or playing will be allowed. If this rule is violated, another detention may be given. DETENTION POLICY FOR BEHAVIOR (Grades 1-8): Detentions for behavior will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-3:30 p.m. in the teacher’s room (example: if a student receives a detention slip on Friday, they will serve the detention the following Tuesday). When a student serves detention for unacceptable behavior, they must work on homework, class work, or read a book. No talking or playing will be allowed. If this rule is violated, another detention may be given. IF A STUDENT FAILS TO REPORT FOR EITHER TYPE OF DETENTION UPON BEING ASSIGNED TO DO SO, HE/SHE WILL BE REQUIRED TO SIT IN THE OFFICE FOR A ONE-HALF DAY IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION. All class work missed while in the office will have to be made up. SUSPENSIONS: In-School Suspension: Student is removed from classroom and placed in a separate room and given assignments to do under the supervision of the Administrator or designated staff member. Removal From School: Student is suspended from school and may not be on PHCA property for the entire period of suspension. Zeros (0) are given for every subject for each day of suspension. It is our desire to work with each student in helping them to come to maturity in Christ. However, we can only help students who have the proper attitude. We cannot help students who maintain a rebellious attitude. The type and length of the suspension is the Administrator’s decision. The third suspension for the same offense will result in expulsion. Return to Table of Contents 43 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXPULSION: A student may be expelled from PHCA at any time he/she is found to be out of harmony with the rules and policies of PHCA. The Administrator makes decisions concerning expulsion, after consultation with the student, parents, and Board of Directors. Students expelled for other reasons will not be eligible for re-admission until at least one year’s absence from the date of expulsion. ANY student found with tobacco of any kind, drug substances, guns or weapons of any type, or alcoholic beverages upon his/her person or in use on PHCA grounds WILL BE REMOVED FROM CONTACT WITH STUDENTS AND WILL BE SUBJECT FOR EXPULSION FROM PHCA. ACADEMIC PROBATION Whenever a student’s grades are BELOW C- in two or more of the core subjects (math, language, spelling, reading, science, history) a conference is to be scheduled with the student, student’s parents and teacher. Courses of action: Unrecorded 30-day probationary period – Phase 1 If the student is having minor difficulty (student is doing the work/homework but having difficulty catching on to the process) outside tutoring will be suggested and “help classes” should be provided by the teacher. After 30 days another evaluation will be made by the teacher. Recorded 30-day probationary period – Phase 2 If there is no improvement the student will be placed on another 30-day probationary period. This time the student and parents will be notified IN WRITING that improvement to a passing grade must be accomplished within this 30-day period or the student could face academic expulsion. NOTE: If a student is not doing his class work and/or homework assignments and is failing the core subjects, Phase 1 above can be skipped and written notification (Phase 2) will be enforced. Return to Table of Contents 44 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRE AND KINDERGARTEN SECTION Return to Table of Contents 45 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PLAN To ensure that each child has a pleasant, positive learning experience, a classroom management plan for Pre and Kindergarten has been developed. Every child deserves to learn in an environment that allows learning. This plan will help insure control in the learning environment. GUIDELINES: Be a good listener; do not interrupt others when they are talking. Follow directions the first time they are given. Walk in the classroom and quietly in the hallways. Share with classmates. Treat others with respect. No fighting, teasing, tattling or saying “bad” words. Use an “inside” voice while working in the classroom. If these guidelines are not followed, the following consequences will take place. CONSEQUENCES: First time: Verbal Reminder/Warning Second time: Child meets with teacher to discuss their behavior. Third time: Child loses 5 minutes of playtime and is redirected to another activity (if appropriate.) Fourth time: Child loses 10 minutes of playtime and contact is made with parents by phone or note. Fifth time: A referral is written and the child is sent to the office to meet with the Administrator. Return to Table of Contents 46 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Each day is a new beginning. When the children are “caught being good.” There will be various individual or group rewards given. CLOTHING Pre and Kindergarten students are to adhere to the same uniform policy as described on pages 23-24 of this handbook. Each student will receive one PE uniform to be worn on PE days only. ONLY black or white VELCRO shoes may be worn, no “light-ups”, “Heelies”, or laced shoes. Boots may be worn ONLY in inclement weather. Please provide two full set of clothes (top, bottom, underclothes, socks) which will be kept in their classrooms in case of emergency, and replenish as needed. LABELING Please - please, label all clothing with your child’s name, including all uniform and especially, sweaters, hats, mittens, coats and boots. MONEY Any time that you send money or a check to school it should be in a marked envelope with your child’s first and last name, and placed in the Red Parent Teacher Communication Folder. A small Ziploc bag is also acceptable. Please do not combine payments into one check as they may need to be separated for our records. RECESS In suitable weather, children will usually have an outdoor playtime. Please dress them appropriately for outdoor play. Recess is held outdoors, unless the temperature drops below 40 degrees or there is inclement weather. REST TIMES Young children need a certain amount of “rest time/quiet time” to assure they are not overwhelmed by daily routines. Rest time is an essential part of our day and will follow our Return to Table of Contents 47 (301) 753-9350 office • (301) 743-5444 fax • www.phca.us ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ lunch/recess. During this time students will nap on cots or sit quietly at their desk while listening to soothing music. This is a time for the students to rest their minds as well as their bodies. Students are allowed to have a small pillow and blanket that we will send home every Friday to be washed and will need to be returned on the first day of the next week. SNACKS AND PARTIES Each class will have a morning and afternoon healthy snack time each day. Holidays, birthdays, and other special days are often celebrated in the classroom. Parents may be asked to assist in planning these special days, as well as providing snacks and attending the activity. TOYS Electronic games, communication devices and similar items are not to be brought to school and all toys are to be left at home unless permission given by teacher for “Show and Tell Day”. Please refrain from sending items that will cause classroom disruption. Research has proven that toy weapons increase aggression and negative interactions. Therefore, no such toys are permitted. PARENT VISITATION We encourage our parents to visit during the day. We do request that visits for long periods of time (more than 10 minutes) be scheduled with the teacher to ensure that class activities are not interrupted. We recognize the importance of a structured environment for our students, and understand that unanticipated interruptions may do more harm than good. We also request that all conferences be held at appropriate times and not at drop off or pick up times as the teachers are responsible for their class and must be able to attend to them at these critical times of the day. Return to Table of Contents 48