PREECLAMPSIA: “Behind the Scenes” MATERNAL AND FETAL PATHOPHYSIOLOGIC IMPLICATIONS Alverno College-MSN 621 May 2006 Nancy Rogers RNC BSN Leslie Dittus-Yaeger RNC BSN Click here to begin tutorial Tutorial Navigation Instructions To advance forward through slides, use the enter key or left mouse click. To return to the last slide viewed, use the button at lower right. Yellow, underlined text in tutorial will display definitions when mouse arrow is hovered over word, or will link to another slide or site. Last slide viewed Intended Audience This tutorial is intended for experienced Labor and Delivery nurses with a working knowledge of the nursing care of a preeclamptic patient. It is intended to provide an in depth look at the pathophysiology of the disease process, review some current research and discuss future implications. If you would like additional information about the medical diagnosis and treatment of preeclampsia, please click on the link below: (use the “back” button on your browser to return to the tutorial) Last slide viewed Tutorial Objectives Review a two stage model of the pathophysiologic changes associated with preeclampsia. Explore possible theories that link the development of maternal disease from the fetal beginnings. Recognize why diverse manifestations of the disease process are possible. Review the fetal effects of the maternal disease process. Discuss future implications of current research. Participate in a fetal monitor strip review of a patient diagnosed with preeclampsia. Last slide viewed Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication recognized by: New-onset gestational hypertension systolic >140mm Hg or diastolic >90mm Hg Proteinuria (>300 grams in 24 hours) Preeclampsia affects both mothers and their infants. Preeclampsia is cured only by delivery. Induction of labor to prevent the progression of preeclampsia is responsible for 15% of preterm births. Early identification and intervention via delivery has changed little in 100 years. What have we learned about preeclampsia? Let’s explore current theories related to the pathophysiology involved in preeclampsia. Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed Two-stage model of the pathophysiology of preeclampsia Roberts, J. M. et al. Hypertension 2005;46:12431249 Used with permission Stage 2 develops in some, but not all women with stage 1 Copyright ©2005 American Heart Association Last slide viewed DEVELOPMENT OF STAGE 1 Poor placentation Normal Placental Development From 9-12 weeks gestation the uterine spiral arteries are transformed from thickwalled, muscular vessels, to more flaccid tubes to accommodate a 10-fold increase in uterine blood flow to support the pregnancy. Uterine spiral Uterine spiral arteries arteries C. W. Redman et al., Science 308, 1592 -1594 (2005) Used with permission National Institute of Health (NIH) National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy, (2000) Last slide viewed Normal Placental Development Uterine spiral artery remodeling takes place by the invasion of trophoblast cells into the uterine lining. These trophoblasts enter the arterial walls and replace parts of the vascular endothelium so that smooth muscle is lost and the artery dilates. Last slide viewed An immune response facilitates normal placental development: In the uterine decidua, maternal lymphocytes and macrophages assist the trophoblasts to invade into the uterine myometrium and the spiral arteries. Redman, C.W., Sargent, I.L. (2005) Last slide viewed Placental Pathophysiology in Stage 1 Trophoblasts fail to completely remodel the uterine spiral arteries. Remodeling either absent or Remodeling limited to the superficial portion of the artery located in the decidua, rather than extending into the inner third of the myometrium. Redman, C.W., Sargent, I.L. (2005) Last slide viewed Theoretical basis for incomplete remodeling: Production failure of endothelial adhesion molecules from trophoblasts or Failure of/ or weak signaling of immune cells by trophoblasts prevents deep invasion necessary for normal artery remodeling. (NIH 2000) Redman, C.W., Sargent, I.L .(2005) Last slide viewed Poor placentation and preeclampsia C. W. Redman et al., Science 308, 1592 -1594 (2005) Used with permission Uterine spiral artery “unwinds” and becomes a wider, flaccid tube to accommodate increased blood flow. Uterine spiral artery remains tightly coiled, diminishing placental blood flow Last slide viewed THE RESULT: Poor placentation, or a decreased capacity of the uteroplacental circulation. This causes placental hypoxia, resulting in oxidative stress. Pathophysiology is generally established before 20 weeks. (NIH, 2000) Last slide viewed DEVELOPMENT OF STAGE 2 Evidence of Maternal Disease Process View previous slide The beginnings of the maternal disease process: Stage 2 begins when maternal clinical features appear. Cause is most likely related to the hypoxic and dysfunctional placenta releasing factors into the maternal circulation resulting from cell death. These factors target the maternal endothelium, causing vascular damage. Roberts, J.M., Gammill H.S. (2005) Last slide viewed Stage 2: Multisystemic, maternal syndrome Perfusion is reduced to virtually every organ Reduced uterine blood flow Reduced Placental perfusion Release of ToxinsMaternal Endothelial damage Roberts, J.M., Gammill H.S. (2005) Last slide viewed Normal function of endothelial cells Line all blood vessels providing vessel wall integrity Prevent intravascular coagulation Regulate smooth muscle contractility Mediate immune and inflammatory responses Gilbert E.S., & Harmon J.S. (2003). Hypertensive Disorders. In Manual of High Risk Pregnancy and Delivery ( p. 451). St Louis, MO: Mosby. Last slide viewed Toxic factors released by the placenta are believed to cause maternal endothelial dysfunction by one or more of following mechanisms: 1. The factors are directly toxic to endothelial cells 2. The factors stimulate maternal oxidative stress 3. The factors stimulate/activate inflammatory cytokines Roberts, J.M., Gammill H.S. (2005) Gilbert & Harmon (2003) p. 451 Last slide viewed Oxidative stress is the imbalance of: Pro-oxidants: Homocysteine LDL Hypertriglyceridemia Increased iron Antioxidants: HDL transferrin, a blood protein which binds with iron Gilbert & Harmon (2003) p. 451 Last slide viewed Oxidative stress may be the mechanism causing endothelial dysfunction: leads to the formation of oxygen free radicals and lipid peroxides free radicals are highly reactive, interacting with and damaging molecules within the cells lipid peroxides and free radicals are both directly toxic to endothelial cells Gilbert & Harmon (2003) p. 451 Last slide viewed Increasing the inflammatory response/activating cytokines may be the mechanism causing endothelial dysfunction: Cytokines cause the additional release of free radicals, fueling the oxidative stress response Cytokines directly damage the endothelial cells lining maternal blood vessel walls Roberts, J.M., Gammill H.S. (2005) Last slide viewed With maternal endothelial damage: Decreased production of vasodilators (prostacyclin and nitric oxide) Inactivation of circulating nitric oxide (vasodilator). Poor tissue perfusion to all maternal organs VASOSPASM Increases total peripheral resistance resulting in elevated blood pressure Gilbert & Harmon (2003) pp. 451-452 Last slide viewed Maternal vasospasm also causes: Increases endothelial cell permeability, (“leaky capillaries”) fluid shifts from intravascular to intracellular space resulting in: Decreased plasma volume, increased hematocrit Generalized tissue and organ edema Gilbert & Harmon (2003) pp. 451-452 Last slide viewed Additionally, damage to the vascular endothelium causes: Increased production of thromboxane which leads to clot formation through increasing platelet adhesion. Activation of the clotting cascade Decreased production of platelets Gilbert & Harmon (2003) pp. 451-452 Last slide viewed Putting theory into practice: In a preeclamptic patient, clinical “evidence” of vasospasm may include: Click on each correct answer, more than one may be correct! 1. Generalized edema 2. Kidney dysfunction, proteinuria 3. Elevated blood pressure Click here to continue with presentation Last slide viewed Correct! Vasospasm of maternal blood vessels causes damage to endothelial cells, causing them to become more permeable. Fluid “leaks” out of the blood vessels into the tissues, causing tissue and organ edema Normal physiological edema in pregnancy should disappear after 8-12 hours of bedrest. This does not happen in preeclampsia. However, the effects of vasospasm are not confined to edema… Click on view previous slide button to return to question for more information on vasospasm. Last slide viewed Correct! Vasospasm causes poor tissue perfusion to all organs, leading to organ dysfunction. Decreased perfusion to the kidney results in decreased glomerular filtration, allowing protein, mainly albumin, to be lost into the urine. Oliguria develops as the disease worsens. Vasospasm is evident in other clinical signs… Click on view previous slide button to return to question for more information on vasospasm. Last slide viewed Correct! Vasospasm and endothelial damage upset the delicate balance between vasoconstrictors and vasodilators. This imbalance causes generalized vasoconstriction, which increases peripheral vascular resistance, resulting in hypertension. The results of vasospasm are not confined to elevated blood pressure… Click on view previous slide button to return to question for more information on vasospasm Last slide viewed If you selected all three options, you have successfully integrated theory and practice! In summary, maternal endothelial damage causes vasospasm. Vasospasm causes: Leaky capillaries resulting in tissue and organ edema Poor tissue perfusion to all maternal organs, resulting in organ dysfunction Increased peripheral resistance resulting in elevated blood pressure Last slide viewed Additional clinical findings of preeclampsia include: visual disturbances, headache, and hyperreflexia. Headache and hyperreflexia are caused by cerebral edema. Endothelial damage in the brain may lead to cerebral hemorrhage and seizure activity. Visual disturbances are caused by vasospasms of retinal blood vessels. Vasospasms may affect all maternal blood vessels… Last slide viewed WHAT LINKS STAGE 1 & 2? Theory exploration: Genetics/Abnormal lipid metabolism Endocrine dysfunction Inflammation Not all women with reduced placental perfusion develop preeclampsia… What links stages 1 and 2? Stage 1 ??? Stage 2 Reduced placental perfusion must interact with maternal factors to result in preeclampsia. Roberts, J.M., Gammill H.S. (2005) Last slide viewed Diverse manifestations are possible: maternal and fetal/placental factors may vary in proportion. In a woman with many predisposing factors, even a minor reduction in placental perfusion is sufficient for stage 2 to develop. In a woman with few predisposing factors, a profound reduction in placental perfusion may be required for preeclampsia to develop. Reduced placental perfusion Predisposing factors Microsoft Office 2000 Roberts, J.M., Gammill H.S. (2005) Last slide viewed Could maternal genetics play a role in the link between stage 1 & 2? Stage 1 Genetics Stage 2 Last slide viewed What do we know? We know that abnormalities in lipid metabolism have a genetic basis. We have learned that preeclampsia is characterized by profound lipid abnormalities such as hypertriglyceridemia… Gratacos, E. (2000) Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed Could abnormal lipid metabolism be a genetic factor linking the stages of preeclampsia? Stage 1 Abnormal lipid metabolism Stage 2 Last slide viewed Preeclampsia is characterized by metabolic abnormalities similar to those present in atherosclerosis: Hypertriglyceridemia Reduced HDL cholesterol Predominance of small-dense LDL cholesterol which have an increased potential to cause endothelial cell damage as compared to larger, more buoyant LDL’s. Gratacos E., 2000. Last slide viewed In the presence of oxidative stress and inflammation, susceptible small-dense lipoproteins may be more easily oxidized, triggering Stage 2, maternal disease. Stage 1 Abnormal lipid metabolism + Oxidative Stress Stage 2 + Inflammation Gratacos E., 2000 Last slide viewed Most of the suggested linkages could contribute to or be stimulated by oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is proposed as relevant to many diseases. Evidence supports the presence of oxidative stress in preeclampsia: Protein products of oxidative stress present in maternal and fetal tissues Antibodies to oxidatively modified LDL’s present in maternal and fetal tissues Concentrations of certain antioxidants reduced in preeclamptic women. Roberts, J.M., Gammill H.S. (2005) Last slide viewed In summary: Hypertriglyceridemia and predominance of small-dense LDL’s prior to pregnancy could be one predisposing factor for developing preeclampsia. Oxidative stress and inflammation may trigger the maternal disease. Gratacos E., (2000) Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed Could endocrine dysfunction be a factor linking Stage 1 and Stage 2? Stage 1 Endocrine dysfunction Stage 2 Last slide viewed There is growing evidence suggesting that preeclampsia may be an early manifestation of the “metabolic syndrome”: elevated triglyceride levels hyperinsulinemia insulin resistance relative glucose intolerance elevated blood pressure These factors have been linked to the development of preeclampsia. Innes, K., Weitzel, L., Laudenslager, M. (2005) Last slide viewed Studies have repeatedly demonstrated that metabolic abnormalities precede the clinical signs of preeclampsia: Insulin resistance and associated hyperinsulinemia Glucose intolerance Hypertriglyceridemia This suggests that insulin resistance and dyslipidemia may be factors involved in the development of preeclampsia. Innes, et al. (2005) Last slide viewed Similarities between the risk factors for preeclampsia and cardiovascular disease include: Insulin resistance Dyslipidemia- decreased HDL levels and elevated triglyceride levels These risk factors are thought to play a causal role in the development of endothelial dysfunction, a characteristic feature of preeclampsia and cardiovascular disease. Innes, et al. (2005) Last slide viewed Future implications: Studies have demonstrated that women with a history of preeclampsia are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disorders later in life. Women with preeclampsia who deliver preterm or with recurrent preeclampsia are at greatest risk. Women with preeclampsia have an approximate doubling of risk death from cardiovascular disease. These findings suggest that pregnancy may constitute a metabolic and vascular stress test which reveals a woman’s health in later life. Identification of maternal factors provides specific targets for prevention of preeclampsia in “at-risk” women. Innes, et al. (2005) Roberts, J.M., Gammill H.S. (2005) Last slide viewed Could inflammation be a factor linking Stage 1 and Stage 2? Stage 1 Inflammation Stage 2 Last slide viewed “Preeclampsia is associated with an excessive inflammatory response compared with normal pregnancy.” In a study done by Braekke, (2005) inflammatory markers (calprotectin, CRP) were evaluated in maternal and fetal serum and amniotic fluid. Braekke, K., Holthe, Ml, Harsem, N., Fagerhol, M., Staff, A., 2005 Last slide viewed Inflammatory Markers: Calprotectin: Is a protein released by activated neutrophils C-reactive protein (CRP): Is a protein produced by the liver Production is stimulated by inflammatory cytokines Braekke, K. et. al. (2005) Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed Calprotectin and C-reactive protein (CRP), markers of inflammation, are elevated in preeclampsia. The concentration of calprotectin in the maternal plasma of preeclamptic women was higher than in the control group (normal pregnant women). No statistically significant difference in calprotectin levels was noted between women with mild and severe preeclampsia Braekke, K. et al. (2005) Last slide viewed C-reactive protein: Has been used to evaluate low-grade inflammation as a cardiovascular risk factor Braekke et al. 2005 Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed CRP levels in the maternal plasma of pregnant women: Correspond to a low-grade inflammation in preeclampsia and in normal pregnancy. Braekke et al. 2005 Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed No inflammatory response was noted in the fetal circulation. Concentrations of calprotectin in both arterial and venous umbilical plasma, and amniotic fluid were much lower than in maternal plasma CRP levels in fetal circulation were 1/100 of maternal CRP levels. Braekke et al. 2005 Last slide viewed Theoretically, “Calprotectin concentrations could play a role in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia through augmented placental cell death or reduced trophoblast invasion (stage 1)” Braekke et al. 2005 Last slide viewed What stimulates the inflammatory response (activates the neutrophils) in preeclampsia? Researchers have been unable to determine why or exactly where the neutrophils become activated. Maternal or placenta factors triggering maternal inflammation do not appear to be transferred into the fetal circulation. Braekke et al. 2005 Last slide viewed Future implications: Further research is needed to evaluate the role of calprotectin in pregnancy or pregnancy complications. Will calprotectin concentrations be used to predict preeclampsia before the onset of clinical symptoms or as a marker of the clinically established disease? Braekke et al. 2005 Last slide viewed INHERITANCE PATTERNS AND CULTURAL CONSIDERATIONS What has research told us about inheritance patterns in preeclampsia? Preeclampsia is clearly inherited, but does not depend on a single maternal or fetal gene. Studies support a multifactorial inheritance. Roberts, J., Gammill, H. (2005) Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed The role of ethnicity in the expression of preeclampsia Incidence of preeclampsia by race: 5.2% among black women 4% among Hispanics 3.9% among Native American women 3.8% among white women 3.5% among Asian women Caughey, A., Stotland, N., Washington, A., Escobar, G., (2005) Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed Maternal and paternal ethnicity affects preeclampsia rates : Parents of differing ethnicity had an increased rate of preeclampsia than those with the same ethnicity(13%), with the exception of Native Americans. When parental ethnicity was the same among Native Americans, the rate of preeclampsia was increased (9.7%) Caughey et al., 2005 Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed The parent who exerted the larger risk of preeclampsia varied by ethnicity: African-American maternal ethnicity increased the risk of preeclampsia Asian paternity was associated with the lowest rate of preeclampsia Microsoft Office 2000 Caughey et al., 2005 Last slide viewed Maternal race/ethnicity affects the presentation and course of severe preeclampsia. Goodwin, A., Mercer, B. (2005) Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed African-American women were more likely to: demonstrate severe and persistent hypertension require intravenous antihypertensive therapy before and after delivery require chronic therapy after delivery and at 6-week follow-up Goodwin, A., Mercer, B., 2005 Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed Caucasian women were more likely to: present with less severe hypertension demonstrate a higher incidence of HELLP syndrome develop thrombocytopenia and liver function abnormalities Goodwin, A., Mercer, B., 2005 Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed In summary… Insulin resistance Hyperinsulinemia Hypertriglyceridemia Hypertriglyceridemia Reduced HDL Predominance of small, dense LDL cholesterol Reduced Placental Perfusion Abnormal vascular remodeling of spiral arteries Stage 1 Maternal Endothelial Damage VASOSPASM Release of toxic factors Stage 2 Maternal Disease Fetal Effects Increased production of free radicals and lipid peroxides +endothelial cell damage Inflammatory cytokines + endothelial damage Last slide viewed FETAL EFFECTS OF PREECLAMPSIA Putting together the pieces from a fetal point of view Fetal effects We have looked at the two stage theory of the pathophysiology of preeclampsia. As the maternal disease progresses from its fetal beginnings, it will have a clinical effect on the fetus. Last slide viewed We will consider the following: Fetal lipids Genetics Alterations in fetal growth (pop quiz!) Hematologic implications (pop quiz!) A fetal stress response Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed What is the effect on fetal lipids in a preeclamptic pregnancy? A 2004 study (Rodie, et al.) found these alterations in lipid concentrations in the cord blood of fetuses whose mothers had preeclampsia: Elevated total cholesterol Elevated total cholesterol/HDL-C ratio Elevated triglyceride levels No correlation between maternal and fetal lipid levels. Rodie V.A., Caslake F.S., Sattar N., Ramsay J.E., Greer I.A., Greeman D.J., (2004) Last slide viewed What is the relationship between fetal lipids and maternal lipids in a preeclamptic pregnancy? Rodie, et al’s study found that fetal lipid levels are not correlated to maternal lipid levels in preeclampsia. Fetuses could have higher lipid levels even in the presence of slightly elevated maternal levels. This implies that the circulating concentration of maternal lipids available for placental uptake are unlikely to determine fetal lipid concentration. Rodie, et al. (2004) Last slide viewed So what does this mean for the fetus? Placental transport of lipids in a preeclamptic pregnancy may be adaptive or pathologic, but a necessary fetal response to an adverse intrauterine environment. Transport mechanisms may be up-regulated to compensate for oxidative stress and structural damage to the placenta, so that these changes may be a compensatory mechanism to supply the fetal demands for an energy source. Rodie, et al. (2004) Last slide viewed Future impact for fetus “Future impact from this study is unknown, however other studies have demonstrated that neonatal levels of Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL)-C (cholesterol), and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)-C were predictive of levels at age 13. These lipoproteins are implicated in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis.” Rodie, et al. (2004) Last slide viewed Fetal Genetics and Inheritance Patterns Last slide viewed Inheritance patterns for a female fetus in a preeclamptic pregnancy Women born after a preeclamptic pregnancy have more than twice the risk of having preeclampsia in their first pregnancy. This may be because their mothers pass on not only independent genetic risk factors for the development of the disease, but a genetic susceptibility as well. The risk of developing preeclampsia during a second pregnancy rather than a first, is diminished, but these women still have twice the risk of the general population of developing the disease. Microsoft Office 2000 Skjaerven R., Vatten L.J., Wilcox A.J., Ronning, T., Irgens L.M., Lie R.T. (2005) Last slide viewed Siblings of women born to preeclamptic mothers: Sisters born as a result of pregnancies not affected by preeclampsia are at lower risk, but they may also be carrying their mother’s susceptibility genes. Thus, they will also have twice the risk of developing the disease then women with no family history of preeclampsia. For brothers born as a result of a pregnancy not affected by preeclampsia, their risk of fathering a preeclamptic pregnancy was the same as men with no family history of preeclampsia. Skjaerven R., et al. (2005) Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed Inheritance patterns for a male fetus in a preeclamptic pregnancy Men born to preeclamptic mothers, moderately increase the risk of preeclampsia in their partner’s first pregnancy. This may be because these men received fetal genes capable of triggering pre-eclampsia from their mothers, and pass these on through their paternity. These fetuses then trigger the development of the disease in their mothers. Skjaerven, et al. (2005) Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed What are other clinical effects of preeclampsia on the fetus? Change in fetal growth patterns What is the expected effect of preeclampsia on intrauterine fetal growth? (click on answer below) A. Small for gestational age B. Large for gestational age C. No effect Proceed to next question Last slide viewed A. Small for Gestational Age You are partially correct! Research has demonstrated that SGA infants are most commonly found in early onset preeclampsia (maternal clinical signs manifested before 37 weeks gestation). Two theories exist: Iatrogenic prematurity (maternal status mandates preterm delivery) Placental hypoperfusion related to impaired trophoblast invasion impairs fetal growth. Return to “last slide viewed” for more information Last slide viewed B. Large for Gestational Age You are partially correct! How can this be? Research has demonstrated that if the diagnosis of preeclampsia is made after 37 weeks of gestation, infants are of normal to LGA in size (especially in gestations of > 40 weeks). There may be a subset of preeclampsia without placental dysfunction. Or could fetal growth restriction be due to other factors? Stay tuned for further research! Increase in maternal cardiac output late in pregnancy may be a compensatory mechanism in the presence of hypertension. The fetus can demand a greater share of the maternal circulation for survival and gets it! Return to “last slide viewed” for more information Last slide viewed C. No effect Actually this is the only wrong answer! Research has consistently demonstrated that preeclampsia has an associated effect on fetal growth. Return to “last slide viewed” for more information Last slide viewed What other effects of preeclampsia are found in the fetus? Infants born to preeclamptic mothers demonstrate neonatal thrombocytopenia. (click on correct answer) A. True B. False Last slide viewed A. True Correct! Proposed mechanism: One of the toxic factors released by the hypoxic placenta in preeclampsia is called sFlt1 (soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase). It acts to deprive the endothelium of essential survival factors contributing to endothelial dysfunction. It also plays a role in mediating immune cell development in the bone marrow and may contribute to the pathogenesis of maternal preelampsia-induced neonatal thrombocytopenia. Higher levels of sFlt1 have been found in cord blood of SGA babies of preeclamptic mothers. Tsao, P., Wei, S., Su, Y., Chou, H., Chen, S., Hsien, W. (2005) Click here to proceed to next question Last slide viewed B. False Sorry, you are incorrect! Return to question for more information Last slide viewed Research has also indicated: Elevated levels of ACE (angiotensinconverting enzyme) activity and ACE mRNA have been found in umbilical venous endothelial cells in preeclamptic pregnancies in the presence of placental hypoxia. Critically thinking…..what implication does this have? Ito, M., Itakura, A., Ohno, Y., Nomura, M., Senga, T., Nagasaka, T., Mizutani, S. (2002) Last slide viewed Remember that ACE converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II in the renin-angiotensen-aldosterone pathway… The net effect is to increase blood volume. (for a brief review of this pathway, click on link below to use: Bowne, P., 2004-2006, PATHO Interactive Physiology Tutorials. Then use the “back” button on your browser to return to tutorial) Last slide viewed So… “The fetus needs the ability to redistribute its blood flow during periods of hypoxia. In response to hypoxic stress in preeclampsia, if umbilical venous endothelial cells produce ACE to stimulate the conversion from angiotensin I to II, then fetoplacental blood can be increased and redistributed to vital organs.” Ito, et. Al, (2002) Last slide viewed FETAL MONITOR STRIP REVIEW: Putting it together from an L&D perspective Last slide viewed Admitted into triage is: JS, a 21 year old G1 P0 at 30 2/7 weeks, with c/o headache x 3 days, unrelieved by Tylenol. She reports “swelling” in her feet the past week that doesn’t go away with elevation. She also admits to some intermittent “blurry vision” x 3 days. Admitting VS : BP 164/98, P 104, T 97.8, RR 24 VAS score for headache 8/10 Other significant findings are a fundal height of 26 cm, and brisk patellar reflexes. The following is her admission EFM strip: Last slide viewed What is the FHR baseline? 1. 135 bpm 2. 130-140 bpm 3. 140-150 bpm Last slide viewed Correct! Remember, according to the new NICHD Fetal Monitoring Terminology, that the baseline is the mean FHR rounded to increments of 5 beats per minute. So the baseline will be expressed as a single number. Click here to proceed to next slide Last slide viewed Try again! Remember with the new NICHD Fetal Heart Rate terminology that the FHR baseline is no longer expressed as a range. Last slide viewed What is the FHR baseline variability? 1. Absent 2. Minimal 3. Moderate 4. Marked Last slide viewed No, The definition of absent variability is that the amplitude range is undetectable. Review the tracing again. Last slide viewed No, The definition of minimal variability is tha the amplitude range is detectable, but 5 bpm or fewer. Review the tracing again. Last slide viewed You are correct! The definition of moderate (normal) variability is an amplitude range of 6-25 bpm! Click here to proceed to next slide Last slide viewed No, The definition of marked variability is an amplitude range greater than 25 bpm. Review the tracing again. Last slide viewed Considering JS’s admission assessment you are thinking…? (click on answer below) 1. Headaches and visual changes are a common c/o in pregnancy. JS has a normal presentation for a patient at 30 2/7 weeks gestation. 2. The fetal monitoring strip is appropriate for gestational age. 3. Considering JS’s BP, and report of symptoms, she may be preeclamptic. 4. 2 and 3 Last slide viewed No…. There are some concerning pieces to the puzzle. Use the “Last slide viewed” button, below, to return to the question and try again! Last slide viewed You are partially correct… The FHR tracing is appropriate for gestational age: Baseline is WNL Variability is moderate. Tracing is not considered reactive at this time. Should it be? (click on an answer below) Yes No But there is a better answer! Click here to return to the question! Last slide viewed At 30 2/7 weeks gestation, the FHR tracing will not usually exhibit classic “reactive” criteria-2 accelerations above the FHR baseline of >15 bpm x > 15 sec in a 20 minute period, due to the immaturity of the fetuses central nervous system. Documented accelerations of > 10 bpm x > 10 sec in a fetus < 32 weeks of gestation have been documented as evidence of a healthy, well oxygenated premature fetus. Last slide viewed You are partially correct… The concerning puzzle pieces are: Elevated BP Report of symptoms (headache, blurry vision, edema) Fundal height of 26 cm (fundal height in cm should correspond to weeks of gestation) may indicate an SGA fetus. Brisk patellar reflexes But there is a more complete answer, click here to return to the question. Last slide viewed You are exactly right! The concerning puzzle pieces are: Elevated BP Report of symptoms (headache, blurry vision, edema) Fundal height of 26 cm (fundal height in cm should correspond to weeks of gestation) may indicate an SGA fetus. Brisk patellar reflexes AND The FHR tracing is appropriate for gestational age: Baseline is WNL Variability is moderate Click here for next slide Last slide viewed An hour later the tracing looks like this: Last slide viewed JS’s assessment is unchanged from admission. Her BP is now 175/98, and a U/A sent on admission shows 3+ protein. Her primary care giver decides to induce JS for a diagnosis of preeclampsia. She is started on IV Magnesium Sulfate, and Pitocin. Last slide viewed What is concerning about the previous tracing? 1. Nothing. It still appears appropriate for gestational age. 2. Decreased FHR variability and a questionable deceleration. Last slide viewed No, you are not correct Click here to review the tracing again Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed You are correct! You have assessed JS’s monitor tracing correctly! What is the mechanism behind what you are observing on the tracing? 1. Endothelial damage and vasospasm leading to uteroplacental insufficiency. 2. Maternal hypertension 3. Placental edema Last slide viewed Yes! Congratulations! You have successfully integrated theory and practice! GOOD JOB! Microsoft Office 2000 Click here to continue Last slide viewed No Maternal hypertension is a symptom that is also caused by this mechanism. Try again! Last slide viewed No Try again! Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed Pitocin induction is started. Review the next tracings as JS begins to labor. Last slide viewed Last slide viewed Last slide viewed Last slide viewed JS’s BP is 210/95. What position should she be in? 1. Semi fowlers-that’s what she says is most comfortable to her 2. In the rocking chair to enhance her progress in labor 3. Side lying Last slide viewed No Not the best choice at this time! Try again! Last slide viewed Correct! Positioning JS in a side lying position enhances cardiac return by removing the weight of her uterus from compressing her inferior vena cava. This in turn will improve placental perfusion by enhancing cardiac output. This position will also help to lower JS’s BP. To continue tracing review, click here Last slide viewed Maternal BP=174/98 Last slide viewed Last slide viewed What are these decelerations called? What are they indicative of? 1. Variable decelerations-cord compression 2. Early decelerations-fetal head compression 3. Late decelerations-uteroplacental insufficiency Last slide viewed No While their shape is similar to early decelerations, the decelerations timing in relation to the uterine contractions is different. Click here to review the tracings again. Last slide viewed No Think about the “whole picture” and the fetal effects of the maternal disease process. Are what you are seeing the result of umbilical cord compression? Remember that variable decelerations are visually abrupt decreases in FHR, variable in shape and in timing. Click here to review the tracings again. Last slide viewed Yes! These are late decelerations. They have a gradual decrease from the FHR baseline, delayed in timing, with the nadir of the deceleration occurring after the peak of the contraction. The onset, nadir and recovery of the deceleration occur after the onset, peak, and ending of the contraction, respectively. Late decelerations are indicative of uteroplacental insufficiency, a result of endothelial damage and vasospasm in the placental bed. To continue with tracing review, click here Last slide viewed Maternal BP=188/90 Last slide viewed As fetal intolerance to labor increases, as evidenced by decreasing FHR variability and late decelerations, JS is delivered by Cesarean section. Last slide viewed JS is delivered of a female infant The baby weighs 1250 gms,demonstrating evidence of growth restriction seen in early onset preeclampsia. Due to the baby’s prematurity and size, she is admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. This concludes the case study, click here to review the references and acknowledgements. Thank you! Last slide viewed References Bowne, P., 2004-2006. PATHO Interactive Physiology Tutorials. Braekke, K., Holthe, M.R., Harsem, N.K., Fagerhol, M.K., Staff, A. C. (2004). Calprotectin, a marker of inflammation, is elevated in the maternal but not in the fetal circulation in preeclampsia. [Electronic version] American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 193, 227-33. 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Last slide viewed Acknowledgements Julie Bohlen, Senior Vice President of eMedicine, for permission to link to eMedicine’s website for further information (Permission granted via email 4/26/06). Professor Patricia Bowne, Alverno College, for her generous permission to use her published tutorials as resources. Professor Christopher Redman, Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, England, for his permission to use the illustrations of normal and abnormal placentation in preeclampsia (Permission obtained via email 2/14/06). James M. Roberts, MD, Magee-Womens Research Institute, for his permission to use the graphic representation of the two stage model of preeclampsia (Permission obtained via email 3/10/06). To contact the authors: Nancy Rogers RNC BSN Leslie Dittus-Yaeger RNC BSN Last slide viewed The end THANK YOU! Microsoft Office 2000 Last slide viewed