Review of HACC Service Group Two National Consultation Forum Questions for comment Introductory Notes: The aim of the National consultation round is to develop a richer and more detailed understanding of the delivery of HACC Service Group 2 services and associated issues. We will be concentrating on facilitating service provider’s views to be heard and gathering different perspectives as to the effectiveness and/or limitations of the service models currently in operation. Please provide comments against the questions below. Feel free to comment only where you wish to, there is no need to comment on all service types. 1. Assessment Service Type in HACC Group 2. 1a. Thinking about assessment, what works well in your organisation at the moment? 1b. Can you provide any examples of best or innovative practice relating to assessment in your organisation? 1c. What are the limitations you experience with the current Commonwealth HACC Program definition for the HACC Assessment Service Type1? 1d. What are the limitations you experience in assessment service provision? 1e. Given in the future, formal assessment (needs and eligibility assessment) will be done in the Aged Care Gateway, what are the essential assessment activities that should be conducted by HACC service providers? 1f. Is there an ongoing assessment function embedded in all / some HACC service types? 2. Client Care Coordination Service Type in HACC Group 2 2a. Thinking about Client Care Coordination, what works well in your organisation at the moment? 2b. Can you provide any examples of best or innovative practice relating to Care Coordination in your organisation? 2c. What are the limitations you experience with the current Commonwealth HACC Program definition for the Client Care Coordination Service Type2? 2d. How would you define the difference between Client Care Coordination and Case Management? 3. Case Management Service Type in HACC Group 2 1 The assessment service type refers to assessment and re-assessment activities that are directly attributable to individual clients. It includes assessment activities associated with: client intake procedures and the determination of eligibility for service provision; determination of the client’s capacity to undertake activities of daily living to inform the assessment of need for assistance; and assessment of level of need for assistance and most appropriate service response. 2 The client care coordination service type involves coordination activities provided to clients who need support from more than one Commonwealth HACC service type and need assistance to facilitate access to these services. Client care coordination involves the following activities: implementing the care plan; liaison within, or with another service provider that provides care to the same client; support to ensure that the client has access to the range of services required; and monitoring and reviewing the care plan or service plan. 1 3a. Thinking about Case Management, what works well in your organisation at the moment? 3b. Can you provide any examples of best or innovative practice relating to Case Management in your organisation? 3c. What are the limitations you experience with the current Commonwealth HACC Program definition of the Case Management Service Type3? 3d. What are the limitations you experience in Case Management service provision? 3e. If the future Commonwealth Home Support Program is providing “basic care” to support older people stay at home, and people with more complex needs are supported through Home Care Packages, what is the role of Case Management in the Commonwealth Home Support Program context? 4. Counselling/support, Information and Advocacy Provision (Care Recipient) Service Type in HACC Group 2 4a. What activities do you undertake for each element of Counselling/support, Information and Advocacy (Care Recipient) Service Type? 4b. What works well in your organisation at the moment? 4c. Can you provide any examples of best or innovative practice relating to Counselling/support, Information Advocacy (Care Recipient) in your organisation? 4d. What are the limitations you experience with the current Commonwealth HACC Program definition of the Counselling/support, Information and Advocacy Provision4 (Care Recipient) Service Type? 4e. What are the limitations you experience in Counselling/support, Information and Advocacy Provision (Care Recipient) service provision? 4f. How do these service types relate to the National Aged Care Advocacy Program, and/or other related programs? 4g. What is the nature of information provision and how might this service type relate to the Aged Care Gateway in the future? 5. Counselling/support, Information and Advocacy Provision (Carer) Service Type in HACC Group 2 5a. What activities do you undertake for each element of Counselling/support, Information and Advocacy (Carer) Service Type? 5b. What works well in your organisation at the moment? 5c. Can you provide any examples of best or innovative practice relating to Counselling/support, Information Advocacy (Carer) in your organisation? 5d. What are the limitations you experience with the current Commonwealth HACC Program definition of the Counselling/support, Information and Advocacy Provision5 (Carer) Service Type? 5e. What are the limitations you experience in Counselling/support, Information and Advocacy Provision (Carer) service provision? 5f. How do these service types relate to the National Aged Care Advocacy Program, Carer Support Centres, National Carer Counselling Program, and/or other related programs? 3 Case management includes active assistance received by a client from a service provider formally identified and specifically funded to coordinate the planning and delivery of a suite of services to the individual client. Case management differs from client care coordination as the service is targeted to clients with more complex needs. 4 Counselling/support, information and advocacy provides clients (care recipients) with assistance to understand and manage situations, behaviours and relationships associated with their need for care. This service type includes interventions such as advocacy, providing advice, information and training. 5 Counselling/support, information and advocacy provides carers with assistance to understand and manage situations, behaviours and relationships associated with care needs of the person that they are caring for. This service type includes interventions such as advocacy, providing advice, information and training. 2 5g. What is the nature of information provision and how might this service type relate to the Aged Care Gateway in the future? 6. How do current funding arrangements support or hinder service provision? 7. In regards to Service Group Two, what is working well, and what areas could be improved? 3