Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Current Account XML Statement XML file structure specification Version 0.1 0.2 Date 1.8.2013 21.8.2013 Author Vršanský Ondrej Vršanský Ondrej 0.3 23.8.2013 Vršanský Ondrej 0.4 9.9.2013 Vršanský Ondrej 0.5 19.9.2013 Vršanský Ondrej Description Initial draft Increased the maximal length of the Entry.Narrative attribute. Added the PartyRole attribute to the ComplexPayment class. Removed unused attributes of related parties Renamed PaymentParty.CountryOfResidence to Country. Corrected format od several RltdDts subelements from DateTime to Date. Moved the card POS transaction timestamp from the TradDt to the Prtry element due to this. Corrected “credit”/”debit” copy/paste errors in the Table 9. Changed the design of the document header. Removed obsolete links and attributes in Figure 1. Table 1: Version History. Document1 Page 1 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Contents 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1. Document structure........................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.2. Legend ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.3. Glossary ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2. Statement attributes description ..................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1. Logical attributes hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................ 6 2.1.1. Statement attributes up to the Entry level ................................................................................................................. 6 2.1.2. EuroSIPS payment ................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1.3. SWIFT payment ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 2.1.4. SEPA payment ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.5. Debit card transaction ............................................................................................................................................. 10 2.1.6. Loan transaction ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 2.1.7. Structured fee ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 2.2. Mapping into XML ........................................................................................................................................................ 13 3. XML file structure ............................................................................................................................................................ 22 3.1. GroupHeader ............................................................................................................................................................... 23 3.2. Statement ..................................................................................................................................................................... 25 3.2.1. Account ................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Owner ................................................................................................................................................................ 31 PostalAddress............................................................................................................................................... 32 Identification .................................................................................................................................................. 33 OrganisationIdentification ........................................................................................................................ 34 PrivateIdentification ................................................................................................................................. 36 ContactDetails .............................................................................................................................................. 38 3.2.2. RelatedAccount ...................................................................................................................................................... 39 3.2.3. Balance ................................................................................................................................................................... 41 3.2.4. TransactionsSummary ............................................................................................................................................ 44 3.2.5. Entry........................................................................................................................................................................ 47 EntryDetails – Instance 1 ................................................................................................................................... 51 TransactionDetails ........................................................................................................................................ 52 References .............................................................................................................................................. 55 AmountDetails ......................................................................................................................................... 58 BankTransactionCode ............................................................................................................................. 60 Charges ................................................................................................................................................... 62 RelatedParties ......................................................................................................................................... 64 InitiatingParty ...................................................................................................................................... 65 Debtor ................................................................................................................................................. 66 PostalAddress ............................................................................................................................... 67 Identification .................................................................................................................................. 68 OrganisationIdentification ......................................................................................................... 69 PrivateIdentification .................................................................................................................. 70 DebtorAccount .................................................................................................................................... 72 UltimateDebtor .................................................................................................................................... 73 Identification .................................................................................................................................. 74 OrganisationIdentification ......................................................................................................... 75 PrivateIdentification .................................................................................................................. 76 Creditor ............................................................................................................................................... 77 PostalAddress ............................................................................................................................... 79 Identification .................................................................................................................................. 80 OrganisationIdentification ......................................................................................................... 81 PrivateIdentification .................................................................................................................. 82 CreditorAccount .................................................................................................................................. 83 UltimateCreditor .................................................................................................................................. 84 Identification .................................................................................................................................. 85 OrganisationIdentification ......................................................................................................... 86 PrivateIdentification .................................................................................................................. 88 RelatedAgents ......................................................................................................................................... 90 Document1 Page 2 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. DebtorAgent ....................................................................................................................................... 92 PostalAddress ............................................................................................................................... 93 CreditorAgent ..................................................................................................................................... 94 PostalAddress ............................................................................................................................... 96 IntermediaryAgent1 ............................................................................................................................ 97 Proprietary .......................................................................................................................................... 99 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................. 100 RemittanceInfo ...................................................................................................................................... 101 RelatedDates ......................................................................................................................................... 102 ReturnInformation ................................................................................................................................ 104 Originator ........................................................................................................................................ 105 EntryDetails – Instance 2 ................................................................................................................................. 107 TransactionDetails ...................................................................................................................................... 109 References ............................................................................................................................................ 112 AmountDetails ....................................................................................................................................... 114 BankTransactionCode ........................................................................................................................... 116 RelatedQuantities .................................................................................................................................. 117 4. External sources and appendices ............................................................................................................................... 118 4.1. ISO 20022 .................................................................................................................................................................. 118 4.1.1. camt.053 ............................................................................................................................................................... 118 4.1.2. Code lists .............................................................................................................................................................. 118 4.2. SEPA ......................................................................................................................................................................... 118 4.2.1. SCT ....................................................................................................................................................................... 118 4.2.2. SDD ...................................................................................................................................................................... 118 4.3. SBA ............................................................................................................................................................................ 118 4.4. TB............................................................................................................................................................................... 118 4.4.1. Proprietary elements schema ............................................................................................................................... 118 4.4.2. Code – books ........................................................................................................................................................ 118 Document1 Page 3 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 1. Introduction Current account statements are bank-to-client notifications about movements on a client’s current account. In Tatra banka, these notifications are generated in a variety of formats that range from printed documents through electronic PDF and Excel documents to “pure” data formats (SWIFT, Gemini, Multicash, …). Since 2004, the ISO 20022 standard – in particular the camt.053 schema – defines an international standard for current account statements structure. All information relevant can be found at Since 2002, the European Payments Council (further referred as “EPC”) defines rulebooks and standards that constitute the Single European Payment Area (further referred as “SEPA”). All SEPA interbank and bank-to-customer messages were based on the ISO 20022 standard. In October 2009, SEPA issued a “recommendation” to use the camt.053 schema for bank-to-customer currenct account transaction statements. All information regarding EPC and SEPA can be found at In 2012, Tatra banka decided to use the camt.053 schema internally for data files used to generate current account statements en masse in form of electronic or printed documents. In 2013, the Slovak Bank Association (further referred as “SBA”) released a national standard for XML bank-tocustomer current account transaction statements, based on the camt.053 schema recommended by the EPC. The complete specification of this standard can be found at To keep the interpretation of the camt.053 schema consistent, Tatra banka decided to use a single data structure for both the XML statements based on the national standard and the data files for printed / electronic statements. This way the XML statements can benefit from and build on the existing camt.053 implementation and deliver a much more extensive set of information than required by the SBA standard. 1.1. Document structure This documents describes the structure of the camt.053 statements generated by Tatra banka. There are three main sections in the document: 1. Description of logical attributes that make up a statement (Chapter 1). An XPath for the attribiute “location” within the XML file is provided for each logical attribute. 2. Structure of the XML file (Chapter 3). The structure of this chapter reflects the structure of the camt.053 schema; on each level, following information is provided: an XPath to the described node a picture of the node structure a table with information about the node attributes and sub-elements with following columns: ISO index: the ISO ID of the node according to the ISO 20022 camt.053 MDR (see chapter 4.1.1). ISO name: 4.1.1). the ISO name of the node according to the ISO 20022 camt.053 MDR (see chapter o XML Tag: o the name of the XML tag according to the ISO 20022 camt.053 MDR (see chapter 4.1.1). the XML tag name is stated withouth the „<“ and „>“ characters. Cardinality o Document1 one or more “+” signs before the node name signalize that the node is a sub-node of the first preceding node with one-less “+” signs”. The number of „+“ signs denotes the level of node „indentation“ compared to the node decribed by the particular chapter. describes the allowed node cardinality: [x..y] states that the node is present a minimum of x and a maximum of y times, e.g.: [0..0] means that the node is forbidden [0..1] means that the node is optional [0..n] means that the node can be present any number of times [1..1] means that the node is mandatory [1..n] means that the node is mandatory but can be repeated any number of times Page 4 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. [3..3] Data type o means that the node is present exactly three times describes the node data type If the data type field is striked-through with two diagonal lines, the node data type is complex and its individual parts are further described either on the next table rows (in which case they are indented by an additional „+“ sign) or in a separate chapter (referenced in the last table column). Rules constrain: Lists rules and constraints on top of the ISO 20022 camt.053 MDR. The rules can o cardinality (e.g. [0..n] -> [0..1]) o data type (e.g. String [35] -> String [5]) o value (e.g. „only „Yes“ a „No“ values allowed“) o semantics (e.g. „for card transactions, this is the card number“) 3. Appendices (Chapter 4). 1.2. Legend To emphasize ISO elements and attributes that are not used by the Tatra banka camt.053 implementation, following background colors are used: nodes that are „never used“ nodes that are „used“ (though they might be optional) 1.3. Glossary Term ISO camt.053 MDR EU EPC SEPA SBA TB XML XPath Document1 Description In the context of this document, this refers to the ISO 20022 standard An ISO 20022 standard for bank-to-customer current account statetemnts. „Message Definition Report“ – an ISO document containing the interpretation rules of an ISO standard (such as the camt.053 XSD schema). European Union „European Payments Council“ – an EU body that defines SEPA rulebooks and standards. „Singe European Payment Area“ Slovak Banking Association Tatra banka „Extensible markup Language“ – a wide-spread standard for structured data transfer. Standard language used to reference information stored in an XML structure. Page 5 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 2. Statement attributes description This chapter lists the logical attributes that can be found within an XML statement. 2.1. Logical attributes hierarchy 2.1.1. Statement attributes up to the Entry level Document Statement ID : string PageNo : unsigned long IsLastPage : boolean = false {optional} Recipient Name : string DeliveryMode : string EmailAddress : string {optional} GenerationFinish : datetime RecipientStructuredAddress Type : string StreetName : string {optional} BuildingNo : string PostalCode : string TownName : string Country : string = SK {optional} 1..* 1 1 ID : string LegalSeqNo : unsigned long FromDate : date ToDate : date GenerationFinish : datetime 1 Owner 1..* Name : string CIF : string ICO : string {optional} 1 0..1 1 1 1 Type : enum Name : string IBAN : string Currency : string RelatedAccount Type : enum IBAN : string 1 1 1 SavingsSchema OwnerStructuredAddress Person Gender : enum RC : string BirthDate : date Age : unsigned short 1 OpeningBooked 1 ClosingBooked 1 ClosingAvailable 1 AllEntries 1 Credits 1 Debits 1 Account StreetName : string {optional} BuildingNo : string PostalCode : string TownName : string Country : string = SK {optional} 1 1 1 1 1 1 Balance Amount : decimal CRDBIndicator : enum EntriesSummary Count : unsigned long Amount : decimal CRDBIndicator : enum 1 * Entry TargetCode : decimal TargetName : string {optional} TargetAmount : decimal TargetDate : date MonthlyPayment : decimal CalculatedAttribute : enum Figure 1: Statements attributes hierarchy up to the Entry level. Document1 Page 6 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 2.1.2. EuroSIPS payment Entry ID : decimal Category : string BookingChannel : string ClearingMethod : char CounterPartyAccountLocation : char CounterPartyAccountID : string {optional} CounterPartyAccountIDScheme : enum {optional} ReversalType : char {optional} Amount : decimal CRDBIndicator : char InstructionConversion : InstructionConversionDetails {optional, role} PostingConversion : PostingConversionDetails {optional, role} PostingDate : date ValueDate : date EffectiveDate : date Timestamp : datetime BookerReference : string Narrative : string {optional} TxCode() : string Initiator() : string Reversal() : boolean Payment InitiatorReference : string {optional} PaymentUrgency : char EuroSIPSPaymentSideSymbols 1 VarSymbol {optional} DebitSymbols SpecSymbol {optional} 1 Title {optional} 1 CreditSymbols 1 EuroSIPSPayment InstructionConversionDetails 0..1 1 InstructionConversion InstructedAmount : decimal InstructedCurrency : string InstructionExchangeRate : decimal {optional} PostingConversionDetails 0..1 1 PostingConversion TransactionAmount : decimal TransactionCurrency : string TransactionExchangeRate : decimal {optional} ConstSymbol : decimal {optional} CreditSymbols : EuroSIPSPaymentSideSymbols {role} DebitSymbols : EuroSIPSPaymentSideSymbols {role} MsgForBank : string {optional} MsgForAV : string {optional} Info1 : string {optional} Info2 : string {optional} Figure 2: Attributes of an EuroSIPS payment Document1 Page 7 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 2.1.3. SWIFT payment Entry Payment 1 1 CounterParty PaymentParty InitiatorReference : string {optional} ID : decimal Name : string {optional} PaymentUrgency : char Category : string UnstructuredAddress : string[] {optional} BookingChannel : string Country : string {optional} ComplexPayment ClearingMethod : char 0..1 1 PaymentAgent PartyRole : char CounterPartyAccountLocation : char CounterPartyAgent FeeBearer : string {optional} BIC : string {optional} 0..1 1 CounterPartyAccountID : string {optional} FeeAccountNo : string {optional} Name : string {optional} IntermediateAgent CounterPartyAccountIDScheme : enum {optional} Fee : PaymentFee[] {optional, role} Address : string[] {optional} ReversalType : char {optional} CounterParty : PaymentParty {role} PaymentFee Amount : decimal * 1 CounterPartyAgent : PaymentAgent {optional, role} CRDBIndicator : char Fee Type : string {optional} IntermediateAgent : PaymentAgent {optional, role} InstructionConversion : InstructionConversionDetails {optional, role} Amount : decimal PaymentTitle : string {optional} PostingConversion : PostingConversionDetails {optional, role} Currency : string RemittanceInfo : string[] {optional} PostingDate : date ExcahngeRate : decimal {optional} ForeignPayment ValueDate : date EffectiveDate : date MethodOfPayment : char Timestamp : datetime NonSTPReasonCodes : string {optional} 1 InstructionConversion 0..1 BookerReference : string InstructionConversionDetails PostingConversionDetails Narrative : string {optional} 0..1 1 InstructedAmount : decimal TransactionAmount : decimal TxCode() : string InstructedCurrency : string PostingConversion TransactionCurrency : string Initiator() : string InstructionExchangeRate : decimal {optional} TransactionExchangeRate : decimal {optional} Reversal() : boolean Figure 3: Attributes of a foreign payment. Document1 Page 8 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 2.1.4. SEPA payment Payment Entry ID : decimal Category : string BookingChannel : string ClearingMethod : char CounterPartyAccountLocation : char CounterPartyAccountID : string {optional} CounterPartyAccountIDScheme : enum {optional} ReversalType : char {optional} Amount : decimal CRDBIndicator : char InstructionConversion : InstructionConversionDetails {optional, role} PostingConversion : PostingConversionDetails {optional, role} PostingDate : date ValueDate : date EffectiveDate : date Timestamp : datetime BookerReference : string Narrative : string {optional} TxCode() : string Initiator() : string Reversal() : boolean 1 1 0..1 PostingConversion 0..1 InstructionConversion * InitiatorReference : string {optional} PaymentUrgency : char 1 Fee ComplexPayment PartyRole : char FeeBearer : string {optional} FeeAccountNo : string {optional} Fee : PaymentFee[] {optional, role} CounterParty : PaymentParty {role} CounterPartyAgent : PaymentAgent {optional, role} IntermediateAgent : PaymentAgent {optional, role} PaymentTitle : string {optional} RemittanceInfo : string[] {optional} PostingConversionDetails InstructionConversionDetails InstructedAmount : decimal InstructedCurrency : string InstructionExchangeRate : decimal {optional} Type : string {optional} Amount : decimal Currency : string 1 ExcahngeRate : decimal {optional} 1 CounterParty 1 IntermediateAgent 0..1 PaymentAgent BIC : string {optional} Name : string {optional} Address : string[] {optional} 1 0..1 CounterPartyAgent SEPAPayment SchemeCode : string EndToEndID : string {optional} BulkID : string {optional} /CounterParty : SEPAPaymentParty {optional, role} UltimateParty : SEPAPaymentParty {optional, role} SettlementDate : date {optional} Purpose : PaymentPurpose {optional, role} ReturnInfo : SEPAPaymentReturnInfo {optional, role} TransactionAmount : decimal TransactionCurrency : string TransactionExchangeRate : decimal {optional} PaymentFee 1 0..1 UltimateParty 1 0..1 CounterParty 1 ReturnInfo 0..1 1 Purpose SDDPayment 0..1 MandateReference : string {optional} MandateSignDate : date {optional} SequenceType : string {optional} PaymentPurpose CategoryPurpose : string {optional} Purpose : string {optional} PaymentParty Name : string {optional} UnstructuredAddress : string[] {optional} Country : string {optional} PaymentPartyID ID : string SchemeType : SchemeType {optional} SchemeName : string {optional} SchemeIssuer : string {optional} SEPAPaymentParty 0..1 1 SubjectType : SubjectType {optional} CustomID BIC : string {optional} BirthDate : date {optional} BirthProvince : string {optional} BirthCity : string {optional} BirthCountry : string {optional} CustomID : PaymentPartyID[] {optional, role} SEPAPaymentReturnInfo RMsgType : string {optional} ReasonCode : string OriginalInitiatorReference : string {optional} OriginalBookerReference : string {optional} OriginalTransactionAmount : decimal {optional} OriginalTransactionCurrency : string {optional} OriginatorBIC : string {optional} OriginatorName : string {optional} Figure 4: Attributes of a SEPA payment. Document1 Page 9 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 2.1.5. Debit card transaction Entry InstructionConversionDetails ID : decimal Category : string BookingChannel : string ClearingMethod : char CounterPartyAccountLocation : char CounterPartyAccountID : string {optional} CounterPartyAccountIDScheme : enum {optional} ReversalType : char {optional} Amount : decimal CRDBIndicator : char InstructionConversion : InstructionConversionDetails {optional, role} PostingConversion : PostingConversionDetails {optional, role} PostingDate : date ValueDate : date EffectiveDate : date Timestamp : datetime BookerReference : string Narrative : string {optional} TxCode() : string Initiator() : string Reversal() : boolean 1 0..1 InstructionConversion InstructedAmount : decimal InstructedCurrency : string InstructionExchangeRate : decimal {optional} PostingConversionDetails 1 0..1 PostingConversion TransactionAmount : decimal TransactionCurrency : string TransactionExchangeRate : decimal {optional} DebitCardTransaction ExternalReference : string CardNumber : string InstructionDate : date {optional} InstructionTime : time {optional} MerchantID : string {optional} MerchantLocation : string {optional} MerchantCategoryCode : decimal {optional} CardHolderName : string {optional} CMSProcessingDate : date {optional} Figure 5: Attributes of a debit card transaction. Document1 Page 10 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 2.1.6. Loan transaction Entry LoanTransaction ID : decimal Category : string BookingChannel : string ClearingMethod : char CounterPartyAccountLocation : char CounterPartyAccountID : string {optional} CounterPartyAccountIDScheme : enum {optional} ReversalType : char {optional} Amount : decimal CRDBIndicator : char InstructionConversion : InstructionConversionDetails {optional, role} PostingConversion : PostingConversionDetails {optional, role} PostingDate : date ValueDate : date EffectiveDate : date Timestamp : datetime BookerReference : string Narrative : string {optional} TxCode() : string Initiator() : string Reversal() : boolean LoanNo : string ServiceRequestFee RequestID Figure 6: Attributes of a loan transaction. Document1 Page 11 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 2.1.7. Structured fee Entry ID : decimal Category : string BookingChannel : string ClearingMethod : char CounterPartyAccountLocation : char CounterPartyAccountID : string {optional} CounterPartyAccountIDScheme : enum {optional} ReversalType : char {optional} Amount : decimal CRDBIndicator : char InstructionConversion : InstructionConversionDetails {optional, role} PostingConversion : PostingConversionDetails {optional, role} PostingDate : date ValueDate : date EffectiveDate : date Timestamp : datetime BookerReference : string Narrative : string {optional} TxCode() : string Initiator() : string Reversal() : boolean StructuredFeeModifier Mode : char StructuredFeeDetail DetailType {complete} * StructuredFeeItemModifier 1 * LoBound : decimal {optional} HiBound : decimal {optional} StructuredFee FeeType ItemsSum() : decimal ItemsSumCRDBIndicator() : char 1 1 ID : decimal LineNo : decimal DetailType : char Count : decimal = 0 {optional} InstructedUnitPrice : decimal = 0 {optional} InstructedAmount : decimal = 0 {optional} Narrative : string CRDBIndicator() : char StructuredFeeItem * TxTypeCode : string {optional} PackaeIncluded : boolean = false {optional} DetailType {complete} InstructionConversionDetails 1 0..1 InstructedAmount : decimal InstructedCurrency : string InstructionExchangeRate : decimal {optional} InstructionConversion Figure 7: Attributes of a structured fee. Document1 Page 12 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 2.2. Mapping into XML Class Accou nt Statemen t RecipientStr ucturedAddr es Recipie nt Docum ent Related Account Attribute ID PageNo IsLastPage Name DeliveryMode EmailAddress GenerationFinish Type StreetName BuildingNo PostCode TownName Country ID LegalSeqNo FromDate ToDate GenerationFinish Type Name IBAN Currency Type IBAN SavingsSchema TargetCode TargetName TargetAmount TargetDate MonthlyPayment Document1 XPath [ → Proprietary XPath referencing the proprietary elements schema (see chapter 1)] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / GrpHdr / MsgId / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / GrpHdr / MsgPgntn / PgNb / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / GrpHdr / MsgPgntn / LastPgInd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / GrpHdr / MsgRcpt / Nm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / GrpHdr / MsgRcpt / CtctDtls / Othr / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / GrpHdr / MsgRcpt / CtctDtls / EmailAdr / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / GrpHdr / CreDtTm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / GrpHdr / MsgRcpt / PstlAdr / AdrTp / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / GrpHdr / MsgRcpt / PstlAdr / StrtNm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / GrpHdr / MsgRcpt / PstlAdr / BldgNb / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / GrpHdr / MsgRcpt / PstlAdr / PstCd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / GrpHdr / MsgRcpt / PstlAdr / TwnNm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / GrpHdr / MsgRcpt / PstlAdr / Ctry / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Id / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / LglSeqNb / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / FrToDt / FrDtTm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / FrToDt / ToDtTm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / CreDtTm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Tp / Prtry / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Nm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Id / IBAN / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ccy / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / RltdAcct / Tp / Prtry / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / RltdAcct / Id / IBAN / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / AddtlStmtInf → StmtInf / SvgsTgt / @Code / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / AddtlStmtInf → StmtInf / SvgsTgt / Name / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / AddtlStmtInf → StmtInf / SvgsTgt / @Amount / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / AddtlStmtInf → StmtInf / SvgsTgt / @Date / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / AddtlStmtInf → StmtInf / SvgsTgt / @Payment Page 13 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Class Gender RC BirthDate Age StreetName BuildingNo PostCode TownName Country Amount CRDBIndicator Amount CRDBIndicator Amount CRDBIndicator Count Amount CRDBIndicator Count XPath [ → Proprietary XPath referencing the proprietary elements schema (see chapter 1)] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / AddtlStmtInf → StmtInf / SvgsTgt / @CalcAttr / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / Nm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / Id / OrgId / Othr [SchmeNm / Prtry = ‘CIF’] / Id / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / Id / PrvId / Othr [SchmeNm / Prtry = ‘CIF’] / Id / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / Id / PrvId / Othr [SchmeNm / Prtry = ‘ICO’] / Id / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / Id / OrgId / Othr [SchmeNm / Prtry = ‘ICO’] / Id / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / CtctDtls / NmPrfx / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / Id / PrvId / Othr [SchmeNm / Prtry = ‘RC’] / Id / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / Id / PrvId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / BirthDt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / Id / PrvId / Othr [SchmeNm / Prtry = ‘Age’] / Id / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / PstlAdr / StrtNm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / PstlAdr / BldgNb / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / PstlAdr / PstCd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / PstlAdr / TwnNm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / PstlAdr / Ctry / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Bal [Tp / CdOrPrtry / Cd = ‘PRCD’] / Amt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Bal [Tp / CdOrPrtry / Cd = ‘PRCD] / CdtDbtInd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Bal [Tp / CdOrPrtry / Cd = ‘CLBD’] / Amt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Bal [Tp / CdOrPrtry / Cd = ‘CLBD’] / CdtDbtInd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Bal [Tp / CdOrPrtry / Cd = ‘CLAV’] / Amt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Bal [Tp / CdOrPrtry / Cd = ‘CLAV’] / CdtDbtInd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / TxsSummry / TtlNtries / NbOfNtries / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / TxsSummry / TtlNtries / TtlNetNtryAmt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / TxsSummry / TtlNtries / CdtDbtInd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / TxsSummry / TtlCdtNtries / NbOfNtries Amount / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / TxsSummry / TtlCdtNtries / Sum Count / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / TxsSummry / TtlDbtNtries / NbOfNtries Amount ID TxCode / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / TxsSummry / TtlDbtNtries / Sum / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryRef / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / BkTxCd / Prtry / Cd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtlNtryInf → / NtryInf / @Ctg / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtlNtryInf → / NtryInf / @Ini Attribute CalculatedAttribute Owner Structure d Address Person Owner Name Opening Booked Balance Closing Booked Balance Closing Available Balance All Entries Summary All Credits Summary All Debits Summary Entry CIF ICO Category Initiator Document1 Page 14 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Class Attribute BookingChannel ClearingMethod CounterPartyAccountLocation XPath [ → Proprietary XPath referencing the proprietary elements schema (see chapter 1)] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtlNtryInf → / NtryInf / @BkCh / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtlNtryInf → / NtryInf / @Mthd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtlNtryInf → / NtryInf / @CPAL For CounterPartyAccountIDFormat=”IBAN”: / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / DbtrAcct / Id / IBAN | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / CdtrAcct / Id / IBAN CounterPartyAccountID InstructedAmount InstructedCurrency For CounterPartyAccountIDFormat=”Other”: / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / DbtrAcct / Id / Othr / Id | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / CdtrAcct / Id / Othr / Id While not persisted itself, it Determines the location of CounterPartyAccountID. / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / RvslInd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtlNtryInf → / NtryInf / @RvsTp / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / Amt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / CdtDbtInd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / BookDt / Dt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / ValDt / Dt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdDts / Prtry [Tp = ‘Effective’] / Dt / Dt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdDts / TxDtTm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Refs / AcctSvcrRef / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtlNtryInf → / NtryInf / Nrtv / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / AmtDtls / InstdAmt / Amt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / AmtDtls / InstdAmt / Amt / @Ccy InstructionExchangeRate TransactionAmount TransactionCurrency / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / AmtDtls / InstdAmt / CcyXchg / XchgRate / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / AmtDtls / CntrValAmt / Amt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / AmtDtls / CntrValAmt / Amt / @Ccy TransactionExchangeRate InitiatorReference / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / AmtDtls / CntrValAmt / CcyXchg / XchgRate / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Refs / TxId CounterPartyAccountIDScheme Reversal ReversalType Amount CRDBIndicator PostingDate ValueDate EffectiveDate Timestamp BookerReference Narrative Instructi onConv ersionD etails Posting Convers ionDetai ls Payment Document1 Page 15 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. 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Class Attribute EuroSIPSPaym ent PaymentUrgency EuroSIPS Payment CreditSy mbols ConstSymbol MsgForBank MsgForAV Info1 Info2 VarSymbol SpecSymbol Title Payment Fee Complex Payment EuroSIPS Payment DebitSym bols CounterP arty VarSymbol SpecSymbol Title PartyRole FeeBearer FeeAccountNo PaymentTitle RemittanceInfo Type Amount Currency ExchangeRate Name Document1 XPath [ → Proprietary XPath referencing the proprietary elements schema (see chapter 1)] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtlNtryInf → / NtryInf / @Urg / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Refs / EndToEndId Up to 4 numeric characters (digits) after the label “/KS” (case-sensitive) / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RmtInf / Ustrd [2] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RmtInf / Ustrd [1] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RmtInf / Ustrd [3] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RmtInf / Ustrd [4] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Refs / EndToEndId Up to 10 numeric characters (digits) after the label “/VS” (case-sensitive) (/ Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Refs / EndToEndId Up to 10 numeric characters (digits) after the label “/SS” (case-sensitive) / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Nm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtlNtryInf → / NtryInf / @DVS / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtlNtryInf → / NtryInf / @DSS / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Nm While not persisted directly, it determines the choice between Cdtr and Dbtr in RltdPties and RltdAgts. / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Chrgs / Br / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtNtryInf → / NtryInf / @FeeAccNo 1. / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtNtryInf → / NtryInf / @Ttl 2. / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Refs / InstrId / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RmtInf / Strd | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RmtInf / Ustrd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Chrgs / Tp / Prtry / Id / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Chrgs / Amt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Chrgs / CdtDbtInd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Chrgs / Amt / @Ccy / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Chrgs / Rate / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Nm | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Nm Page 16 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. 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Class Attribute UnstructuredAddress BIC CounterP arty Agent Name Address BIC Name Address ForeignP ayment MethodOfPayment SEPAPay ment Intermedi ateParty Agent NonSTPReasonCode SchemeCode EndToEndID BulkID SettlementDate CategoryPurpose Payment Purpose SEPA Payment RMsgType ReasonCode OriginalInitiatorReference OriginalBookerReference OriginalTransactionAmount OriginalTransactionCurrency OriginatorBIC OriginatorName SubjectType m e n t C o u n t e r P a r t y Return Info Purpose Document1 XPath [ → Proprietary XPath referencing the proprietary elements schema (see chapter 1)] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / PstlAdr / AdrLine | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / PstlAdr / AdrLine / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / CdtrAgt / FinInstnId / BIC | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / DbtrAgt / FinInstnId / BIC / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / CdtrAgt / FinInstnId / Nm | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / DbtrAgt / FinInstnId / Nm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / CdtrAgt / FinInstnId / PstlAdr / AdrLine | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / DbtrAgt / FinInstnId / PstlAdr / AdrLine / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / IntrmyAgt1 / FinInstnId / BIC / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / IntrmyAgt1 / FinInstnId / Nm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / IntrmyAgt1 / FinInstnId / PstlAdr / AdrLine / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtNtryInf → / NtryInf / @MOP / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / AddtlTxInf / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / BkTxCd / Fmly / SubFmlyCd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Refs / EndToEndId / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Refs / Prtry [Tp = “BulkID”] / Ref / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdDts / IntrBkSttlmDt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtNtryInf → / NtryInf / @CtgPurp / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Purp / Cd | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Purp / Prtry / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RtrInf / AddtlInf [1] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RtrInf / Rsn / Cd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RtrInf / AddtlInf [3] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RtrInf / AddtlInf [2] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RtrInf / AddtlInf [4] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RtrInf / AddtlInf [5] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RtrInf / Orgtr / Id / OrgId / BICOrBEI / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RtrInf / Orgtr / Nm While not persisted directly, it determinesthe choice between OrgId and PrvtId under counter-party Id. 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Class Attribute BIC BirthDate BirthProvince BirthCity SEPA Paym entCo unter Party Struct uredA ddres s BirthCountry SEPAPayment CounterPartyID Country ID SchemeType Document1 XPath [ → Proprietary XPath referencing the proprietary elements schema (see chapter 1)] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id / OrgId / BICOrBEI | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id / OrgId / BICOrBEI / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / BirthDt | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / BirthDt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / PrvcOfBirth | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / PrvcOfBirth / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / CityOfBirth | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / CityOfBirth / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / CtryOfBirth | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / CtryOfBirth / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / PstlAdr / Ctry | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / PstlAdr / Ctry / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / Id | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / Id | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / Id | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / Id While not persisted directly, it determines the choice between SchmeNm/Cd and SchmeNm/Prtry. 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Class Attribute XPath [ → Proprietary XPath referencing the proprietary elements schema (see chapter 1)] if SchemeType = “Code”: / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / SchmeNm / Cd | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / SchmeNm / Cd | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / SchmeNm / Cd | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / SchmeNm / Cd SchemeName SchemeIssuer UltimateP arty Name SEPAPayment UltimateParty SubjectType BIC BirthDate BirthProvince Document1 if SchemeType = “Proprietary”: / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / SchmeNm / Prtry | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / SchmeNm / Prtry | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / SchmeNm / Prtry | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / SchmeNm / Prtry / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / Issr | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / Issr | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / Issr | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / Issr / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Nm | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Nm While not persisted directly, it determinesthe choice between OrgId and PrvtId under ultimate-party Id. / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id / OrgId / BICOrBEI | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id / OrgId / BICOrBEI / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / BirthDt | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / BirthDt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / PrvcOfBirth | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / PrvcOfBirth Page 19 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Class Attribute BirthCity SEPA Paym entUlt imate Party Struct uredA ddres s BirthCountry Country SEPAaymentUltimatePartyID ID SchemeType XPath [ → Proprietary XPath referencing the proprietary elements schema (see chapter 1)] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / CityOfBirth | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / CityOfBirth / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / CtryOfBirth | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id / PrvtId / DtAndPlcOfBirth / CtryOfBirth / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / PstlAdr / Ctry | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / PstlAdr / Ctry / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / Id | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / Id | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / Id | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / Id While not persisted directly, it determines the choice between SchmeNm/Cd and SchmeNm/Prtry. if SchemeType = “Code”: / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / SchmeNm / Cd | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / SchmeNm / Cd | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / SchmeNm / Cd | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / SchmeNm / Cd SchemeName Document1 if SchemeType = “Proprietary”: / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / SchmeNm / Prtry | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / SchmeNm / Prtry | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / SchmeNm / Prtry | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / SchmeNm / Prtry Page 20 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Class Attribute SDD Payme nt SchemeIssuer MandateReference MandateSignDate SequenceType DebitCard Transaction ExternalReference CardNumber InstructionDate InstructionTime MerchantID MerchantLocation XPath [ → Proprietary XPath referencing the proprietary elements schema (see chapter 1)] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / Issr | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / Issr | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id / OrgId / Othr / Issr | / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id / PrvtId / Othr / Issr / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Refs / MndtId / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdDts / Prtry [Tp = “MandateSign”] / Dt / Dt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtNtryInf → / NtryInf / @SqTp / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Refs / TxId 1. / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Refs / Prtry [Tp = “CardNumber”] / Ref 2. / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Refs / ChqNb / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdDts / Prtry [Tp = “POSTransaction”] / Ref CardHolderName CMSProcessingDate / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / Prtry / Agt / BrnchId / Id / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / Prtry / Agt / BrnchId / PstlAdr / AdrLine / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtNtryInf → / NtryInf / @MCC / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / InitgPty / Nm / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdDts / Prtry [Tp = “CMSProcessing”] / Dt / Dt LoanNo / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Refs / EndToEndId RequestID / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Refs / Prtry [Tp = “RequestID”] / Ref MerchantCategoryCode Loan StructuredF eeDetail Structure dFee Transacti on ServiceRe questFee FeeType ItemsSum CRDBIndicator ID LineNo DetailType Count InstructedUnitPrice InstructedAmount Document1 / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtNtryInf → / NtryInf / @FeeTp / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / Btch / TtlAmt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / Btch / CdtDbtInd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls / Refs / AcctSvcrRef / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls / Refs / Prtry [Tp = ‘LineNumber] / Ref / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls / BkTxCd / Prtry / Cd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls / RltdQties [Prtry / Tp = ‘Count’] / Prtry / Qty / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls / AmtDtls / PrtryAmt / Amt / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls [BkTxCd / Prtry / Cd = ‘T’] / AmtDtls / InstdAmt Page 21 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Class Attribute CRDBIndicator Structur ed FeeItem Narrative Structure d Fee Modifier Monthly Fee Item Modifier TxTypeCode PackageIncluded XPath [ → Proprietary XPath referencing the proprietary elements schema (see chapter 1)] / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls / AddtlTxInf → / TxInf2/ @CdtDbtInd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls / AddtlTxInf → / TxInf2/ Nrtv / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls [BkTxCd / Prtry / Cd = ‘T’] / AddtlTxInf → / TxInf2/ TxTpCd / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls [BkTxCd / Prtry / Cd = ‘T’] / AddtlTxInf → / TxInf2/ PckgIncl Mode / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls [BkTxCd / Prtry / Cd != ‘T’] / AmtDtls / PrtryAmt / Tp LowerBound / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls / RltdQties [Prtry / Tp = ‘LowerBound’] / Prtry / Qty UpperBound / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls / RltdQties [Prtry / Tp = ‘UpperBound’] / Prtry / Qty 3. XML file structure ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Document root Document [1..1] +Recipient root BkToCstmrStmt [1..1] 1.0 ++GroupHeader GrpHdr [1..1] For details see chapter 3.1. 2.0 ++Statement Stmt [1..n] For details see chapter 3.2. Document1 Data type Page 22 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 3.1. GroupHeader XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / GrpHdr ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Unique message identifier. Format: [BIC]-[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]-[ID], where: 1.1 MessageIdentification Document1 MsgId [1..1] String [35] Page 23 / 118 BIC (11 characters) is the BIC of the bank that generated the message YYYY (4 digits), MM (2 digits) and DD (2 digits) is the year, month and day the message was generated ID (max. 12 characters) is a unique message ID within the day Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Date and time at which the message creation was finished. Format: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss].[f]+01:00, where: 1.2 CreationDateTime CreDtTm [1..1] DateTime YYYY (4 digits), MM (2 digits) and DD (2 digits) are the year, month and day hh (two digits), mm (two digits), ss (2 digits) and f (1 digit) are the hour, minute, second and fraction of second 1.3 MessageRecipient MsgRcpt [0..0] Not used. 1.4 MessagePagination MsgPgntn [0..1] Present if the message is split into several files. 8.1.0 +PageNumber PgNb [1..1] String [5] 8.1.1 +LastPageIndicator LastPgInd [1..1] Boolean true if this is the last part of the message. 1.5 AdditionalInformation AddtInf [0..0] String [500] Not used. Document1 Page 24 / 118 Only digits allowed. Sequence number of the message “part”. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 3.2. Statement XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt Document1 Page 25 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Unique statement identifier. Format [IBAN]-[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD], where: 2.1 2.2 2.3 Identification ElectronicSequenceNumber LegalSequenceNumber Id ElctrncSeqNb LglSeqNb [1..1] [0..0] [0..1] String [35] IBAN (24 characters) is the account number in SK IBAN format YYYY (4 digits), MM (2 digits) a DD (2 digits) are the year, month and day of the last business day covered by the statement. Number Not used. Number [3,0] Present for sequential statements. Not present for on-demand statements. Maximal number of digits is 3. A sequential statement order number within a given statement definition and a year. Date and time at which the statement creation finished. Format [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss].[f]+01:00, where: 2.4 2.5 CreationDateTime FromToDate CreDtTm FrToDt [1..1] DateTime YYYY (4 digits), MM (2 digits) a DD (2 digits) are the year, month and day hh (2 digits), mm (2 digits), ss (2 digits) a f (1 digit) are the hour, minute, second and fraction of a second Always present. [1..1] Specifies the interval of business dates covered by the statement. First business date covered by the statement. 5.1.0 +FromDateTime FrDtTm [1..1] DateTime Format [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T00:00:00.0+01:00, where: Document1 Page 26 / 118 YYYY (4 digits), MM (2 digits) a DD (2 digits) are the year, month and day Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name Cardinality XML Tag Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Last business date coverd by the statement. 5.1.1 +ToDateTime ToDtTm [1..1] DateTime Format [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T00:00:00.0+01:00, where: CopyDuplicate1Code YYYY (4 digits), MM (2 digits) a DD (2 digits) are the year, month and day 2.6 CopyDuplicateIndicator CpyDplctInd [0..0] 2.7 ReportingSource RptgSrc [0..0] Not used. 2.10 Account Acct [1..1] For details see chapter 3.2.1. 2.11 RelatedAccount RltdAcct [0..1] 2.12 Interest Intrst [0..0] Not used. [3..3] Always three instances present – opening and closing booked and closing available balance. 2.23 Balance Not used. Connects the account to its savings schema and vice versa. Bal For details see chapter 3.2.2. For details see chapter 3.2.3. 2.43 TransactionsSummary TxsSummry [1..1] 2.76 Entry Ntry [1..n] Always present. For details see chapter 3.2.4. For details see chapter 3.2.5. Present for accounts of type “SS” (savings schema) that have defined a savings target (saving target code is not null). 2.315 AdditionalStatementInformation AddtlStmtInf [0..1] String [500] Element structure is described by the StmtAddtlInf element of the proprietary elements schema (see chapter 1). For details see Table 2. Attribute name Tag name Data type Savings target code SvgsTgt / @Code Number [3,0] Savings target name SvgsTgt / Name String [40] Document1 Remarks Page 27 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Attribute name Tag name Data type Savings target amount SvgsTgt / @Amount Number [15,2] Savings target date SvgsTgt / @Date Date Monthly payment SvgsTgt / @Payment Number [15,2] Remarks Of the three attributes “Amount”, “Date” and “Payment”, two are always set by the customer and the third is calculated by the system for the “equation” to work. Calculated attribute SvgsTgt / @CalcAttr String Enumeration This attribute identifies, which of the three attributes is the calculated one. Allowed values are “Amount”, “Date” and “Payment”. Table 2: Contents of the Statement Additional Info element. Document1 Page 28 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 3.2.1. Account XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 1.2.0 Identification Id [1..1] 1.2.1 +IBAN Document1 Only one of these elements is present Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. IBAN [1..1] String [24] Format: „SK“[0-9]{2,2}[0-9]{20,20} Last 20 digits are combined of bank code (4 digits), account prefix (6 digits) and account retail number (10 digits). Page 29 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 1.2.2 +Other Othr [0..0] Not used. 1.2.8 Type Tp [1..1] Always present. 1.2.9 +Code Code [0..0] Data type CashAccountType4Code Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Not used. Always present. 1.2.10 +Proprietary Only one of these elements is present Identifies the account type. Prtry [1..1] String Enumeration 1.2.11 Currency Ccy [1..1] String [3] 1.2.12 Name Nm [1..1] String [20] 1.2.13 Owner Ownr [1..1] 1.2.56 Servicer Svcr [0..0] Document1 Only following values are allowed: „BU“ for current accounts „SS“ for savings schema accounts Always present. International currency code according to ISO 4217. Always present. Maximal length is 20. Always present. For details see chapter Not used. Page 30 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Owner XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type 9.1.0 Name Nm [1..1] String [100] Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. Maximal length is 100. Always present. 9.1.1 PostalAddress PstlAdr [1..1] Represents the account owner address of residence. For details see chapter 9.1.12 Identification Id [1..1] 9.1.33 CountryOfResidence CtryOfRes [0..0] 9.1.34 ContactDetails CtctDtls [1..1] Document1 Always present. For details see chapter String [2] Not used. Always present. For details see chapter Page 31 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. PostalAddress XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / PstlAdr ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.2 AddressType AdrTp [0..0] String Enumeration Not used. 9.1.3 Department Dept [0..0] Max70Text Not used 9.1.4 SubDepartment SubDept [0..0] Max70Text Not used 9.1.11 AddressLine AdrLine [1..4] Max70Text Unstructured address. Document1 Page 32 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Identification XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / Id ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 9.1.13 OrganisationIdentification OrgId [1..1] PrvtId [1..1] Data type Only one of these elements is present 9.1.21 PrivateIdentification Document1 Page 33 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Identifies a corporate subject. For details see chapter Identifies a person. For details see chapter Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. OrganisationIdentification XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / Id / OrgId ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.14 BICOrBEI BICOrBEI [0..0] AnyBICIdentifier Not used. 9.1.15 Other Othr [2..2] 9.1.16 +Identification Id [1..1] 9.1.17 +SchemeName SchmeNm [1..1] 9.1.18 ++Code Cd [0..0] ExternalOrganisationIdentification!Code 9.1.19 ++Proprietary Prtry [1..1] String Enumeration Document1 Only one of these elements is present Always two instances present. String [8] For details see Table 3. Always present. Page 34 / 118 Not used. Always present. For details see Table 3. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type 9.1.20 +Issuer Issr [1..1] Max35Text ID Type SchmeNm Issr Formát elementu Id BANK TATRSKBX String [6] ICO ORSR Tag Hodnota CIF Cd IČO Prtry Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. For details see Table 3. String [8] Format [0-9]{6,8} Table 3: Corporate customer identication attributes. Document1 Page 35 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. PrivateIdentification XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / Id / PrvId ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 9.1.22 DateAndPlaceOfBirth DtAndPlcOfBirth [1..1] 9.1.23 +BirthDate BirthDt [1..1] Date Always present. 9.1.24 +ProvinceOfBirth PrvcOfBirth [0..0] Max35Text Not used. Document1 Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. Page 36 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.25 +CityOfBirth CityOfBirth [1..1] Max35Text Not used (always “N/A”). 9.1.26 +CountryOfBirth CtryOfBirth [1..1] CountryCode Not used (always „SK“). 9.1.27 Other Othr [3..4] 9.1.28 +Identification Id [1..1] 9.1.29 +SchemeName SchmeNm [1..1] 9.1.30 ++Code Cd [0..0] ExternalOrganisation -Identification!Code 9.1.31 ++Proprietary Prtry [1..1] String Enumeration 9.1.32 +Issuer Issr [1..1] Max35Text ID Type Only one of these elements is present SchmeNm Three or four instances present. String [10] Always present. Issr Formát elementu Id BANK TATRSKBX String [6] Prtry ICO ORSR Birth number Cd NIDN MVSR Age Prtry Age MVSR Tag Hodnota CIF Cd IČO For details see Table 4. String [8] Not used. Always present For details see Table 4. Always present For details see Table 4. Remarks Only present if the customer is a sole-trader. Format [0-9]{6,8} String [10] Format [0-9]{6,6}[0-9]{1,4} String [3] Format [0-9]{1,3} Table 4: Person identication attributes. Document1 Page 37 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ContactDetails XPath ISO Index / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Acct / Ownr / CtctDtls Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. Identifies the customer gender. 9.1.35 NamePrefix NmPrfx [1..1] String Enumeration Only following values are used: 9.1.36 Name Nm [0..0] String [100] „MIST“ for male customers „MADM“ for female customers Not used. 9.1.37 PhoneNumber PhneNb [0..0] PhoneNumber Not used. 9.1.38 MobilNumber MobNb [0..0] PhoneNumber Not used. 9.1.39 FaxNumber FaxNb [0..0] PhoneNumber Not used. 9.1.40 EmailAddress EmailAdr [0..0] String [100] Not used. 9.1.41 Other Othr [0..0] String [35] Not used. Document1 Page 38 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 3.2.2. RelatedAccount XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / RltdAcct ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 1.1.0 Identification Id [1..1] Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. 1.1.1 +IBAN Only one of these elements is present IBAN [1..1] String [24] Format: „SK“[0-9]{2,2}[0-9]{20,20} Last 20 digits are combined of bank code (4 digits), account prefix (6 digits) and account retail number (10 digits). 1.1.2 +Other Othr [0..0] Not used. 1.1.8 Type Tp [1..1] Always present. Document1 Page 39 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 1.1.9 +Code Cd [0..0] ExternalAccountIdentificationCode Not used. 1.1.10 +Proprietary Only one of these elements is present Always present. Identifies the related account type. Prtry [1..1] String Enumeration Only following values are allowed: „BU“ for current accounts „SS“ for savings schema accounts 1.1.11 Currency Ccy [0..0] ActiveOrHistoryCurrencyCode Not used. 1.1.12 Name Nm [0..0] Max70Text Not used. Document1 Page 40 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 3.2.3. Balance XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Bal ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.24 Type Tp [1..1] 2.25 +CodeOrProprietary CdOrPrtry [1..1] 2.26 ++Code Cd [1..1] String Enumeration 2.27 ++Proprietary Prtry [0..0] Max35Text Document1 Only one of these elements is present Data type Page 41 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Identifies the balance type. Only values from Table 5 allowed. Not used. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.28 +SubType SubTp [0..0] Not used. 2.31 CreditLine CdtLine [0..0] Not used. 2.34 Amount Amt [1..1] Data type Number [18,5] Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Balance amount. Balance currency. @Currency Ccy [1..1] String [3] An attribute of the Amount element. International currency code according to ISO 4217. Indicates, whether the balance is positive or negative. Only following values are allowed: 2.35 2.36 CreditDebitIndicator CdtDbtInd Date Dt [1..1] String Enumeration „CRDT“ for positive (and zero) balances „DBIT“ for negative balances [1..1] Balance validity date1. 4.1.0 1 2 +Date Only one of these elements is present Dt [1..1] Date Always the last day covered by the statement (equals Stmt / FrToDt / ToDtTm). Format [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD], where: 4.1.1 +DateTime DtTm [0..0] 2.37 Availability Avlbty [0..0] DateTime YYYY (4 digits), MM (2 digits) a DD (2 digits) are the year, month and day. Not used. Not used. Type Description Validity Date PRCD Opening booked amount2. Start of period covered by the statement. CLBD Closing booked amount. End of period covered by the statement. For PRCD balance, the actual balance validity day is the last day of the previous reporting period; the last day of the current period is used as the reference date however. Strictly speaking, PRCD is the closing booked amount of the previos reporting period, which is identical to the opening booked amount of the actual period. Document1 Page 42 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index CLAV Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Closing available amount. Table 5: Balance types. Document1 Page 43 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 3.2.4. TransactionsSummary XPath ISO Index / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / TxsSummry Item Name Document1 XML Tag Cardinality Data type Page 44 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.44 TotalEntries TtlNtries [1..1] Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. Always present. 2.45 +NumberOfEntries NbOfNtries [1..1] String [15] Only digits allowed (format [0-9]{1,15}). Total number of movements on the account within the period covered by the statement. 2.46 +Sum Sum [0..0] Number [18,17] Not used. Always present. 2.47 +TotalNetEntryAmount TtlNetNtryAmt [1..1] Number [18,17] Sum of all movements on the account within the period covered by the statement. Represents the difference between closing and opening balance. Always present. Indicates, whether the TotalNetEntryAmount element value is positive or negative. 2.48 2.49 +CreditDebitIndicator TotalCreditEntries CdtDbtInd TtlCdtNtries [1..1] String Enumeration [1..1] Only following values are allowed: „CRDT“ for positive (and zero) values „DBIT“ for negative values Always present. Always present. 2.50 +NumberOfEntries NbOfNtries [1..1] String [15] Only digits allowed (format [0-9]{1,15}). Total number of credits on the account within the period covered by the statement. Always present. 2.51 +Sum Sum [1..1] 2.52 TotalDebitEntries TtlDbtNtries [1..1] Document1 Number [18,17] Sum of all credits on the account within the period covered by the statement. Always present. Page 45 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. 2.53 +NumberOfEntries NbOfNtries [1..1] String [15] Only digits allowed (format [0-9]{1,15}). Total number of debits on the account within the period covered by the statement. Always present. 2.54 +Sum Sum [1..1] 2.55 TotalEntriesPerBankTransactionCode TtlNtriesPerBkTxCd [0..0] Document1 Number [18,17] Sum of all credits on the account within the period covered by the statement. Not used. Page 46 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 3.2.5. Entry XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry Document1 Page 47 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. 2.77 EntryReference NtryRef [1..1] String [18] Only digits allowed. A unique movement identifier. 2.78 Amount Amt [1..1] Number [15,2] @Currency Ccy [1..1] String [3] Cannot be negative. Decimal separator is a dot. An attribute of the Amount element. International currency code according to ISO 4217. Only following values are allowed: 2.79 2.80 CreditDebitIndicator CdtDbtInd ReversalIndicator RvslInd [1..1] [0..1] String Enumeration Boolean „CRDT“ for credits „DBIT“ for debits Present only if true. (defaults to false). True if Entry.ReversalType is “R” or “S”. Only following values are allowed: 2.81 Status Sts [1..1] String Enumeration „BOOK“ for already booked entries. „PDNG“ for entries where not all conditions for a successful booking are yet fulfilled „INFO“ for entries where „booking“ is an irrelevant term Only booked entries can be reversed. 2.82 BookingDate 4.1.0 +Date 4.1.1 +DateTime 2.83 ValueDate Document1 Only one of these elements is present Always present. BookDt [1..1] Dt [1..1] Date DtTm [0..0] DateTime ValDt [1..1] Movement posting date. Always present. Posting date of the related transaction. Not used. Always present. Page 48 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type 4.1.0 +Date Dt [1..1] Date 4.1.1 +DateTime DtTm [0..0] DateTime Not used. 2.84 AccountServicerReference AcctSvcrRef [0..0] String [35] Not used. 2.85 Availability Avlbty [0..0] Not used. 2.91 BankTransactionCode BkTxCd [0..0] Not used. 2.100 CommissionWaiverIndicator ComssnWvrInd [0..0] 2.101 AdditionalInformationIndicator AddtInfInd [0..0] Not used. 2.104 AmountDetails AmtDtls [0..0] Not used. 2.105 Charges Chrgs [0..0] Not used. 2.119 TechnicalInputChannel TechInptChanl [0..0] Not used. 2.122 Interest Intrst [0..0] Not used. Only one of these elements is present Boolean Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. Value date of the related transaction. Not used. One or two instances present, depending on the movement category: 2.135 EntryDetails NtryDtls [1..2] The first instance is always present. For details see chapter The second instance is only present if the movement family is 0008 – monthly fee. This second instance contains information about individual fee items. For details see chapter Present if not empty. 2.314 AdditionalEntryInformation AddtNtryInf [0..1] String [500] Element structure is described by the NtryInf element of the proprietary elements schema (see chapter 1). Individual elements are optional. Their availability depends on the movement category, as shown in Table 6. Attribute name Document1 Tag name Data type Cardinality Relevance Page 49 / 118 Remarks Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Attribute name Tag name Data type Cardinality Relevance Category Ctg String [6] [1..1] Business Initiator Ini String [3] [1..1] Booking Channel BkCh String [3] [1..1] Payment Method Mthd String [1] [1..1] Counter-party Account Location CPAL String [1] [1..1] Reversal Type RvsTp String [1] [0..1] Payment Urgency Urg String [1] [1..1] Narrative Nrtv String [140] [0..1] Debit Variable symbol DVS Number [10] [0..1] Debit specific symbol DSS Number [10] [0..1] Payment Title Ttl String [3] [0..1] Non-EuroSIPS payments (transactions with payment method other than “N”) Category Purpose CtgPurp String [4] [0..1] SCT and SDD payments (transactions with payment method “S”) GPP Method of Payment MOP String [6] [0..1] Foreign payments (transactions with payment method “W”) Merchant Category Code MCC Number [4,0] [0..1] Card transactions (categories with prefix “Crd”) Remarks Format [A-Z]{3,3}[0-9]{3,3} All movements. Present if / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / RvslInd = true. EuroSIPS payments (transactions with payment method “N”) Format: „SK“[0-9]{2,2}[0-9]{20,20} FeeAccountNumber FeeAccNo String [24] [0..1] Foreign payments (transactions with payment method “W”) Last 20 digits are combined of bank code (4 digits), account prefix (6 digits) and account retail number (10 digits). SDD Sequence Type SqTp String [4] [0..1] SDD payments (category SDD410) Only values from Table 7 allowed. Table 6: Contents of the Entry Additional Info element. Code Name Document1 Description Page 50 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Code Name Description FNAL Final Final collection of a series of direct debit instructions. FRST First First collection of a series of direct debit instructions. OOFF OneOff Direct debit instruction where the debtor’s authorisation is used to initiate one single direct debit transaction. RCUR Recurring Direct debit instruction where the debtor’s authorisation is used for regular direct debit transactions initiated by the creditor. Table 7: SDD Sequence types. EntryDetails – Instance 1 XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.136 Batch Btch [0..0] 2.142 TransactionDetails TxDtls [1..1] Document1 Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Not used. Always one instance present. For details see chapter Page 51 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. TransactionDetails XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.143 References Refs [1..1] Document1 Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. For details see chapter Page 52 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.156 AmountDetails AmtDtls [0..1] 2.157 Availability Avlbty [0..0] 2.163 BankTransactionCode BkTxCd [1..1] 2.172 Charges Chrgs [0..12] 2.186 Interest Intrst [0..0] 2.199 RelatedParties RltdPties [0..1] 2.211 RelatedAgents RltdAgts [0..1] 2.224 Purpose Purp [0..1] Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Not used. Always present. For details see chapter Zero to twelve instances present.. For details see chapter Not used. Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Present if available for SCT and SDD payments (transactions with payment method “S”) For details see chapter 2.227 RelatedRemittanceInformation RltdRmtInf [0..0] 2.234 RemittanceInformation RmtInf [0..1] 2.266 RelatedDates RltdDts [1..1] 2.277 RelatedPrice RltdPric [0..0] Not used. 2.282 RelatedQuantities RltsQties [0..0] Not used. 2.287 FinancialInstrumentIdentification FinInstrmId [0..0] Not used. 2.292 Tax Tax [0..0] Not used. Document1 Not used. Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Always present. For details see chapter 0. Page 53 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index 2.293 Item Name ReturnInformation XML Tag RtrInf Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present if available for SCT and SDD payments, e.g transactions with payment method “S” [0..1] For details see chapter 2.308 CorporateAction CorpActn [0..0] Not used. 2.312 SafekeepingAccount SfkpgAcct [0..0] Not used. [0..1] Present for foreign payments (transactions with payment method “W”) that were not processed automatically (STP). 2.313 AdditionalTransactionInformation AddtlTxInf String [140] Contains the foreign payment non-STP reason code. Document1 Page 54 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. References XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Refs ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 2.144 MessageIdentification MsgId [0..0] String [35] Not used. 2.145 AccountServicerReference AcctSvcrRef [1..1] String [35] Document1 Always present. System reference assigned by the booking application. Page 55 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 2.146 PaymentInformationIdentification PmtInfId [0..0] String [35] Not used. Present for non-EuroSIPS payments (transactions with payment method other than “N”). Contains the payment title. 2.147 InstructionIdentification InstrId [0..1] String [35] Redundancy due to SBA standard; the primary location for payment title is: / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / AddtNtryInf → / NtryInf / @Ttl. Present if available for EuroSIPS, SCT and SDD payments (transactions with payment method “N” and “S”). 2.148 2.149 EndToEndIndentification TransactionIdentification EndToEndId TxId [0..1] [0..1] String [35] String [35] It may contain EuroSIPS credit-side symbols, recognizable by dedicated labels. All labels are case-sensitive. If a label does not exist or exists more than once within the reference or if the first character after the label is not a digit, the related symbol is considered non-existent. The symbol starts with the first digit after the label and ends before the first non-digit character or by reaching the maximal symbol length. The labels and maximal lengths for individual symbols are as follows: Symbol Label Maximal length Variable /VS 10 Specific /SS 10 Constant /KS 4 System reference assigned by the instructing application. For incoming transactions, this is the instructing agent; for outgoing transactions, this is the instructing channel application. For card transactions, this is the Point-of-Trade (ATM or POS) or the Acquier transactions processing system. A system equivalent of the End-to-End ID. 2.150 Document1 MandateIdentification MndtId [0..1] String [35] Present (if available) for SDD payments (categories SDD310 and SDD410). Page 56 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present for card transactions (categories with prefix “Crd”). 2.151 ChequeNumber ChqNb [1..1] String [35] String [35] Contains the card number. Redundancy due to SBA standard; the primary location for card number is the Prtry reference. 2.152 ClearingSystemReference ClrSysRef [0..0] 2.153 Proprietary Prtry [0..1] 2.154 +Type Tp [1..1] String Enumeration For details see Table 8. 2.155 +Reference Ref [1..1] String [35] For details see Table 8. Transaction description SCT and SDD payments category Pay310, payment method “S” categories SDD310 and SDD410 Debit Card transactions categories with prefix “Crd” Service Request Fees Not used. Present for transactions described in Table 8. Data type Value of the <Tp> element Value of the <Ref> element String [35] “BulkID”. Contains the SEPA BulkID. String [19] “CardNumber” Contains the card number. Number [10] “RequestID” Contains the service request ID. Table 8: Movement proprietary references. Document1 Page 57 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. AmountDetails XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / AmtDtls ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.1.0 InstructedAmount InstdAmt [0..1] 2.1.1 +Amount Amt [1..1] Number [15,2] +@Currency Ccy [1..1] String [3] 2.1.2 +CurrencyExchange CcyXchg [0..1] 2.1.3 ++SourceCurrency SrcCcy [1..1] String [3] 2.1.4 ++TargetCurrency TrgtCcy [0..0] String [3] Not used. 2.1.5 ++UnitCurrency UnitCcy [0..0] String [3] Not used. 2.1.6 ++ExchangeRate XchgRate [1..1] Number [11,10] Represents the ratio between instruction and transaction amount. 2.1.7 ++ContractIdentification CtrctId [0..0] Max35Text Not used. Document1 Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Amount ad currency of the payment instruction. Instructed amount. An attribute of the Amount element. International currency code according to ISO 4217. Present if the instruction currency differs from the transaction currency. Page 58 / 118 Instructed currency. International currency code according to ISO 4217. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 2.1.8 ++QuotationDate QtnDt [0..0] DateTime Not used. 2.1.9 TransactionAmount TxAmt [0..0] Not used. 2.1.18 CounterValueAmount CntrValAmt [0..1] Present if the transaction currency differs from the account currency. 2.1.19 +Amount Amt [1..1] Number [18,5] Transaction amount. Transaction currency. +@Currency Ccy [1..1] String [3] An attribute of the Amount element. International currency code according to ISO 4217. 2.1.20 +CurrencyExchange CcyXchg [1..1] Always present. The currency that enters the conversion. 2.1.21 ++SourceCurrency SrcCcy [1..1] String [3] International currency code according to ISO 4217. For incoming transactions, this is the transaction currency, for outgoing transactions, this is the account currency. Always present. The currency that is the product of the conversion. 2.1.22 ++TargetCurrency TrgtCcy [1..1] String [3] International currency code according to ISO 4217. For incoming transactions, this is the account currency, for outgoing transactions, this is the transaction currency. 2.1.23 ++UnitCurrency UnitCcy [0..0] String [3] Not used. 2.1.24 ++ExchangeRate XchgRate [1..1] Number [11,10] Represents the ratio between posting and transaction amount. 2.1.25 ++ContractIdentification CtrctId [0..0] Max35Text Not used. 2.1.26 ++QuotationDate QtnDt [0..0] DateTime Not used. 2.1.27 AnnouncedPostingAmount AnncdPstngAmt [0..0] Not used. 2.1.36 ProprietaryAmount PrtryAmt [0..0] Not used. Document1 Page 59 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. BankTransactionCode XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / BkTxCd ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.92 Domain Domn [0..1] 2.93 +Code Cd [1..1] 2.94 +Family Fmly [1..1] 2.95 ++Code Cd [1..1] Document1 Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present for SCT and SDD payments (transactions with payment method “S”) String [4] String [4] Page 60 / 118 ISO transaction domain code. Always has the value of “PMNT”. ISO transaction family code. For a list of used values see Table 9. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type 2.96 ++SubFamilyCode SubFmlyCd [1..1] String [4] 2.97 Proprietary Prtry [1..1] 2.98 +Code Cd [1..1] String [11] 2.99 +Issuer Issr [1..1] String [35] Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info ISO transaction sub-family code, represents the SEPA scheme type. For a list of used values see Table 9. Always present. The movement SBA transaction code. For a list of allowed values see appendix 4.3. Always present, always has the value “SBA”. Transaction description Transaction clasification Family SubFamily Incoming SCT Category Pay310, payment method “S”, credit or its reversal RCDT ESCT Outgoing SCT Category Pay310, payment method “S”, debit or its reversal ICDT ESCT Received SDD Core Category SDD310, debit or its reversal RDDT ESDD Issued SDD Core Category SDD310, credit or its reversal IDDT ESDD Received SDD B2B Category SDD410, debit or its reversal RDDT BBDD Issued SDD B2B Category SDD410, credit or its reversal IDDT BBDD Table 9: Bank transaction code Families and Subfamilies. Document1 Page 61 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Charges XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Chrgs ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.106 TotalChargesAndTaxAmount TtlChrgsAndTaxAmt [0..0] 2.107 Amount Amt [1..1] Number [15,2] @Currency Ccy [1..1] String [3] Document1 Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Not used. Page 62 / 118 An attribute of the Amount element. International currency code according to ISO 4217 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Only following values are allowed: 2.108 CreditDebitIndicator CdtDbtInd [0..1] String Enumeration „CRDT“ for credits „DBIT“ for debits If omitted, it defaults to “CRDT”. 2.109 Type 2.110 +Code 2.111 +Proprietary 7.1.0 7.1.1 Tp [0..1] Cd [0..0] Prtry [1..1] ++Identification Id [1..1] String [9] Contains the fee type. ++Issuer Issr [1..1] Max35Text Always “TB”. Only one of these elements is present. Present if available. String Enumeration Not used. Always present. Present if the fee currency differs from the movement currency. 2.112 Rate Rate [0..1] Number [11,10] The ISO ChargesInformation6 type lacks an “ExchangeRate” element required when the charge currency differs from the account currency. As an extemporary measure, the “Rate” element will be used instead. To cope with the difference between the desired Number [13,8] and the Number [11,10] of the Rate element, the last two decimal digits will be cut. Only following values are allowed: 2.113 Bearer Br [0..1] String Enumeration “DEBT” “CRED” “SHAR” “SLEV” 2.114 Party Pty [0..0] Not used. 2.115 Tax Tax [0..0] Not used. Document1 Page 63 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. RelatedParties XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties ISO Index Item Name 2.200 InitiatingParty XML Tag InitgPty Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present for card transactions (categories with prefix “Crd”) if at least one detail is available. [0..1] For details see chapter 2.201 Debtor Dbtr [0..1] 2.202 DebtorAccount DbtrAcct [0..1] Document1 Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Page 64 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index 2.203 Item Name UltimateDebtor XML Tag UltmtDbtr Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present for SCT and SDD payments ätransactions with payment method “S”) if at least one detail is available. [0..1] For details see chapter 2.204 Creditor Cdtr [0..1] 2.205 CreditorAccount CdtAcct [0..1] 2.206 UltimateCreditor UltmtCdtr Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Present for SCT and SDD payments ätransactions with payment method “S”) if at least one detail is available. [0..1] For details see chapter 2.207 TradingParty TradgPty [0..0] Not used. 2.208 Proprietary Prtry [0..0] Not used. InitiatingParty XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / InitgPty ISO Index Item Name Document1 XML Tag Cardinality Data type Page 65 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.0 Name Nm [0..1] String [25] Card holder name. 9.1.1 PostalAddress PstlAdr [0..0] Not used. 9.1.12 Identification Id [0..0] Not used. 9.1.33 CountryOfResidence CtryOfRes [0..0] Not used. 9.1.34 ContactDetails CtctDtls [0..0] Not used. Debtor XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.0 Name Nm [0..1] String [70] Debtor name. 9.1.1 PostalAddress PstlAdr [0..1] 9.1.12 Identification Id [0..1] Document1 Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Page 66 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.33 CountryOfResidence CtryOfRes [0..0] String [2] Not used. 9.1.34 ContactDetails CtctDtls [0..0] Not used. PostalAddress XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / PstlAdr ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.2 AddressType AdrTp [0..0] String Enumeration Not used. 9.1.3 Department Dept [0..0] String [70] Not used. Document1 Page 67 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.4 SubDepartment SubDept [0..0] String [70] Not used. 9.1.5 StreetName StrtNm [0..0] String [70] Not used. 9.1.6 BuildingNumber BldgNb [0..0] String [16] Not used. 9.1.7 PostCode PstCd [0..0] String [16] Not used. 9.1.8 TownName TwnNm [0..0] String [35] Not used. 9.1.9 CountrySubDivision CtrySubDvsn [0..0] String [35] Not used. 9.1.10 Country Ctry [0..1] String [2] 9.1.11 AddressLine AdrLine [0..2] String [70] No more than two instances allowed. Unstructured address line. Identification XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id ISO Index Item Name 9.1.13 OrganisationIdentification 9.1.21 PrivateIdentification Document1 Only one of these elements is present XML Tag Cardinality OrgId [1..1] PrvtId [1..1] Data type Page 68 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present if the debtor is a corporate subject. For details see chapter Present if the debtor is a person. For details see chapter Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. OrganisationIdentification XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id / OrgId ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type 9.1.14 BICOrBEI BICOrBEI [0..1] String [11] 9.1.15 Other Othr [0..1] 9.1.16 +Identification Id [1..1] 9.1.17 +SchemeName SchmeNm [0..1] 9.1.18 ++Code Cd [1..1] String [4] 9.1.19 ++Proprietary Prtry [1..1] String [35] 9.1.20 +Issuer Issr [0..1] String [35] Document1 Only one of these elements is present Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Debtor BIC according to ISO 9362. Format [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} No more than one instance present. String [35] Page 69 / 118 Debtor ID. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. PrivateIdentification XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Dbtr / Id / PrvtId ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 9.1.22 DateAndPlaceOfBirth DtAndPlcOfBirth [0..1] 9.1.23 +BirthDate BirthDt [1..1] Date 9.1.24 +ProvinceOfBirth PrvcOfBirth [0..1] String [35] Document1 Data type Page 70 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type 9.1.25 +CityOfBirth CityOfBirth [1..1] String [35] 9.1.26 +CountryOfBirth CtryOfBirth [1..1] String [35] 9.1.27 Other Othr [0..1] 9.1.28 +Identification Id [1..1] 9.1.29 +SchemeName SchmeNm [1..1] 9.1.30 ++Code Cd [1..1] String [4] 9.1.31 ++Proprietary Prtry [1..1] String [35] 9.1.32 +Issuer Issr [0..0] String [35] Document1 Only one of these elements is present Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info No more than one instance present. String [35] Page 71 / 118 Debtor ID. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. DebtorAccount XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / DbtrAcct ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 1.1.0 Identification Id [1..1] Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Mandatory for SEPA payments. 1.1.1 +IBAN Only one of these elements is present IBAN [0..1] Debtor account IBAN according to ISO 13616. Format: [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} 1.1.2 +Other Othr [0..1] 1.1.3 ++Identification Id [1..1] Document1 String [34] String [34] Page 72 / 118 Non-IBAN debtor account ID. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 1.1.4 ++SchemeName SchmeNm [0..0] 1.1.7 ++Issuer Issr [0..0] 1.1.8 Type Tp [0..0] 1.1.11 Currency Ccy [0..0] String [3] Not used. 1.1.12 Name Nm [0..0] String [70] Not used. Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Not used. String [35] Not used Not used. UltimateDebtor XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.0 Name Nm [0..1] String [70] Ultimate debtor name. 9.1.1 PostalAddress PstlAdr [0..0] 9.1.12 Identification Id [0..1] 9.1.33 CountryOfResidence CtryOfRes [0..0] Document1 Not used. Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter String [2] Page 73 / 118 Not used. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 9.1.34 ContactDetails CtctDtls [0..0] Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Not used. Identification XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id ISO Index Item Name 9.1.13 OrganisationIdentification 9.1.21 PrivateIdentification Document1 Only one of these elements is present XML Tag Cardinality OrgId [1..1] PrvtId [1..1] Data type Page 74 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present if the ultimate debtor is a corporate subject. For details see chapter Present if the ultimate debtor is a person. For details see chapter Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. OrganisationIdentification XPath ISO Index / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id / OrgId Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present if available. 9.1.14 BICOrBEI BICOrBEI [0..1] String [11] Ultimate debtor BIC according to ISO 9362. Format [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} 9.1.15 Other Othr [0..1] 9.1.16 +Identification Id [1..1] 9.1.17 +SchemeName SchmeNm [0..1] 9.1.18 ++Code Cd [1..1] String [4] 9.1.19 ++Proprietary Prtry [1..1] String [35] Document1 Only one of these elements is present No more than one instance present. String [35] Page 75 / 118 Ultimate debtor ID. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type 9.1.20 +Issuer Issr [0..1] String [35] Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info PrivateIdentification XPath ISO Index / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtDbtr / Id / PrvtId Item Name Document1 XML Tag Cardinality Data type Page 76 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 9.1.22 DateAndPlaceOfBirth DtAndPlcOfBirth [0..1] 9.1.23 +BirthDate BirthDt [1..1] Date 9.1.24 +ProvinceOfBirth PrvcOfBirth [0..1] String [35] 9.1.25 +CityOfBirth CityOfBirth [1..1] String [35] 9.1.26 +CountryOfBirth CtryOfBirth [1..1] String [35] 9.1.27 Other Othr [0..1] 9.1.28 +Identification Id [1..1] 9.1.29 +SchemeName SchmeNm [1..1] 9.1.30 ++Code Cd [1..1] String [4] 9.1.31 ++Proprietary Prtry [1..1] String [35] 9.1.32 +Issuer Issr [0..0] String [35] Only one of these elements is present Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info No more than one instance present. String [35] Ultimate debtor ID. Creditor XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr Document1 Page 77 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.0 Name Nm [0..1] String [70] Creditor name. 9.1.1 PostalAddress PstlAdr [0..1] 9.1.12 Identification Id [0..1] 9.1.33 CountryOfResidence CtryOfRes [0..0] 9.1.34 ContactDetails CtctDtls [0..0] Document1 Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter String [2] Not used. Not used. Page 78 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. PostalAddress XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / PstlAdr ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.2 AddressType AdrTp [0..0] String Enumeration Not used. 9.1.3 Department Dept [0..0] String [70] Not used. 9.1.4 SubDepartment SubDept [0..0] String [70] Not used. 9.1.5 StreetName StrtNm [0..0] String [70] Not used. 9.1.6 BuildingNumber BldgNb [0..0] String [16] Not used. 9.1.7 PostCode PstCd [0..0] String [16] Not used. Document1 Page 79 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.8 TownName TwnNm [0..0] String [35] Not used. 9.1.9 CountrySubDivision CtrySubDvsn [0..0] String [35] Not used. 9.1.10 Country Ctry [0..1] String [2] 9.1.11 AddressLine AdrLine [0..2] String [70] No more than two instances allowed. Unstructured address line. Identification XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id ISO Index Item Name 9.1.13 OrganisationIdentification 9.1.21 PrivateIdentification Document1 Only one of these elements is present XML Tag Cardinality OrgId [1..1] PrvtId [1..1] Data type Page 80 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present if the creditor is a corporate subject. For details see chapter Present if the creditor is a person. For details see chapter Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. OrganisationIdentification XPath ISO Index / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id / OrgId Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present if available. 9.1.14 BICOrBEI BICOrBEI [0..1] String [11] Creditor BIC according to ISO 9362. Format [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} 9.1.15 Other Othr [0..1] 9.1.16 +Identification Id [1..1] 9.1.17 +SchemeName SchmeNm [0..1] 9.1.18 ++Code Cd [1..1] String [4] 9.1.19 ++Proprietary Prtry [1..1] String [35] Document1 Only one of these elements is present No more than one instance present. String [35] Page 81 / 118 Creditor ID. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type 9.1.20 +Issuer Issr [0..1] String [35] Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info PrivateIdentification XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / Cdtr / Id / PrvtId ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 9.1.22 DateAndPlaceOfBirth DtAndPlcOfBirth [0..1] 9.1.23 +BirthDate BirthDt [1..1] Date 9.1.24 +ProvinceOfBirth PrvcOfBirth [0..1] String [35] 9.1.25 +CityOfBirth CityOfBirth [1..1] String [35] 9.1.26 +CountryOfBirth CtryOfBirth [1..1] String [35] 9.1.27 Other Othr [0..1] Document1 Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info No more than one instance present. Page 82 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.28 +Identification Id [1..1] String [35] Creditor ID. 9.1.29 +SchemeName SchmeNm [1..1] 9.1.30 ++Code Cd [1..1] String [4] 9.1.31 ++Proprietary Prtry [1..1] String [35] 9.1.32 +Issuer Issr [0..0] String [35] Only one of these elements is present CreditorAccount XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / CdtrAcct ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 1.1.0 Identification Id [1..1] Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Mandatory for SEPA payments. 1.1.1 +IBAN IBAN [0..1] String [34] Credtor account IBAN according to ISO 13616. Format: [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} Document1 Page 83 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 1.1.2 +Other Othr [0..1] 1.1.3 ++Identification Id [1..1] 1.1.4 ++SchemeName SchmeNm [0..0] 1.1.7 ++Issuer Issr [0..0] 1.1.8 Type Tp [0..0] 1.1.11 Currency Ccy [0..0] String [3] Not used. 1.1.12 Name Nm [0..0] String [70] Not used. Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info String [34] Non-IBAN creditor account ID. Not used. String [35] Not used Not used. UltimateCreditor XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.0 Name Nm [0..1] String [70] Ultimate creditor name. 9.1.1 PostalAddress PstlAdr [0..0] 9.1.12 Identification Id [0..1] Document1 Not used. Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Page 84 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.33 CountryOfResidence CtryOfRes [0..0] String [2] Not used. 9.1.34 ContactDetails CtctDtls [0..0] Not used. Identification XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id ISO Index Item Name 9.1.13 OrganisationIdentification 9.1.21 PrivateIdentification Document1 Only one of these elements is present XML Tag Cardinality OrgId [1..1] PrvtId [1..1] Data type Page 85 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present if the ultimate creditor is a corporate subject. For details see chapter Present if the ultimate creditor is a person. For details see chapter Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. OrganisationIdentification XPath ISO Index / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id / OrgId Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present if available. 9.1.14 BICOrBEI BICOrBEI [0..1] String [11] Ultimate creditor BIC according to ISO 9362. Format [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} 9.1.15 Other Othr [0..1] 9.1.16 +Identification Id [1..1] 9.1.17 +SchemeName SchmeNm [0..1] 9.1.18 ++Code Cd [1..1] Document1 Only one No more than one instance present. String [35] Ultimate creditor ID. String [4] Page 86 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name 9.1.19 ++Proprietary 9.1.20 +Issuer Document1 of these elements is present XML Tag Cardinality Data type Prtry [1..1] String [35] Issr [0..1] String [35] Page 87 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. PrivateIdentification XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdPties / UltmtCdtr / Id / PrvtId ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 9.1.22 DateAndPlaceOfBirth DtAndPlcOfBirth [0..1] 9.1.23 +BirthDate BirthDt [1..1] Date 9.1.24 +ProvinceOfBirth PrvcOfBirth [0..1] String [35] Document1 Data type Page 88 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type 9.1.25 +CityOfBirth CityOfBirth [1..1] String [35] 9.1.26 +CountryOfBirth CtryOfBirth [1..1] String [35] 9.1.27 Other Othr [0..1] 9.1.28 +Identification Id [1..1] 9.1.29 +SchemeName SchmeNm [1..1] 9.1.30 ++Code Cd [1..1] String [4] 9.1.31 ++Proprietary Prtry [1..1] String [35] 9.1.32 +Issuer Issr [0..0] String [35] Document1 Only one of these elements is present Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info No more than one instance present. String [35] Page 89 / 118 Ultimate creditor ID. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. RelatedAgents XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present for incoming interbank payments if at least one detail is available. 2.212 DebtorAgent DbtrAgt [0..1] Represents the ordering bank. For details see chapter Document1 Page 90 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present for outgoing interbank payments if at least one detail is available. 2.213 CreditorAgent CdtrAgt [0..1] Represents the beneficiary bank. For details see chapter Present for transactions where Payment Method = “W” if at least one detail is available. 2.214 IntermediaryAgent1 IntrmyAgt1 [0..1] Represents the correspondent bank. For details see chapter 2.215 IntermediaryAgent2 IntrmyAgt2 [0..0] Not used. 2.216 IntermediaryAgent3 IntrmyAgt3 [0..0] Not used. 2.217 ReceivingAgent RcvgAgt [0..0] Not used. 2.218 DeliveringAgent DlvrgAgt [0..0] Not used. 2.219 IssuingAgent IssgAgt [0..0] Not used. 2.220 SettlementPlace SttlmPlc [0..0] Not used. 2.221 Proprietary Prtry [0..1] Present for card transactions (categories with prefix “Crd”) if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Document1 Page 91 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. DebtorAgent XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / DbtrAgt ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification FinInstnId [1..1] 6.1.1 +BIC BIC [0..1] 6.1.2 +ClearingSystemMemberIdentification ClrSysMmbId [0..0] 6.1.7 +Name Nm [0..1] 6.1.8 +PostalAddress PstlAdr [0..1] 6.1.19 +Other Othr [0..0] Not used. 6.1.25 BranchIdentification BrnchId [0..0] Not used. Document1 Data type String [11] Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Debtor agent BIC according to ISO 9362. Format: [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} Not used. String [70] Debtor agent name. Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Page 92 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. PostalAddress XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / DbtrAgt / FinInstnId / PstlAdr ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.2 AddressType AdrTp [0..0] AddressType2Code Not used. 9.1.3 Department Dept [0..0] Max70Text Not used 9.1.4 SubDepartment SubDept [0..0] Max70Text Not used 9.1.5 StreetName StrtNm [0..0] Max70Text Not used 9.1.6 BuildingNumber BldgNb [0..0] Max16Text Not used 9.1.7 PostCode PstCd [0..0] Max16Text Not used Document1 Page 93 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.8 TownName TwnNm [0..0] Max35Text Not used 9.1.9 CountrySubDivision CtrySubDvsn [0..0] Max35Text Not used. 9.1.10 Country Ctry [0..0] String [2] Not used 9.1.11 AddressLine AdrLine [0..3] String [35] Up to three instances present. Unstructured address line. CreditorAgent XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / CdtrAgt ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification FinInstnId [1..1] Document1 Data type Page 94 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type 6.1.1 +BIC BIC [0..1] String [11] 6.1.2 +ClearingSystemMemberIdentification ClrSysMmbId [0..0] 6.1.7 +Name Nm [0..1] 6.1.8 +PostalAddress PstlAdr [0..1] 6.1.19 +Other Othr [0..0] Not used. 6.1.25 BranchIdentification BrnchId [0..0] Not used. Document1 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Creditor agent BIC according to ISO 9362. Format: [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} Not used. String [70] Creditor agent name. Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Page 95 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. PostalAddress XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / CdtrAgt / FinInstnId / PstlAdr ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.2 AddressType AdrTp [0..0] AddressType2Code Not used. 9.1.3 Department Dept [0..0] Max70Text Not used 9.1.4 SubDepartment SubDept [0..0] Max70Text Not used 9.1.5 StreetName StrtNm [0..0] Max70Text Not used 9.1.6 BuildingNumber BldgNb [0..0] Max16Text Not used 9.1.7 PostCode PstCd [0..0] Max16Text Not used Document1 Page 96 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.8 TownName TwnNm [0..0] Max35Text Not used 9.1.9 CountrySubDivision CtrySubDvsn [0..0] Max35Text Not used. 9.1.10 Country Ctry [0..0] String [2] Not used 9.1.11 AddressLine AdrLine [0..3] String [35] Up to three instances present. Unstructured address line. IntermediaryAgent1 XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / IntrmyAgt1 ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 6.1.0 FinancialInstitutionIdentification FinInstnId [1..1] Document1 Data type Page 97 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type 6.1.1 +BIC BIC [0..1] String [11] 6.1.2 +ClearingSystemMemberIdentification ClrSysMmbId [0..0] 6.1.7 +Name Nm [0..1] 6.1.8 +PostalAddress PstlAdr [0..0] Not used. 6.1.19 +Other Othr [0..0] Not used. 6.1.25 BranchIdentification BrnchId [0..0] Not used. Document1 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Correspondent bank BIC according to ISO 9362. Format: [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} Not used. String [70] Page 98 / 118 Correspondent bank name. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Proprietary XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdAgts / Prtry ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 2.222 Type Tp [1..1] String [35] Always “Card transaction Acquier”. 2.223 Agent Agt [1..1] 6.1.0 +FinancialInstitutionIdentification FinInstnId [0..0] 6.1.25 +BranchIdentification BrnchId [0..1] Document1 Not used. Present if at least one detail is available. Represents Acquier Point-of-Trade (ATM or POS). Page 99 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type 6.1.26 ++Identification Id [0..1] String [25] 6.1.27 ++Name Nm [0..0] Not used. 6.1.28 ++PostalAddress PstlAdr [0..1] Present if at least one detail is available. 6.1.29 +++AddressType AdrTp [0..0] String Enumeration Not used. 6.1.30 +++Department Dept [0..0] Max70Text Not used. 6.1.31 +++SubDepartment SubDept [0..0] Max70Text Not used. 6.1.32 +++StreetName StrtNm [0..0] Max70Text Not used. 6.1.33 +++BuildingNumber BldgNb [0..0] Max16Text Not used. 6.1.34 +++PostCode PstCd [0..0] Max16Text Not used. 6.1.35 +++TownName TwnNm [0..0] Max35Text Not used. 6.1.36 +++CountrySubDivision CtrySubDvsn [0..0] Max35Text Not used. 6.1.37 +++Country Ctry [0..0] String [2] Not used. 6.1.38 +++AddressLine AdrLine [0..1] String [13] Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Merchant ID. Identifies the Acquier Point-of-Trade (ATM or POS). One instance present if available. Merchant / Acquier Point-of-Trade (ATM or POS) location. Purpose XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / Purp Document1 Page 100 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name 2.87 Code 2.88 Proprietary Only one of these elemnts is present XML Tag Cardinality Data type Cd [1..1] String [4] Prtry [0..0] String [35] Not used. Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. Contains the ISO credit transfer purpose code. RemittanceInfo XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RmtInf ISO Index Item Name 2.234 Unstructured 2.235 Structured Payment Method Only one of these elements is present Cardinality [4..4] Other [0..1] Document1 Cardinality Data type Ustrd [0..4] String [140] Strd [0..1] Zero to four lines present if the remittance info is not structured. For details see Table 10. One instance present if the remittance info is structured. Data Type Remark Instance Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 1 Message for AV. String [35] Informative attributes of the HD11 structure. A single space character represents “no value”. 2 Message for Bank. 3 InfoField1. 4 InfoField2. 1 Unstructured remittance info. N (domestic EuroSIPS payment) XML Tag String [140] Page 101 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Table 10: Remittance Info details. RelatedDates XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RltdDts ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 2.267 AcceptancedateTime AccptncDtTm [0..0] DateTime Not used. Document1 Page 102 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 2.268 TradeActivityContractualSettlementDate TradActvtyCtrctlSttlmDt [0..0] Date Not used. 2.269 TradeDate TradDt [0..0] Date Not used. Date Present if available for SCT and SDD payments, e.g transactions with payment method “S” 2.270 InterbankSettlementDate IntrBkSttlmDt [0..1] Only the date portion of the DateTime is available. 2.271 StartDate StartDt [0..0] Date Not used. 2.272 EndDate EndDt [0..0] Date Not used. 2.273 TransactionDateTime TxDtTm [1..1] DateTime 2.274 Proprietary Prtry [0..4] 2.275 +Type Tp [1..1] 2.276 +Date Dt [1..1] 4.1.0 ++Date Dt 4.1.1 ++DateTime DtTm Only one of these elements is present Value of the <Tp> element <Dt> subelement used Cardinality Effective Dt [0..1] MandateSign Dt [0..1] POSTransaction DtTm [0..1] CMSProcessing Dt [0..1] Always present. Contains the movement booking timestamp. Zero to four instances present. For details see chapter Table 11. String Enumeration For details see chapter Table 11. [1..1] Date For details see chapter Table 11. [0..0] DateTime Not used. Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present if available. Contains the movement effective date. Present (if available) for SDD payments (categories SDD310 and SDD410). Present (if available) for debit card transactions (categories with prefix “Crd”). Table 11: Proprietary dates details. Document1 Page 103 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ReturnInformation XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RtrInf ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.294 OriginalBankTransactionCode OrgnlBkTxCd [0..0] Not used. 2.303 Originator Orgtr [0..1] For details see chapter 2.304 Reason Rsn [1..1] Always present. 2.305 +Code Cd [1..1] String [4] 2.306 +Proprietary Prtry [0..0] String [35] 2.307 AdditionalInformation AddtlInf [5..5] String [105] Instance Document1 Data Type Only one of these elements is present Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. Contains the reject reason code. Not used. Always five instances present. Contains additional return information. For details see Table 12. Remark Page 104 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. Instance Data Type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 1 String Enumeration R-message Type 2 String [35] Original Payment Reference 3 String [35] Original SEPA Transaction ID (“External Reference”) 4 Number [15,2] Original Transaction Amount 5 String [3] Original Transaction Currency Remark Mandatory. Optional. A single space character represents “no value”. Table 12: Additional return information details. Originator XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [1] / TxDtls / RtrInf / Orgtr Document1 Page 105 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 9.1.0 Name Nm [0..1] String [70] Present if available for non-financial institutions. 9.1.1 PostalAddress PstlAdr [0..0] Not used. 9.1.12 Identification Id [0..1] Present if available for financial institutions. 9.1.13 +OrganisationIdentification OrgId [1..1] Always present (a financial institution is always a corporate subject). Always present. 9.1.14 ++BICOrBEI BICOrBEI [1..1] String [11] Originator BIC according to ISO 9362. Format [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} 9.1.15 ++Other Othr [0..0] Not used. 9.1.21 +PrivateIdentification PrvtId [0..0] Not used. 9.1.33 CountryOfResidence CtryOfRes [0..0] 9.1.34 ContactDetails CtctDtls [0..0] Document1 String [2] Not used. Not used. Page 106 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. EntryDetails – Instance 2 XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.136 Batch Btch [0..1] 2.137 +MessageIdentification MsgId [0..0] Max35Text Not used 2.138 +PaymentInformationIdentification PmtInfId [0..0] Max35Text Not used. 2.139 +NumberOfTransactions NbOfTxs [0..0] Max15NumericText Not used. Document1 Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present if the sum of all fee items is available. Page 107 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. 2.140 +TotalAmount TtlAmt [1..1] Number [15,2] +@Currency Ccy [1..1] String [3] Contains the sum of all fee items without applying any global modifiers. An attribute of the TotalAmount element. International currency code according to ISO 4217. Only following values are allowed: 2.141 2.142 +CreditDebitIndicator TransactionDetails CdtDbtInd TxDtls [1..1] String Enumeration „CRDT“ for positive (and zero) sum „DBIT“ for debits One instance present for each fee detail except the items sum (detail of type “S”) which is stored in the Batch element. [0..n] For details see chapter Document1 Page 108 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. TransactionDetails XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.143 References Refs [1..1] Document1 Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. For details see chapter Page 109 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.156 AmountDetails AmtDtls [1..1] 2.157 Availability Avlbty [0..0] 2.163 BankTransactionCode BkTxCd [1..1] 2.172 Charges Chrgs [0..0] Not used. 2.186 Interest Intrst [0..0] Not used. 2.199 RelatedParties RltdPties [0..0] Not used. 2.211 RelatedAgents RltdAgts [0..0] Not used. 2.224 Purpose Purp [0..0] Not used. 2.227 RelatedRemittanceInformation RltdRmtInf [0..0] Not used. 2.234 RemittanceInformation RmtInf [0..0] Not used. 2.266 RelatedDates RltdDts [0..0] Not used. 2.277 RelatedPrice RltdPric [0..0] Not used. Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Present if at least one detail is available. For details see chapter Not used. Always present. For details see chapter One instance is always present. 2.282 RelatedQuantities RltsQties [1..3] Two additional instances present if the fee detail is an item modifier. For details see chapter 2.287 FinancialInstrumentIdentification FinInstrmId [0..0] Not used. 2.292 Tax Tax [0..0] Not used. 2.293 ReturnInformation RtrInf [0..0] Not used. 2.308 CorporateAction CorpActn [0..0] Not used. 2.312 SafekeepingAccount SfkpgAcct [0..0] Not used. Document1 Page 110 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name Cardinality XML Tag Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Always present. 2.313 AdditionalTransactionInformation AddtlTxInf [1..1] String [30] Element structure is described by the TxDtls1AddtlInf element of the proprietary elements schema (see chapter 1). Individual elements are optional. Their availability depends on the movement family, as shown in Table 13. Attribute name Tag name Cardinality Data type TransactionTypeCode TxTpCd [0..1] String [5] PackageIncluded PckgIncl [0..1] Boolean Narrative Narrative [1..1] String [60] Table 13: Contents of the Entry [2] TransactionDetails Additional Info element. Document1 Page 111 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. References XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls / Refs ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 2.144 MessageIdentification MsgId [0..0] Max35Text Not used. 2.145 AccountServicerReference AcctSvcrRef [1..1] Max35Text Document1 Page 112 / 118 Always present. Contains the unique fee item ID. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info 2.146 PaymentInformationIdentification PmtInfId [0..0] Max35Text Not used. 2.147 InstructionIdentification InstrId [0..0] Max35Text Not used. 2.148 EndToEndIndentification EndToEndId [0..0] Max35Text Not used. 2.149 TransactionIdentification TxId [0..0] Max35Text Not used. 2.150 MandateIdentification MndtId [0..0] String [35] Not used. 2.151 ChequeNumber ChqNb [0..0] Max35Text Not used. 2.152 ClearingSystemReference ClrSysRef [0..0] String [35] Not used. 2.153 Proprietary Prtry [1..1] 2.154 +Type Tp [1..1] Always present. String Enumeration Always has the value of “LineNumber”. Contains the detail LineNumber. 2.155 +Reference Document1 Ref [1..1] Number [5] Page 113 / 118 A fee item and its discount modifiers share the same LineNumber; otherwise, the LineNumber is unique. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. AmountDetails XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls / AmtDtls ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.1.0 InstructedAmount InstdAmt [0..1] Fee item amount. 2.1.9 TransactionAmount TxAmt [0..0] Not used. 2.1.18 CounterValueAmount CntrValAmt [0..0] Not used. 2.1.27 AnnouncedPostingAmount AnncdPstngAmt [0..0] Not used. Document1 Data type Page 114 / 118 Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.1.36 ProprietaryAmount PrtryAmt [0..1] Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info One instance present if the fee item value is available. Clasifies the fee item value contained in the Amt element. +Type Tp [1..1] Following values are allowed: For a list of available values see Table 14. 2.1.10 +Amount Amt [1..1] Number [18,5] Fee item value. For a list of available values see Table 14. An attribute of the Amount element. +@Currency Ccy [1..1] String [3] International currency code according to ISO 4217. Always “EUR” if the item is a “percentage” modifier. 2.1.11 +CurrencyExchange CcyXchg [0..0] Not used Fee Detail Type value of the <Tp> element Value of the <Amt> element “T” - fee item “Unit” Item unit price. “D” - fee item modifier Modifier mode. “I” - fee modifier Only values from Table 15 allowed Modifier value. Table 14: Monthly fee detail amount attributes. Modifier Mode Modifier Value Description „Absolute“ Modifier value is expressed as an amount „Percentage“ Modifier value is expressed as percentage Table 15: Monthly fee modifier modes. Document1 Page 115 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. BankTransactionCode XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls / BkTxCd ISO Index Item Name XML Tag Cardinality 2.92 Domain Domn [0..0] Not used. 2.97 Proprietary Prtry [1..1] Always present. Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Identifies the fee detail type. Only following values are allowed: 2.98 +Code Only one of these elements is present Cd [1..1] String Enumeration “T” - fee item “D” - fee item modifier (“discount”) “I” - fee modifier (“individual tariff”) Item modifiers refer to a specific item (by sharing the same LineNumber), while fee modifier affects the items sum. 2.99 +Issuer Document1 Issr [0..0] String [35] Page 116 / 118 Not used. Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. RelatedQuantities XPath / Document / BkToCstmrStmt / Stmt / Ntry / NtryDtls [2] / TxDtls / RltdQties ISO Index Item Name 2.283 Quantity 2.284 Proprietary 2.285 2.286 XML Tag Cardinality Qty [0..0] Not used. Prtry [1..1] Always present. +Type Tp [1..1] String Enumeration +Quantity Qty [1..1] String [7] Only one of these elements is present Data type Restrictions vs. ISO standard and additional info Identifies the quantity attribute type. For details see Table 16. Contains the quantity attribute value. For details see Table 16. Type Cardinality Description Remarks Count [1..1] Specifies how many times the fee detail is “applied” on the fee. LowerBound [0..1] Specifies the minimal number of times the modifier can be applied. UpperBound [0..1] Specifies the maximal number of times the modifier can be applied. Present if the fee detail is an item modifier. Table 16: Monthly fee detail quantity attributes. Document1 Page 117 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00 Preliminary DRAFT version. Changes and corrections reserved. 4. External sources and appendices 4.1. ISO 20022 4.1.1. camt.053 4.1.2. Code lists 4.2. SEPA 4.2.1. SCT SEPA Credit Transfer Rulebook Version 6.1 SEPA Credit Transfer Scheme Inter-Bank Implementation Guidelines Version 6.0 SEPA Credit Transfer Scheme Customer-to-Bank Implementation Guidelines Version 6.0 More documentation on 4.2.2. SDD SEPA Direct Debit Core Rulebook Version 6.1 SEPA Direct Debit Core Scheme Inter-Bank Implementation Guidelines Version 6.0 SEPA Direct Debit Core Scheme e-Mandate Service Implementation Guidelines Version 6.0 More documentation on 4.3. SBA More documentation on 4.4. TB 4.4.1. Proprietary elements schema 4.4.2. Code – books CurrentAccount_Stat ements_CodeBooks.xlsx Document1 Page 118 / 118 Saved: 10.3.2016 21:42:00