Business Document Formatting

Business Information Management I


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Types of Business Documents

Letters to existing and prospective customers

Proposals that accompany external sales and internal purchases

Newsletters to provide information about your organization in a creative way

Annual reports that include financial data

Forms such as applications and invoices

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Letters, Memorandums, E-Mails

 All are common communication tools

 Letter- more formal / can be internal or external

 Business- from a business to another business

 Personal business- from an individual to a business

 Memorandum (memo)- usually internal / within an organization

 E-mail- less formal / can be internal or external / basically an electronic memorandum

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 Usually a formal request

 Contains an intent or purpose (such as request for new programs, equipment, or business from a potential client)

 Contains a description of a solution to a problem or needs to be addressed

 Contains the costs involved

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 Can include invoices and receipts

 Usually, format is dependent upon type of company

 For some companies, forms may be

 Applications


Bank statements

 Tax records

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 Usually two or three column

 Provides information and updates about an organization

 Contains creative elements to make it more interesting to read

 Can contain enhancements such as graphics, drop caps, borders, shading, or text boxes

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 Informative document / longer than a letter

 Contains data and statistics

 Can contain financial information (like annual reports)

 Can contain sales information

 Can contain marketing information

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Enhancements to Business Documents


Charts and graphs


Borders and shading

Title page

Table of contents


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Text formatting



 Insert a table by specifying the number of desired rows (horizontal) and columns (vertical)

 Can change column width and row height by

“right clicking” or dragging edge

 Can add, delete, or edit borders

 Ideal for displaying lists of data

 Can calculate basic formulas in a word processing program

 Can sort data

 Formatting such as shading, text alignment, and font styles add emphasis

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Table Illustrated

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Charts and Graphs

 Can create many types of charts such as column, bar, pie, etc.

 When “Insert” is clicked, a spreadsheet template opens so data may be entered

 May be inserted into an existing document for emphasis or demonstration of a point (or may stand on its own)

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Chart/Graph Illustrated

 Using the university enrollment data from the previous table…

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 Shows order of tasks or concepts

 Examples include

 Flowcharts

Organizational charts

Classification charts such as Venn diagrams

 Shows relationships

 Can also be created by inserting shapes and adding text (depending on your program)

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Diagrams Illustrated

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Independent Practice Assignments

Flowchart Assignment #1- Students are to think of a process that they would like to explain how to do through a flowchart diagram. The topic is to be explained step-by-step and should preferably be something related to teaching a skill (whether it be computer-related or otherwise).

Table Assignment #2- Have students conduct research into some sort of business- or education- related statistics. It can be related to salaries, sales, or any other topic that the teacher deems appropriate.

Students will create a table that displays their findings.

Following are the minimum technical requirements for their table: at least two columns and at least ten rows, borders, shading, and text formatting.

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Independent Practice Assignments

Proposal Assignment #3- Students are to create a proposal from one of two different topics: a sales proposal to a potential customer about why you would like to create a marketing plan for their new product or a request for new laptop computers (or tablets) for the employees of the company you work for. The marketing plan would include sections describing the product and how it will fulfill a need in the community, the current competitors and how this product is different from them, a price structure for the product, the target customers, and finally a goal for a certain number of sales and a deadline to accomplish the goal.

The request for laptops should include the need for the laptops and what concerns or problems laptops can solve, a comparison of different types of laptops, total costs, and all of the benefits that company-wide laptops can provide. Both of these proposals should include tables, diagrams, graphics, and visuals where appropriate. Remember, these proposals are written to persuade someone to take action; therefore, they should look and sound convincing and professional.

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