Persuasive Prompts

Read the following quotation.
The difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught
a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that
teaches you a lesson.
- Tom Bodett
After high school, many students defer college to join the Peace Corps, travel
abroad, or participate in an internship to gain “life experience”. Think carefully
about this idea.
Write an essay stating your position on whether life experience or a college
education is more important to one’s future.
Be sure to –
• state your position carefully
• use appropriate organization
• provide specific support for your argument
• choose your words carefully
• edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Read the following quotation.
All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows
his course is wrong and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride.
- Sophocles, Antigone
It is our fear of appearing weak that prevents us from admitting when we are
wrong. Think carefully about this statement.
Write an essay stating your position on whether pride is a positive or negative
Be sure to –
• clearly state your thesis
• organize and develop your ideas effectively
• choose your words carefully
• edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Read the following quotation.
It is my opinion every man cheats in his own way, and he is only
honest who is not discovered.
- Susannah Centivre
Many celebrities have been accused of gaining a competitive edge through
dishonest means. Think carefully about this statement.
Write an essay stating your position on whether cheating is always wrong.
Be sure to –
• clearly state your thesis
• organize and develop your ideas effectively
• choose your words carefully
• edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Read the following quotation.
Technology is the knack of so arranging the world that we don’t
have to experience it.
- Sydney J. Harris
Social media has brought worldwide support and aide for people suffering from
natural disasters across the globe. Think carefully about this idea.
Write an essay stating your position on whether technology has connected us as
global citizens or made us detached from the world around us.
Be sure to –
• state your position carefully
• use appropriate organization
• provide specific support for your argument
• choose your words carefully
• edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Read the following quotation.
Leadership is not a position but an action.
- Chinese Proverb
It is often in times of turmoil and tribulation that great leaders step forward and
shine. Think carefully about this idea.
Write an essay stating your position on whether leadership is an inherent or
learned skill.
Be sure to –
• state your position carefully
• use appropriate organization
• provide specific support for your argument
• choose your words carefully
• edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Read the following quotation.
At my high school, various clubs and organizations sponsor
charity drives, asking students to donate money, food, and
clothing. Some teachers offer bonus points on tests and final
averages as incentive to participate.
- Randy Cohen, Senior, Tutman H.S.
The practice of offering incentives for charitable acts is widespread, from school
projects to fund drives by public television stations, to tax deductions. Think
carefully about this idea.
Write an essay stating your position on whether its is ethical to offer incentives
for charitable acts.
Be sure to –
• state your position carefully
• use appropriate organization
• provide specific support for your argument
• choose your words carefully
• edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Read the following quotation.
Many schools require corporate sponsorship to help fund athletic
programs, yearbook and newspaper publications, and the
activities of student clubs and organizations.
- James Johnson, Clark H.S. Principal
Some people argue schools should provide an environment free of corporate
advertising targets a young students to develop brand loyalty. Think carefully
about this idea.
Write an essay stating your position on whether or not corporate sponsorships
are a necessity for schools.
Be sure to –
• state your position carefully
• use appropriate organization
• provide specific support for your argument
• choose your words carefully
• edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling