MeL - Hackley Public Library

Michigan eLibrary
MeL databases are available to all Michigan residents and can be accessed with either a library card or a MI
driver’s license. You can find them at
Tutorials for the databases can be accessed through the link on the left hand side of the page or at
Academic OneFile: Recommended for: Colleges and Universities. Mostly full text. Academic OneFile is the
premiere source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources.
Biography and Genealogy Master Index: Recommended for: Genealogy. Index only. Biography and Genealogy
Master Index (BGMI) indexes current, readily available reference sources, as well as the most important
retrospective works.
BookFlix (TM): Beginning readers. An interactive experience that allows beginning readers to explore fiction and
non-fiction designed to increase understanding and fluency. Increase comprehension and have fun at the same
Books & Authors: Recommended for: General user, Reading advice. A database to help you decide what to read
next. Search by character, topic, setting, time period, genre, title, author, and series.
Business Insights: Global
BusinessDecision: Researchers and entrepreneurs are enabled to access comprehensive business-to-consumer
market data. Detailed company profiles, product and brand information combined with investment reports,
rankings, etc. Recommended for: General user. Full text. represents the most
authoritative automotive repair information available to car owners. There are thousands of year, make, and
model combinations.
Computer Database: Recommended for: General use. Some full text. Computer Database has over 2,687,481
articles from journals, trade magazines and popular computing magazines.
CultureGrams: Upper Elementary through High School and general user. Full-text.A leading reference for concise,
reliable, and up-to-date cultural information on countries.
DemographicsNow: Business & People
Early World of Learning: Recommended for: Early elementary. Follow Trek and Taffy the cat around the world
learning about colors, numbers and other fun things. Strengthen reading foundations with stories, activities.
eBook Collection: Recommended for: General user. All full text. Over 20,000 eBooks available on all topics.
Michigan residents or Michigan library access only.
eBook K-8 Collection: Beginning Reader-Friendly. Fiction and nonfiction books you can read online - for school and
for fun. Search for what you want. Picture books, homework topics, languages learning.
eLibrary: Recommended for: Upper Elementary through High School. Full-text (1981-Present). Find over 2000
articles, ebooks, transcripts, photos, and websites.
eLibrary Elementary: Recommended for: Kindergarten to upper elementary. All full text. Video, audio, books,
pictures, magazines, maps, newspapers, & transcripts of TV and radio shows.
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos: Recommended for: Early learners. A bilingual visual dictionary including
thousands of images and more than 12,000 labels in the categories: Arts, History and Government, People, Places,
Plants and more.
ERIC (free version): Recommended for: Educators, pre-service teachers and parents. Abstracts and/or Fulltext. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.
Expanded Academic ASAP: Recommended for: Junior and Community Colleges. Mostly full text. Magazine,
newspaper and journal articles appropriate to college and university -level research. All topics.
FDSys (Federal Digital System): Freely available materials. FDsys provides free online access to official Federal
Government publications which include Congressional, Presidential and Federal agency materials.
Gale Directory Library: Provides access to Ward's Business Directory of Private and Public Companies in Canada
and Mexico, and Business Rankings Annual. Ward’s profiles over 51,000 companies.
Gale LegalForms: Copies of actual forms and documents in Word format are provided to help users.
Gale Virtual Reference Library: Recommended for: General user. All full text. Gale Virtual Reference Library is a
database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.
Gale Virtual Reference Library: Business Collection: Business. Full-text. Business-related titles pulled from Gale
Virtual Reference Library. Michigan residents or Michigan library access only.
General BusinessFile ASAP: Recommended for: General user. All full text. Analyze company performance and
activity, industry events and trends as well as the latest in management, economics and politics.
General OneFile: Recommended for general user. Mostly full text. A one-stop source for news and periodical
articles on a wide range of topics: business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental
issues, etc.
General Reference Center Gold: Recommended for: General user. Mostly full text. Provides one-stop access to
general interest magazines, business periodicals, reference books, maps, historical images, and newspaper articles.
Health and Wellness Resource Center: Recommended for: Students, Patients, Health Professionals. Mostly full
text. Provides instant access to carefully compiled and trusted medical reference materials. Includes nearly 400
health/medical journals.
Health Reference Center Academic: Recommended for: Students, Patients, Health Professionals. Mostly full text.
Provides access to professional and personal health magazines, journals and reference sources.
HeritageQuest Online: Recommended for: Genealogy, local history and biography researchers. HeritageQuest
Online includes all of the images, and extensive indexing.
Informe! Académico: Recommended for: Spanish Language Resources. Full text. Una colección de revistas
hispánicas con textos completos. Abarca negocios, salud, tecnología, cultura, temas de actualidad y otras materias
Infotrac Junior Edition: Recommended for: Middle and Junior High School. Full text. Over 330 titles, cross
searchable with E-Books, this database is designed for students in junior high and middle school
Infotrac Newsstand: Recommended for: General user. All full text. A collection of more than 1,000 newspapers
from around the country and the world. Includes the New York Times (1985-current).
Infotrac Student Edition: Recommended for: High School. Mostly full text. Over 1,100 titles, cross searchable with
E-Books, this database gives access to a variety of indexed and full-text magazines, newspapers, podcasts, etc.
Job and Career Accelerator: Recommended for: General user. Easy-to-use online application combining
everything you need for a successful job search. This innovative job hunting system enables users to explore jobs.
Kids InfoBits: Recommended for: K-6. All full text. Kids InfoBits is a database developed especially for beginning
researchers in Kindergarten through Grade 5.
Lansing State Journal: Recommended for: General user. Full-text. Comprehensive coverage (2002-Present) of
articles, stories, columns, commentaries, reviews and more.
LearningExpress Library: Recommended for: General user. Interactive online learning platform of academic and
licensing/certification practice tests, elementary level testing for math and reading.
LegalTrac: Recommended for: General user, professional. Some full text. Students, law school faculty and legal
researchers will all find the legal publications they need in LegalTrac®.
MedlinePlus (free version): Recommended for: Patients and health professionals. Some full text. Covers all areas
of medicine, including dentistry and nursing. From the National Library of Medicine.
Michigan Authors and Illustrators: Recommended for: General user, Reading Advice. A searcheable database of
Michigan authors and illustrators. Provides biographical and contact information.
Michigana (Sabin Collection): Sources in U.S. History Online: This digital archive documents state history. Drawn
from the Sabin Americana, 1500-1926 collection and other Gale sources, the archive provides access to a wide
variety of documents.
New York Times: Recommended for: General user. All full text. The daily newspaper New York Times 1985present. Michigan residents or Michigan library access only
NoveList K-8 Plus: Find just the right book by subject, age, awards won, Lexile Reading levels, Common Core
standards; even books made into movies, and much more. Read reviews and learn about the author.
Nursing Resource Center: Recommended for: Nursing students and other healthcare professionals. Mostly Fulltext. Nursing Resource Center brings together in an easy-to-use interface disease and drug overviews.
OAIster (free version): Recommended for: General User. This catalog of digitized materials includes books, articles
and multimedia, representing multidisciplinary resources from more than 1,000 contributors worldwide.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context: Recommended for: Middle school through college undergraduate and General
user. Full-text. Features contextual information and opinions on hundreds of today's hottest social issues.
SIRS Discoverer: Recommended for: K-9. All full text. A children's database of articles, books, video, audio on all
topics. The interface is appropriate to children.
SIRS Renaissance: Recommended for: High school, College and University. Full text. Provides dynamic information
on the following topics: architecture and design, culture, and literature.
Small Business Resource Center: Recommended for: Small business owners/entrepreneurs and general user. Fulltext. Learn how to start, finance or manage your small business. Resources include sample business plans.
Turfgrass Information File (TGIF): Recommended for: General user. Some full text. In the 1960s, the Michigan
State University (MSU) Library began to collect printed turfgrass materials.
Workforce Skills for 21st Century Success: Workplace writing, communication and math skills. Job search
assistance including resume writing and interviewing. Computer skills including Microsoft Word, Excel and
Windows 7.
World Book Kids: Recommended for: Young learners. Contains eight major subject categories: Arts, History and
Government, People, Places, Plants and Animals, Science and Mathematics, Sports and Hobbies, World Religions
and more.
WorldCat (free version): lets you search the collections of libraries in your community and
thousands more around the world. You can search for popular books, music CDs and videos—all of the physical
items you're interested in.
You can search multiple databases, view databases by subject, see an electronic
journal list, and use tutorials from the main MeL databases page.
On the left hand side of the screen are buttons that take you to groupings of
databases, as well as a link to tutorials.
The MeL Subject Gateways are listings that include both the subscription databases
and freely available databases on the web.
You can find user guides here: