Kosobud2013 SPED PhD Review - Open4IDEAs

SPED PhD Annual Review
Student Name: N. Kathleen Kosobud
PID: A34944195
Local Student Address: 2055 Pauline Court, Ann Arbor, MI 48103-5185
Local Student Phone Number: 734/995-1094
MSU Student Email Address: kosobudk@msu.edu OR kosobud51@gmail.com
Advisor Name: Troy V. Mariage, Ph.D.
Year of Review: 2012
Evidence of work completed on the web:
*You should attach your current cumulative curriculum vitae to this review form when you submit your materials
for annual review.
*You should attach an unofficial copy of your MSU transcript to this review when you submit your materials for
annual review.
MSU PhD Coursework (Cumulative)
Course Number
Course Title
Semester and Year
Grade Earned
SPED Program Milestones (Cumulative)
Guidance Committee Formed
Program Plan Approved
Preliminary Exam Passed
Research Practicum Proposal Approved
Research Practicum Approved
Comprehensive Exam Passed
Dissertation Committee Formed
Dissertation Proposal Approved
Dissertation Approved
Date Achieved
February 2005
February 2005
August 2004
August 2006
June 2009
August 2008
May 2011, reconstituted
January 2012
SPED Program Requirements (Cumulative; attach artifacts as appropriate)
Publishable Research Paper 1
Publishable Research Paper 2
Date(s) Achieved
Mariage, T.; Burgener, J.; Wolbers, K.;
Shankland, R.; Wasburn-Moses, L.; Dimling,
L.; Kosobud, K.; & Peters, S. (2009). An
exploratory study of reading in urban and
suburban middle schools: Implications for
at-risk and special education learners.
Education and Urban Society, 42(1), p. 2541.
Kosobud, N.K. (2009). Finding Family-School
Collaboration: Narratives from Mothers of
Children with Disabilities, AERA Division G,
Paper Session titled, Building Inclusive
Communities in Schooling. Paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, San
Publishable Research Paper 3
Conference Proposal/Presentation 1
Conference Proposal/Presentation 2
Conference Proposal/Presentation 3
Written Teaching Plan
Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness (e.g.,
Written Analysis of Teaching
(Video of Teaching)
Service/Leadership Evidence 1
Service/Leadership Evidence 2
Service/Leadership Evidence 3
Responsible Conduct of Research Training (5
hours first year, 3 hours each subsequent
year in program)
Diego, CA, April 13-17, 2009
Kosobud, N.K.(2010). Building quality and
equity in schools for students with
disabilities through parent-teacher
collaboration in urban schools. In organized
paper session: School Reform and Students
with Disabilities: Key Stakeholder
Perspectives, T. Mariage, discussant and
chair. 2010 annual Society for Disability
Studies Conference: "Disability in the GeoPolitical Imagination", at Temple University,
Philadelphia, PA, on June 2-6, 2010. (see
online folio)
February 2004, DSE Conference, Ruston, LA
May 2005, DSE Conference, NYC, NY
May 2006, DSE Conference, E. Lansing, MI
See evaluation copies under Teaching
(Parent Education) at the link for this
year’s review folio.
See online portfolio for link to video May
LDA of Michigan Information and
Referral/Advocacy, Publications and Social
Media, Fundraising (ongoing)
Representative to Michigan Alliance For
Families, on behalf of LDA of Michigan-ongoing
Education Advocacy in Washtenaw and
Jackson Counties (IEP and Discipline)
Completed 4/3/13
Annual Accomplishments in Research: A PHENOMENOGRAPHIC COMPARITIVE
CASE STUDY OF FAMILY NEEDS MET AND UNMET (working title) I launched a
recruitment effort through social media, mailings to disability agencies and services, calls
and emails to individual teachers I know in the metropolitan area of study, and face-to-face
recruitment at parent workshops in the metropolitan area of the study. I was able to
schedule 10 interviews in the tri-county metropolitan area even after repeat contacts
through all of the listed media, above. Interviews were completed in late October. Due to
the death of the executive director of LDA of Michigan, my efforts were diverted to
maintaining LDA of Michigan operations through the conference in November, and a move
to one, and then another office space as Impression 5 Museum began an extensive
renovation of their building.
Annual Accomplishments in Teaching I continue to offer learning sessions for parents
and other stakeholders on special education planning and advocacy. I have maintained
currency in my reading of education policies in Michigan and have communicated regularly
with parents and other advocates about the implications of policy for students with a variety
of learning disabilities.
Annual Accomplishments in Service/Leadership I continue to represent LDA of
Michigan at the Michigan Alliance for Families System Design Committee quarterly meetings
to remain current on their work as the state’s Parent Training and Information Centers. I
moved to a paid staff position at Student Advocacy Center of Michigan, an organization
which focuses on alternatives to suspension and expulsion of K-12 students in Michigan. I
was recruited for my special education credentials, and past advocacy work with LDA of
Michigan. I am providing advocacy support for IEPs, Manifestation Determinations, Child
Find, and Behavior Support Planning.
Perceived Strengths and Limitations My strengths continue to be in the area of service:
consultation and technical assistance on disability-related issues.
In addition, I have continued to review articles for TEC/TEC-plus, a practitioner-focused
publication of the Council on Exceptional Children. In this way, I have been able to stay
abreast of new developments in teacher education and practice.
One weakness continues to be my investment in writing up my research. I have spent much
of my writing time putting out journalistic articles for publication in the LDA of Michigan
newsletter and web-based social media. The focus of these articles has been parent
education, advocacy, and support relative to current practices affecting students with
learning disabilities in K-12 education and post-secondary settings.
Due to the death of the executive director of LDA of Michigan, my efforts were diverted to
maintaining LDA of Michigan operations through the conference in November, and a move
to one, and then another office space as Impression 5 Museum began an extensive
renovation of their building, where LDA of Michigan’s offices are housed. I resigned from a
paid position with LDA of Michigan at the end of February after reaching an impasse with
the board over my role as a paid employee.
I am chronically challenged by life events interfering with completion of the dissertation. I
know that I am capable of finishing a long project—I completed my practicum. I think that
the challenge is using available time effectively. At this point, with data already collected, I
would really like to place all of my efforts on completion.
Goals for Ensuing Year and Assistance Needed
1. Meet with necessary department administrators to negotiate second extension with work
2. Complete transcription of interviews for analysis in the Summer of 2013. Assistance will
be needed in paying for transcription services. Guidance will be needed in analysis of
3. Complete final draft of dissertation by October 2013, with defense scheduled at the end
of Fall 2013. Frequent check-ins with committee members will be needed to stay on
schedule. Organization of written work will need guidance.
3. Finish the Ph.D. and continue my work in Education Advocacy at both a policy and
personal service level. Would appreciate advice from committee members on developing
leads for consultation work.