Rodney Alcala (AKA The Dating Game Killer)

• Alcala was born in August 1943 to Raoul Alcala Buquor
and Anna Maria Gutierrez.
• His real name is; Rodrigo Jacques Alcala Buquor.
• He grew up in San Antonio Texas until his father
abandoned him and his family.
• His mother then moved them to Los Angeles when Alcala
was 12 years old.
He attended and graduated from UCLA’s School of Fine Arts.
Later; after his first criminal act, he moved to New York and attended New York University
under the alias John Berger.
In 1960 when Alcala was 17 he joined the Army.
He served as a clerk for four years.
In 1964 he was discharged when he was described as having a nervous breakdown.
During the summer of 1968 he worked as a counselor for children at a New Hampshire
arts camp.
In 1978 he worked for a short time with the Los Angeles Times.
He did not just start of killing his victims, and it was not a one and done situation. He
spread out his crimes from 1968-1978.
• His first crime occurred in 1968 when he kidnapped and raped Tali Shapiro; who at
the time was only 8. He plead guilty to a lesser form of assault; due to the
prosecution not having their primary witness they had to reduce the sentence form
rape and attempted murder to assault, and served 34 months in prison.
His second criminal act was in 1971 when he murder Cornelia Crilley before he was
sentenced time in jail for his 1968 act of violence. He was found guilty of the murder in
• Just two months after he was released in 1974 he assaulted a 13 year old girl known
as Julie J, and was sentenced too time in jail for breaking his parole. He also
provided marijuana to a minor.
In both sentences he was released early due to the indeterminate sentence; which states
that if a criminal show signs of rehabilitation he or she may be paroled.
During the years of 1977-191979 he became a very busy man.
• He murdered 7 women. Those women being: Ellen Hover, Jill Barcomb, Georgia
Wixted, Joyce Gaunt, Charlotte Lamb, Jill Parenteau, and Robin Samsoe. The most
important one being Robin Samsoe
Almost all of these murders were not immediately pinned on him but the one murder that
did go to trial was the Robin Samsoe. He was sentenced to death, but the trial occurred
three times; in 1980, 1986, and in 2010)
• Later in 2010-2011 he was found guilty for the other six murders.
1971 he plead guilty to assault.
• 1974 he was convicted for parole violation and providing Marijuana to a minor.
1980 he was convicted for murder, sentenced to death.
• 1986 he was convicted for the murder of Robin Samsoe for the second time
2010 he was convicted for 4 murders, and for Robin Samsoe for a third time.
• 2011 he was indicted for two murders
His Sentence was Death.
For the Samsoe case, the detectives found the earrings she was wearing the day she
went missing in a Seattle Locker rented by Alcala.
Later in 2003 Alcala DNA was found to be a match too semen found at the scene of two
rape- murder crimes. Additionally one of the girls earrings were found in Alcalas’ storage
In 2004 another cold-case DNA match found Alcala guilty of four more murders.
I believe that Alcala crimes fit the Social Control Theory. I say this because he did care
about what people thought about him. For example when he made his appearance on the
show Dating Game; he won a date with one of the bachelorettes. She refused to go on a
date with him due to him looking and seeming weird. He did not like that; some
detectives believe that this rejection was a factor in him killing four of his victims.
Another time where he felt rejected by the world was when he was in the military and he
was discharged due to a “nervous breakdown”. This occurred in 1964, and shortly
thereafter in 1968 he kidnapped, raped, and beat to the brink of death his first victim.
Usually with the Social Control Theory the person doing it clings to the social exceptions
and try to stay a part of it by not doing anything wrong. In Alcala’s case he committed
deviant acts when he felt that he was not being excepted.