Biology Midterm Review Sheet

Name: _____________________
Date: _______________
Biology Mid-Term Study Guide
Date of midterm exam:________________
Time of midterm exam: _____________
This study guide packet is due the day of the mid-term exam. You must complete it
and bring it with you when you come to take the test.
The following review covers the chapters in the first nine weeks. To properly prepare for the exam you
1. Complete and Review this packet
2. Organize, rewrite and review your notes
3. Review old tests, quizzes& study guides
Bring to the exam: A #2 pencil with an eraser.
Good Luck!
Remember: Your exam accounts for 20% of your 9 weeks grade!
Chapter 1: The Science of Biology
1. List the 8 characteristics of all living things:
1)made of cells
2) can reproduce
3)have a genetic code (DNA)
4)grow& develop
5)get& use energy
6)respond to stimuli (to their environment)
7)maintain stable environment (homeostasis)
8)as a group, change over time=evolve
2. What Life processes are common to all living things? HINT STERNGRR
Synthesis: make larger molecules from smaller ones
Transport: move substances into & around cell/organism
Excretion: remove wastes
Respiration: release energy from food
Nutrition: get and use energy/food
Growth: get larger in size
Regulation: maintain constant internal environment
Reproduction: make more individuals
3. What is homeostasis?Keeping constant internal conditions in response to changing environment
4. What is metabolism? All chemical reactions in organism (all life processes together)
Experimental Design
5. Read the experimental design and answer the questions:
A group of students was trying to determine which type of soil would rose bushes grow the tallest in.
They had five rose bushes that they planted in five different types of soil. The size of the pots were the
same, they were watered the same amount and kept in the same light and temperature conditions.
a. What was the problem?What type of soil is best to grow roses?
b. What was the independent variable?Soil type
c. What was the dependent variable?Height of rose bush
6. Another group of students were trying to determine at what temperature a newly discovered fish will
thrive. They set up four different aquariums and kept each at different temperatures. They put 100 fish
in each tank and then counted how many were alive at the end of a week.
a. What was the problem?What temperature is best for fish (thrive means live the longest)
b. What was the independent variable?temperature
c. What was the dependent variable?Fish growth
d. What conditions need to be kept constant during the experiment? Size of tank, amount of food,
location of tanks
7. Using the scenario below answer questions 1-10.
Kari has been doing research on a new chemical to help tomato plants grow and produce bigger,
healthier tomatoes. Kari hypothesized that the new chemical would increase plant growth producing larger
tomatoes. She needed to set up an experiment to test the new organic fertilizer. Kari set up her experiment
in a greenhouse with the same species of tomato plant in 5 small flats. She kept all conditions the same
such as humidity, temperature, soil, amount of water, etc.. Listed below is how she administered the
fertilizer and the data she collected after six months.
Plant trays
Amount of fertilizer per day Growth of plant Color of plant
4 mL
2 inches
6 mL
5 inches
8 mL
6 inches
10 mL
9 inches
0 mL
3 inches
Identify the following:
1. Control group(s)?
__#5 no fertilizer _________________________
2. Experimental group(s)? _____groups 1,2,3,4_________________________
3. Controlled variable(s)? __species of plant, humidity, temperature, soil, amt. of water______
4. Independent variable? ___amount of fertilizer_____________________________
5. Dependent variable? ____plant growth and color______________________
8. Why did Kari only test one variable in this experiment? _it is a controlled experiment, only can test 1
variable at a time_
9. What was the purpose of the control(s) group in this experiment? __control group is for comparison
of results, it represents the normal condition _
Microscope Use
1. How do you calculate total magnification? _eyepiece_X _objective__=__total magnification_
Low power
High power
2. What is the highest magnification possible using the microscope above? ___100X* 10X= 1000X_
3. Why do we use stain like methylene blue or iodine?_to see cell structures_____
4. What power objective should you always start on?__low power because you see more of object _
Chapter 2: Chemistry of Life
1. What is the pH scale? Draw the scale and show where acids and bases are located.
2. What is a buffer and how does it work?Weak acid or base that prevents sudden change in pH
3. What is an organic compound?Contains Carbon & hydrogen (C-H) bonds
Fill out the following table about organic compounds:
Where is it found in the
(small unit)
Amino acid
Builds structure, Cell transport
Cell communication, Chemical
reactions, Fight disease
monosaccharide Sugars
Fatty acid &
Fats, oil &
Immediate energy
Plants build structures
CHO in
1:2:1 ratio
Store energy
Waterproof coverings
CHO in
larger than
2:1 ratio
Store & transmit hereditary
Nucleic Acid
Meat, muscle &
4. Identify the following as a nucleic acid, protein, lipid, or carbohydrate:
Lipid has CHO
Nucleic acid CHONP
Protein CHON
nucleic acid
5. What is a catalyst?Anything that speeds up a reaction
6. What is an enzyme?Special proteins that speed up chemical reactions in organisms
7. What is the lock and key model of enzyme activity? Use the following terms in your description
(active site, enzyme, products, substrate) and label below.
T: Substrate
S: enzyme
U V :products
5. For each of the following statements, label as true or false
_T_ a. Enzymes are types of proteins
__F__ b. Enzymes slow down the rate of chemical reactionsSPEED UP
__T__ c. Each enzyme is specific, it only works on one type of substance
_T__ d. Enzymes become denatured (melt) at high temperatures
_T__ e. Enzymes work best at a narrow pH range
__F__ f. Enzymes cannot be reused.CAN
_T___ g. Proteins are made of building blocks called amino acids
__F_ h. Proteins are made in the mitochondria of cellsRIBOSOMES
_T_ i. Proteins make up our blood, hair, skin, heart, muscles, and bones
6. Use the graphs above to answer the questions:
a. Does enzyme number one function at a pH of 5.5? _yes but barely___
b. What is the best pH for enzyme number two? __6___
c. Which enzyme has the broadest ph range? __#3 has a range of 6.5-11.5 ________
Chapter 7: Cell Structure and Function
1. What is a cell? Name and draw 3 types of cells.Cell is the basic unit of life.
2. What are the three parts of the cell theory?
a. All living things are made of cells
b. Cells are basic unit of structure and function
c. New cells come from existing cells
3. What is a prokaryotic cell? What is a eukaryotic cell? Give examples of each.
Prokaryotes lack organelles (no nucleus) Example: bacteria
Eukaryotes have organelles(nucleus) Example: plant & animal
4. What are three differences between a plant cell and an animal cell? Draw and label them on each
cell ( one plant and one animal)animal has centrioles, plants have cell wall & chloroplasts
5. Matching: Next to each organelle, write the letter of its function
_F___ mitochondria
a. where proteins are made
_H___ cell membrane
b. site of photosynthesis in plants, contain chlorophyll
_D___ cell wall
c. organizes cell division in animal cells
d. provides support and protection for plant cell
e. storage area for the cells
_E___ vacuole
f. powerhouse of the cell, makes energy
_C___ centrioles
g. control center of the cell, contains the genetic info
h. is selectively permeable, controls what goes in and out of the cell
6. Label the diagrams of the cells below:
Animal Cell:
B. centrioles
E. nucleus
F. mitochondria
H. ribosomes
I. cell membrane
Plant Cell:
A. cell wall
B. nucleus
C. cell membrane
F. vacuole
7. What does selectively permeable mean?Some things can pass and others cannot
8. What types of organic molecules make up a cell membrane?mostly Lipid and protein
9. Label the parts of the membrane:
D Carbohydrates
10. What is the function of the cell membrane?Homeostasis; controls what enters and
11. What is diffusion?Movement of molecules from High to Low concentration; without
12. What is equilibrium?When concentrations inside and outside cell are equal
13. What is osmosis?Diffusion of water from High water to low water, without energy
14. Define the following terms: isotonic solution, hypotonic solution, and hypertonic solution.
Label each picture (they are NOT in the above order!!!):
Solution is less conc
solution is more conc
Water leaves
water enters
water moves in & out
15. What is active transport?Movement of molecules from Low to High concentration
(against the gradient) using energy
16. What type of organic molecule is needed for active transport?ATP is needed and the
organic molecule glucose( a carbohydrate) provides it
17. What is the difference between diffusion and active transport?
Diffusion is passive (no energy, from H to L)
active transport is with energy ( L to H)
Chapter 8 & 9: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
1. Define photosynthesis.Means “Putting together with light” Makes food by
combining water and carbon dioxide
2. What is the equation for photosynthesis?
3. Where does photosynthesis occur?Chloroplast
4. What type of organisms carry out photosynthesis?
All plants ( some bacteria and some protists)
5. What is the most important energy molecule in organisms?
ATP is used to store and release energy for cell work (like a rechargeable battery)
6. Does respiration require oxygen?Yes
7. Compare aerobic vs. anaerobic respiration.Aerobic requires oxygen, anaerobic does
not require oxygen
8. What type of respiration yields more ATP? See previous question.
respiration releases more ATP because oxygen helps break down glucose fully
9. What is the equation for cellular respiration?
10. Where does respiration occur in the cell?
In the mitochondria
11. What type of organisms carry out cellular respiration?All organisms
Chapter 12 - DNA
1. What are the 2 types of nucleic acids? __DNA__
2. __genes___ are a sequence of nucleotides that codes for a protein.
3. A ___nucleotide____ is the basic building block of DNA & RNA.
4. What are the 3 parts that make up the nucleotides of a nucleic acid?
a.phosphate b.
c.nitrogen base
9. What is the name of the bond formed between the nitrogen bases called? _hydrogen bond_
11. How are RNA and DNA different? How are they similar?
12. Find the complimentary strand.
a. DNA strand A A T G C A T
DNA strandT T A C G T A
b. DNA strand C C G A T A
DNA strand G G C T A T
13. __REPLICATION___ occurs when DNA makes a copy of itself to form 2 new strands of
14. Identify as a section of DNA or RNA or Both.
d. UAUU _RNA__
15. ___messenger mRNA__ is a type of RNA that carries genetic message of DNA into
16. __transfer tRNA___ is a type of RNA that brings amino acids to mRNA in ribosome for
protein synthesis.
17. __ribosomal rRNA___ is a type of RNA that helps mRNA and tRNA come together to
make a protein.
18. _transcription____ occurs when mRNA makes a copy of DNA and takes this copy to the
19. __translation___ occurs when mRNA is decoded while bonded to tRNA to build a protein.
18. _3_ nucleotides = __1__ codon.
19. What amino acids are coded for by the following mRNA strand? (use chart below)
20. Use the section of DNA to figure out the amino acids that will be formed during protein
**Use the mRNA to determine the amino acid sequence.
amino acid (use mRNA)
23. A __mutation___ is a mistake or change in the DNA sequence.
24. A __point mutation___ mutation is a change to a single base pair that changes an
amino acid in a protein.
25. A __frameshift_ mutation is an addition or deletion of one or more bases that changes
all the resulting amino acids.
What process is
happening at
What process is
happening at
Chapter 10: Cell Reproduction
1. What is a chromosome?
Label the diagram---
2. What is mitosis?
3. What is a centromere?
4. What are the 3 parts of interphase? What happens in each one?
Match the picture on the right to the description on the left for each stage of mitosis:
 Longest stage
 Nucleolus and nuclear membrane
 Chromosomes look like tangled threads
 Centrioles together
 Chromosomes pair up
 Centrioles move to opposite sides of
the cell
 Chromosomes line up in the middle
Of the cell
 Chromosome pairs pull apart and move
To opposite sides of the cell
 The chromosomes are at opposite sides of the cell
 Nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappears
a. What happens during cytokinesis?
b. What is different with cytokinesis in plant cells?
1. What are homologous chromosomes?
2. What does diploid mean? Give the diploid number for humans.
3. What does haploid mean? Give the haploid number for humans.
4. What is meiosis?
5. What are gametes?
6. What are the steps of meiosis? List and describe all of them.
Label the phases:
7. What are the differences between mitosis and meiosis?
8. What is cancer?