Energetics (PowerPoint) Midwest 2012

Interface of Chemistry and Biology
NANSI 2012
Urmi Bajpai (The University of Delhi)
Michel Bellini (University of Illinois at CU)
Megan Clawson ( The Ohio State University)
Lizanne Destefano (University of Illinois at CU)
Katie Nemeth (University of Minnesota, Duluth)
Judy Ridgway (The Ohio State University)
Erik P. Rothacker (The Ohio State University)
(Energy Transformations)
• Course is General Biology for majors,
• Unit occurs 1/3 of the way through the course
– Pre-requirements: General chemistry or working understanding of
chemical reactions
– Will have been introduced within the course to: cell, biogenesis, and
basic molecular/macromolecular structure.
– Already exposed to active learning
• Course Structure: Two 90 min. class sessions
– active learning and mixed lecture activity.
• Class 1 will occur on Thursday, Class 2 on Tuesday.
– Most of the students will have a discussion section (50 minute)
between the two classes.
• Why this topic is important?
– Disconnection between transformation of matter and energy.
Learning goals and outcomes
Why ATP is used as energy
currency in the cell.
Mechanisms and regulation of
cellular energy transformation.
How conservation of energy and
matter relate to energy
Quantitative reasoning
surrounding energetics.
Illustrate and explain how the
structure of ATP allows it to serve
as energy currency (IF-AT) (figures
and narrative).
Model the energy and molecular
inputs and outputs involved in
cellular energy transformation. (IFAT, strip sequence)
Predict the regulatory effects of
different environmental (internal
and external) conditions on energy
transformation (clickers)
Analyze how conservation of
energy and matter apply to real
world situations such as
metabolism in cancer, weight
and beer production.
basic concepts
energetics. (group project and
• Assessment of prior knowledge
– Pre-lecture quiz
– IF-AT questions
• Application of learning gains
– Clicker questions
– Case study/ Group project and presentation.
– Think-pair-share
Metacognitive assessment
– Wrappers
– Think-pair-share via Wordle
• Summative assessment
– Aligned midterm
– Rubric for group project
• We will utilize a variety of methods to engage
• Students have several opportunities to
monitor their own learning.
• Groups choose topics for their project.
• Accommodations for full participation of
students with disabilities
Day 1 begins
Timeline: Day 1
quiz/ Case study
Cellular Respiration Rap
obesity, diet & exercise
metabolic disorders
feeding the world, Global
• food and beverage
Roadmap for the unit
Structure of ATP
Krebs cycle
ETC and oxidative phosphorylation
Photosynthesis – light & dark cycles
The hydrolysis of ATP to ADP + Pi yields about 7.3 Kcal/mol
General Overview
• http://multimedia.mcb.harvard.edu/
Clicker Question
If you isolate mitochondria and place them in buffer with a low pH
they begin to manufacture ATP. Why?
A. In a buffer, isolated mitochondria are directly exposed to high
concentrations of oxygen.
B. The low pH of the buffer causes a release of HO- by the isolated
mitochondria, which is directly coupled to ATP synthesis by the
ATP synthase.
C. The low pH of the buffer causes an increase in protons in the
inter-membrane space of the isolated mitochondria, leading to
ATP production by ATP synthase.
D. The low pH of the buffer stresses the mitochondrial outer
membrane, which activates the ATP synthase.
Clicker Question
You observe, however, that the isolated mitochondria
eventually stop producing ATP. Why?
A. The substrates of ATP synthase are not available.
B. The Krebs cycle stops producing NADH and FADH2.
C. Pyruvate is no longer provided by the glycolytic
D. Glucose is lacking from the buffer.
Clicker Question
Now that you have identified the elements that are
needed to sustain continuous ATP synthesis, you add
them to the buffer. However, you observe that even
adding high concentrations of these elements do not
restore ATP synthesis by the isolated mitochondria.
A. Glucose cannot be converted into pyruvate by the
glycolytic pathway
B. Pyruvate cannot enter mitochondria.
C. The low pH of the buffer cannot be used in the long
term as a substitute of the ETC.
D. NADH or FADH2 cannot be oxidized
Clicker Question
-This graph is displayed in lecture and students
are asked to describe it.
- Then the following question is asked: What
conclusion can be drawn from these experimental
Finally, students are asked to use clickers to answer
the following question:
How can these experimental data be explained?
A) Plants produce more oxygen then they can use in
B) The dual nature of the enzyme Rubisco during
C) With increased photosynthesis, less O2 is
D) The enzyme Rubisco is less effective at higher
Strip sequence
• Instructions
– Working in pairs, take the packet given, and put
the strips in order.
– Once your sequence is completed, combine with
other 3 pairs in your group to model Cellular
– Place your model on the given diagram.
Aerobic vs. Anaerobic pathways.
Case study
• Mulitple case studies
– Cancer and metabolism
– Weight loss and diet
– Relationship of Carbon dioxide, NPP global climate
– Brewer’s Dilemma
Barley & Oat’s Brewing Backfire!
• Mr. Barley and Ms. Oat are opening a new beer brewing
company, Barley & Oat’s Brews. Neither of them has brewed
beer before, but they have an instruction manual and the
supplies they need, including yeast and barley (which
provides a source of sugar for the yeast to use as food). The
only problem is that the beer that they have made does not
have any alcohol in it! They can’t figure out why, so they have
hired you to figure out why alcohol is not being produced.
• Mr. Barley and Ms. Oat have given you some information that
could be helpful to solve their problem. They found the figure
below in the instruction manual for making beer. Ovals
represent processes and rectangles represent some of the
reactants and products.
Mr. Barley’s Data
Ms. Oat’s Data
Poster Requirements
• Use the provided PowerPoint template to prepare your poster. Be
prepared to present your poster to the class.
• Summarize the data presented above, and provide an interpretation of
what is happening in Mr. Barley’s and Ms. Oat’s experiment.
• Based upon your recommendations, Mr. Barley and Ms. Oat improve their
brewing vat. Based on these improved conditions, predict how Mr.
Barley’s experimental data would change? Draw a graph to represent your
• Create a model illustrating the biochemical pathways involved, and
highlight both the original pathway and the pathway involved in the
improved conditions.
• Create a graph representing the relative energy bound in the end products
of each pathway. Be prepared to explain where the remaining energy
ended up.
Summary of Mr. Barley’s Experimental Data:
Interpretation of Mr. Barley’s Data:
Model of Biochemical Pathways:
Yeast Cell
Predicted Graph of New Data:
End Product Energy Comparison Graph:
Wrapper Example
• Before you actually begin the rest of the assignment, rate how
true each of the following statements is for you. Use a scale
from 1 to 7, where 1 is “not at all true of me” and 7 is “very
true of me”.
• I can trace the flow of energy and matter through biochemical
• I can summarize data presented in tables and figures.
• I can use a figure to illustrate a my prediction regarding
changes in products and energy as a result of different
environmental conditions.
• I can present my ideas in a poster format.
Time Spent Question
• How much of your time working on this assignment do
you expect to spend on the following? Again, use a
scale from 1 to 7, where 1 is “never” and 7 is “hours on
Reviewing class notes
Reading the text and assigned articles
Using online resources
Creating figures
Organizing your poster
Practicing the presentation
Wrapper Wrap-Up
• This wrapper is an important technique in learning –
constantly self-assessing what progress you are making.
• If you feel you have made the progress you wanted, great;
please write a single sentence to describe your progress.
• If you feel you have not quite achieved the progress you
wanted from this assignment, that is ok, too; please write a
sentence about what action(s) you might take that could
help you achieve that level of progress.
Online post-lecture quiz sample
A mature maple tree can have a mass of 1 ton or more (dry
biomass, after removing the water), yet it starts from a seed that
weighs less than 1 gram. Which of the following processes
contributes the most to this huge increase in biomass?
Absorption of mineral substances from the soil via the roots
Absorption of organic substances from the soil via the roots
Incorporation of CO2 gas from the atmosphere into molecules by
green leaves
D. Incorporation of H2O from the soil into molecules by green leaves
E. Absorption of solar radiation into the leaf
Online post-lecture quiz sample 2
Dinitrophenol (DNP) is an uncoupler, or has the ability to separate
the flow of electrons and the pumping of H+ ions for ATP synthesis.
Predict the effect of DNP on ATP synthesis.
DNP should have no effect on ATP synthesis since it would not
stop the flow of electrons through the ETC, which can be accepted
by oxygen.
B. DNP would inhibit ATP synthesis since a proton gradient across
the mitochondrial inner membrane could not be established.
C. DNP would dramatically increase ATP synthesis as protons would
accumulate in the inter-membrane space independently of the
ETC activity.
D. DNP would decrease, but not stop the ATP synthesis by ATP
Pre- lecture
quiz &
Day 2 begins
Day 1 begins
Timeline: Day 1
quiz/ Case study,
Timeline: Day 2 Brainstorm
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Case study