The Gateway to Ellingsburg University: A portal project proposal Jaime L. Clougher Andrew G. Hill Kyle D. McCool Katherine M. Wehner Purpose: To discuss a portal project for the Ellingsburg University community Overview of Presentation Identify reasons to implement a portal and not enhance the website Review general portal research Provide examples of best practices Discuss how a portal will improve EU Discuss the structure and content of the “perfect” EU portal Explain the organization, implementation, and assessment of an EU portal What is a Portal “A portal is a gate, a door, or entrance.” Daigle & Cuocco, 2002, p. 109 “Portals gather a variety of useful information resources into a single, one-stop webpage that allows users to customize their information resources by selecting and viewing information they find personally useful.” Student as cited in Jackson, 2002, p. 37 Why a Portal at EU Website v. Portal Website Static information Passive Does not change for different users Cannot be modified by users A portal does not replace a homepage Portal Can be customized toward user preference Select roles within portal Consistency Single log in for multiple services Jafari, 2003, p. 9 User Benefits Benefit Prospective Students Students Faculty Staff Alumni/ Community Convenience Discover Courses before enrolling Check status of application on-line Access course materials, calendars, library materials, and financial information Access to course rosters and enrollment numbers Review and update information vital to campus operation including enrollment numbers, revenues and expenditures Keep up with University athletic teams, access the University calendar, customize to your interests Cooperation Share enrollment experiences with staff and other prospective students Collaborate with other students through online communities Build relationships with peers by creating resources for students Support the teaching and learning process Get involved in alumni activities Communication Live interaction though real-time chats Stay connected with classmates and faculty Keep in touch with students about enrollment, grades, and assignments Stay abreast of changes in events, schedules, and policies Keep in contact with fellow alum Capacity Streamline application process through improved services Post assignments, review grades, change major or home address Increase productivity by improving and recycling course materials Update information quickly and easily Learn about career fairs, counseling, workshops, and job listings Table taken from Frazee, Frazee, & Sharpe, 2003, p. 137 Literature supporting student needs and benefits When student academic and social interactions are intertwined, student satisfaction is increased Students expect both personal and online interactions and opportunities Student involvement = student satisfaction Enhances out of class learning experiences Astin, 1993; Creighton and Buchanan, 2001; Tinto, 1993 Structure and Content Characteristics of a portal: Security Access to a wide range of information by a single sign-on Protection of individual’s privacy by granting access to information Content Standardized information of which some can be modified or customized for the user type Interaction Increased interaction with university affiliates through means, such as, online discussion forums Knowledge Management Integration of information from various campus sources Course management tools Access to campus resources, such as, online forms and research tools Harr, 2002 Structure and Content of a portal How to set up a portal Single Log In Role Selection Access to email, personal information, class schedule, registration, online learning environments, etc… Some users may have multiple roles. Role selection allows portal to know who the user is and the access they need A staff member may also be a student – at work they may need access to certain aspects of the portal, but when in the student role, those aspects are not necessary. Tab Feature Decreases information overload by spreading out information to various pages Structure and Content of a portal Multiple users Channels and features can be standardized, customized, and personalized Customized Based on user type e.g. A faculty member would have different access to channels than a student Personalized Allow user to modify portal based on preference e.g. A student affairs graduate student can add a channel to access Structure and Content of a portal Portal may function as follows: Course Management Tools Intranet Student Record System Human Resource System Library Access Identification Personalization Security Financial Record System Campus Information Public Information Collaboration User Tools Electronic Mail Figure taken from Eisler, 2003, p. 70 Structure and Content of a portal Common collegiate portal channels Calendars and to do lists Announcements and alerts Job openings and career opportunities Reports and documents Personal human resource information Search feature Email and address book Library access Residence hall menus Course schedules, grades, GPA, transcripts, degree audit News- campus, local, nation, world Weather Maps and images Campus events Directory Instant messenger, such as, AOL, Yahoo, and MSN Best Practices Indiana University Denison University Roanoke College See example on following slides See example on following slides Rutgers University A great tour option Why a Portal at EU Easier for every stakeholder to carry out her or his role in the institution Communication and cooperation are a priority at liberal arts institutions Today’s liberal arts undergraduates have come to expect this type of technology Current website does not offer these capabilities, even after overhaul Millichap, 2003, p. 56 How a Portal Will Improve EU Fosters community building There are many similarities between a virtual community and a traditional community; “inclusivity, commitment, and consensus; realism; contemplation; a safe place; a laboratory for personal disarmament” Michalski as cited in Strange and Banning, 2001, p. 196 “…virtual time and virtual place extend opportunities for all members of a community to participate, an essential feature of any productive system” Por as cited in Strange and Banning, 2001, p. 194 Organization of the EU Portal Tabs - all users My Tab Campus E-mail Library - My bookmarks - My favorites - My calendar - My e-mail - Search - Other channels - Campus homepage - Campus events - Calendar - News (campus, local, national) - Weather - Maps - Search feature - Announcements and alerts - Athletics - Technology - Web mail - Outlook - Pop account - User can change options - Library homepage Organization of the EU Portal Tabs - current students Student Self Service Student Tools Residence Hall - Registration information - Bursar - Financial aid - Update personal information - Unofficial transcripts - Degree audits - To do list - Required text books - Student directory - Instant messenger - Legal music downloads - Residence hall events - Announcements - Dining menus - Emergency procedures - RA contact - Renewal forms (e.g. i–Tunes) - Movie times - Intramurals - Dictionary - On campus jobs Organization of the EU Portal Tabs - prospective students Admissions Other - Track application process - Missing documents - Alerts - News - Housing - Campus alerts, such as registration deadlines - Credit transfer - Course schedule Organization of the EU Portal Tabs - faculty and staff Staff Tools Faculty Administrative Human Resource Management Staff Administrative - My finances - Direct deposit - Tax forms - Calendar - Dictionary - Retirement information - Class rosters - Grade turn in - Enrollment - Credit transfer - Placement tests - High school transcripts - Student major - Department specific - Admission - Placement tests - Credit transfer - Loan history - Bill amount - Transcripts - Additional student information - Office specific - Profile forms - Insurance information - Timekeeping - To do list - Professional development - Job opportunities Implementation Cross divisional institutional team Current Team Director of Residence Life Representative from the Communication Office President of Faculty Senate Technology Liaison Additional Recommended Members Chief Academic Officer Academic Support Professional Librarian Representative from Student Services Student Government President Alumni Dean of Students Bursar Registrar Implementation of the EU Portal Additional considerations for the implementation team Develop a pilot portal providing basic services Span of one semester Gather qualitative and quantitative data using surveys, focus groups, interviews Start with skeletal portal and add features, tabs, channels, options The data will help determine problem areas and issues prior to the go-live date Start small with very few channels Indicate which type of users will be implemented first Select students Utilize focus groups Allow students to being utilizing portal Weekly feedback and meetings Incorporate additional channels Appoint a planning and implementation team dedicated to the goals of the project Implementation of the EU Portal Additional considerations Initial cost Will portal be developed internally or contracted by an outside source? Operating cost How will EU maintain the portal with the advancements in technology? Upkeep and maintenance What staff will be assigned to the portal? Assessment How will the portal be assessed and utilize the information for improvement? Interfacing with university mainframe How will the image of EU be maintained and communicated through the portal? Accessibility Is the portal user friendly? Implementation time Identify resources, prepare budget, design a timeline, implement, evaluate and assess. Assessment Plan Implement Improve Assess Figure taken from Banta, 2004 Assessment By utilizing Banta’s model, EU will continually assess the portal to determine necessary improvements and strategically plan for the short and long term. Various forms of assessment will be used including: Feedback from pilot project Random log off questionnaire Benchmarking with similar institutions User comment and feedback option User help line Tracking EU’s portal project upholds Chickering and Gamson’s Seven Principles of Good Practice in undergraduate education by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. encouraging student-faculty contact through ease of communication encouraging cooperation among students as a result of creating a virtual community encouraging active learning by utilizing the portal frequently giving prompt feedback through access to student records emphasizing time on task by simplifying ways of obtaining information communicating high expectations through expected use respecting diverse talents and ways of learning by providing personalization and customization Chickering & Gamson, 1991 Overall Recommendation The development team sees the portal as a logical step to meet the technological needs of the university. Students expect to have such resources at their fingertips. It would allow staff and faculty to interact in a new way without abandoning the old. It would ultimately be a benefit for all users and stakeholders of the university. Our group recommends that the executive staff proceed with the portal project. Works Cited Astin, A. W. (1993). What matters in college: Four critical years revisited (1st Ed). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Banta, T.W. (2004, October). Outcomes assessment and evaluation in higher education. Paper presented in class, Education C565: Introduction into Higher Education Administration. Chickering, A.W., & Gamson, Z.F. (Eds.) (1991). Applying the seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Creighton, J.V., & Buchanan, P. (2001, March/April). Toward the e-campus: Using the internet to strengthen, rather than replace, the campus experience. EDUCAUSE Review, pp. 12-13. Daigle, S.L., & Cuocco, P.M. (2002). Portal technology opportunities, obstacles, and options: A view from the California State University [Electronic Version]. In R.N. Katz & Associates (Eds.) Web portals and higher education: Technologies make it personal (pp. 109-121). San Francisco: JosseyBass. Eisler, D.L. (2003). Campus portal strategies. In A. Jafari, & M. Sheehan (Eds.), Designing portals: Opportunities and challenges (pp.68-88). Hershey, PA: IRM Press. Frazee, J.P., Frazee, R. V., & Sharpe, D. (2003). Begin with the end (user) in mind: Planning for the San Diego State University campus portal. In A. Jafari, & M. Sheehan (Eds.), Designing portals: Opportunities and challenges (pp.127-161). Hershey, PA: IRM Press. Harr, G.L. (2002). A comprehensive student portal concept paper and proposal. (Report No. IR021970) Jacksonville, FL: Florida Community College of Jacksonville. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED474411). Jackson, M.E. (2002, Sept 15). The Advent of portals. Library Journal. Jafari, A. (2003). The ABC’s of designing campus portals. In A. Jafari, & M. Sheehan (Eds.), Designing portals: Opportunities and challenges (pp.7-27). Hershey, PA: IRM Press. Millichap, N. (2003). Building collaborative programs for institutional technology [Electronic Version]. Educause quarterly, 3, 56-59. Strange, C.C., & Banning, J.H. (2001). Educating by design: Creating campus learning environments that work. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Tinto, V. (1993). Leaving college: Rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition (2nd Ed.). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.