SEE1012: Introduction to Electrical Engineering Week 10: Introduction to important software and tools 1. Introduction to PSpice 2. MATLAB for Engineering Applications The materials are extracted from: 1. 2. Introduction to PSpice The Origins of SPICE – SPICE developed in the 1970’s • Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis – Developed to save money • Simulation of circuits, not physically building • Transistor sizes –Microprocessors vs. 2N2222 This Is Now • New user interface • Graphical circuit diagrams • Variation of simulation parameters with a few clicks First Look at Capture • First window you will see when you open Capture • Create a new Project – File New Project • This will open a new window New Project Window • Select a project name – PSpice Lab Simulation • Select a project location – C:\PSpice\{YourName} • Select what type of project – Analog or Mixed A/D • Click OK Create PSpice Project • This window will open • Select the bottom option – Create a blank project • Click OK The Project Windows • The Main Project Window • Two other information windows – Session Log Window – Project File Window • Our main window – Schematic 1: Page 1 Place Parts • Place the 5 resistors – Using Place Part – Type ‘R’ in Part Field • Place the Voltage Source – Using Place Part – Type ‘Vdc’ in Part Field • Right click and choose “End Mode” Rotate and Move Resistors • Click on the resistor – Use ‘Ctrl+R’ to rotate – Repeat for 4 resistors • Move and place the resistors in parallel • Change the values – Double Click on the ‘1k’ and enter ‘4k’ of the parallel resistors Change the Voltage and Wire • Change DC Voltage – Double Click on ‘0Vdc’ and enter ’16Vdc’ • Now wire the circuit – Using Place Wire – Click on one node, and ‘draw’ to the other and click again • Right click and select “End Mode” Placing the Ground • Every PSpice circuit must have a ground • Use the icons on the right – 9th icon down • This opens the “Place Ground” window • Select the ‘0/Source’ • Click OK The Completed Circuit Simulation Profile • Need to create a simulation profile – PSpice New Simulation Profile • Name the profile – DC Solution • Click OK Edit the Simulation Profile • Go to the Analysis Tab • Under the Analysis type, choose Bias Point – This is to find the DC solution • Click OK • Ready to Simulate Running the Simulation • The last step is to RUN the simulation – Do this by selecting PSpice Run • After running the simulation a new window will open – Close this window and return to the Schematic 1: Page 1 window • Use the “V” and “I” (and maybe “W”) icons on the top of the screen – For finding voltages and currents (and power) Now You Know • With this basic underlying knowledge – Can change • Resistor values • Voltage supply values • Resistor configuration – Can learn • More simulation parameters • More components for simulation Introduction to Matlab MATLAB’s Appeal • Interactive code development proceeds incrementally; excellent development and rapid prototyping environment • Basic data element is the auto-indexed array • This allows quick solutions to problems that can be formulated in vector or matrix form • Powerful GUI tools • Large collection of toolboxes: collections of topicrelated MATLAB functions that extend the core functionality significantly Intro MATLAB MATLAB Toolboxes Signal & Image Processing Math and Analysis Signal Processing Optimization Image Processing Requirements Management Interface Communications Statistics Frequency Domain System Identification Neural Network Higher-Order Spectral Analysis Symbolic/Extended Math System Identification Partial Differential Equations Wavelet PLS Toolbox Filter Design Mapping Spline Control Design Control System Data Acquisition and Import Fuzzy Logic Data Acquisition Robust Control Instrument Control μ-Analysis and Synthesis Excel Link Model Predictive Control Portable Graph Object Intro MATLAB Toolboxes, Software, & Links Intro MATLAB MATLAB System • Language: arrays and matrices, control flow, I/O, data structures, user-defined functions and scripts • Working Environment: editing, variable management, importing and exporting data, debugging, profiling • Graphics system: 2D and 3D data visualization, animation and custom GUI development • Mathematical Functions: basic (sum, sin,…) to advanced (fft, inv, Bessel functions, …) • API: can use MATLAB with C, Fortran, and Java, in either direction Intro MATLAB Online MATLAB Resources • • • • • • • Intro MATLAB References Mastering MATLAB 7, D. Hanselman and B. Littlefield, Prentice Hall, 2004 Getting Started with MATLAB 7: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, R. Pratap, Oxford University Press, 2005. Intro MATLAB Basic Interfaces Main MATLAB Interface Intro MATLAB Some MATLAB Development Windows • Command Window: where you enter commands • Command History: running history of commands which is preserved across MATLAB sessions • Current directory: Default is $matlabroot/work • Workspace: GUI for viewing, loading and saving MATLAB variables • Array Editor: GUI for viewing and/or modifying contents of MATLAB variables (openvar varname or double-click the array’s name in the Workspace) • Editor/Debugger: text editor, debugger; editor works with file types in addition to .m (MATLAB “m-files”) Intro MATLAB MATLAB Editor Window Intro MATLAB MATLAB Help Window (Very Powerful) Intro MATLAB Command-Line Help : List of MATLAB Topics >> help HELP topics: matlab\general matlab\ops matlab\lang matlab\elmat manipulation. matlab\elfun matlab\specfun matlab\matfun algebra. matlab\datafun matlab\polyfun matlab\funfun matlab\sparfun matlab\scribe matlab\graph2d matlab\graph3d matlab\specgraph matlab\graphics …etc... Intro MATLAB - General purpose commands. Operators and special characters. Programming language constructs. Elementary matrices and matrix - Elementary math functions. Specialized math functions. Matrix functions - numerical linear - Data analysis and Fourier transforms. Interpolation and polynomials. Function functions and ODE solvers. Sparse matrices. Annotation and Plot Editing. Two dimensional graphs. Three dimensional graphs. Specialized graphs. Handle Graphics. Command-Line Help : List of Topic Functions >> help matfun Matrix functions - numerical linear algebra. Matrix analysis. norm - Matrix or vector norm. normest - Estimate the matrix 2-norm. rank - Matrix rank. det - Determinant. trace - Sum of diagonal elements. null - Null space. orth - Orthogonalization. rref - Reduced row echelon form. subspace - Angle between two subspaces. … Command-Line Help : Function Help >> help det DET Determinant. DET(X) is the determinant of the square matrix X. Use COND instead of DET to test for matrix singularity. See also cond. Overloaded functions or methods (ones with the same name in other directories) help laurmat/det.m Reference page in Help browser doc det Intro MATLAB Keyword Search of Help Entries >> lookfor who newton.m: % inputs: 'x' is the number whose square root we seek testNewton.m: % inputs: 'x' is the number whose square root we seek WHO List current variables. WHOS List current variables, long form. TIMESTWO S-function whose output is two times its input. >> whos Name ans fid i Intro MATLAB Size 1x1 1x1 1x1 Bytes 8 8 8 Class double double double Attributes startup.m • Customize MATLAB’s start-up behavior • Create startup.m file and place in: – Windows: $matlabroot\work – UNIX: directory where matlab command is issued My startup.m file: addpath e:\download\MatlabMPI\src addpath e:\download\MatlabMPI\examples addpath .\MatMPI eliminates extra blank lines in output format short g format compact Intro MATLAB Variables (Arrays) and Operators Variable Basics >> 16 + 24 ans = 40 no declarations needed >> product = 16 * 23.24 product = 371.84 >> product = 16 *555.24; >> product product = 8883.8 Intro MATLAB mixed data types semi-colon suppresses output of the calculation’s result Variable Basics >> clear clear removes all variables; >> product = 2 * 3^3; clear x y removes only x and >> comp_sum = (2 + 3i) + (2 - 3i); y >> show_i = i^2; complex numbers (i or j) require >> save three_things no special handling >> clear >> load three_things >> who save/load are used to Your variables are: retain/restore workspace comp_sum product show_i variables >> product product = 54 use home to clear screen and put >> show_i cursor at the top of the screen show_i = -1 Intro MATLAB MATLAB Data • The basic data type used in MATLAB is the double precision array • No declarations needed: MATLAB automatically allocates required memory • Resize arrays dynamically • To reuse a variable name, simply use it in the left hand side of an assignment statement • MATLAB displays results in scientific notation o Use File/Preferences and/or format function to change default short (5 digits), long (16 digits) format short g; format compact (my preference) Intro MATLAB Variables Revisited • Variable names are case sensitive and over-written when re-used • Basic variable class: Auto-Indexed Array – Allows use of entire arrays (scalar, 1-D, 2-D, etc…) as operands – Vectorization: Always use array operands to get best performance (see next slide) • Terminology: “scalar” (1 x 1 array), “vector” (1 x N array), “matrix” (M x N array) • Special variables/functions: ans, pi, eps, inf, NaN, i, nargin, nargout, varargin, varargout, ... • Commands who (terse output) and whos (verbose output) show variables in Workspace Intro MATLAB Vectorization Example* >> type slow.m tic; x=0.1; for k=1:199901 y(k)=besselj(3,x) + log(x); x=x+0.001; end toc; >> slow Elapsed time is 17.092999 seconds. *times measured on this laptop Intro MATLAB >> type fast.m tic; x=0.1:0.001:200; y=besselj(3,x) + log(x); toc; >> fast Elapsed time is 0.551970 seconds. Roughly 31 times faster without use of for loop Matrices: Magic Squares This matrix is called a “magic square” Interestingly, Durer also dated this engraving by placing 15 and 14 side-byside in the magic square. Intro MATLAB Durer’s Matrix: Creation » durer1N2row = [16 3 2 13; 5 10 11 8]; » durer3row = [9 6 7 12]; » durer4row = [4 15 14 1]; » durerBy4 = [durer1N2row;durer3row;durer4row]; » durerBy4 durerBy4 = 16 5 9 4 Intro MATLAB 3 10 6 15 2 11 7 14 13 8 12 1 Easier Way... durerBy4 = 16 3 5 10 9 6 4 15 2 11 7 14 13 8 12 1 » durerBy4r2 = [16 3 2 13; 5 10 11 8; 9 6 7 12; 4 15 14 1] durerBy4r2 = 16 5 9 4 Intro MATLAB 3 10 6 15 2 11 7 14 13 8 12 1 Multidimensional Arrays >> r = randn(2,3,4) % create a 3 dimensional array filled with normally distributed random numbers “%” sign precedes comments, r(:,:,1) = MATLAB ignores the rest of the line -0.6918 1.2540 -1.4410 0.8580 -1.5937 0.5711 randn(2,3,4): 3 dimensions, filled r(:,:,2) = with normally distributed random -0.3999 0.8156 1.2902 numbers 0.6900 0.7119 0.6686 r(:,:,3) = 1.1908 -0.0198 -1.6041 -1.2025 -0.1567 0.2573 r(:,:,4) = -1.0565 -0.8051 0.2193 1.4151 0.5287 -0.9219 Intro MATLAB Character Strings >> hi = ' hello'; >> class = 'MATLAB'; >> hi hi = hello >> class class = MATLAB >> greetings = [hi class] greetings = helloMATLAB >> vgreetings = [hi;class] vgreetings = hello MATLAB Intro MATLAB concatenation with blank or with “,” semi-colon: join vertically Character Strings as Arrays >> greetings greetings = helloMATLAB >> vgreetings = [hi;class] vgreetings = hello MATLAB note deleted space >> hi = 'hello' at hi = beginning of word; hello results in error >> vgreetings = [hi;class] ??? Error using ==> vertcat CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent. Intro MATLAB String Functions yo = Hello Class >> ischar(yo) ans = 1 >> strcmp(yo,yo) ans = 1 Intro MATLAB returns 1 if argument is a character array and 0 otherwise returns 1 if string arguments are the same and 0 otherwise; strcmpi ignores case Set Functions Arrays are ordered sets: >> a = [1 2 3 4 5] a = 1 2 3 >> b = [3 4 5 6 7] b = 3 4 5 >> isequal(a,b) ans = 0 >> ismember(a,b) ans = 0 0 1 Intro MATLAB 4 6 5 7 returns true (1) if arrays are the same size and have the same values returns 1 where a is in b and 0 otherwise 1 1 Matrix Operations >> durer = [16 3 2 13; 5 10 11 8; 9 6 7 12; 4 15 14 1] durer = 16 5 9 4 3 10 6 15 2 11 7 14 13 8 12 1 MATLAB also has magic(N) (N > 2) function >> % durer's matrix is "magic" in that all rows, columns, >> % and main diagonals sum to the same number >> column_sum = sum(durer) % MATLAB operates columnwise column_sum = 34 34 Intro MATLAB 34 34 Transpose Operator >> % to get the row sums, we'll use the transpose operator >> % (an apostrophe) >> durer' ans = 16 5 3 10 2 11 13 8 9 6 7 12 4 15 14 1 >> row_sums = sum(durer')' row_sums = 34 34 34 34 Intro MATLAB Diagonal Elements >> durer durer = 16 5 9 4 3 10 6 15 2 11 7 14 13 8 12 1 >> diag(durer) % diag plucks out the diagonal elements ans = 16 10 7 1 >> sum(diag(durer)) ans = 34 Intro MATLAB The Other Diagonal… >> durer durer = 16 5 9 4 3 10 6 15 2 11 7 14 13 8 12 1 >> fliplr(durer) % “flip left-right” ans = 13 2 3 16 8 11 10 5 12 7 6 9 1 14 15 4 >> sum(diag(fliplr(durer))) ans = 34 Intro MATLAB Matrix Subscripting >> durer durer = 16 5 9 4 3 10 6 15 2 11 7 14 13 8 12 1 >> diag_sum = durer(1,1) + durer(2,2) + durer(3,3) diag_sum = 33 >> durer(4,4) = pi durer = 16.0000 3.0000 2.0000 13.0000 5.0000 10.0000 11.0000 8.0000 9.0000 6.0000 7.0000 12.0000 4.0000 15.0000 14.0000 3.1416 >> durer(4,4) = 1 Intro MATLAB Colon Operator (Vector Creation) >> 1:5 % use the colon operator to create row vectors ans = 1 2 3 4 5 >> 1:0.9:6 % you can vary the increment (0.9 in this case) ans = 1.0000 1.9000 2.8000 3.7000 4.6000 5.5000 The last element is always less than or equal to the upper limit Intro MATLAB Colon Operator (Indexing) >> sum(durer(1:3,4)) % sums first three % elements of column 4 ans = 33 >> sum(durer(:,end)) % a lone colon is ALL % elements, end is % the last element ans = 34 Intro MATLAB The “Dot Operator” • By default and whenever possible MATLAB will perform true matrix operations (+ - *). The operands in every arithmetic expression are considered to be matrices. • If, on the other hand, the user wants the scalar version of an operation a “dot” must be put in front of the operator, e.g., .*. Matrices can still be the operands but the mathematical calculations will be performed element-by-element. • A comparison of matrix multiplication and scalar multiplication is shown on the next slide. Intro MATLAB Dot Operator Example >> A = [1 5 6; 11 9 8; 2 34 78] A = 1 5 6 11 9 8 2 34 78 >> B = [16 4 23; 8 123 86; 67 259 5] B = 16 4 23 8 123 86 67 259 5 Intro MATLAB Dot Operator Example (cont.) >> C = A * B C = 458 784 5530 % “normal” matrix multiply >> CDOT = A .* B CDOT = 16 88 134 Intro MATLAB 2173 3223 24392 483 1067 3360 % element-by-element 20 1107 8806 138 688 390 Two Division Operators • Right divide (familiar version) a/b – What happens: a is divided by b – Right operand “goes into” left operand • Left divide a\b – What happens: b is divided by a – Left operand “goes into” right operand – Behavior depends on operands (scalar vs. matrix) • Both operators work with matrices (of course). More later on what is actually calculated … • Comparison of the use of / and \ on next slide Intro MATLAB Using the Division Operators >> x = 53.0; >> y = 22.5; >> x/y ans = 2.3556 >> x\y For matrix operands, A\B is the solution to ans = 0.4245 Ax = B obtained by Gaussian elimination. >> (x/y)^(-1) ans = 0.4245 Read “Arithmetic Operators + - * / \ ^ ’ ” in “MATLAB Function Reference”: Help Search for: division Intro MATLAB Easy 2-D Graphics >> x = [0: pi/100: pi]; % [start: increment: end] >> y = sin(x); >> plot(x,y), title('Simple Plot') Intro MATLAB Adding Another Curve >> z = cos(x); >> plot(x,y,'g.',x,z,'b-.'),title('More complicated') Line color, style, marker type, all within single quotes; type >> doc LineSpec for all available line properties Intro MATLAB Lab 1 • • • • • • Create a row vector called X whose elements are the integers 1 through 9. Create another row vector called Temp whose elements are: 15.6 17.5 36.6 43.8 58.2 61.6 64.2 70.4 98.8 These data are the result of an experiment on heat conduction through an iron bar. The array X contains positions on the bar where temperature measurements were made. The array Temp contains the corresponding temperatures. Make a 2-D plot with temperature on the y-axis and position on the x-axis. The data shown in your plot should lie along a straight line (according to physics) but don’t because of measurement errors. Use the MATLAB polyfit function to fit the best line to the data (use >> hold on; for multiple plots in same figure). In other words use polyfit to determine the coefficients a and b of the equation T = ax + b Lastly, we can calculate a parameter called chi-square (χ2) that is a measure of how well the data fits the line. Calculate chi-square by running the MATLAB command that does the following matrix multiplication: >> (Temp-b-a*X)*(Temp-b-a*X)' Intro MATLAB Lab 2 • • • • • • Write a MATLAB command that will generate a column vector called theta. theta should have values from –2π to 2π in steps of π/100. Generate a matrix F that contains values of the following functions in the columns indicated: Column 1: cos(θ) Column 2: cos(2θ)(1 + sin(θ2) Column 3: e -0.1|θ| Evaluate each of the above functions for the θ values in the theta vector from above. Plot each of the columns of F against theta. Overlay the three plots, using a different color for each. Create a new column vector called maxVect that contains the largest of the three functions above for each theta. Plot maxVect against theta. Create a column vector called maxIndex that has the column number of the maximum value in that row. Intro MATLAB Programming Outline • MATLAB m-file Editor – To start: click icon or enter edit command in Command Window, e.g., >> edit test.m • Scripts and Functions • Decision Making/Looping – if/else – switch – for and while • Running Operating System Commands Intro MATLAB m-file Editor Window You can save and run the file/function/script in one step by clicking here Tip: semi-colons suppress printing, commas (and semi-colons) allow multiple commands on one line, and 3 dots (…) allow continuation of lines without execution Intro MATLAB Scripts and Functions • Scripts do not accept input arguments, nor do they produce output arguments. Scripts are simply MATLAB commands written into a file. They operate on the existing workspace. • Functions accept input arguments and produce output variables. All internal variables are local to the function and commands operate on the function workspace. • A file containing a script or function is called an m-file • If duplicate functions (names) exist, the first in the search path (from path command) is executed. Intro MATLAB Functions – First Example function [a b c] = myfun(x, y) Write these two lines to a file myfun.m and save it on MATLAB’s b = x * y; a = 100; c = x.^2; path >> myfun(2,3) % called with zero outputs ans = 100 >> u = myfun(2,3) % called with one output u = 100 >> [u v w] = myfun(2,3) % called with all outputs u = Any return value which is not stored 100 in an output variable is simply v = discarded 6 w = 4 Intro MATLAB THE END